diff --git a/resources/idlharness.js b/resources/idlharness.js
index 10d96f6a4e34b6..f3a2f6704bb490 100644
--- a/resources/idlharness.js
+++ b/resources/idlharness.js
@@ -177,27 +177,9 @@ self.IdlArray = function()
* might contain a partial interface or includes statement that depends
* on a later one. Save these up and handle them right before we run
* tests.
- *
- * .partials is simply an array of objects from WebIDLParser.js'
- * "partialinterface" production. .includes maps strings to arrays of
- * strings, such that
- *
- * A includes B;
- * A includes C;
- * D includes E;
- *
- * results in this["includes"] = { A: ["B", "C"], D: ["E"] }.
- *
- * Similarly,
- *
- * interface A : B {};
- * interface B : C {};
- *
- * results in this["inheritance"] = { A: "B", B: "C" }
this.partials = [];
- this["includes"] = {};
- this["inheritance"] = {};
+ this.includes = [];
* Record of skipped IDL items, in case we later realize that they are a
@@ -249,11 +231,15 @@ IdlArray.prototype.internal_add_dependency_idls = function(parsed_idls, options)
const new_options = { only: [] }
const all_deps = new Set();
- Object.values(this.inheritance).forEach(v => all_deps.add(v));
- // NOTE: If 'A includes B' for B that we care about, then A is also a dep.
- Object.keys(this.includes).forEach(k => {
- all_deps.add(k);
- this.includes[k].forEach(v => all_deps.add(v));
+ Object.values(this.members).forEach(v => {
+ if (v.base) {
+ all_deps.add(v.base);
+ }
+ });
+ // Add both 'A' and 'B' for each 'A includes B' entry.
+ this.includes.forEach(i => {
+ all_deps.add(i.target);
+ all_deps.add(i.includes);
this.partials.forEach(p => all_deps.add(p.name));
// Add 'TypeOfType' for each "typedef TypeOfType MyType;" entry.
@@ -434,11 +420,7 @@ IdlArray.prototype.internal_add_idls = function(parsed_idls, options)
- if (!(parsed_idl.target in this["includes"]))
- {
- this["includes"][parsed_idl.target] = [];
- }
- this["includes"][parsed_idl.target].push(parsed_idl["includes"]);
+ this.includes.push(parsed_idl);
@@ -452,16 +434,6 @@ IdlArray.prototype.internal_add_idls = function(parsed_idls, options)
throw new IdlHarnessError("Duplicate identifier " + parsed_idl.name);
- if (parsed_idl["inheritance"]) {
- // NOTE: Clash should be impossible (would require redefinition of parsed_idl.name).
- if (parsed_idl.name in this["inheritance"]
- && parsed_idl["inheritance"] != this["inheritance"][parsed_idl.name]) {
- throw new IdlHarnessError(
- `Inheritance for ${parsed_idl.name} was already defined`);
- }
- this["inheritance"][parsed_idl.name] = parsed_idl["inheritance"];
- }
case "interface":
@@ -529,34 +501,6 @@ IdlArray.prototype.prevent_multiple_testing = function(name)
this.members[name].prevent_multiple_testing = true;
-IdlArray.prototype.recursively_get_includes = function(interface_name)
- /**
- * Helper function for test(). Returns an array of things that implement
- * interface_name, so if the IDL contains
- *
- * A includes B;
- * B includes C;
- * B includes D;
- *
- * then recursively_get_includes("A") should return ["B", "C", "D"].
- */
- var ret = this["includes"][interface_name];
- if (ret === undefined)
- {
- return [];
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this["includes"][interface_name].length; i++)
- {
- ret = ret.concat(this.recursively_get_includes(ret[i]));
- if (ret.indexOf(ret[i]) != ret.lastIndexOf(ret[i]))
- {
- throw new IdlHarnessError("Circular includes statements involving " + ret[i]);
- }
- }
- return ret;
IdlArray.prototype.is_json_type = function(type)
@@ -753,37 +697,8 @@ IdlArray.prototype.test = function()
/** Entry point. See documentation at beginning of file. */
// First merge in all partial definitions and interface mixins.
