make view helpers “HTML safe” for Rails 2.3.5 with rails_xss plugin
fix ‘enable_actionpack`
count_by_sql: don’t use table alias with any adapters starting with “oracle”
Add back “AS count_table” alias to ‘paginate_by_sql` counter SQL
remove “AS count_table” alias from ‘paginate_by_sql` counter SQL
Rails 2.3.2 compat: monkeypatch Rails issue #2189 (count breaks has_many :through)
fix generation of page URLs that contain the “@” character
check for method existance in a ruby 1.8- and 1.9-compatible way
load will_paginate view helpers even if ActiveRecord is not loaded
Rails 2.3 compat: query parameter parsing with Rack
Removed all unnecessary &block variables since they cause serious memory damage and lots of subsequent gc runs.
Rails 2.2 fix: stop using ‘extract_attribute_names_from_match` inernal AR method, it no longer exists
update the backported named_scope implementation for Rails versions older than 2.1
break out of scope of paginated_each() yielded block when used on named scopes
fix paginate(:from)
Removed gem dependency to Active Support (causes trouble with vendored rails).
Rails 2.1: fix a failing test and a deprecation warning.
Cope with scoped :select when counting.
Ensure that paginate_by_sql doesn’t change the original SQL query.
RDoc love (now live at gitrdoc.com/mislav/will_paginate/tree/master)
Rename :prev_label to :previous_label for consistency. old name still functions but is deprecated
ActiveRecord 2.1: Remove :include option from count_all query when it’s possible.
Fixed LinkRenderer#stringified_merge by removing “return” from iterator block
Ensure that ‘href’ values in pagination links are escaped URLs
Fixed page numbers not showing with custom routes and implicit first page
Try to use Hanna for documentation (falls back to default RDoc template if not)
Changed LinkRenderer to receive collection, options and reference to view template NOT in constructor, but with the #prepare method. This is a step towards supporting passing of LinkRenderer (or subclass) instances that may be preconfigured in some way
LinkRenderer now has #page_link and #page_span methods for easier customization of output in subclasses
Changed page_entries_info() method to adjust its output according to humanized class name of collection items. Override this with :entry_name parameter (singular).
page_entries_info(@posts) #-> "Displaying all 12 posts" page_entries_info(@posts, :entry_name => 'item') #-> "Displaying all 12 items"
will_paginate gem is no longer published on RubyForge, but on gems.github.com:
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com/ (you only need to do this once) gem install mislav-will_paginate
extract reusable pagination testing stuff into WillPaginate::View
rethink the page URL construction mechanizm to be more bulletproof when combined with custom routing for page parameter
test that anchor parameter can be used in pagination links
Add support for page parameter in custom routes like “/foo/page/2”
Change output of “page_entries_info” on single-page collection and erraneous output with empty collection as reported by Tim Chater
take less risky path when monkeypatching named_scope; fix that it no longer requires ActiveRecord::VERSION
use strings in “respond_to?” calls to work around a bug in acts_as_ferret stable (ugh)
add rake release task
Rename WillPaginate::Collection#page_count to “total_pages” for consistency. If you implemented this interface, change your implementation accordingly.
Remove old, deprecated style of calling Array#paginate as “paginate(page, per_page)”. If you want to specify :page, :per_page or :total_entries, use a parameter hash.
Rename LinkRenderer#url_options to “url_for” and drastically optimize it
Added “prev_page” and “next_page” CSS classes on previous/next page buttons
Add examples of pagination links styling in “examples/index.html”
Change gap in pagination links from “…” to “<span class=”gap“>…</span>”.
Add “paginated_section”, a block helper that renders pagination both above and below content in the block
Add rel=“prev|next|start” to page links
Add ability to opt-in for Rails 2.1 feature “named_scope” by calling WillPaginate.enable_named_scope (tested in Rails 1.2.6 and 2.0.2)
Support complex page parameters like “developers”
Move Array#paginate definition to will_paginate/array.rb. You can now easily use pagination on arrays outside of Rails:
gem 'will_paginate' require 'will_paginate/array'
Add “paginated_each” method for iterating through every record by loading only one page of records at the time
Rails 2: Rescue from WillPaginate::InvalidPage error with 404 Not Found by default