Custom keyboardview with two ways:
Override systems's sys.xml of keyboardview
Custom the layout and slove the touchListener's question and so on...
For example: MeiTuan's Merchant or NuoMi's Merchant app, Number Keyboard
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View .OnClickListener , NumberKeyboardUtil .OnPopuWindowListener
private void initView (){
etCode = ButterKnife .findById (inputLayout , R .id .et_code );
keyboardPopupwindow = NumberKeyboardPopupWindow .getInstance (this ).onCreate (this );
NumberKeyboardUtil .getInstance ().setOnTouchListener (etCode , keyboardPopupwindow , this );
NumberKeyboardUtil .getInstance ().disableCopyAndPaste (etCode );
@ Override
public void showPopuWindow () {
etCode .requestFocus ();
keyboardPopupwindow .showAsDropDown (llTop );
@ Override
public void dismiss () {
etCode .getText ().clear ();
etCode .clearFocus ();
keyboardPopupwindow .dismiss ();
@ Override
public void insertStr (String str ) {
int index = etCode .getSelectionStart ();
if (index < 0 || index >= etCode .getText ().toString ().length ()) {
etCode .append (str );
} else {
etCode .getEditableText ().insert (index , str );
@ Override
public void check () {
Toast .makeText (this , "check" , Toast .LENGTH_SHORT ).show ();