- 860dca96: Generic Views
- 44b78251: Request Handler fixes; Revert flexsearh to 0.7.22; UI and Search Fixes
- e194b4dd: Sync Views From Extension, CMD + S To Save Views
- d9d5b31f: Manual Refresh on Splash Screen
- 1d8ec7ca: Flexsearch to v0.0.6
- 9ce693a6: Presentation from Notes!
- 5e614919: Version Store Logout, API reset
- 023a94d1: Clear Request Cache, On Blur Clear Buffer
- dfb9c433: Create Snippets, Note based on Space context, Public Note UI changes
- 9fa5a163: Unified more stores to improve code brevity; Fixed termination of workers; Add force logout for this version
- 6843aaa9: Unify content store; Revert terminate worker function;
- 1d0d4f80: Use Deepmerge, floating-ui transitions for Previews
- 3631b016: URL based routing in Snippets, navigate from extension to webapp fixes; Fallback search in notes sidebar
- 3bf23f3a: View buffer save; Omnibox fixes; Search infobar fixes
- cb08b047: Manage Spaces and Share UX Improvements
- accf416d: Added refresh token logic to extension
- 0c5e7b85: Share namespace fixes
- 6e19e9a0: React Contexify Dependency removed, Editor Preview Rendering Inline Components Fixes
- b2a11af1: Extension UI changes
- 3de714f4: Custom Context Menu
- b8f6972a: Upgrade to vite v4
- e6047020: Deploy on stage test on push to main; Use middleware endpoints for loch,reaction,comments,prompt
- 0d4c7587: Create Task using Slash command, DraftView and Tags Layout changes'
- f4235dbf: Card View Changes, Default Kanban Renderer
- 0a65a868: List Type In View Added
- de30e4b6: Add Socials, setWorkspaceHeader on Init
- ff3efc20: App Init Intermediate state, User Details Fixes
- a4eab3b1: Public note title and icon fixes
- 4e55e7f8: Keydown event propgation fixed
- 197194f3: Updated user register and status flow
- 44d7a601: Update Highlight Endpoints; Update Sharing Access Level Checks
- 3a332b91: Minor UI fixes
- 5f170fdb: Delete namespace added
- 85d87e1c: Use Append Content API, ElementMetadata in blocks on Highlight
- 2e137eac: Note public access from metadata, Dibba Universal
- 68870f05: Update Memoized Snippets on change, Move selection after inserting element in combobox
- b958095b: Web Link Aliases In Combobox, New Snippet from Spotlight
- b1101f79: Style fixes for smaller screens
- 41213c73: Updated Cognito Trigger Register Flow
- 9e51a40a: Prompt Info with Results in Combobox Preview
- a406ec65: Recently Generated Prompt Results in Combobx
- b8d18e24: Fix editor title and code block highlights
- d3f7fa7f: Fix editor empty ux issues
- de222f81: Prompts in Mexit
- e14cbe04: UI fixes
- d446964b: Mobile Public View Fixes
- af31efa6: Add editable views, fix styles
- f46b44b8: Shared spaces fixes
- f454e6bf: Fix themes and colors
- cd236ec6: Update Search Index On Highlight
- da8d83bc: message passing changed to store based updates
- 45808f81: Links and Meta sync in extension, Note error boundary
- c8dd2732: Add view block
- 442f1252: New theming
- c8b667d8: Snippet init index in Extension
- e82221f8: Bulk setters for zustand
- 01d52a15: - Fixed height of editor preview in template modal
- Icons in extension and create new icon in combobox fixed
- Create new note template ID condition fixed
- Now tags can be added to save links directly
- Sortener sends properties when shortening links, results in better previews when shortened links are pasted
- Backlinks in public namespaces are now visible, considering that the backlinked note is also part of the namespace
- Fixed metadata extraction after icon changes
- 4b9346d9: Upgrade Dwindle to 0.1.0 with Ky Client
- 284e1b2a: Update Archive Page and Endpoints
- e7107af9: Icon picker for Notes, useMetadata store
- b1512c35: Combobox UI changes
- 35fdcc34: Fixed publish action
- b312a108: - fixed image CDN upload from webapp
- updated background of iframe rendered actions to that of extension for seamless look
- displayed shortcut for commenting
- updated message for when no shared notes fixed todo status in public nodes
- fixed builds and added build test action
- fixed referenceID for creating quick notes
- made some changes towards consistent font and other sizes in extension sidebar
- fe568bbe: Bundle IFrame Separately; Remove Dead Code; Run ESLint
- 4373205e: Moved extension over to Vite; Remove some dead code
- 26535684: Share User response fixes
- cfa94de1: Updated changeset publish action post extension with vite #286
- dd088cbd: Highlights as a spearate entity
- 58d65222: Api layer added
- 9adc4068: Common ESLint config; Code Improvements
- 2b53eb1b: Smart capture config moved to DB
- a7044a37: Fix bulk get methods; Pass namespaceID in case of shared namespace notes
- 1d26f35b: Right Sidebar UX fixes
- 96a275d0: Dwindle bump version; Screenshot action works now
- caafbb54: Fix tag menu, no empty comments
