Releases: vuestorefront/storefront-ui
Releases · vuestorefront/storefront-ui
🔨 Refactors
- SfIcon: it's a regular component instead of functional component
🐛 Fixes
- SfSection: fixed issue with rendering empty heading
- Customization stories: updated documentation file with new code examples for customization
- SfProductCard: add badge showing when there are more then colors in ColorPicker
- SfAccordion: removed mutating children behavior that caused memory leak
- SfMegaMenu: fix click:back event
- SfHeader: fix keyup.enter event
- SfBanner, SfCallToAction, SfCard, SfMenuItem, SfCollectedProduct, SfHero, SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal: link prop default value is
instead of""
- SfIcon: unique id for linearGradient
🧹 Chores
- SfFooterColumn: SfButton with attribute type
instead of button tag - SfSearchBar: attribute type
added to SfButton - global: added html-validator for nuxt
- docs: updated information about slots in organisms
- docs: added browser support info
- docs: updated information about slots in molecules
- docs: updated information about slots in atoms
- updated Storybook to 6.4.8 version
- docs: fix events in organisms and templates and add descriptions
- docs: remove font installation script and adjust the description
🔨 Refactors
- atoms: SfColor, SfHeading, SfIcon, SfImage, SfInput, SfOverlay, SfPrice, SfTextarea:
display: none
instead ofv-if
- molecules: SfAlert, SfBanner, SfBar, SfBottomModal, SfCallToAction, SfCategoryCard, SfCheckbox, SfColorPicker, SfComponentSelect, SfDropdown, SfFilter, SfGallery, SfMenuItem, SfModal, SfNotification, SfPagination, SfRadio, SfReview, SfSelect, SfTile:
display: none
instead ofv-if
- organisms: SfAccordion, SfBottomNavigation, SfCollectedProduct, SfContentPages, SfFooter, SfHeader, SfHero, SfMegaMenu, SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal, SfSidebar, SfStoreLocator, SfTabs:
display: none
instead ofv-if
- SfContentPages: Detecting active page regardless of the casing
🚀 Features
- atoms: improved unit tests coverage
- SfCollectedProduct: added max and min prop for quantity selector
- SfCard: new props imageWidth and imageHeight
- SfStore in SfStoreLocator: new props pictureWidth and pictureHeight
- SfImage, SfLoader, SfBottomModal, SfFooter, DetailedCart, Error, Home, Cart, ConfirmOrder, Payment: added width and height for images
🐛 Fixes
- Home page: desktop images added to Instagram Feed and styled to fit the designs
- SfButton: link button was not setup as full width
- SfComponentSelect: added cancelLabel prop and binding for cancelHandler
- SfRadio: mutating prop directly error fixed in Storybook
- SfOverlay - fix emitting click event
- Default: SfHeader removed duplicated links
- SfProductCard: add to cart button position depends on color prop
🧹 Chores:
- docs: fix events in docs tab - add descriptions and complete lacking events
🐛 Fixes
- SfTextarea: minlength and maxlength default values changed to null
- SfSelect: add label attribute to placeholder element to avoid a11y issues,
- SfBadge, SfChevron, SfImage, SfBanner, SfHero, SfFooter, Home, SfProductCard: divs inside buttons changed on allowed elements
- SfInput:
for label element andid
on input without whitespace - SfQuantitySelector: name attribute added
- SfButton: link default value changed to null
🧹 Chores:
- docs: fix discord invitation links
- docs(Become a Contributor): fix typos, links, grammar
- SfRadio, SfCheckbox: replaced divs with span for a11y reasons
- docs: add new addon with css vars list
❗ Breaking Changes
🚀 Features
- SfGallery, SfSearchBar, SfSlidingSection, SfHeader, SfProductCard: add aria-label to icon only / image only SfButton
- SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal: image placeholder
- SfCollectedProduct: added event handler for more actions button
- SfCollectedProduct: added visibility props for more actions and remove button
🐛 Fixes
- SfAddressPicker: center icon inside circle container
- SfSelect: binding native HTML attributes directly to the
tag - pages: Category, Checkout, Detailed Cart, Product, Login, Home, Thank You - changed headings order
- templates: Personal Details, Shipping, Payment, Order Summary, Order Review, Confirm Order - changed headings order
- SfHeaderNavigation: Mobile observer was not keeping track of changes due to invalid variable
- SfAccordion: fix mutating
prop - SfBanner: restored clicks on slotted elements
- SfBottomModal: div wrapper instead of nav tag
🧹 Chores:
- docs: fix descriptions and types of props in Storybook and add components descriptions
- Unused function deleted in category component
- Updated README, SfHeader and SfTopBar with new branding
v0.11.0 contains API breaking changes and new features.
