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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 24, 2019. It is now read-only.

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194 lines (189 loc) · 13.7 KB

File metadata and controls

194 lines (189 loc) · 13.7 KB


Greenkeeper badge


General Data
ClassDiscriminator CalendarEvent
LessonDiscriminator Endpoints
LessonRange Error
Range Feedback
Time LastUpdate
UUID Lesson
Version Menu



extends String
ether a regular format: /([5-9]|10)[a-d]+|11|12/i
or an exception (e.g.: DaZ)


extends String
can be one of two:

  • regular lesson matching the pattern /^[0-9]{1,2}(\s*-\s*[0-9]{1,2})?$/
  • a break matching the pattern: /^(([0-9]{1,2}\/)?\/[0-9]{1,2}|[0-9]{1,2}\/)$/


extends Object

Parameter Type Description nullable
discriminator LessonDiscriminator discriminator
time String time in format HH:MM-HH:MM
or HH:MM-
or -HH:MM


extends String
can be build 2 ways:

  • a range consisting of
    one of the Times can be left out to do until or after e.g.: '-Time'
  • a time and the size of the surrounding
    both have to be the same type (DateTime or Date)

=> both work inclusive, means 10-20 matches 10 and 20 and 10+-5 matches 5 and 15


extends String
can be two fromats

  • /DT[0-9]+/ aka DateTime -> represents the milliseconds passed since 01.01.1970
  • /D[0-9]+/ aka Date -> represents the days passed since 01.01.1970


extends String
format: id@issuer
allowed characters: /[a-z0-9.\-_+]+/ and one @ in the middle
e.g.: [email protected] or [email protected]


extends String
format: /v(?>[0-9a-f]{1,2}\.){2}[0-9a-f]{1,2}/i


extends Array


Field Type requirement Description nullable
0 UUID uuid(master's id for recurring events)
1 Time start
2 Time end
3 String summary
4 String description
5 String location
6 Boolean isRecurring
7 String [isRecurring]==true humanRecurrenceRule


Field Type Description nullable
version version the version of the connecting device
platform ios, backend or android the platform of the connecting device
apiVersion version the backend version to request
isRecommended Boolean is it the recommended version?
isOutdated Boolean is it a outdated version?
devVersion Boolean is it a developer version?


Field Type Description nullable
0 UUID errors uuid
1 Time time the server received the error
2 Version version of the error sending client
3 String userAgent of the error sending client
4 Number platform of the error sending client
5 Time time the client caught the error
6 String short description of the error
7 String stack of the error
8 String msg to respond with on the next request
9 Time time the msgOnReq was set
10 Time time the msgOnReq was send


Field Type Description nullable
0 UUID errors uuid
1 Time time the server received the error
2 Version version of the error sending client
3 String userAgent of the error sending client
4 Number platform of the error sending client
5 String the name of the feedback giver
6 UUID the email of the feedback giver
7 String the feedback itself
8 String msg to respond with on the next request
9 Time time the msgOnReq was set
10 Time time the msgOnReq was send


Field Type Description Options nullable
0 Number category 0=timetables, 1=rooms, 2=teachers, 3=menu, 4=stand-in, 5=calendar
1 Time last time the category was updated


extends Array

Field Type Description Options nullable
0 UUID masters uuid
1 Number weekday 0=monday, 1=tuesday, 2=wednesday, 3=thursday, 4=friday
2 LessonDiscriminator lesson
3 String Room
4 String Teacher
5 String Subject
6 ClassDiscriminator class name
7 Number Length(e.g.: 2 hour lessons)
8 Number Regularity 0=always, 1=uneven weeks, 2=even weeks


Field Type Description nullable
0 UUID uuid
1 Time day
2 String default
3 String vegetarian
4 String desert
5 String evening


Field Type requirement Description Options nullable
0 UUID uuid
1 Number type 0=default, 1=motd
2 Number [type]=1=motd subtype 0=other, 1=absentClasses, 2=absentTeachers
3 Time day
4 String message ✔ with [type]=0=default else ❌
5 String [type]=0=default teacher
6 String [type]=0=default subject
7 LessonDiscriminator [type]=0=default lesson
8 ClassDiscriminator [type]=0=default class
9 String [type]=0=default room
10 String [type]=0=default original teacher
11 String [type]=0=default original subject
12 Boolean [type]=0=default is eliminated


Field Type Description nullable
0 UUID uuid
1 Boolean leftSchool
2 String shorthand
3 String name
4 Array(String) subjects
5 UUID email
6 Array(String) comments
7 Array(Timetable) timetable


extends Array

Field Type requirement Description Options nullable
0 UUID uuid
1 Number type 0=class, 1=teacher, 2=room
2 ClassDiscriminator [type]=0=class class name
2 String [type]=1=teacher teachers shorthand
2 String [type]=2=room room name
3 Time date this timetable becomes active
4 Array(Lesson) Content