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Upgrade Guide

Upgrading to v7.1

  • maplibre-gl users no longer need to install mapbox-gl or a placeholder package as dependency. Change your imports to the new endpoint react-map-gl/maplibre. Components imported from here do not require setting the mapLib prop, and use the types defined by maplibre-gl.
import Map from 'react-map-gl';
import maplibregl from 'maplibre-gl';

function App() {
  return <Map
    maplibreLogo  // This will generate a TypeScript error because it's not defined in Mapbox options
import Map from 'react-map-gl/maplibre'; // <- mind the updated import

function App() {
  return <Map
    // mapLib is default to `import('maplibre-gl')`

If you installed mapbox-gl from a placeholder such as npm:empty-npm-package@^1.0.0 as suggested by the previous version's documentation, it should be removed from your package.json.

  • The @types/mapbox-gl dependency has relaxed its version constraint. If you use mapbox-gl as the base map library, it's recommended to explicitly list @types/mapbox-gl in your package.json with a version matching that of mapbox-gl (v1 or v2). This package is no longer required by the non-mapbox code path, and may be further demoted to an optional peer dependency in a future release.
  • If you use the Map component as a child of the DeckGL component from, upgrade to >=8.9.18.

Upgrading to v7.0

v7 is a complete rewrite of the library. It is redesigned to be fast, lightweight, fully typed, to behave the same and expose the same APIs as the wrapped map library, and to provide the maximum compatibility with third-party plugins. To take advantages of these new features, you need to make some changes to your code that was previously depending on react-map-gl v5 and v6.

If you are using react-map-gl controls (Marker, Popup, NavigationControl etc.) with's ContextProvider, do not upgrade to this version. The old approach no longer works with v7. We are moving the support for this use case to a new project that does not depend on mapbox.


  • Add mapbox-gl (or a compatible fork) to your package.json. react-map-gl no longer lists a specific map renderer in its dependencies, so you are free to use it with Mapbox v1, v2 or Maplibre.
  • viewport-mercator-project (an alias of is no longer a dependency. You can still install the library on the side as a utility for viewport-related math, but it's no longer required.

Module exports

  • InteractiveMap and StaticMap are removed. Instead, import Map.
  • setRTLTextPlugin is removed. Use the Map component's RTLTextPlugin prop (default enabled).
  • MapController is removed. v7.0 has removed its own implementation of user input handling in favor of the native handlers. If you are using a custom implementation of MapController, check if the native handlers offer options to address your application's needs.
  • MapContext and useMapControl are removed. Check out the new API useMap and useControl.
  • The overlay components (HTMLOverlay, CanvasOverlay and SVGOverlay) are removed. Check out this example for implementing similar controls in your own application.
  • LinearInterpolator and FlyToInterpolator are removed. Use map.easeTo() and map.flyTo() instead, see this example.



  • Renamed props for better consistency with the wrapped library:
    • mapboxApiAccessToken is now mapboxAccessToken
    • mapboxApiUrl is now baseApiUrl
    • preventStyleDiffing (default false) is replaced with styleDiffing (default true)
  • mapStyle should be explicitly specified. The default value has changed from "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9" to an empty style.
  • The following props are removed and apps should use style instead:
    • width
    • height
    • visible
  • onViewportChange, onViewStateChange and onInteractionStateChange are removed. You can either use Map as an uncontrolled component with the new initialViewState prop, or if you need to manage the camera state externally (e.g. in Redux), use the onMove callback instead. See examples in state management.
  • transition* props are removed. Use map.easeTo() and map.flyTo() instead, see this example.
  • mapOptions is removed. Almost all of the options for the native Map class are exposed as props.
  • onHover is removed. Use onMouseMove or onMouseEnter.
  • The event argument is changed for all interaction callbacks. See documentation for details.
  • getCursor is removed as part of the effort to get Map behave the same as the native component. To set the cursor, use the cursor prop. Follow this example to change cursor on hover.
  • touchAction and eventRecognizerOptions are removed. Check out the cooperativeGestures prop.

Other components

  • capture* props are removed.
  • *label props are removed. Use Map's locale prop.
  • All map controls' props are now strictly aligned with their mapbox-gl counterparts. In heading this direction, we are able to remove a significant amount of custom code and have the components behave more predictably for developers switching from the native library. If your application is relying on an old feature that is no longer supported, please open a topic on Discussion so we can review on a case-by-case basis.

Upgrading to v5.3/v6.1

  • MapContext is now an official API. The experimental _MapContext export will be removed in a future release.
  • react-virtualized-auto-sizer is no longer a dependency.
  • Inertia has been enabled by default on the map controller. To revert to the behavior in previous versions, set the interaction options:
  dragPan: {inertia: 0},
  dragRotate: {inertia: 0},
  touchZoom: {inertia: 0}

<MapGL {...CONTROLLER_OPTS} ... />
  • Source and Layer components no longer expose imperative methods via ref as part of the migration to functional components. This is to comply with the pattern recommended by the latest React.
    • If you used to call sourceRef.getSource(), it can be replaced with mapRef().getMap().getSource(sourceId).
    • If you used to call layerRef.getLayer(), it can be replaced with mapRef().getMap().getLayer(layerId).

