General | Data |
ClassDiscriminator | CalendarEvent |
LessonDiscriminator | Endpoints |
LessonRange | Error |
Range | Feedback |
Time | LastUpdate |
UUID | Lesson |
Version | Menu |
| Room |
| Stand-in |
| Teacher |
| Timetable |
extends String
ether a regular format:/([5-9]|10)[a-d]+|11|12/i
or an exception (e.g.:DaZ
)extends String
can be one of two:
- regular lesson matching the pattern
- a break matching the pattern:
extends Object
Parameter Type Description nullable discriminator LessonDiscriminator discriminator ❌ time String time in format HH:MM-HH:MM
❌ extends String
can be build 2 ways:
- a range consisting of
one of the Times can be left out to dountil
e.g.: '-Time'- a time and the size of the surrounding
both have to be the same type (DateTime or Date)
'Time+-Time'=> both work inclusive, means
matches 10 and 20 and10+-5
matches 5 and 15extends String
can be two fromats
aka DateTime -> represents the milliseconds passed since 01.01.1970/D[0-9]+/
aka Date -> represents the days passed since 01.01.1970extends String
allowed characters:/[a-z0-9.\-_+]+/
and one@
in the middle
e.g.:[email protected]
or[email protected]
extends String
extends Array
Field Type requirement Description nullable 0 UUID uuid(master's id for recurring events) ❌ 1 Time start ❌ 2 Time end ❌ 3 String summary ❌ 4 String description ✔ 5 String location ✔ 6 Boolean isRecurring ❌ 7 String [isRecurring]==true
humanRecurrenceRule ❌
Field Type Description nullable version version the version of the connecting device ❌ platform ios
the platform of the connecting device ❌ apiVersion version the backend version to request ❌ isRecommended Boolean is it the recommended version? ❌ isOutdated Boolean is it a outdated version? ❌ devVersion Boolean is it a developer version? ❌
Field Type Description nullable 0 UUID errors uuid ❌ 1 Time time the server received the error ❌ 2 Version version of the error sending client ❌ 3 String userAgent of the error sending client ❌ 4 Number platform of the error sending client ❌ 5 Time time the client caught the error ❌ 6 String short description of the error ❌ 7 String stack of the error ❌ 8 String msg to respond with on the next request ✔ 9 Time time the msgOnReq was set ✔ 10 Time time the msgOnReq was send ✔
Field Type Description nullable 0 UUID errors uuid ❌ 1 Time time the server received the error ❌ 2 Version version of the error sending client ❌ 3 String userAgent of the error sending client ❌ 4 Number platform of the error sending client ❌ 5 String the name of the feedback giver ✔ 6 UUID the email of the feedback giver ✔ 7 String the feedback itself ❌ 8 String msg to respond with on the next request ✔ 9 Time time the msgOnReq was set ✔ 10 Time time the msgOnReq was send ✔
Field Type Description Options nullable 0 Number category 0=timetables
❌ 1 Time last time the category was updated ❌ extends Array
Field Type Description Options nullable 0 UUID masters uuid ❌ 1 Number weekday 0=monday
❌ 2 LessonDiscriminator lesson ❌ 3 String Room ✔ 4 String Teacher ❌ 5 String Subject ❌ 6 ClassDiscriminator class name ❌ 7 Number Length(e.g.: 2 hour lessons) ❌ 8 Number Regularity 0=always
,1=uneven weeks
,2=even weeks
Field Type Description nullable 0 UUID uuid ❌ 1 Time day ❌ 2 String default ❌ 3 String vegetarian ✔ 4 String desert ✔ 5 String evening ✔
Field Type requirement Description Options nullable 0 UUID uuid ❌ 1 Number type 0=default
❌ 2 Number [type]=1=motd
subtype 0=other
❌ 3 Time day ❌ 4 String message ✔ with [type]=0=default
else ❌5 String [type]=0=default
teacher ✔ 6 String [type]=0=default
subject ✔ 7 LessonDiscriminator [type]=0=default
lesson ✔ 8 ClassDiscriminator [type]=0=default
class ✔ 9 String [type]=0=default
room ✔ 10 String [type]=0=default
original teacher ✔ 11 String [type]=0=default
original subject ✔ 12 Boolean [type]=0=default
is eliminated ❌
Field Type Description nullable 0 UUID uuid ❌ 1 Boolean leftSchool ❌ 2 String shorthand ❌ 3 String name ❌ 4 Array(String) subjects ❌ 5 UUID ❌ 6 Array(String) comments ❌ 7 Array(Timetable) timetable ✔ extends Array
Field Type requirement Description Options nullable 0 UUID uuid ❌ 1 Number type 0=class
❌ 2 ClassDiscriminator [type]=0=class
class name ❌ 2 String [type]=1=teacher
teachers shorthand ❌ 2 String [type]=2=room
room name ❌ 3 Time date this timetable becomes active ❌ 4 Array(Lesson) Content ❌