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WindingTree Market Protocol Supplier Node Specification


The "Supplier's Node" is a pivotal component of the WindingTree Market Protocol, designed to streamline interactions between suppliers and the decentralized market ecosystem. This document outlines the key features, functionalities, and technical design of the Supplier's Node, serving as a comprehensive guide for development and integration within the broader WindingTree infrastructure.

Purpose and Functionality

The Supplier's Node primarily facilitates the management of services, deals, and interactions with the WindingTree Market Protocol. It acts as a bridge between suppliers and the blockchain, enabling efficient handling of service offerings, booking management, and transaction processing. Key functionalities include:

  • Management of service offerings, including creation, update, and deletion of service items.
  • Handling customer bookings and time slot management for services.
  • Processing transactions and smart contract interactions, ensuring secure and efficient deal execution.
  • Integration with the Coordination Server and Supplier Manager Dapp to streamline service operations and user interactions.

Role in WindingTree Ecosystem

As an integral part of the WindingTree Market Protocol, the Supplier's Node plays a critical role in:

  • Ensuring real-time synchronization with the blockchain for up-to-date service offerings and bookings.
  • Providing a reliable and secure interface for suppliers to manage their services and interact with the decentralized market.
  • Enhancing the scalability and flexibility of the WindingTree ecosystem, accommodating a diverse range of services and operational models.

Target Users

The primary users of the Supplier's Node include:

  • Service providers and suppliers who wish to offer their services on the WindingTree platform.
  • Developers and system integrators responsible for setting up and maintaining the Node within the supplier's IT infrastructure.
  • Market Protocol contributors and enthusiasts looking to understand and enhance the Supplier's Node functionalities.

This overview sets the stage for a detailed exploration of the Supplier's Node, including its technical requirements, system architecture, and integration with the WindingTree Market Protocol. The subsequent sections of this document will delve deeper into each of these areas, providing a clear roadmap for the development and deployment of the Supplier's Node.

Technical Requirements

Technology Stack

  • Node.js (LTS)
  • Typescript
  • tRPC (external API)
  • viem (blockchain connectivity)
  • @windingtree/sdk* packages (protocol features)
  • LevelDB as database (level module from @windingtree/sdk/storage)

LevelDB easily fits the Node service needs but for maybe not be so good for the availability management of tours. This issue will be solved during the Node development.

Architecture and Design

System Architecture

graph TB
  server[Coordination Server]
  dapp[Supplier Manger Dapp]
  contract[Smart contract]

  subgraph node[Supplier Node]
    apiRouter[API Router and Controller]
    contractApi[Contract Interface]
    protocolCtrl[Protocol Controller]
    serviceCtrl[Service Controller]
    tasksQueue[Tasks Queue]

    subgraph sysDb[System Database]

    subgraph authDb[Auth Database]

    subgraph serviceDb[Service Database]

    apiRouter <--> protocolCtrl
    apiRouter <--> serviceCtrl

    protocolCtrl --> tasksQueue
    protocolCtrl <--> sysDb
    serviceCtrl --> tasksQueue
    serviceCtrl <--> authDb
    serviceCtrl <--> serviceDb

    protocolCtrl <--> contractApi

  dapp <-- Interacts --> apiRouter

  contractApi -- Sends\ntransactions --> contract
  contract -- Tx data,\nquery results --> contractApi

  server -- Requests --> protocolCtrl
  protocolCtrl -- Subscribes\non topics --> server

Offers records stored in the database have an expiration time that is calculated as an offer expiration time with an added time gap that can be configured via the Node config file. When a record is expired it should be deleted from the database.