- this.collapse_partials();
- for (var lhs in this["includes"])
- {
- this.recursively_get_includes(lhs).forEach(function(rhs)
- {
- var errStr = lhs + " includes " + rhs + ", but ";
- if (!(lhs in this.members)) throw errStr + lhs + " is undefined.";
- if (!(this.members[lhs] instanceof IdlInterface)) throw errStr + lhs + " is not an interface.";
- if (!(rhs in this.members)) throw errStr + rhs + " is undefined.";
- if (!(this.members[rhs] instanceof IdlInterface)) throw errStr + rhs + " is not an interface.";
- if (this.members[rhs].members.length) {
- test(function () {
- var clash = this.members[rhs].members.find(function(member) {
- return this.members[lhs].members.find(function(m) {
- return this.are_duplicate_members(m, member);
- }.bind(this));
- }.bind(this));
- this.members[rhs].members.forEach(function(member) {
- assert_true(
- this.members[lhs].members.every(m => !this.are_duplicate_members(m, member)),
- "member " + member.name + " is unique");
- this.members[lhs].members.push(new IdlInterfaceMember(member));
- }.bind(this));
- assert_true(!clash, "member " + (clash && clash.name) + " is unique");
- }.bind(this), lhs + " includes " + rhs + ": member names are unique");
- }
- }.bind(this));
- }
- this["includes"] = {};
+ this.merge_partials();
+ this.merge_includes();
// Assert B defined for A : B
for (const member of Object.values(this.members).filter(m => m.base)) {
@@ -832,7 +747,7 @@ IdlArray.prototype.test = function()
-IdlArray.prototype.collapse_partials = function()
+IdlArray.prototype.merge_partials = function()
const testedPartials = new Map();
@@ -926,6 +841,39 @@ IdlArray.prototype.collapse_partials = function()
this.partials = [];
+IdlArray.prototype.merge_includes = function()
+ for (const parsed_idl of this.includes)
+ {
+ const lhs = parsed_idl.target;
+ const rhs = parsed_idl.includes;
+ var errStr = lhs + " includes " + rhs + ", but ";
+ if (!(lhs in this.members)) throw errStr + lhs + " is undefined.";
+ if (!(this.members[lhs] instanceof IdlInterface)) throw errStr + lhs + " is not an interface.";
+ if (!(rhs in this.members)) throw errStr + rhs + " is undefined.";
+ if (!(this.members[rhs] instanceof IdlInterface)) throw errStr + rhs + " is not an interface.";
+ if (this.members[rhs].members.length) {
+ test(function () {
+ var clash = this.members[rhs].members.find(function(member) {
+ return this.members[lhs].members.find(function(m) {
+ return this.are_duplicate_members(m, member);
+ }.bind(this));
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.members[rhs].members.forEach(function(member) {
+ assert_true(
+ this.members[lhs].members.every(m => !this.are_duplicate_members(m, member)),
+ "member " + member.name + " is unique");
+ this.members[lhs].members.push(new IdlInterfaceMember(member));
+ }.bind(this));
+ assert_true(!clash, "member " + (clash && clash.name) + " is unique");
+ }.bind(this), lhs + " includes " + rhs + ": member names are unique");
+ }
+ }
+ this.includes = [];
IdlArray.prototype.are_duplicate_members = function(m1, m2) {
if (m1.name !== m2.name) {
return false;
@@ -1416,7 +1364,7 @@ IdlInterface.prototype.get_inheritance_stack = function() {
IdlInterface.prototype.default_to_json_operation = function(callback) {
var map = new Map(), isDefault = false;
- this.traverse_inherited_and_consequential_interfaces(function(I) {
+ this.get_inheritance_stack().forEach(function(I) {
if (I.has_default_to_json_regular_operation()) {
isDefault = true;
I.members.forEach(function(m) {
@@ -1431,56 +1379,6 @@ IdlInterface.prototype.default_to_json_operation = function(callback) {
return isDefault ? map : null;
- * Traverses inherited interfaces from the top down
- * and imeplemented interfaces inside out.
- * Invokes |callback| on each interface.
- *
- * This is an abstract implementation of the traversal
- * algorithm specified in:
- * https://heycam.github.io/webidl/#collect-attribute-values
- * Given the following inheritance tree:
- *
- * F
- * |
- * C E - I
- * | |
- * B - D
- * |
- * G - A - H - J
- *
- * Invoking traverse_inherited_and_consequential_interfaces() on A
- * would traverse the tree in the following order:
- * C -> B -> F -> E -> I -> D -> A -> G -> H -> J
- */
-IdlInterface.prototype.traverse_inherited_and_consequential_interfaces = function(callback) {
- if (typeof callback != "function") {
- throw new TypeError();
- }
- var stack = this.get_inheritance_stack();
- _traverse_inherited_and_consequential_interfaces(stack, callback);
-function _traverse_inherited_and_consequential_interfaces(stack, callback) {
- var I = stack.pop();
- callback(I);
- var mixins = I.array["includes"][I.name];
- if (mixins) {
- mixins.forEach(function(id) {
- var mixin = I.array.members[id];
- if (!mixin) {
- throw new Error("Interface mixin " + id + " not found (included by " + I.name + ")");
- }
- var interfaces = mixin.get_inheritance_stack();
- _traverse_inherited_and_consequential_interfaces(interfaces, callback);
- });
- }
- if (stack.length > 0) {
- _traverse_inherited_and_consequential_interfaces(stack, callback);
- }
IdlInterface.prototype.test = function()
if (this.has_extended_attribute("LegacyNoInterfaceObject") || this.is_mixin())
diff --git a/resources/test/tests/functional/idlharness/IdlDictionary/test_partial_interface_of.html b/resources/test/tests/functional/idlharness/IdlDictionary/test_partial_interface_of.html
index 5ee3fe7e893f19..05e6e0b1e06c63 100644
--- a/resources/test/tests/functional/idlharness/IdlDictionary/test_partial_interface_of.html
+++ b/resources/test/tests/functional/idlharness/IdlDictionary/test_partial_interface_of.html
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
partial dictionary C {};
namespace C {};`);
- idlArray.collapse_partials();
+ idlArray.merge_partials();