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2244 lines (1949 loc) · 102 KB

File metadata and controls

2244 lines (1949 loc) · 102 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


To add

  • Array, list, map, set operations.

  • Manual transaction control (begin, commit, rollback, set isolation level, savepoints, locking). Currently, transaction boundary is aligned to connection.

  • Produce formatted multi-line translation to SQL.

  • Assignment to array, list and map subscripts.

  • Operations on JSON objects.

  • Support for merge queries.

  • Make all expressions and functions (where possible) executable.

  • Support for creating and using views (including materialised views).

  • Complete documentation of ESQL grammar.

  • Fully document purpose and usage.

  • Support Oracle and Firebird.

  • Make into Java 9 module.

  • Support for within group for ordering in string and array aggregate functions.

  • Implement state-based model where an ESQL program is specified as a target state instead of a sequence of imperative statements. For instance, a table definition is specified instead of a create table and/or a set alter table statements. The table definition will then be realised with a sequence of create table and alter table statements. Currently, the create table statement already work in this manner. In the state-based model this is applied to all statements where this make senses. For example, a set of records is specified as the target content of a table which will then be merged with the existing data through a merge statement and/or a set of insert and update statements.

  • pkey macro expands to the primary key columns of a table.

  • fkey macro expands to the columns of a foreign key between two tables.

  • Virtual tables implemented as Esql transformers: A virtual table looks and behaves like a normal table but does not need to exist in the database or may correspond to multiple tables. Queries and updates to virtual tables are rewritten as other queries/updates or whole programs.

  • Truncate table statement.

  • 'Change notification' and subscription.

  • Table time-travel.

  • Snapshots.

  • Undo and redo maintaining coherent table state (undoing a transaction requires undoing on all (linked?) tables touched by the transaction).

  • A special keyword (this?) to reference the table being implicitly queried. This is useful in expressions defined in attributes which will be executed against the containing table.

  • Every expression should return a Result to normalise the execution of any ESQL expression (need to find way that this does not affect performance unduly).

  • Utility method in Function to load values of positional, named and variadic parameters.

To optimise

  • When filtering a With, do not apply filter on a CTE if that CTE inner joins with another CTE, directly or transitively, which has already been filtered. (requires breadth-first mapping instead of the depth-first mapping of

To test

  • Test composition of select statements (union, intersect, except).
  • Test query translation and mapping of attributes (special columns such as a/m1 to attributes of their respective columns).
  • Test result (returning clause) from insert, update and delete.
  • Test loaded metadata values.
  • Test lateral joins.
  • Test all normal functions.
  • Test translation of grouping by complex expressions (subqueries) in SQL Server.
  • Test translation of distinct over multiple columns in SQL Server.
  • Test window functions.
  • Test performance.


  • Very long startup time likely from having to load (and potentially recreate) all _core tables from information schemas.

[2.0.0] (Planned)

Database stored functions and triggers in ESQL

[1.9.0] (Planned)

Support for views and materialised views

Support for merge query

[1.8.0] (Planned)

Mirror tables: Tables that closely follow the structure of another table

overriding certain parts, removing other parts and adding new parts.

Template structs: structs that are used to create tables; provides a common

inheritable structure to a set of related tables (e.g.).

[1.7.6] - 2024-10-10


  • LookupLabel returns codes and labels sorted by the labels instead of the codes as the labels are usually only displayed in dropdowns.

[1.7.5] - 2024-08-21


  • TryCast will now convert empty string to null instead of 0 for numbers on SQL Server.

[1.7.4] - 2024-08-13


  • Trim additional hidden space characters in SQL Server.

[1.7.3] - 2024-08-03


  • Composing tables in filter in SingleTableExpr changed to:
    • Prefer path from the current table to the target composed table, when the current table has mirrors.
    • Return the least cost path instead of the result of the first attempt to find a path (which may sometimes result in a null path when considering mirror tables).

[1.7.2] - 2024-07-09


  • Simple lateral joins now translates to cross apply in SQL Server instead of outer apply as it is faster and closer to expected behaviour. left join lateral, right join lateral and full join lateral now translates to outer lateral.

[1.7.1] - 2024-03-27


  • New and filters are added before existing filters in QueryParams so that they are applied in a restrictive manner when combined with an existing or filter. This ensures that queries do not 'escape' data restrictions.

[1.7.0] - 2024-03-09


ESQL lookup functionality as an extension

This is an extension to ESQL that creates the tables, macros and functions to work with lookups. A lookup is a table of code and labels such as a list of countries, currencies, cities, etc., which can be, additionally, linked among themselves. For instance, a city may be linked to the country that it's in and, in turn, the country can be linked to a continent and any international groupings that it belongs to. A lookup value can have any number of other values linking to it, and similarly it may link to any number of other values, creating a directed graph.

