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Ode_Fba.ipynb notebook giving error #24

siddharth0112358 opened this issue Jun 9, 2022 · 3 comments

Ode_Fba.ipynb notebook giving error #24

siddharth0112358 opened this issue Jun 9, 2022 · 3 comments


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siddharth0112358 commented Jun 9, 2022

I am trying to run ODE_FBA.ipynb notebook and getting following error:


ode_config = {
'biosimulator_api': 'biosimulators_tellurium',
'model_source': MILLARD2016_PATH,
'model_language': ModelLanguage.SBML.value,
'simulation': 'steady_state',
'algorithm': {
'kisao_id': 'KISAO_0000019',
'time_step': 0.1,

ode_process = Biosimulator(ode_config)


ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
c:\Users\siddh\Dropbox\PC\Desktop\Bioleap\Bioleap_final_notebooks\Single_cell_equations.ipynb Cell 87' in <cell line: 14>()
2 ode_config = {
3 'biosimulator_api': 'biosimulators_tellurium',
4 'model_source': MILLARD2016_PATH,
10 'time_step': 0.1,
11 }
13 # make the process
---> 14 ode_process = Biosimulator(ode_config)

c:\Users\siddh\Dropbox\PC\Desktop\Bioleap\Bioleap_final_notebooks\Single_cell_equations.ipynb Cell 75' in Biosimulator.init(self, parameters)
215 # pre-process
216 self.sed_task_config = Config(
217 **self.parameters['sed_task_config'])
--> 218 self.preprocessed_task = self.preprocess_sed_task(
219 self.task,
220 self.outputs,
221 config=self.sed_task_config,
222 )
224 ####################
225 # Port Assignments #
226 ####################
228 # port assignments from parameters
229 default_input_port = self.parameters['default_input_port_name']

File c:\Users\siddh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\biosimulators_tellurium\, in preprocess_sed_task(task, variables, config, simulator_config)
337 raise_errors_warnings(validation.validate_model_language(model.language, ModelLanguage.SBML),
338 error_summary='Language for model {} is not supported.'.format(
339 raise_errors_warnings(validation.validate_model_change_types(model.changes, (ModelAttributeChange, )),
340 error_summary='Changes for model {} are not supported.'.format(
--> 341 raise_errors_warnings(*validation.validate_model_changes(task.model),
342 error_summary='Changes for model {} are invalid.'.format(
343 raise_errors_warnings(validation.validate_simulation_type(sim, (SteadyStateSimulation, UniformTimeCourseSimulation)),
344 error_summary='{} {} is not supported.'.format(,
345 raise_errors_warnings(*validation.validate_simulation(sim),
346 error_summary='Simulation {} is invalid.'.format(

File c:\Users\siddh\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\biosimulators_utils\utils\, in raise_errors_warnings(errors, warnings, error_summary, warning_summary)
385 if error_summary:
386 msg = error_summary + '\n ' + msg.replace('\n', '\n ')
--> 387 raise ValueError(msg)

ValueError: Changes for model model are invalid.

  • Change 1 is invalid.
    • A ChangeAttribute must define a new value.
  • Change 2 is invalid.
    • A ChangeAttribute must define a new value.
  • Change 3 is invalid.
    • A ChangeAttribute must define a new value.
  • Change 4 is invalid.
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@siddharth0112358 I'm having the same issue. Did you ever find a solution?

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eagmon commented Apr 25, 2023

@siddharth0112358 @hmvantol apologies for your issue. This was an experimental notebook and I have not been checking it for a while. I'll be back at work in a couple days and can try to get it up and running again. Meanwhile, can you share the versions of the different tools in your dev environment -- in particular all of the biosimulator libraries such as biosimulator utils. It seems the model changes are not being supported, so this might be an older version of utils or something else has been changed and is no longer compatible.

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@eagmon Thanks for your response. I actually did get the cell to run by adding
'sed_task_config': { 'VALIDATE_SEDML': False, 'VALIDATE_SEDML_MODELS': False },

I've also had to try different versions of cobra, evalidate, numpy and comment out from vivarium.core.serialize import composite_specification to get some other cells to run.

Package                  Version
------------------------ --------------------
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