Databases specification

System databases

Tasks database

Managed by the Tasks Queue in its internal format


// Original Offer structure from the smart contract
// struct Offer {
//   bytes32 id;
//   uint256 expire;
//   bytes32 supplierId;
//   uint256 chainId;
//   bytes32 requestHash;
//   bytes32 optionsHash;
//   bytes32 paymentHash;
//   bytes32 cancelHash;
//   bool transferable;
//   uint256 checkIn;
//   uint256 checkOut;
// }

// Original Payment options structure from the smart contract
// struct PaymentOption {
//   bytes32 id;
//   uint256 price;
//   address asset;
// }

// Original Cancel options from the smart contract
// struct CancelOption {
//   uint256 time;
//   uint256 penalty;
// }

// Original type from the smart contract
enum DealStatus {
  Created, // Just created
  Claimed, // Claimed by the supplier
  Rejected, // Rejected by the supplier
  Refunded, // Refunded by the supplier
  Cancelled, // Cancelled by the buyer
  CheckedIn, // Checked In
  CheckedOut, // Checked Out
  Disputed, // Dispute started

interface SysOffer {
  id: string; // Offer Id
  offer: Offer; // Copy of the original Offer
  request: Request; // Copy of the original Request obtained from the customer
  options: CustomOptions; // Raw offer options object. See Offer flow below
  payment: PaymentOption; // Raw payment option object
  cancel: CancelOption; // Raw cancel option object
  status: DealStatus;

Service databases

Airplanes configuration

These records must be added before the entity starts operation. The set of records must contain airplane fleet information that is required for offers building.

type MediaType = 'image' | 'video';

interface AirplaneMedia {
  type: MediaType;
  uri: string; // Link to the media file
  thumbnail: string: // Link to the medial file thumbnail
  description: string; // Description of the medial file

interface AirplanePrice {
  token: string; // ERC20 token address (stablecoin)
  value: string; // Price per one hour in tokens

interface AirplaneConfiguration {
  name: string; // Name/type of the airplane
  description: string; // Detailed information about the airplane
  capacity: number; // Maximum passengers capacity
  minTime: number; // Minimum tour time in hours (decimal number allowed)
  maxTime: number; // Maximum tour time in hours (decimal number allowed)
  media: AirplaneMedia[];
  price: AirplanePrice[] // Price options


These records are added every time a new deal is claimed.

interface Bookings {
  deal: string; // The deal Id
  date: string; // ISO Date

Use Cases and Algorithms

Node States

  [*] --> Start
  Start --> initConfig
  initConfig --> protocolInit
  initConfig --> apiInit
  initConfig --> handleStopSignal
  protocolInit --> protocolOperation
  apiInit --> processApiCalls
  handleStopSignal --> protocolStop
  protocolStop --> [*]

Protocol Flow

Protocol Initialization and common tasks

  participant main as Main Controller
  participant contractApi as Contract Interface
  participant tasksQueue as Tasks Queue
  participant protocolCtrl as Protocol Controller
  participant txDb as Transactions DB
  participant dealsDb as Deals DB
  participant offersDb as Offers DB
  participant contract as Smart Contract

  main ->> main: Config Initialization
  main ->> contractApi: Start Contract API<br>Initialization
  contractApi ->> contractApi: Blockchain clients<br> Initialization
  main ->> tasksQueue: Tasks Queue<br>Initialization
  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Load Tasks Store
  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Start Queue
  main ->> protocolCtrl: Start protocol<br>connections handling
  protocolCtrl ->> protocolCtrl: Connect to<br>the protocol server

  loop Protocol subscription
    alt Income request
      protocolCtrl ->> protocolCtrl: Request validation
      protocolCtrl ->> protocolCtrl: Request parsing

  loop Deal cancel task
    Note over tasksQueue: This is an infinite task<br>that starts with the Node start<br>and stops with the Node stop
    tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Get latest block number
    tasksQueue ->> contractApi: Get Cancel events<br>from latest known block
    contractApi ->> contract: Request Cancel events
    contract ->> contract: Executes request
    contract -->> contractApi: Cancel events
    alt Cancel events found
      tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Process deal cancel<br>(See flow details)
    tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Save latest block