This version also contains changes from 0.11.0-rc.1 and 0.11.0-rc.2
🚀 Features
- Storefront UI module for Nuxt (@storefront-ui/nuxt)
- New section templates for more advanced components than organisms
🐛 Fixes
- SfQuantitySelector: blur event fix and increment bug fixed
- SfCircleIcon: remove unused badge props
- shipping step on checkout page and passing data to slot in payment component
- postcss-calc bug during building projects
- SfMyNewsletter, SfOrderHistory: added default values for all props
- Form: email input validation error message
🧹 Chores:
- docs: add embeded YouTube video tutorials
- docs: create section about integrations with updated TailwindCSS configuration
- docs: upgrade storybook version to 6.3.8
- tests: fix bugs on GH actions in Category page (SfPagination and SfSidebar)
- docs: reorganize docs for better readability
🚀 Features
- SfSkeleton: new component as a placeholder for components that are in a loading phase
- SfQuantitySelector: emits blur event
- SfHero: add withImgTag slot for placing custom images
🧹 Chores
- docs: transitions in
- docs: SfHero with Cloudinary image example
🐛 Fixes
- SfProductCard, SfProductCardHorizontal: rename isOnWishlist to isInWishlist [BREAKING]
- SfRadio: remove component variables for radio text color
- SfCallToAction: doesn't emit click events
- Migration guide will be added to the v0.11.0
✨ Props
Props | ||||
Component | Before | v0.11.0-rc.1 | Required | Default value |
SfQuantitySelector | - | min | false | null |
SfQuantitySelector | - | max | false | null |
SfNotification | - | persistent | false | false |
🚀 Features
- SfButton - disabled state made more inclusive
- SfAccordion - SfAccordionItems can be opened programmatically
- SfFooter: now works with JS disabled
- SfNotification: added persistent prop to exclude closing button
- SfProductCard: added
inside a new slotcolors
- SfQuantitySelector: Add min and max props to set minimum or maximum allowed QTY
- E2E tests moved to nuxt directory
- docs: example pages on Storybook refactored to show full source code in docs tab
- docs: clean up releases page
🐛 Fixes
- SfSelect: cannot click on label to open the dropdown
- SfRadio: fixed to work on Safari 11 and older
- SfProductCardHorizontal: access to quantity during adding to cart
- SfRange: removed optional chaining
- SfCart, SfDetailedCart: increasing quantity with "+" button fixed
- SfImage: fix dynamic styles in ProductCard
- SfBottomNavigation: adjusted the same wrapper size for the items
- SfGallery: fix missing alt on a SfImage which displays the zoomed image when outsideZoom is enabled
- molecules: replace dynamic classes with static
- atoms: replace dynamic classes with static
- deps: add missing glob dependency to fix bug when adding SFUI to project on yarn2 in pnp mode
- docs: fix links to Discord Channel
- docs: fix Meet the team section lists and email to storefront ui contributors
✨ Props
Component | Before | v0.10.8 | Required | Default value |
SfHeader | - | logoHeight | false | 35 |
SfHeader | - | logoWidth | false | 34 |
🚀 Features
- Storysource: new addon panel "Story" for Storybook - displays stories source code
- Storybook: New page "Who is using Storefront UI?" with list of websites that are using Storefront UI
- Storybook: New page "Local Development" with guide on local development
- Storybook: Add list of websites that are using Storefront UI to homepage
🐛 Fixes
- SfModal: docs work correctly
- SfMenuItem: multiline text aligned to left in subcategories
- Add favicon to storybook docs
- SfHero: fix unable to find uri in 'background' warning
- SfSelect - fix ssr missmatch error (in stories)
- SfLink: revert component from functional to stateful due to problems with nesting
- SfModal: navigation to SfModal doesn't break scroll on the other components
- Width and height for logo and flag images
- Docs: update team structure,, package.json, License
- Docs: fix iframe sizes in docs addon for SfModal, SfBottomModal, SfDropdown, SfOverlay
- Replace node-sass with sass for Node v16.0.0 compatibility
- SfSidebar - scroll not working on mobile devices (hotfix)
🚀 Features
- SfRange new component implemented
- atom components refactor to functional:
- SfBreadcrumbs
- SfBullet
- SfButton
- SfColor
- SfHeading
- SfIcon
- SfLink
- SfQuantitySelector
- SfRating
- SfSkeleton
- SfTextarea
- add nuxt branch for testing purposes and lighthouse ci audit on push to master and develop branches
🐛 Fixes
- SfAccordion - header text should be aligned left when multiline
- SfBanner, SfCategoryCard, SfTile, SfHeader, SfHero: fixed SSR missmatch