#This final year project is focused on providing alternative ways to communicate with the computer on Linux platform
- Julius
- OpenCV
- Festival
- Tornado
- Controls through Speech Recognition (this is not an exhaustive list, many more features are added)
- Media player controls such as play, pause, next song, previous song. Currently Rhythmbox is supported.
- Increase or Reduce Brightness, Lock Computer
- Browse web
- Controls through Web Camera
- Pauses video when the face is turned away from screen (Supports only Totem)
- Seeking video using gesture recognition (Supports only Totem)
- Automatically locks computer when the user is not recognized for a particular amount of time
- Clone the project
- Install julius, julius-voxforge
- Command for running julius : julius -input mic -C julius.jconf | python -u getcommand.py
- Install festival
- Install festlex-cmu
- Install the downloaded voice file : cd /usr/share/festival/voices/english/ sudo wget -c http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/cmu_arctic/packed/cmu_us_clb_arctic-0.95-release.tar.bz2 sudo tar jxf cmu_us_clb_arctic-0.95-release.tar.bz2 sudo ln -s cmu_us_slt_arctic cmu_us_slt_arctic_clunits sudo cp /etc/festival.scm /etc/festival.scm.backup sudo echo "(set! voice_default 'voice_cmu_us_slt_arctic_clunits)" >> /etc/festival.scm
- Install xbacklight for brightness control from terminal
- Installed Tornado for the webserver stuff. The commands are after unzipping the package, python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install
- Install OpenCV
- Install python-opencv
- Install python-numpy
- Install lxml
- Install python-dev