Using lookups in ESQL

All extensions are loaded into ESQL when initialising the database by passing the extension class in the database.extensions. This parameter takes a map of extension classes and their configuration which are loaded and initialised when the specific implementation of is created.

For example:

Database db = new Postgresql(Configuration.of(
                    CONFIG_DB_NAME, "test",
                    CONFIG_DB_USER, "test",
                    CONFIG_DB_PASSWORD, "test",
                    CONFIG_DB_CREATE_CORE_TABLES, true,
                    CONFIG_DB_EXTENSIONS, Map.of(LookupExtension.class, Configuration.EMPTY)));
What is included in this extension

This extension creates 4 tables: _lookup.Lookup which holds information on all defined lookups, _lookup.LookupLink which contains information on how lookups are linked, _lookup.LookupValue which keeps all lookup values (codes + labels) and _lookup.LookupValueLink which links lookup values.

The following schema shows the tables and their relationships:

       v                            |
+-----------------+   source   +-----------------+
|     Lookup      |<-----------|   LookupLink    |
+-----------------+            +-----------------+
       | belongs to
+-----------------+            +-----------------+
|   LookupValue   |<-----------| LookupValueLink |
+-----------------+   source   +-----------------+
       ^                            |

The following shows how some example lookups above are stored in this lookup model (the values between brackets are there to clarify the links; they are not stored in the database):

  | id | name      |
  | 1  | Country   |
  | 2  | Currency  |
  | 3  | Continent |

  |  id  |  lookup_id   | code  |  label                 |
  |  1   |  1           | MU    |  Mauritius             |                         
  |  2   |  1           | US    |  United States         |                             
  |  3   |  1           | CN    |  China                 |                     
  |  4   |  2           | MUR   |  Mauritian Rupee       |                               
  |  5   |  2           | USD   |  United States Dollar  |                                     
  |  6   |  2           | RMB   |  Chinese Yuan          |                             
  |  7   |  3           | AF    |  Africa                |                       
  |  8   |  3           | NA    |  North America         |                             
  |  9   |  3           | AS    |  Asia                  |                     

  LookupValueLink containing links between countries, currencies and continents:

  | Link name  | Source value id | Target value id |       
  | cty_to_cur | 1 (MU)          | 4 (MUR)         |     
  | cty_to_cur | 2 (US)          | 5 (USD)         |     
  | cty_to_cur | 3 (CN)          | 6 (RMB)         |     
  | cty_to_con | 1 (MU)	         | 7 (AF)          |   
  | cty_to_con | 2 (US)          | 8 (NA)          |   
  | cty_to_con | 3 (CN)          | 9 (AS)          |   


This extension also adds three functions to find labels for lookup values from their codes (including the ability to follow links) and to construct labels from tables linked by some keys.


This is a macro which produces a label corresponding to a lookup code. It can be used as follows: lookuplabel(code, X) will get the label corresponding to code from a lookup table named X.

A variable number of named links can be supplied to find linked valued. E.g. lookuplabel(code, X, Y, Z) will find the code in lookup X, follow its link to Y and then Z and return the label for the latter.

lookuplabel takes the following optional named arguments to control how the label is produced:

  • show_code: whether to show the code in the label or not. Default is true.
  • show_label: whether to show the value label. Default is true.
  • show_description: whether to show the value description. Default is false.
  • code_separator: an expression for the separator between the code and text. Default is ' - '
  • show_last_only: Show the last label element in the chain only (a -> b -> c, show c only). Default is true.
  • label_separator: an expression for the separator between the labels from different lookups. Default is '/'.
  • last_to_first: Shows the names from the link tables from the last linked table to the first, if true, or otherwise, from the first to the last. Default is true.
  • match_by: the code column in the LookupValue to match the value to; can be 'code', 'alt_code1' or 'alt_code2'. Default is 'code'.

lookuplabel is a macro that is expanded into a sub-select which works in all cases on Postgresql but might cause certain issues when used in the group by clause in SQL Server (although ESQL compilation generates special SQL on SQL Server to take care of such cases).

