Releases: wavemotion-dave/A8DS
Releases · wavemotion-dave/A8DS
Version 2.4
V2.4 : 02-Apr-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- New bank switching handling that is much faster (in some cases 10x faster)
to support all of the larger 128K, 320K and even the 1088K games (AtariBlast!) - ATX format now supported for copy protected disk images.
Version 2.3
V2.3 : 31-Mar-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- Added Atari 800 (48K) mode with OS-B for compatiblity with older games.
- L+X and R+X shortcuts for keys '1' and '2' which are useful to start some games.
- Cleanup of options and main screen for better display of current emulator settings.
Version 2.2
V2.2 : 25-Mar-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- Added simplified keyboard option for easy use on Text Adventures, etc.
Version 2.1
V2.1 : 21-Mar-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- Cleanup of the big 2.0 release...
- Allow .XEX and D1 to both be loaded for XEX games that allow save/restore.
- Fixed long-standing file select offset bug.
Version 2.0
Version 2.0 - 19-Mar-2021
Major overhaul of the UI.
Added optional second disk drive.
Version 1.9
V1.9 : 06-Mar-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- New options for B button = DOWN and Key Click Off.
- Improved handling for key clicks so that press and hold will auto-repeat.
Version 1.8
V1.8 : 25-Feb-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- Added option for slower I/O (disk reads) as a few games will detect that
the game is not running at the right speed and not play (copy protection
of a sort ... 1980s style). So you can now slow down the I/O to get those
games running. - Reverted to "Old NTSC Artifacting" after discovering at least one game
does not play nicely with the new artificating. Still investigating but
this cures the problem for now (the game was Stellar Shuttle). - Added the R-TIME8 module for time/date on some versions of DOS.
- Other minor cleanups as time permitted.
Version 1.7
V1.7 : 18-Feb-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- Added saving of configuration for 1800+ games. Press L+R to snap out config
for any game (or use the START key handling in the Options Menu). - Autofire now has 4 options (OFF, Slow, Medium and Fast).
- Improved pallet handling.
- Improved sound quality slightly.
- Other cleanups as time permitted.
Version 1.6
V1.6 : 13-Feb-2021 by wavemotion-dave
- Added 320KB RAMBO memory expanstion emulation for the really big games!
- Added Artifacting modes that are used by some high-res games.
- Improved option selection - added brief help description to each.
- Improved video rendering to display high-res graphics cleaner.
- Fixed directory/file selection so it can handle directories > 29 length.
Version 1.5
Version 1.5 adds frame skip (default is ON for older DS hardware and off for DSi and better). This allows a huge number of games to be playable on the older DS!