This pipeline describes agnostic analyses of multi-parameter flow-cytometry data from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of fibromyalfia cases and controls. Specifically, we focus on NK cells here.
Preprocessing steps for NK fcs files using FlowJo v_10.6.2:
step 1: export compensated single PBMCs files for Cytonorm
input fcs location
output fcs location
flowjo workspace
step 2: run cytonorm.R to remove batch effects:
setwd(" /scratch/vverma3/FM-NK-Flowcytometry" )
# # libraries:
x <- c(" CytoNorm" ," ggplot2" , " CytoML" , " FlowSOM" , " pheatmap" ,
" flowCore" ," readxl" ," cowplot" ," SingleCellExperiment" )
lapply(x , require , character.only = TRUE )
# # get data
data <- read.delim(" S:/FM-NK-Flowcytometry/data.txt" )
data $ Type <- as.character(data $ Type )
data $ Type <- c(" 1" = " Train" , " 2" = " Validation" )[data $ Type ]
train_data <- dplyr :: filter(data , Type == " Train" )
validation_data <- dplyr :: filter(data , Type == " Validation" )
ff <- flowCore :: read.FCS(data $ Path [1 ])
channels <- flowCore :: colnames(ff )[c(1 : 15 )]
transformList <- flowCore :: transformList(channels ,
cytofTransform )
transformList.reverse <- flowCore :: transformList(channels ,
cytofTransform.reverse )
fsom <- prepareFlowSOM(train_data $ Path ,
channels ,
nCells = 6000 ,
FlowSOM.params = list (xdim = 5 ,
ydim = 5 ,
nClus = 10 ,
scale = FALSE ),
transformList = transformList ,
seed = 1 )
cvs <- testCV(fsom ,
cluster_values = c(5 , 10 , 15 ))
cvs $ pctgs $ `10`
model <- CytoNorm.train(files = train_data $ Path ,
labels = train_data $ Batch ,
channels = channels ,
transformList = transformList ,
FlowSOM.params = list (nCells = 6000 ,
xdim = 5 ,
ydim = 5 ,
nClus = 10 ,
scale = FALSE ),
normMethod.train = QuantileNorm.train ,
normParams = list (nQ = 101 ,
goal = " mean" ),
seed = 1 ,
verbose = TRUE )
CytoNorm.normalize(model = model ,
files = validation_data $ Path ,
labels = validation_data $ Batch ,
transformList = transformList ,
transformList.reverse = transformList.reverse ,
normMethod.normalize = QuantileNorm.normalize ,
outputDir = " Normalized" ,
prefix = " Norm_" ,
clean = TRUE ,
verbose = TRUE )
step 3: Gate NK cells and export
input fcs location
output fcs location
flowjo workspace
step 4a: Prepare fcs data
library(" diffcyt" , lib.loc = " /home/vverma3/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.6" )
library(" CATALYST" , lib.loc = " /home/vverma3/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/3.6" )
files <- list.files(path = " ./NK_fcs" ,
pattern = " \\ .fcs$" , full.names = T )
d_flowSet <- read.flowSet(files , transformation = F ,
truncate_max_range = F )
filenames <- as.character(pData(d_flowSet )$ name )
sample_id <- gsub(" ^[A-D]_" , " " , gsub(" \\ .fcs$" , " " , filenames ))
pheno <- read_excel(" ./FM_pheno.xlsx" )
pheno <- pheno [,c(1 : 4 )]
experiment_info <- pheno [pheno $ ID %in% sample_id ,]
names(experiment_info ) <- c(" sample_id" ," group_id" ," age" ," sex" )
experiment_info $ patient_id <- factor (experiment_info $ sample_id )
experiment_info $ sex <- factor (experiment_info $ sex )
experiment_info $ group_id <- factor (experiment_info $ group_id ,
levels = c(" Control" ," Case" ))
experiment_info <- experiment_info [,c(2 ,5 ,1 ,3 ,4 )]
channel_name <- gsub(" FJComp-" ," " ,gsub(" -A$" ," " ,colnames(d_flowSet )))
marker_name <- c(" TIGIT" ," CD16" ," CD57" ," CD226" ," CD56" ," CD107a" ,
" CD335" ," CD159c" ," CD158e" ," CD314" ," CD96" ," CD8a" ," CD159a" )
marker_class <- c(" state" ," type" ," type" ," state" ," type" ," state" ,
" type" ," type" ," type" ," type" ," state" ," type" ," type" )
marker_info <- data.frame (channel_name , marker_name , marker_class ,
stringsAsFactors = F )
step 4d: combine all and transform
d_se <- prepareData(d_flowSet , experiment_info , marker_info )
daf <- daFrame(cth_fs ,cth_panel , cth_md , cofactor = 150 )
regression matrices set up
design <- createDesignMatrix(experiment_info ,
cols_design = c(" group_id" ," age" ," sex" ))
contrast <- createContrast(c(0 ,1 ,0 ,0 ))
nrow(contrast ) == ncol(design ) # TRUE
data.frame (parameters = colnames(design ), contrast )
d_se <- generateClusters(d_se , seed_clustering = 123 ,
meta_clustering = T , meta_k = 20 )