If lookuplabel is not working, lookuplabelf is similar in function to lookuplabel which is implemented as a stored function and should work in all cases. However, being implemented as a function comes with certain limitations:

  1. only up to 5 links are supported on SQL Server (as the latter does not support variadic arguments) and;
  2. named parameters are not supported in lookuplabelf

A macro function which produces a label corresponding to a sequence of ids from linked tables. To get the label corresponding to an id referring to another table. For instance, if table A {b_id} refers to B{id, name} then joinlabel(b_id, 'id', 'name', 'B') will return the name from B corresponding to b_id. joinlabel(b_id, 'id', 'name', 'B', 'c_id', 'id', 'name', 'C') will produce c_name / b_name corresponding to b_id and following on to c_id. Any number of links can be specified. joinlabel can have the following optional named arguments to control the value displayed:

  • show_last_only: Show the last label element in the chain only (a -> b -> c, show c only). Default is false.
  • label_separator: an expression for the separator between the labels from different tables. Default is '/'.
  • last_to_first: Shows the names from the link tables from the last linked table to the first, if true, or otherwise, from the first to the last. Default is true.

The following query:

  select name, country_code, 
         country:lookuplabel(country_code, 'Country')
         currency:lookuplabel(country_code, 'Country', 'Currency', show_last_only=false, label_separator=', ')
    from com.example.Customer;

could produce something like this:

  |      name     | country_code |     country    |               currency                |
  | ------------- | -------------|----------------|---------------------------------------|
  | Vikash Madhow | MU           | MU - Mauritius | MU - Mauritius, MUR - Mauritian Rupee |
  | Avish Madhow  | EN           | EN - England   | EN - England, GBP - Pound Sterling    |

Refactorings (planned)

Macro modifiers (planned)

[1.6.10] - 2024-02-25


  • Partial support for circular dependencies in extensions. Extension are now put in the extensions set before they are initialised so that they are available when requested from other extensions. This allows for some measure of circular dependency between extensions but might fail if initialisation of the extension is required prior to its use. In most cases, the existence of the extension is all that is required during initialisation.

[1.6.9] - 2024-02-23


  • Support for numeric type.

[1.6.8] - 2023-11-23


  • build.grade updated to be compatible with Gradle version 8.

[1.6.7] - 2023-11-20


  • Expand typed macros before composing filters and columns as the latter would only be added to a query and not a macro. Typed macros are expanded again after composition in case new macros were added.

[1.6.6] - 2023-11-08


  • ComposableFilter redesigned to be an extensible class (from a record) that is extended by CombinedComposableFilter; these two classes now form a pair of component-container classes that can be used to create hierarchical composable filters with different operators.

[1.6.5] - 2023-10-23


  • history function extends the range of time for returning history to the start of day of the starting date and the end of day of the ending date.

[1.6.4] - 2023-10-22


  • Columns are no longer composed into selects used as table expressions as these may corrupt the intent of the original query.

[1.6.3] - 2023-10-13


  • NPE in JsonArrayLiteral corrected when items() returns null.

[1.6.2] - 2023-10-12


  • set method in Esql return this if the set does not change anything in the ESQL object (instead of returning a redundant copy).
  • Method to access and clear various parts of QueryParams.
  • Various methods added to Select to create a modified copy.
  • Composition of filters include search of table mirrors set in the table metadata.

[1.6.1] - 2023-09-27


  • $category key added to Initializer. The value of this key can be used to set a specific category on the object being initialized.

[1.6.0] - 2023-09-17


  • Macro functions can now be used as valid table expressions in addition to string_split only previously. The macro will need to expand to a valid non-function table expression for the translation to SQL to work.

  • history table macro function returns a list of history events on a table with each row showing a change to one column. For example, history('test.Table', from_date, to_date) could return:

    at action by id column from to
    t1 I u1 e1 name a
    t2 D u1 e1 id i
    t2 F u2 e2 name x y

    This function is a macro that expands to something similar to:

    select change_at, 'I', change_by, _id, identifier, '001. x', null, x
      from test.Table$history
     where from <= change_at <= to
       and action = 'I'
       and x is not null
    union all
    select change_at, 'I', change_by, _id, identifier, '002. y', null, y
      from test.Table$history
     where from <= change_at <= to
       and action = 'I'
       and y is not null
    union all
    select change_at, 'D', change_by, _id, identifier, '001. x', x, null
      from test.Table$history
     where from <= change_at <= to
       and action = 'D'
       and x is not null
    union all
    select change_at, 'U', change_by, _id, identifier, '001. x', cf.x, ct.x
      from cf:test.Table$history
      join ct:test.Table$history on cf.trans_id = ct.trans_id 
     where from <= cf.change_at <= to
       and cf.action = 'F'
       and ct.action = 'T'
       and cf.x != ct.x
    union all ...
  • format function can now format all data types (not just dates).

  • A target can now be specified in cols method in Relation to produce a list of SimpleColumns where the expressions have been translated to the specified target (previously expressions were translated to JAVASCRIPT only).