  loop Deal claiming task
    Note over tasksQueue: This is an infinite task<br>that starts with the Node start<br>and stops with the Node stop
    tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Get latest block number
    tasksQueue ->> contractApi: Get Deals<br>from latest known block
    contractApi ->> contract: Request Deals events
    contract ->> contract: Executes request
    contract -->> contractApi: Deals events
    alt Deals found
      tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Process deal claim<br>(See flow details)
    tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Save latest block

  loop Transaction status monitor task
    Note over tasksQueue: Tx status monitoring task<br>can be created during dial claim flow<br>and other flows that require txs sending
    tasksQueue ->> contractApi: Get Tx status
    contractApi ->> contract: Request Tx status
    contract ->> contract: Executes request
    contract -->> contractApi: Tx status
    tasksQueue ->> txDb: Update tx status
    alt Deal metadata found in the task
      tasksQueue ->> dealsDb: Check if exists deal record
      dealsDb ->> dealsDb: Search for deal record

      alt Deal record not exists
        tasksQueue ->> offersDb: Get deal offer record
        offersDb ->> offersDb: Search for offer record
        offersDb -->> tasksQueue: Offer record
        tasksQueue -->> tasksQueue: Prepare deal record
        tasksQueue ->> dealsDb: Create deal record
        dealsDb ->> dealsDb: Executes deal record creation
      else Deal record exists
        tasksQueue ->> dealsDb: Update deal record
    alt Tx mined
      tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Remove task

  loop Deal check-out task
    Note over tasksQueue: Such tasks are created<br>during the "Deal Check-in" flow
    alt Check-out required
      tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Process check-out<br>(See flow details)

Offers Flow

  participant server as Coordination Server
  participant protocolCtrl as Protocol Controller
  participant serviceCtrl as Service Controller
  participant serviceDb as Service Database
  participant offersDb as Offers DB

  protocolCtrl -->> server: Subscription<br>to protocol requests
  server ->> protocolCtrl: Requests

  loop Protocol subscription
    alt Income request
      protocolCtrl ->> protocolCtrl: Request validation
      protocolCtrl ->> protocolCtrl: Request parsing
      protocolCtrl ->> serviceCtrl: Get airplanes
      serviceCtrl ->> serviceDb: Get airplanes
      serviceDb ->> serviceDb: Executes getting airplanes
      serviceDb -->> serviceCtrl: Airplanes configuration
      serviceCtrl -->> protocolCtrl: Airplanes configuration

      loop Received airplanes
        protocolCtrl ->> protocolCtrl: Build offer payload
        protocolCtrl ->> protocolCtrl: Sign payload
        protocolCtrl ->> offersDb: Save offer
        offersDb ->> offersDb: Executes offer saving
        protocolCtrl ->> server: Offer publishing

Here is the recommended Request structure.

Request data structure must be inherited from GenericQuery from the @windingtree/sdk-types package

Dates always must be interpreted as in the airport timezone

interface CustomRequest extends GenericQuery {
  date: string; // ISO Date
  duration: number; // Day time to (must be greater than `timeFrom`)

Here is the recommended Offer options structure.

Data structure of options of Offer must be inherited from GenericOfferOptions from the @windingtree/sdk-types package

interface GalleryImage {
  thumbnail: string;
  image: string;

interface CustomOfferOptions extends GenericOfferOptions {
  name: string; // Airplane type
  description: string; // Offer description
  capacity: number; // Maximum number of passengers
  gallery: GalleryImage[];
  uri: string; // Link to the tour details
  date: string; // ISO Date
  duration: number; // Duration of the tour

Deal Claim

This flow starts during the Protocol Initialization flow

  participant tasksQueue as Tasks Queue
  participant contractApi as Contract Interface
  participant txDb as Transactions DB
  participant contract as Smart Contract

