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File metadata and controls

232 lines (190 loc) · 5.67 KB


spotify no longer allows third-party logins via credentials, and is therefore non-functional until further notice


create an issue if you want to see this project's functionality restored via access token logins, as otherwise it will remain low on my priority list

spotifm (2.0.0)

spotifm streams your spotify music over the internet using icecast2 and spawns a rest api

note: spotifm only works with spotify premium accounts

there is an included:

  • irc bot which can be used to control the radio through irc commands
  • discord bot which streams the radio to a voice channel, and can be controlled through text channels

the commands for both the irc and discord bot:

  • !np !prev !next - get the now playing, previous, and next track in the playlist
  • !play <query> - play this song on the stream immediately
  • !queue <query> - queue this song to be played next
  • !search <query> - get top 5 search results for your query
  • !shuffle - shuffle the playlist

quick start

1) configuration

edit config.json.example and rename it to config.json

    "user": "[email protected]",
    "pass": "yourpass1",
    "uris": [
    "elevenlabs": {
        "key": "",
        "voice": ""

user is your email

pass is your password

uris is a list of spotify URIs (track, album or playlist) to play once started (spotify:track:<ID> or spotify:album:<ID> or spotify:playlist:<ID>)


elevenlabs contains your elevenlabs API key, and the voice ID of the voice you want to use for TTS

2) track announcments and bumpers (optional)

spotifm can announce the name of the song before it plays, as well as periodically play radio station bumpers of your choosing, configured as follows:

    "announce": {
        "song": {
            "enable": false,
            "espeak": {
                "gap": 10,
                "speed": 150,
                "pitch": 50,
                "voice": "en-us",
                "amplitude": 100
        "bumper": {
            "enable": false,
            "freq": 20,
            "tags": [
                "you are listening to my radio"
            "espeak": {
                "gap": 10,
                "speed": 120,
                "pitch": 50,
                "voice": "en-us",
                "amplitude": 100

they are disabled by default

freq is how often to play a bumper

see espeak manual for description of gap, speed, pitch, voice and amplitude

3) build spotifm

docker compose run builder

note: depending on your docker version, you may need to use docker-compose instead of docker compose

4) deploy spotifm

docker compose up -d --force-recreate streamer

icecast2 will become available on port 8000, listen to your radio at http://<your-ip-address>:8000/listen

spotifm will spawn a rest api on port 9090, issue api calls at http://<your-ip-address>:9090/...

5) irc bot (optional)

make sure to edit ircbot.json.example and rename it to ircbot.json, then

docker compose up -d ircbot

6) discord bot (optional)

make sure to edit discordbot.json.example and rename it to discordbot.json, then

docker compose up -d discordbot

rest api endpoints

GET /np

GET /prev

GET /next

GET /skip

GET /queue/<TRACK-ID>

GET /play/<TRACK-ID>

all return (example):

    "id": "6bu8npt0GdVeESCM7K4The",
    "rid": 1676115018281,
    "track": "Speak Up",
    "artists": [
        "Freddie Dredd"

or { "error": "<error msg>"}

GET /playlist

GET /shuffle

returns (example):

        "id": "6bu8npt0GdVeESCM7K4The",
        "rid": 1676118353658,
        "track": "Speak Up",
        "artists": [
            "Freddie Dredd"



returns (example):

        "album": { ... },
        "artists": [ ... ],
        "available_markets": [ ... ],
        "disc_number": 1,
        "duration_ms": 122331,
        "explicit": true,
        "external_ids": { ... },
        "external_urls": { ... },
        "href": "",
        "id": "2nzjXDv6OuRHrHKhfhfB98",
        "is_local": false,
        "name": "Low Key",
        "popularity": 62,
        "preview_url": "",
        "track_number": 3


or { "error": "<error msg>"}

POST /announce/bumper

takes post fields enable, tag, freq, speed, amplitude, pitch, gap, voice and updates the running instance of your config

if tag is supplied, it is appended to your current tags

DELETE /announce/bumper/tags

clears out your tags

GET /announce/bumper

all above return (example):

    "idx": 1,
    "enable": true,
    "tags": [
    "freq": 5,
    "espeak": {
        "speed": 160,
        "amplitude": 60,
        "pitch": 1,
        "gap": 5,
        "voice": "en-us"

POST /announce/song

takes post fields enable, speed, amplitude, pitch, gap, voice and updates running instance of your config

GET /announce/song

all above return (example):

    "enable": false,
    "espeak": {
        "speed": 170,
        "amplitude": 100,
        "pitch": 50,
        "gap": 10,
        "voice": "en-us"

GET /espeak?text=<TEXT>

GET /elevenlabs?text=<TEXT>

this will use espeak, or the elevenlabs API to speak your TEXT

it will return:

    "text": <TEXT>