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How to setup Event Exporter for events retention


A Kubernetes event is an object that shows what’s happening inside a cluster, node, pod, or container. These objects are usually generated in response to changes that occur inside your K8s system. The Kubernetes API Server enables all core components to create these events. Generally, each event is accompanied by a log message as well.

An event in Kubernetes is automatically generated in response to changes with other resources—like nodes, pods, or containers. State changes lie at the center of this. For example, phases across a pod’s lifecycle—like a transition from pending to running, or statuses like successful or failed may trigger a K8s event. The same goes for reallocations and scheduling.

Event objects are not regular log events, therefore the Kubernetes logs do not include them. Kubernetes has no builtin support to store or forward these events on the long term, and they are cleaned up after a short retention time defaulting to just 1 hour.

To overcome this a dedicated application inside the Kubernetes cluster can watch these events on the API Server and write them to the standard output, where you can collect them using Loki.

In this tutorial you will learn how to configure the Kubernetes Events Exporter and collect and perist those events using Loki. The event exporter allows exporting the often missed Kubernetes events to various outputs so that they can be used for observability or alerting purposes.

Table of contents


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

  1. A Git client, for cloning the Starter Kit repository.
  2. Helm, for installing the Loki stack chart.
  3. Kubectl, for Kubernetes interaction.
  4. A text editor with YAML lint support, for example: Visual Studio Code.
  5. Emojivoto Sample App deployed in the cluster. Please follow the steps in its repository README.
  6. Prometheus Stack and Loki installed and configured.

Step 1 - Installing Event Exporter

In this step, you will learn how to deploy Event Exporter to your DOKS cluster, using kubectl.

  1. First, clone the Starter Kit repository, and then change directory to your local copy:

    git clone
    cd Kubernetes-Starter-Kit-Developers
  2. Next, open and inspect the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/event-exporter/event-exporter-roles.yaml file from the Starter Kit repository, and adjust according to your needs.

  3. Next, create the ServiceAccount, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding by applying the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/event-exporter/event-exporter-roles.yaml values file:

    kubectl apply -f 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/event-exporter/event-exporter-roles.yaml

    The output looks similar to the following:

    namespace/event-exporter created
    serviceaccount/event-exporter created created
  4. Next create the event exporter config by applying the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/event-exporter/event-exporter-config.yaml values file. Configuration is done via a ConfigMap. The tool watches all the events and user has to option to filter out some events, according to their properties. The events will be dumped to stdout where they will be picked up by Loki with no other additional configurationr required. Please see the Event Exporter Repository for any additional configuration.

    kubectl apply -f 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/event-exporter/event-exporter-config.yaml

    You can inspect the config map by exporting it to a local yaml file via:

    kubectl get cm event-exporter-cfg -n event-exporter -o yaml > event-exporter-config.yaml 

    Then, open the event-exporter-config.yaml file using a text editor of your choice (preferably with YAML support). For example you can use VS Code:

    code event-exporter-config.yaml
  5. Finally, create the event exporter deployment by applying the 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/event-exporter/event-exporter-deployment.yaml

    kubectl apply -f 04-setup-observability/assets/manifests/event-exporter/event-exporter-deployment.yaml

    Inspect all the Kubernetes resources created for Event Exporter:

    kubectl get all -n event-exporter

    The output looks similar to:

     NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/event-exporter-6988454f57-9xlrb   1/1     Running   0          7s
    NAME                             READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/event-exporter   1/1     1            1           9s
    NAME                                        DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/event-exporter-6988454f57   1         1         1       9s

Step 2 - Viewing Events in Grafana

If the installation went well and no errors were reported you should start seeing event start to flow in Grafana.

  1. Connect to Grafana (using default credentials: admin/prom-operator) by port forwarding to local machine:

    kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/kube-prom-stack-grafana 3000:80
  2. Open a web browser on localhost:3000. Once in, you can go to Explore menu and select the Loki as a datasource.

  3. In the Log browser input enter the following:


    You should see events in the Logs section. Loki Kubernetes Events

To simulate a realistic event, you can downscale the number of replicas for the emojivoto deployment and check out the events in Grafana:

  1. From your terminal run the following command to bring the number of replicas for the emoji deployment to 0:

    kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/emoji -n emojivoto
  2. From the Log browser input in Grafana proceed to enter the following query:

    {app="event-exporter"} |= "emojivoto"

    Using this filter the results will only include the emojivoto namespace. You should see the filtered events in the Logs section. Loki Kubernetes Emojivoto Events

  3. Expand on a log to see its details. The log contains a lot of useful information such as the node the pod was deployed on, the message and the namespace to name a few. These fields can be further used to perform queries. Loki Kubernetes Emojivoto Events Log Details

Notes: Any of the fields in the Detected fields section of a log detail view can be used to query. For example you can perform a query using the pod name and view specific logs for a certain pod.

{app="event-exporter"} |= "emoji-56d5cc4566-rggs7"

Due to the fact that storage and retention has been configured for Loki the events will be persisted and will not be wiped after 1 hour.


In this tutorial, you learned how to install Event Exporter for event forwarding in your DOKS cluster. Then, you used Grafana together with the Loki data source to view those events.

Next go to Alerts and Notification.