A CLI to manage WordPress projects in a monorepo or a standalone repo.
- WP CLI - Required for i18n features.
npm install --save-dev @wpsocio/wpdev
yarn add --dev @wpsocio/wpdev
pnpm add -D @wpsocio/wpdev
$ npm install -g @wpsocio/wpdev
$ wpdev COMMAND
running command...
$ wpdev (--version)
@wpsocio/wpdev/1.0.7 linux-x64 node-v22.14.0
$ wpdev --help [COMMAND]
$ wpdev COMMAND
wpdev bundle [PROJECTS]
wpdev clean [PATH]
wpdev link [PROJECTS]
wpdev project-info [PROJECTS]
wpdev unlink [PROJECTS]
Prepares and bundles projects for distribution or deployment.
$ wpdev bundle [PROJECTS...] [-r <value>] [-m wp-monorepo|standalone] [--project-types plugins|themes...]
[-e <value>...] [--all] [--from-changeset --changeset-json <value>] [-d <value>] [-p npm|yarn|pnpm|bun] [-c] [-v
<value> | -t major|minor|patch|premajor|preminor|prepatch|prerelease] [--tasks <value>]
PROJECTS... Project(s) to target.
-c, --[no-]archive Create a compressed archive (zip) of the bundled project.
-d, --out-dir=<value> [default: dist] Path to the output directory. Defaults to "dist".
-e, --env-file=<value>... Environment file(s) to load
-m, --operation-mode=<option> Operation mode.
<options: wp-monorepo|standalone>
-p, --package-manager=<option> [default: npm] Package manager to use.
<options: npm|yarn|pnpm|bun>
-r, --root-dir=<value> Root directory. Can be an absolute or a relative path.
-t, --release-type=<option> Release type to update to.
<options: major|minor|patch|premajor|preminor|prepatch|prerelease>
-v, --version=<value> Version to update to.
--all Target all projects in monorepo.
--changeset-json=<value> Path to the changeset status JSON file. Pass the {filePath} given to `changeset
status --output={filePath}`
--from-changeset Target projects in monorepo from changesets.
--project-types=<option>... Project types managed in the monorepo. Only used in wp-monorepo mode.
<options: plugins|themes>
--tasks=<value> Run only the specified tasks. Comma-separated list.
Prepares and bundles projects for distribution or deployment.
$ wpdev bundle
$ wpdev bundle wptelegram test-theme
$ wpdev bundle --all
See code: src/commands/bundle.ts
Cleans up the given path(s) in this monorepo.
$ wpdev clean [PATH] [-r <value>] [-m wp-monorepo|standalone] [--project-types plugins|themes...] [-e
<value>...] [-i ignored|node_modules|composer.lock|vendor...] [--all]
PATH Path to clean. Relative to root directory
-e, --env-file=<value>... Environment file(s) to load
-i, --include=<option>... Type of files to delete
<options: ignored|node_modules|composer.lock|vendor>
-m, --operation-mode=<option> Operation mode.
<options: wp-monorepo|standalone>
-r, --root-dir=<value> Root directory. Can be an absolute or a relative path.
--all Clean everything
--project-types=<option>... Project types managed in the monorepo. Only used in wp-monorepo mode.
<options: plugins|themes>
Cleans up the given path(s) in this monorepo.
$ wpdev clean plugins/wptelegram --include=ignored --include=node_modules
$ wpdev clean --all
See code: src/commands/clean.ts
Creates symlinks in the given wp-content directory for the project(s) in this monorepo.
$ wpdev link [PROJECTS...] [-r <value>] [-m wp-monorepo|standalone] [--project-types plugins|themes...]
[-e <value>...] [--all] [--from-changeset --changeset-json <value>] [-d <value>]
PROJECTS... Project(s) to target.
-d, --wp-content-dir=<value> Path to the WordPress content directory.
-e, --env-file=<value>... Environment file(s) to load
-m, --operation-mode=<option> Operation mode.
<options: wp-monorepo|standalone>
-r, --root-dir=<value> Root directory. Can be an absolute or a relative path.
--all Target all projects in monorepo.
--changeset-json=<value> Path to the changeset status JSON file. Pass the {filePath} given to `changeset
status --output={filePath}`
--from-changeset Target projects in monorepo from changesets.
--project-types=<option>... Project types managed in the monorepo. Only used in wp-monorepo mode.
<options: plugins|themes>
Creates symlinks in the given wp-content directory for the project(s) in this monorepo.
$ wpdev link
$ wpdev link wptelegram test-theme
$ wpdev link --all
See code: src/commands/link.ts
Get the project info as JSON.
$ wpdev project-info [PROJECTS...] [-r <value>] [-m wp-monorepo|standalone] [--project-types plugins|themes...]
[-e <value>...] [--all] [--from-changeset --changeset-json <value>] [--pretty]
PROJECTS... Project(s) to target.
-e, --env-file=<value>... Environment file(s) to load
-m, --operation-mode=<option> Operation mode.
<options: wp-monorepo|standalone>
-r, --root-dir=<value> Root directory. Can be an absolute or a relative path.
--all Target all projects in monorepo.
--changeset-json=<value> Path to the changeset status JSON file. Pass the {filePath} given to `changeset
status --output={filePath}`
--from-changeset Target projects in monorepo from changesets.
--pretty Pretty print the JSON output.
--project-types=<option>... Project types managed in the monorepo. Only used in wp-monorepo mode.
<options: plugins|themes>
Get the project info as JSON.
$ wpdev project-info
$ wpdev project-info wptelegram test-theme
$ wpdev project-info --all
See code: src/commands/project-info.ts
Removes symlinks in the given wp-content directory created for the project(s) in this monorepo.
$ wpdev unlink [PROJECTS...] [-r <value>] [-m wp-monorepo|standalone] [--project-types plugins|themes...]
[-e <value>...] [--all] [--from-changeset --changeset-json <value>] [-d <value>]
PROJECTS... Project(s) to target.
-d, --wp-content-dir=<value> Path to the WordPress content directory.
-e, --env-file=<value>... Environment file(s) to load
-m, --operation-mode=<option> Operation mode.
<options: wp-monorepo|standalone>
-r, --root-dir=<value> Root directory. Can be an absolute or a relative path.
--all Target all projects in monorepo.
--changeset-json=<value> Path to the changeset status JSON file. Pass the {filePath} given to `changeset
status --output={filePath}`
--from-changeset Target projects in monorepo from changesets.
--project-types=<option>... Project types managed in the monorepo. Only used in wp-monorepo mode.
<options: plugins|themes>
Removes symlinks in the given wp-content directory created for the project(s) in this monorepo.
$ wpdev unlink
$ wpdev unlink wptelegram test-theme
$ wpdev unlink --all
See code: src/commands/unlink.ts