  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Start deal claim procedure
  tasksQueue ->> contractApi: Check the deal status

  alt Deal already claimed
    tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: End procedure
  else Deal not been claimed
    tasksQueue ->> contractApi: Request deal claim tx sending
    contractApi ->> contract: Send deal claim tx
    contract ->> contract: Execute tx
    contract -->> contractApi: Tx receipt
    contractApi -->> tasksQueue: Tx receipt
    tasksQueue ->> txDb: Save tx status
    txDb ->> txDb: Updates tx store
    Note over tasksQueue: Deal metadata<br>must be added<br>to the task
    tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Creates tx status<br>monitor task

Deal Check-In

  participant dapp as Supplier Manger Dapp
  participant nodeApi as Node API
  participant contractApi as Contract Interface
  participant txDb as Transactions DB
  participant tasksQueue as Tasks Queue
  participant contract as Smart Contract

  dapp ->> nodeApi: Check-In Request
  nodeApi ->> nodeApi: Validate request
  nodeApi ->> contractApi: Send check-in tx
  contractApi ->> contract: Send check-in tx
  contract ->> contract: Execute tx
  contract -->> contractApi: Tx receipt
  contractApi -->> nodeApi: Tx receipt
  nodeApi ->> txDb: Save tx status
  txDb ->> txDb: Save tx status
  nodeApi -->> dapp: Tx status (current)
  contractApi ->> tasksQueue: Create Tx monitoring task
  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Executes Tx monitoring task

For sent Tx status monitoring the dapp must use Transaction status monitoring flow

Deal Cancel

Customers are able to cancel their deals in the following cases:

  • Before a deal claim event in full scale
  • After the deal claim event according to offer rules
  participant tasksQueue as Tasks Queue
  participant dealsDb as Deals DB

  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Start deal cancel procedure
  tasksQueue ->> dealsDb: Get the deal record
  dealsDb ->> dealsDb: Retrieve deal record
  dealsDb -->> tasksQueue: Deal record
  tasksQueue ->> dealsDb: Request deal record update
  dealsDb ->> dealsDb: Updates deal record

Deal Check-Out

The idea is to start the check-out procedure automatically using the dedicated task. This task will be created during the check-in procedure.

  participant tasksQueue as Tasks Queue
  participant dealsDb as Deals DB
  participant txDb as Transactions DB
  participant contractApi as Contract Interface
  participant contract as Smart Contract

  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Start deal cancel procedure
  tasksQueue ->> dealsDb: Get the deal record
  dealsDb ->> dealsDb: Retrieve deal record
  dealsDb -->> tasksQueue: Deal record
  tasksQueue ->> contractApi: Send check-out tx
  contractApi ->> contract: Send check-out tx
  contract ->> contract: Execute tx
  contract -->> contractApi: Tx receipt
  contractApi -->> tasksQueue: Tx receipt
  tasksQueue ->> txDb: Save tx status
  txDb ->> txDb: Save tx status
  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Create Tx monitoring task
  tasksQueue ->> tasksQueue: Executes Tx monitoring task

Dapp Auth Flow (Admin)

See logic in the Market Protocol SDK supplier Dapp example

Dapp Auth Flow (Manager)

See logic in the Market Protocol SDK supplier Dapp example

Transaction status monitoring flow

  participant dapp as Supplier Manger Dapp
  participant nodeApi as Node API
  participant serviceCtrl as Service Controller
  participant txDb as Transactions DB

  dapp ->> nodeApi: Tx status request
  nodeApi ->> nodeApi: Validate request
  nodeApi ->> serviceCtrl: Tx status request
  serviceCtrl ->> txDb: Get tx status
  txDb ->> txDb: Retrieves tx status

  alt Tx status found
    txDb -->> serviceCtrl: Tx status
    serviceCtrl -->> nodeApi: Tx status response
    nodeApi -->> dapp: Tx status response
  else Tx not registered
    txDb -->> serviceCtrl: Error
    serviceCtrl -->> nodeApi: Error Response
    nodeApi -->> dapp: Error Response

