diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index 581ef667..15592701 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -1534,10 +1534,7 @@
Thing Descriptions
In W3C WoT, the description metadata for a Thing instance
MUST be available as a WoT Thing Description (TD) [[?WOT-THING-DESCRIPTION]].
- Consumers MUST be able to parse and process the TD representation format, which is based on JSON
- [[!RFC8259]].
The format can be processed either through classic JSON libraries or a JSON-LD processor,
as the underlying information model is graph-based and its serialization compatible with JSON-LD 1.1
@@ -1685,8 +1682,6 @@ Intermediaries
- Things
- MAY be bundled together with a Consumer to enable Thing-to-Thing interaction.
Usually, the Consumer behavior is embedded in the software component,
which is also implementing the behavior of the Thing.
@@ -2327,10 +2322,6 @@ Forms
href="#table-operation-types">Table 1.
- The set of predefined operation types MAY be augmented by Extension operation types chosen by
- applications.
Extension operation types MUST be URIs [[!RFC3986]] that uniquely identify the type.