Releases: wikid24/ffxiv_mmd_tools_helper
Releases · wikid24/ffxiv_mmd_tools_helper
- fixed the axis orientation issue where Y is animated as Z and vice-versa by adding "fix axis orientation" to the misc tools
- fixed the IK legs to use new axis orientation
- fixed the add new root/center/groove/waist to use the new axis orientation
- added shortcuts for myself to import a stock model with proper axis oritentation (will remove them later)
- Ported ability to show the display panel groups.
- Removed everything in the Bones dictionary that wasn't MMD or FFXIV related to make room for more useful analysis data for side-by-sides (like what the target PMX bone attributes should be set on similar FFXIV models)
- Fixed some bugs under in the miscellaneous tools section.
- Ported ability to generate IK Rig for a FFXIV rig
- Ported ability to push Blender bone names to Japanese bone name
- Ported ability to toggle between Japanese and English MMD Bone names as the Blender Bone Name
- Updated the Bone dictionary with a lot of more bones
- Added ability to generate a motherbone, center, groove, and join it to the waist bone (n_hara) of a FFXIV rig
initial v0.1 version
Initial test creating script and loading it in blender 2.8+
Just install the zip file as an add-on like any other Blender add-on