Deal status flow

  participant dapp as Supplier Manger Dapp
  participant nodeApi as Node API
  participant serviceCtrl as Service Controller
  participant dealsDb as Deals DB

  dapp ->> nodeApi: Deal record request
  nodeApi ->> nodeApi: Validate request
  nodeApi ->> serviceCtrl: Deal record request
  serviceCtrl ->> dealsDb: Get deal record
  dealsDb ->> dealsDb: Retrieves deal record

  alt Deal record found
    dealsDb -->> serviceCtrl: Deal record
    serviceCtrl -->> nodeApi: Deal record response
    nodeApi -->> dapp: Deal record response
  else Deal not found
    dealsDb -->> serviceCtrl: Error
    serviceCtrl -->> nodeApi: Error Response
    nodeApi -->> dapp: Error Response

Refund Flow

TBD in next the next MVP version.

Availability Management

Tours availability is managed in the frame of the following concept:

  • Tours identity and metadata stored as tour records
  • tour records contains the following data:
    • name: Tour name
    • description: Tour description
    • uri: Link to the tour details (optional)
    • gallery: Array of links to images (with thumbs)
    • capacity: Maximum number of passengers
    • price: Array of prices in various tokens
  • Availability calendar is formed from time slots that can be dynamically added to the database
  • Time slot has the following configuration:
    • tour: Tour Id
    • date: ISO date, a date when the tour can be carried out
    • timeFrom: Start of the tour
    • duration: Duration of the tour
    • deal: Id of the deal that books this time slot (nullable). If equal to null that means that this time slot is open and booked otherwise.
  • All records must be handled via the CRUD model
  • If time slot is booked and not expired related tour cannot be deleted
  • If time slot is booked it cannot be updated or deleted

API and Integration

External API Interfaces

The Node must expose the following functions as tRPC API implemented using NodeApiServer from SDK (see @windingtree/sdk-node-api/server).

Functions marked by (auth) available for authenticated users only.

Basic functions

  • All functions exposed by NodeApiServer

Service functions

  • txStatus: Returns status of a transaction requested by hash
  • dealStatus: Returns status of a deal requested by offer Id

Reception functions

  • checkIn (auth): Initializes check in procedure

Availability management functions

  • getTours (auth): Returns tours records
  • createTour (auth): Creates new tour record
  • updateTour (auth): Updates tour record
  • deleteTour (auth): Deletes tour record
  • getTimeSlots (auth): Returns time slots on a day
  • createTimeSlot (auth): Creates an open time slot in a day
  • updateTimeSlot (auth): Updates open time slot by Id
  • deleteTimeSlot (auth): Deletes open time slot by Id

Development and Deployment

Development Guidelines

Environment Setup

  • Local Development: Outline the process of setting up a local development environment, including required software, dependencies, and environment variables.
  • Version Control: GitHub. Same as for SDK flow (master and develop branches).

Coding Standards

  • Style Guide: prettier config, the same as in the SDK
  • Code Reviews: a mandatory code review process to maintain code quality and knowledge sharing among team members.


  • Unit Testing: Emphasize the importance of writing unit tests for all new code and major refactoring, aiming for high code coverage.
  • Integration Testing: Detail how to write integration tests to check the interactions between different parts of the application.
  • End-to-End Testing: Implement end-to-end tests for critical user flows and interactions.


  • In-Code Documentation: Encourage thorough in-code documentation for complex logic and critical code sections.
  • External Documentation:
    • Node Manager's Dapp Guidelines
    • Customer's Dapp Help

Deployment Process

Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Automated Testing: Set up CI pipelines to run tests on every commit and pull request.
  • Build Process: Automate the build process to ensure reproducible builds.

Deployment Strategy

  • Staging Environment: Use a staging environment that mirrors production to test changes in a live setting.
  • Rolling Updates: Implement rolling updates to minimize downtime and allow for rollback in case of issues

^^^ Must be discussed

Monitoring and Maintenance

  • Logging: Simple console logging. Must be used @windingtree/sdk-logger package


  • Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

    ^^^ Must be discussed

  • Dependency Management: Regularly update dependencies to incorporate security patches.