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Vladimir Mandic edited this page Nov 10, 2021 · 3 revisions


  • In Browser environments, actual browser provides functionality of decoding inputs (e.g. JPG image or MP4 video)
  • In NodeJS environments, decoding must be performed manually

Valid Inputs in Browser Environments

Human allows input to be in many different formats and will perform automatic processing of inputs to interally required format

type Input = Tensor | AnyCanvas | AnyImage | AnyVideo | ImageObjects | ExternalCanvas;
type AnyCanvas = HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas;
type AnyImage = HTMLImageElement | typeof Image
type AnyVideo = HTMLMediaElement | HTMLVideoElement
type ImageObjects = ImageData | ImageBitmap
type ExternalCanvas = typeof env.Canvas | typeof globalThis.Canvas;

Examples of Input processing in NodeJS

1. Using decode functionality from tfjs-node:

All primary functionality of Human is available, but human.draw methods cannot be used as canvas implementation is not present

const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node');
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(inputFile); // read file content into a binary buffer
const tensor =; // decode jpg/png data to raw pixels
const result = await human.detect(tensor); // perform processing; // dispose input data, required when working with tensors

Note: For all processing, correct input tensor shape [1, height, width, 3] and dtype float32

  • 1 means batch number and is a fixed value
  • 3 means number of channels so 3 is used for RGB format

However Human will automatically convert input tensor to a correct shape

  • if batch number is omitted
  • if input image is 4-channels such as in RGBA images with alpha channel
  • if input tensor is in different data type such as int32

2. Using Canvas functionality from node-canvas

By instructing Human to use 3rd party module for canvas operations
This method allows Human to use human.draw.* methods in NodeJS

const canvas = require('canvas');
globalThis.Canvas = canvas.Canvas; // patch global namespace with canvas library
globalThis.ImageData = canvas.ImageData; // patch global namespace with canvas library
// human.env.Canvas = canvas.Canvas; // alternatively monkey-patch human to use external canvas library
// human.env.ImageData = canvas.ImageData; // alternatively monkey-patch human to use external canvas library
const inputImage = await canvas.loadImage(inputFile); // load image using canvas library
const inputCanvas = new canvas.Canvas(inputImage.width, inputImage.height); // create canvas
const ctx = inputCanvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(inputImage, 0, 0); // draw input image onto canvas
const result = await human.detect(inputCanvas);

3. Using Canvas functionality from node-canvas

Using node-canvas to load and decode input files only

const canvas = require('canvas');
const img = await canvas.loadImage(inputFile); // read and decode image file
const canvas = canvas.createCanvas(img.width, img.height); // create canvas element
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); // draw loaded image onto canvas
const imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // read pixel data from canvas
const tensor =; // create tensor from pixel data
const result = await human.detect(tensor); // perform processing; // dispose input data, required when working with tensors
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