- 79ea3c8e: Bulk snippets, Media embed URL fixed
- 0f794c1b: User Logout fixes
- 0e87147a: Editor Frequent Save Fixes; Image Upload Client Expiry Fixed
- 89748744: Fix analysis worker crashes, theme init, user fetch
- cee329e9: User service routes updated to call the middleware
- 555961f7: Added bulk snippet get endpoint
- ff1e216e: Fix task selection, reactions store, source url behavior
- 6da5c84f: Fixes 12nov task, comments
- e990f8da: Batch get nodes while initialization
- 519bd036: Auth check in update preferences & active current user
- 2f3d2495: Sanitize apiURLs file; Move to staging
- 60c8ea3f: Add Comments and Reactions
- 74a71866: Route Based Online Users
- 5d3b13fa: Fix bugs related to combobox, links, reminder view
- fa78e83c: Templated Notes; User Preferences Sync with Cloud
- 2ce6d95d: Smart Capture Preference
- 77186a54: Public namespace fixes
- e2f5a887: Lesser re-highlighting, removed two way syncing of highlights and added hydration state to content store
- 5e58096d: Navigate tree, spaces and tabs in sidebar using shortcuts
- 32dcc7e4: Fix issues with search worker
- 391e24db: Null checks for extractLinkFromData and deserialzeContent
- 1df9ae9f: Update middleware URL
- 311a6068: Fix share note link of public space
- 311a6068: Fix public share links
- 64919a67: Fix extension, portal calls
- e03a54d4: Fix note cache calls
- 50184d81: Fix Image upload and help modal
- 17e1dc22: Fix bug with task note preview editor
- 5d48ee25: Fixes to plateless renderer
- 0d4e1548: Navigation fixes onclick snippets and tags
- b5180571: Move reminders to task view
- 4572280b: Task view with faux render
- 3f6266d5: Added wait for click to paste snippets in sidebar, new public nodes infobar.
- e2c0f573: Better mechanism for pasting snippets. Also screenshot action with cropping.
- f95af08f: New global sidebar in extension with context and snippets
- 5cfbe525: New Sputlit Command Bar
- c367ab21: [FIX] Requests getting fullfilled in runBatch even on throwing error.
- df470c2f: Updated useInitLoader hook to not redirect and show loader on all URLs
- 2e98d8fa: Add shared namespaces
- 73731cb3: Use middleware endpoints for URL and Reminders
- b021995b: Update useInitLoader() to not redirect on /integrations route
- 016f51df: Reminders back in extension, they are now synced with backend. Also, added
- 5951eb53: Public namespaces view for desktop and mobile devices
- a2192598: Updated shortener action, added new links view to view shortened links and filter based on domain, highlights etc.
- 4ceae64f: Note, block refactoring with minor fixes
- b9d0b2ad: Removed redirect to base node for
, clickable sidebar logo and better contrast on themes
- 789adc67: Better messaging between webapp and extension, things are synced on change and message can be sent from any component in extension now
- 92e06d95: Add useInitLoader Hook to initialize Nodes and Snippets
- 2180238f: Added nested editable previews in webapp
- 3e3011a8: Added new task creation to webapp fleet, updated dwindle to v0.0.20
- 626ec88f: Create New Note Fixes; Combobox Create Child Fixes; Base Node Fixes
- 2e752f8d: Invalidate Webapp CloudFront Cache; Bump version automatically in manifest.json
- a9b9039a: Added ability to update tasks from tasks view through previews
- a7fe1622: Went back to old middleware deployment url, added env variables in publish action for extension
- fc9451fc: Update RHSidebar with no tabs, tags at top, title as "Note Content", forward backlinks, related notes in suggestions. Also fixed width of web embeds.
- 926be3da: Task view changes, styling fixes, minor bug fixes and improvements
- a8046772: Added Fleet in MexIt
- 92ed10c3: Live Suggested; Task View and Filter Fixes
- 3afbe511: This adds the redirect to desktop app for the whatsapp integration service.
- bcf2b5bd: Fixed issues with OAuth redirect (for whatsapp flows), fixed reminders creation error and added new filters on reminders view. Refactor works properly now.
- 065698ec: Updated extension's API requests and other functions calls to support namespaces. Also updated the connection between webapp and extension to sync namespaces.
- 82bf5a4a: Added documentation for setting up monorepo, also added a small fix to changeset publish action
- 85e5e33: Added namespaces support to webapp, and other changes to extension for the same.
- b546a00: Add new namespaces sidebar, with filter and new create new button. Also fixed task view context menu and base node setting.
- 1ce8f60: Breadcrumbs, metadata and source info disappear when user's typing. They re-appear on mouse move.
- 43836e0: Fixed changeset publish action
- a1b7e64: Adding previews in shared notes, in the case when the node in the backlink is also shared with the same user.