Detox uses Matchers to find UI elements
in your app, Actions to emulate user interaction with those elements
and Expectations to verify values on those elements
Actions are functions that emulate user behavior. They are being performed on matched elements.
Simulate tap on an element.
await element('tappable')).tap();
Simulate long press on an element.
await element('tappable')).longPress();
Simulate multiple taps on an element.
await element('tappable')).multiTap(3);
Simulate tap at a specific point on an element.
Note: The point coordinates are relative to the matched element and the element size could changes on different devices or even when changing the device font size.
await element('tappable')).tapAtPoint({x:5, y:10});
Use the builtin keyboard to type text into a text field.
await element('textField')).typeText('passcode');
Paste text into a text field.
await element('textField')).replaceText('passcode again');
Clear text from a text field.
await element('textField')).clearText();
Scroll amount of pixels.
pixels - independent device pixels.
direction - left/right/top/bottom
await element('scrollView')).scroll(100, 'down');
await element('scrollView')).scroll(100, 'up');
Scroll to edge.
edge - left/right/top/bottom
await element('scrollView')).scrollTo('bottom');
await element('scrollView')).scrollTo('top');
direction - left/right/up/down
speed - fast/slow - default is fast
percentage - (optional) screen percentage to swipe as float
await element('scrollView')).swipe('down');
await element('scrollView')).swipe('down', 'fast');
await element('scrollView')).swipe('down', 'fast', 0.5);