diff --git a/css-values-4/Overview.bs b/css-values-4/Overview.bs
index 636205943e60..2bf75e78fb94 100644
--- a/css-values-4/Overview.bs
+++ b/css-values-4/Overview.bs
@@ -2573,6 +2573,101 @@ Comparison Functions: ''min()'', ''max()'', and ''clamp()''
+Rounding Values: ''round()''
+ The rounding function ''round()''
+ adjusts the value of a [=calculation=]
+ to a nearby multiple of a given precision [=calculation=],
+ giving several options for choosing which nearby multiple to use.
+ The round(<>?, A, B) function
+ contains an optional rounding strategy,
+ and two [=calculations=] A and B,
+ and returns the value of A,
+ rounded according to the rounding strategy,
+ to the nearest integer multiple of B either above or below A.
+ The argument [=calculations=] can resolve to any <>, <>, or <>,
+ but must have the same [=determine the type of a calculation|type=],
+ or else the function is invalid;
+ the result will have the same [=CSSNumericValue/type=] as the arguments.
+ If A is exactly equal to an integer multiple of B,
+ ''round()'' resolves to A exactly
+ (preserving whether A is 0⁻ or 0⁺, if relevant).
+ Otherwise, there are two integer multiples of B that are potentially "closest" to A,
+ |lower B| which is closer to −∞
+ and |upper B| which is closer to +∞.
+ The following <>s dictate how to choose between them:
+ : nearest
+ :: Choose whichever of |lower B| and |upper B|
+ that has the smallest absolute difference from A.
+ If both have an equal difference
+ (A is exactly between the two values),
+ choose |upper B|.
+ : up
+ :: Choose |upper B|.
+ : down
+ :: Choose |lower B|.
+ : to-zero
+ :: Choose whichever of |lower B| and |upper B|
+ that has the smallest absolute difference from 0.
+ If |lower B| would be zero,
+ it is specifically equal to 0⁺;
+ if |upper B| would be zero,
+ it is specifically equal to 0⁻.
+ If <> is omitted,
+ it defaults to ''nearest''.
+ Unlike languages like JavaScript
+ which have a natural "precision" to round to
+ (integers),
+ CSS values have no such precision
+ because values can be written in many different compatible units.
+ As such, the precision has to be given exactly;
+ to round a width to the nearest ''50px'',
+ one can write ''round(var(--width), 50px)''.
+ Note: JavaScript and other programming languages
+ sometimes separate out the rounding strategies into separate rounding functions.
+ JS’s Math.floor()
+ is equivalent to CSS's ''round(down, ...)'';
+ JS’s Math.ceil()
+ is equivalent to CSS's ''round(up, ...)'';
+ JS’s Math.trunc()
+ is equivalent to CSS's ''round(to-zero, ...)'';
+ and JS’s Math.round()
+ is equivalent to CSS's ''round(nearest, ...)'',
+ or just ''round(...)''.
+Argument Ranges
+ In ''round(A, B)'',
+ if B is 0,
+ the result is NaN.
+ If A is +∞,
+ the result is +∞.
+ If A is −∞,
+ the result is −∞.
+ If A is finite
+ and B is infinite,
+ the result is 0⁺
+ if A is 0⁺ or positive finite,
+ and 0⁻ if A is 0⁻ or negative finite.
Trigonometric Functions: ''sin()'', ''cos()'', ''tan()'', ''asin()'', ''acos()'', ''atan()'', and ''atan2()''
@@ -3171,6 +3266,7 @@ Syntax
<> = min( <># )
<> = max( <># )
<> = clamp( <>#{3} )
+ <> = round( <>?, <>, <> )
<> = sin( <> )
<> = cos( <> )
<> = tan( <> )
@@ -3310,7 +3406,7 @@ Type Checking
is «[ "angle" → 1 ]».
* The [=CSSNumericValue/type=] of a ''pow()'', ''sqrt()'', ''log()'', or ''exp()'' expression
is «[ "number" → 1 ]».
- * The [=CSSNumericValue/type=] of a ''hypot()'' expression
+ * The [=CSSNumericValue/type=] of a ''hypot()'' or ''round()'' expression
is the result of [=add two types|adding the types=]
of its comma-separated [=calculations=].