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Racktables API

Python module for accessing and manipulating racktables objects.


This module must be installed along with rtapi.


Simply copy rtapi and ipaddr into your projects folder or in place from where your project importing python modules.

Class manual



    Simple python Class for manipulation with objects in racktables database. 

    For proper function, some methods need ipaddr module (



class RTObject
 |  Ractables object. Require database object as argument.
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  AddObject(self, name, server_type_id, asset_no, label)
 |      Add new object to racktables
 |  AssignChassisSlot(self, chassis_name, slot_number, server_name)
 |      Assign server objects to server chassis
 |  CleanIPAddresses(self, object_id, ip_addresses, device)
 |      Clean unused ip from object. ip addresses is list of IP addresses configured on device (device) on host (object_id)
 |  CleanIPv6Addresses(self, object_id, ip_addresses, device)
 |      Clean unused ipv6 from object. ip_addresses mus be list of active IP addresses on device (device) on host (object_id)
 |  CleanUnusedInterfaces(self, object_id, interface_list)
 |      Remove unused old interfaces
 |  CleanVirtuals(self, object_id, virtual_servers)
 |      Clean dead virtuals from hypervisor. virtual_servers is list of active virtual servers on hypervisor (object_id)
 |  GetAllServerChassisId(self)
 |      Get list of all server chassis IDs
 |  GetAttributeId(self, searchstring)
 |      Search racktables database and get attribud id based on search string as argument
 |  GetAttributeValue(self, object_id, attr_id)
 |      Search racktables database and get attribute values
 |  GetDictionaryId(self, searchstring)
 |      Search racktables dictionary using searchstring and return id of dictionary element
 |  GetIP4Pools(self)
 |      Get result list of IPv4 Pools
 |  GetIP6Pools(self)
 |      Get result list of IPv6 Pools
 |  GetInterfaceId(self, object_id, interface)
 |      Find id of specified interface
 |  GetInterfaceName(self, object_id, interface_id)
 |      Find name of specified interface. Required object_id and interface_id argument
 |  GetObjectComment(self, object_id)
 |      Get object comment
 |  GetObjectId(self, name)
 |      Translate Object name to object id
 |  GetObjectLabel(self, object_id)
 |      Get object label
 |  GetObjectName(self, object_id)
 |      Translate Object ID to Object Name
 |  GetObjectNameByAsset(self, service_tag)
 |      Translate Object AssetTag to Object Name
 |  GetObjectTags(self, object_id)
 |      Get object tags
 |  GetPortDeviceNameById(self, port_id)
 |      Get Device name and Port Name by port ID, return dictionary device_name, port_name
 |  InsertAttribute(self, object_id, object_tid, attr_id, string_value, uint_value, name)
 |      Add or Update object attribute. 
 |      Require 6 arguments: object_id, object_tid, attr_id, string_value, uint_value, name
 |  InsertLog(self, object_id, message)
 |      Attach log message to specific object
 |  InterfaceAddIpv4IP(self, object_id, device, ip)
 |      Add/Update IPv4 IP on interface
 |  InterfaceAddIpv6IP(self, object_id, device, ip)
 |      Add/Update IPv6 IP on interface
 |  InterfaceAddMAC(self, object_id, interface, mac)
 |      Add MAC address to interface
 |  LinkNetworkInterface(self, object_id, interface, switch_name, interface_switch)
 |      Link two devices togetger
 |  LinkVirtualHypervisor(self, object_id, virtual_id)
 |      Assign virtual server to correct hypervisor
 |  ListObjects(self)
 |      List all objects
 |  ObjectExistName(self, name)
 |      Check if object exist in database based on name
 |  ObjectExistST(self, service_tag)
 |      Check if object exist in database based on asset_no
 |  ObjectExistSTName(self, name, asset_no)
 |      Check if object exist in database based on name
 |  UpdateNetworkInterface(self, object_id, interface)
 |      Add network interfece to object if not exist
 |  UpdateObjectComment(self, object_id, comment)
 |      Update comment on object
 |  UpdateObjectLabel(self, object_id, label)
 |      Update label on object
 |  UpdateObjectName(self, object_id, name)
 |      Update name on object
 |  __init__(self, dbobject)
 |      Initialize Object
 |  db_fetch_lastid(self)
 |      SQL function which return ID of last inserted row.
 |  db_insert(self, sql)
 |      SQL insert/update function. Require sql query as parameter
 |  db_query_all(self, sql)
 |      SQL query function, return all rows. Require sql query as parameter
 |  db_query_one(self, sql)
 |      SQL query function, return one row. Require sql query as parameter

    __all__ = ['RTObject']
    __author__ = 'Robert Vojcik ([email protected])'
    __copyright__ = 'OpenSource'
    __license__ = 'GPLv2'
    __version__ = '0.0.1'


    Robert Vojcik ([email protected])


import ipaddr
import MySQLdb
import rtapi

# Create connection to database
    # Create connection to database
    db = MySQLdb.connect(host='hostname',port=3306, passwd='mypass',db='racktables',user='racktables)
except MySQLdb.Error ,e:
    print "Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0],e.args[1])

# Initialize rtapi with database connection
rt = rtapi.RTObject(db)

# List all objects from database
print rt.ListObjects()