Upgrading to v6

  • A valid Mapbox access token is always required.
  • The default value of InteractiveMap's maxPitch prop is changed to 85 from 60.
  • mapbox-gl v2 introduced a breaking change to the build system. Transpiling it may result in a crash in the production build with the message m is not defined. Find solutions in this thread.

Upgrading to v4

  • onChangeViewport is removed, use onViewportChange instead
  • Immutable.js is no longer a dependency
  • Export experimental.MapControls is removed, use MapController instead
  • InteractiveMap's mapControls prop is renamed to controller
  • Removed support for the deprecated interactive property on the layer styles. Use the interactiveLayerIds prop to specify which layers are clickable.

Upgrading to v3.2

  • The latest mapbox-gl release requires stylesheet to be included at all times. See Get Started for information about styling.
  • Immutable.js is no longer a hard dependency and will be removed in the next major release. If you are importing immutable in your application, it is recommended that you explicitly list it in the application's dependencies.

Upgrading to v3

v3 is a major upgrade of react-map-gl. While we have tried to gently deprecated any changed or removed features, a few breaking changes could not be avoided.

Version Requirements

  • The Node Version Requirement for building react-map-gl is now >=v6.4.0. Using prebuilt react-map-gl does NOT has this limitation. This is introduced by Mapbox GL JS v0.38.0

MapGL Component

  • Two Map Components - v3 now splits the Map component into two React components: StaticMap and InteractiveMap. InteractiveMap is the default export, and designed to be as compatible as possible with the v2 default component.

onChangeViewport callback now includes width and height.

The viewport parameter passed to the onChangeViewport callback now includes width and height. Application code that composed the viewport with width and height may have to be updated. Please double check your render code if you relied on this behavior.

// BAD: 'width' and 'height' below will be overridden by what's in the 'viewport' object
<ReactMapGL width={500} height={400} {...viewport} />
// GOOD: 'width' and 'height' below will override the values in 'viewport'
<ReactMapGL {...viewport} width={500} height={400} />


  • Some Overlays Moved to Examples - Some less frequently used overlays (DraggablePointsOverlay, ChoroplethOverlay, ScatterplotOverlay), have been moved to examples. Most users are now using mapbox styles or layers and removing these overlays reduces the size of the react-map-gl library for the majority of users that don't need them. If you still use them, simply copy the overlay source file(s) into your application.
  • Overlays must be Children of the Map - Overlays must now be rendered as children of the main react-map-gl component to automatically sync with the map viewport.

fitBounds utility function

The fitBounds utility has been moved to the library. The function can now be called as follows:

import WebMercatorViewport from 'viewport-mercator-project';
const viewport = new WebMercatorViewport({width: 600, height: 400});
const bound = viewport.fitBounds(
  [[-73.9876, 40.7661], [-72.9876, 41.7661]],
  {padding: 20, offset: [0, -40]}
// => bounds: instance of WebMercatorViewport
// {longitude: -73.48760000000007, latitude: 41.268014439447484, zoom: 7.209231188444142}


We have started to deprecate a few React props. In all the cases below, the old props will still work (you'll get a warning in the console), but they will likely be removed in the next major version of react-map-gl so you should start using the new props as soon as possible.

Old Prop New Prop
onChangeViewport(<viewport>) onViewportChange(<viewport>)
onHoverFeatures(<features>) onHover(<event>)
onClickFeatures(<features>) onClick(<event>)
perspectiveEnabled [default: false] dragRotate [default: true]

Upgrading to v2

v2 is API compatible with v1, however if you are still using v1 of react-map-gl, make sure that you first upgrade:

  • Your node version to v4 or higher
  • Your react version to 15.4 or higher.

Background: mapbox-gl 0.31.0 introduced a hard dependency on Node >= v4.

Upgrading to v1

(Upgrading from 0.6.x)

  • Importing Overlays - The map overlay components (HTMLOverlay, CanvasOverlay, SVGOverlay etc) are now named exports. They previously had to be imported via their relative source paths:
// v1.0
import MapGL, {SVGOverlay} from 'react-map-gl';

// v0.6
import MapGL from 'react-map-gl';
import SVGOverlay from 'react-map-gl/src/api-reference/svg-overlay';.
  • Map State - The map state reported by onViewportChanged will now contain additional state fields (tracking not only pitch and bearing needed for perspective mode, but also transient information about how the projection is being changed by the user).
    • This information must be passed back to the react-map-gl component in the next render.
    • To simplify and future proof applications, it is recommended to simply save the entire mapState in your app store whenever it changes and then pass it back to the component rather than trying to keep track of individual fields (like longitude, latitude and zoom).