CircMiner: Accurate and Rapid Detection of Circular RNA through Splice-Aware Pseudo-Alignment Scheme
A sensitive and fast computational tool for detecting circular RNAs (circRNAs) from RNA-Seq data.
- Installation
- Commands Options
- Test Run
- Example Commands
- Output Files
- Output Format
- Contact & Support
CircMiner can be installed using conda package manager via bioconda channel:
conda install -c bioconda circminer
Prerequisite. You will need (i) GCC 4.9.4 or higher; and (ii) GNU sort to compile the source code.
To install, you need to first fetch the git repository or download the corresponding compressed files.
git clone --recursive
cd circminer
Now you are ready to go!
circminer --index -r FASTA_FILE [OPTIONS]
Run circminer -h
to see available options.
-i, --index: Indicates the indexing stage.
-m, --compact-index: Use this option only while building the index to enable compact version of the index.
-k, --kmer: Kmer size [14..22] (default = 20).
-r, --reference: Reference file.
-g, --gtf: Gene model file.
-s, --seq: Single-end sequence file.
-1, --seq1: 1st paired-end sequence file.
-2, --seq2: 2nd paired-end sequence file.
-l, --rlen: Max read length (default = 300).
-e, --max-ed: Max allowed edit distance on each mate (default = 4).
-c, --max-sc: Max allowed soft clipping on each mate (default = 7).
-w, --band: Band width for banded alignment (default = 3).
-S, --seed-lim: Skip seeds that have more than INT occurrences (default = 500).
-T, --max-tlen: Maximum template length of concordant mapping. Paired-end mode only (default = 500).
-I, --max-intron: Maximum length of an intron (default = 2000000).
-C, --max-chain-list: Maximum number of chained candidates to be processed (default = 30).
-o, --output: Prefix of output files (default = output).
-t, --thread: Number of threads (default = 1).
-A, --sam: Enables SAM output for aligned reads. Cannot be set along with --pam.
-P, --pam: Enables custom pam output for aligned reads. Cannot be set along with --sam.
-d, --verbosity: Verbosity mode: 0 or 1. Higher values output more information (default = 0).
-a, --scan-lev: Transcriptome/Genome scan level: 0 to 2. (default = 0)
0: Report the first mapping.
1: Continue processing the read unless it is perfectly mapped to cDNA.
2: Report the best mapping.
-h, --help: Shows help message.
-v, --version: Current version.
To make sure CircMiner is successfully installed and runable on your machine, you can download a small sample test here. Unzip the downloaded package and use the following commands to run CircMiner for building the index and calling circRNAs.
$ ./circminer --index -r ref.fa -k 20 --thread 4
$ ./circminer -r ref.fa -g ref.gtf -1 R1.fq -2 R2.fq -o output
After a successful run output.circ_report
should contain the following two lines:
1 | 586821 | 608056 | 8 | STC | CT-AG | CT-AG | Pass | Circ1-12,Circ1-56,Circ1-18,Circ1-50,Circ1-110,Circ1-80,Circ1-2,Circ1-4 |
1 | 805799 | 810170 | 9 | STC | TT-TA | TT-TA | Pass | Circ2-32,Circ2-40,Circ2-36,Circ2-74,Circ2-76,Circ2-80,Circ2-60,Circ2-44,Circ2-2 |
To annotate output.circ_report
with the corresponding gene, transcript, and exon numbers please run the following script:
$ python scripts/ output.circ_report ref.gtf output.circ_report.annotated
If you use UCSC GTF files please use the following script to convert them to Ensembl GTF style and use the converted GTF when running CircMiner.
$ python scripts/ INPUT_GTF OUTPUT_GTF
When a successful run finishes, the structure of output directory (e.g. outdir) will be as follows:
outdir # output directory
├── output.circ_report # detected circRNA report
├── output.candidates.pam # back-splice juntion read mappings
└── output.mapping.pam/output.mapping.sam # pseudo-alignment mapping results (only available when corresponding argument is passed)
The information regarding the detected circRNAs is reported in output.circ_report
file. It includes the exact breakpoint location, number of supporting back-splice junctions and their read names.
Column | Type | Description |
1 | string | Chromosome name |
2 | int | Start genomic position of circRNA |
3 | int | End genomic position of circRNA |
4 | int | Number of supporting back-splice junction reads |
5 | string | Type of circRNA |
6 | string | Consensus of splice signal on supporting back-splice junction reads |
7 | string | Splice signal on reference |
8 | string | Pass/Fail (based on matching splice signal to reference) |
9 | string | Supproting back-splice junction read names (comma-separated) |
The back-splice juntion read mappings are stored in output.candidates.pam
. If --pam/--sam is specified in the input arguments, the mapping results will be available in output.mapping.pam/output.mapping.sam
Note: If the scan level parameter (-a, --scan-lev
) is set to 2 while running the tool, the mapping with the smallest error and soft-clip values is reported.
PAM mapping format:
Column | Type | Description |
1 | string | Read name |
2 | string | Chromosome name (R1) |
3 | int | Start genomic position (R1) |
4 | int | End genomic position (R1) |
5 | int | Number of aligned basepairs (R1) |
6 | int | Start of aligned position on read (R1) |
7 | int | End of aligned position on read (R1) |
8 | char | Relative strand: "+" or "-" (R1) |
9 | int | Edit distance (R1) |
10 | string | Chromosome name (R2) |
11 | int | Start genomic position (R2) |
12 | int | End genomic position (R2) |
13 | int | Number of aligned basepairs (R2) |
14 | int | Start of aligned position on read (R2) |
15 | int | End of aligned position on read (R2) |
16 | char | Relative strand: "+" or "-" (R2) |
17 | int | Edit distance (R2) |
18 | int | Insert length |
19 | int | Number of junctions happening between two mates |
20 | int | Transcriptomic mapping: 1. Genomic mapping: 0 |
For any bug report, feature request, or questions please fill out an issue through CircMiner's issue page.
If you use CircMiner please cite our paper:
Asghari H., Lin YY., Xu Y., Haghshenas E., Collins CC., Hach F. CircMiner: Accurate and Rapid Detection of Circular RNA through Splice-Aware Pseudo-Alignment Scheme. Bioinformatics (2020). btaa232
The simulated RNA-Seq reads used in this project can be accessed here.
This software is released under GNU General Public License (v3.0).