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File metadata and controls

225 lines (150 loc) · 6.23 KB


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Load a submodule, plugin, or file.


What is this?

This package is useful when you want to load plugins. It resolves things like Node.js does, but supports a prefix (when given a prefix remark and the user provided value gfm it can find remark-gfm), can load from several places, and optionally global too.

When to use this?

This package is particularly useful when you want users to configure something with plugins. One example is remark-cli which can load remark plugins from configuration files.


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 16+), install with npm:

npm install load-plugin


Say we’re in this project (with dependencies installed):

import {loadPlugin, resolvePlugin} from 'load-plugin'

console.log(await resolvePlugin('lint', {prefix: 'remark'}))
// => 'file:///Users/tilde/Projects/oss/load-plugin/node_modules/remark-lint/index.js'

  await resolvePlugin('validator-identifier', {prefix: '@babel/helper'})
// => 'file:///Users/tilde/Projects/oss/load-plugin/node_modules/@babel/helper-validator-identifier/lib/index.js'

console.log(await resolvePlugin('./index.js', {prefix: 'remark'}))
// => 'file:///Users/tilde/Projects/oss/load-plugin/index.js'

console.log(await loadPlugin('lint', {prefix: 'remark'}))
// => [Function: remarkLint]


This package exports the identifiers loadPlugin and resolvePlugin. There is no default export.

It exports the TypeScript types LoadOptions and ResolveOptions.

loadPlugin(name[, options])

Import name from from (and optionally the global node_modules directory).

Uses the Node.js resolution algorithm (through import-meta-resolve) to resolve CJS and ESM packages and files.

If a prefix is given and name is not a path, $prefix-$name is also searched (preferring these over non-prefixed modules). If name starts with a scope (@scope/name), the prefix is applied after it: @scope/$prefix-name.

  • name (string) — specifier
  • options (LoadOptions, optional) — configuration

Promise to a whole module or specific export (Promise<unknown>).

resolvePlugin(name[, options])

Resolve name from from.

  • name (string) — specifier
  • options (ResolveOptions, optional) — configuration

Promise to a file URL (Promise<string>).


Configuration for loadPlugin (TypeScript type).

This type extends ResolveOptions and adds:

  • key (boolean or string, default: 'default') — identifier to take from the exports; for example when given 'x', the value of export const x = 1 will be returned; when given 'default', the value of export default … is used, and when false the whole module object is returned


Configuration for resolvePlugin (TypeScript type).

  • from (Array<URL | string> | URL | string, optional) — place or places to search from; defaults to the current working directory
  • global (boolean, default: whether global is detected) — whether to look for name in global places; if this is nullish, load-plugin will detect if it’s currently running in global mode: either because it’s in Electron or because a globally installed package is running it; note that Electron runs its own version of Node instead of your system Node, meaning global packages cannot be found, unless you’ve set-up a prefix in your .npmrc or are using nvm to manage your system node
  • prefix (string, optional) — prefix to search for


This projects is compatible with maintained versions of Node.js.

When we cut a new major release, we drop support for unmaintained versions of Node. This means we try to keep the current release line, load-plugin@6, compatible with Node.js 16.


This package reads the file system and imports things into Node.js.


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MIT © Titus Wormer