Create API Clients with Decorators for Typescript and Javascript.
Drizzle-HTTP is library inspired by Retrofit and Feign, that let you create API clients using decorators.
By default, request and response bodies will be handled as JSON. Will can change
this with the appropriate decorators.
It will not set the content type by default.
Usage typically looks like the example below:
class CustomerAPI {
@Query("filter") filter: string,
@Query("sort") sort: string,
): Promise<Customer[]> {
byId(@Param("id") id: string): Promise<Customer> {
add(@Body() customer: Customer): Promise<Response> {
@Param("id") id: string,
@Body() customer: Customer,
): Promise<Response> {
remove(@Param("id") id: string): Promise<Response> {
sendDoc(@Part() desc: string, @Part() doc: File): Promise<Response> {
const api = newAPI()
const customer = await api.byId("100");
Decorator | Description | Target |
@GET() | Define a HTTP GET request. |
Method |
@POST() | Define a HTTP POST request. |
Method |
@PUT() | Define a HTTP PUT request. |
Method |
@DELETE() | Define a HTTP DELETE request. |
Method |
@PATCH() | Define a HTTP PATCH request. |
Method |
@OPTIONS() | Define a HTTP OPTIONS request. |
Method |
@HEAD() | Define a HTTP HEAD request. |
Method |
@HTTP() | Define a custom HTTP method for a request. | Method |
@Body() | Mark the parameter that will be the request body. | Parameter |
@Param() | Define a path parameter that will replace a {PARAM} url template value |
Parameter |
@Query() | Define a querystring parameter | Parameter |
@QueryName() | Define a querystring name parameter | Parameter |
@Field() | Define a form-urlencoded field parameter |
Parameter |
@Header() | Define a header parameter | Parameter |
@HeaderMap() | Define fixed headers | Class, Method |
@FormUrlEncoded() | Define a form-urlencoded request |
Class, Method |
@Multipart() | Create a multipart/form-data request (Fetch Only) | Class, Method |
@Part() | Mark a parameter as a part of multipart/form-data request body (Fetch Only) | Parameter |
@BodyKey() | Change the name of part in a multipart/form-data request (Fetch Only) | Parameter |
@Accept() | Define Accept header. |
Class, Method |
@ContentType() | Define Content-Type header. |
Class, Method |
@Path() | Define an additional url path. The value accepts template parameters. | Class |
@Abort() | Configure request cancellation. Pass a Event Emitter instance. Cancel with an abort event. |
Class, Method or Parameter |
@Timeout() | Define the timeouts of a request | Class, Method |
@ParseErrorBody() | Parse error body. Can use a custom body converter | Class, Method |
@NoDrizzleUserAgent() | Remove Drizzle-HTTP custom user-agent header | Class |
@JsonRequest() | Use JSON request body converter (default) | Class, Method |
@JsonResponse() | Use JSON response converter (default) | Class, Method |
@UseJsonConv() | Use JSON request/response converters (default) | Class, Method |
@PlainTextRequest() | Use plain text request body converter | Class, Method |
@PlainTextResponse() | Use plain text response converter | Class, Method |
@UsePlainTextConv() | Use plain text request/response converters | Class, Method |
@RequestType() | Define a custom request body converter | Class, Method |
@ResponseType() | Define a custom response converter | Class, Method |
@Model() | Define a parameter that will hold the request definition. Used along with @To() decorator | Class, Method |
@To() | Map @Model() class properties and methods to a request | Class, Method |
Decorator | Description | Target |
@Cache() | Configure RequestInit.cache. Parameter: RequestCache | Class, Method |
@CORS() | Set RequestInit.mode to 'cors' | Class, Method |
@Credentials() | Configure RequestInit.credentials. Parameter: RequestCredentials | Class, Method |
@Integrity() | Configure RequestInit.integrity | Class, Method |
@KeepAlive() | Configure RequestInit.keepAlive | Class, Method |
@Mode() | Configure RequestInit.mode | Class, Method |
@Redirect() | Configure RequestInit.redirect | Class, Method |
@Referrer() | Configure RequestInit.referrer | Class, Method |
@ReferrerPolicy() | Configure RequestInit.referrerPolicy | Class, Method |
@Multipart() | Create a multipart/form-data request | Class, Method |
@Part() | Mark a parameter as a part of multipart/form-data request body | Parameter |
@BodyKey() | Change the name of part in a multipart/form-data request | Parameter |
Default values that Drizzle starts with. All values can be overridden using decorators.
- Timeout: 30 seconds
- Request Body Converter: JSON
- Response Body Converter: JSON
When methods are not decorated with @RawResponse()
, Drizzle throws an
with the following structure:
message: 'Request failed with status code: 400',
code: 'DZ_ERR_HTTP',
request: {
url: ',
method: 'GET',
headers: Headers,
body: ''
response: {
headers: Headers,
status: 400,
statusText: ''
body: 'error from server'
When you want to parse the error response body to, for example a JSON object,
use @ParseErrorBody()
. By default, @ParseErrorBody() use the same response
converter used by the success scenario. If you need a different converter for
the error body, pass the name of the converter to the decorator. E.g.:
By the default, http success responses you be parsed and resolved and http
errors will be rejected. If you want the raw Fetch http response, decorate your
method with @RawResponse()
and the return will be a Promise<Response>
, same
as Fetch. In this case, http errors will be not rejected.
requests are only available on browsers.
To enable it, add the following components to an api builder instance:
.addParameterHandlerFactory(new MultipartParameterHandler())
.addRequestConverterFactories(new MultipartRequestBodyConverterFactory());
//// Other configurations ...
Now, to make a multipart/form-data
request, decorate your method with
. Use the decorator @Part()
to mark a parameter as an entry in a
FormData object. You can also send a @Body()
parameter with a File
, FormData
or an HTML Form
You can intercept requests and responses using
You can a simple function, chain => {}
, an Intepcetor
implementation or an InterceptorFactory
implementation, if you need more
Take a look on the examples below:
class CustomerAPI {
getById(@Param("id") id: string): Promise<Customer> {
return noop(id);
const api = newAPI()
.addInterceptor(async (chain) => {
console.log("before request");
const response = await chain.proceed(chain.request());
console.log("after request");
return response;
.callFactory(new UndiciCallFactory())