Email lists are our primary form of communication. How to join and archives are linked from:
- Main list: Development discussion.
- Announcements: Announcements about releases and key events. (Typically monthly).
- Questions to our mentors about our Season of Docs involvement can be sent to season-of-docs AT
Why do we prefer email lists?
- They are archived.
- They work well for people working across multiple timezones and work patterns.
We often chat in slack. You can join here.
The main channels are:
- #announcements: Notifications of upcoming initiatives / releases / etc.
- #general: General development discussion
- #random: Non-work-related stuff
As of 2019/2020 we have been holding weekly half-hour video conference calls. The timeslot often changes. Reach out to us to get an invitation. All interested in contributing are welcome.
We are nice to each other, in line with our Code of Conduct.
We are a bunch of technical writers, educators, product developers and power users who also write. Some of us have big titles in large organisations; others don’t. We are committed to helping others write great documentation through this project.
People on our Project Steering Committee are listed here.