[1.5.48] - 2023-09-14


  • obfuscate and unobfuscate functions now support an extended set of characters in a (mostly) backwards compatible manner.

[1.5.47] - 2023-09-11


  • Add missing columns and constraints in _core.columns and _core.constraints from information in information_schemas. This allows a degree of self-repair when the _core tables are misaligned with the actual objects in the database.


  • Correct transformation of empty JSONArrayLiteral when items() of JSONArray returns null.

[1.5.46] - 2023-09-06


  • Paths between relations found by path method in BaseRelation now exclude tables whose names start with '_' as those are usually meant to be hidden system tables which should participate in filtering and row security.

[1.5.45] - 2023-08-30


  • New date functions to set the value of a specific part of a date including the year, month, day of month, day of week, hour, minute and second.
  • Fix dayofweek javascript translation to return 1-7 as required instead of 0-6.

[1.5.44] - 2023-08-28


  • Javascript translation of adddays, newdate, newdatetime and now functions.

[1.5.43] - 2023-08-23


  • datetrunc is no longer used for the SQL Server transaction of start and end of different date periods as this function is only available on SQL Server 2022; various combinations of other functions available on previous versions of SQL server are used to obtain the same result.
  • dayofweek function has been normalised to behave in the same way on both PostgreSQL and SQL Server. Day of week is 1 for Sunday on SQL Server; this has been normalised to Monday.
  • Support for vaious date parts on Javascript using native JS dates (instead of assuming the presence of moment.js).

[1.5.42] - 2023-08-23


  • Incremental initialisation for objects defined as list (in addition to those defined as maps).


  • Name of startofday and startofhour functions corrected.

[1.5.41] - 2023-08-22


  • Incremental initialisation which tracks changes in definitions and compare with previous known values (stored in _core.resource and _core.resource_entry) and only write definitions when a change is detected.


  • makeLiteral return value if it is already a Literal instead of erroneously trying to convert to a literal.

[1.5.40] - 2023-08-22


  • startofweek, endofweek, startofday, endofday, startofhour and endofhour functions to get the start and end of the respective date periods.

[1.5.39] - 2023-08-16


  • intersect array function returns true if two arrays have one or more common elements.
  • Exception thrown if a non-existing column is used in the column list of a query.
  • Cost information of foreign keys are now correctly updated when changed in a create table definition.

[1.5.38] - 2023-08-08


  • trycast and cast of an empty string to bool type now produces null instead of false as this is closer to user expectation.

[1.5.37] - 2023-08-01


  • unfiltered, explicit and distinct keywords can now be specified in any order in a select. Previous versions required an artificial order which was difficult to remember.

[1.5.36] - 2023-07-17


  • More lenient column type inference assigning UnknownType to any unknown column. This would previously throw a TranslationException but type information is sometimes now available in valid contexts such as parsing an expression which may be referring to an existing column in a table which is not known when parsing the expression.

[1.5.35] - 2023-07-07


  • Static version of org.json and snakeyaml used (instead of latest.version) to prevent conflicting API errors.

[1.5.34] - 2023-07-02


  • Lock timeout tuning:
    • lock timeout increased to 20ms from 10ms;
    • lock is not retried after single failure as the performance penalty for retries is quite high. This will be reviewed in the near future and a single retry may be implemented.
  • Constructor with string only parameters added to ComposableColumn and ComposableFilter to simplify their creation from javascript code.

[1.5.33] - 2023-06-29


  • ESQL grammar now allows a spurious comma at the end of column list, row list and expression list in select, update and insert. This change allows successful parsing of queries that would fail before (or worse, parse incorrectly).

[1.5.32] - 2023-06-29


  • Parsing of negative integers and floating points as literals, instead of negated positive integers or floating points. This is useful in contexts where literals only are expected (e.g. JSON objects or arrays).

[1.5.31] - 2023-06-23


  • The current environment was not being provided during the translation and execution process leading to NPEs. This has been fixed.

[1.5.30] - 2023-06-20


  • Forward and reverse cost of foreign key constraints are added to the metadata of base relations. These costs can then be used by clients to inform path search between relations.

[1.5.29] - 2023-06-18


  • required expressions when creating structs with StructInitializer are no longer interpreted as non-null expressions as these are only valid for tables. This fixes issues where required expressions were not being applied to custom structures, such as those defined for report parameters.

[1.5.28] - 2023-06-07


  • The type of case expressions is now properly computed as the type of the first non-null then value. Previously the predicates (when clause) were included in this type computation resulting in a wrong bool type for all case expressions.
  • Type of concatenation is now always TextType irrespective of its arguments.

[1.5.27] - 2023-06-07


  • Support for ESQL expressions for boolean attributes in CreateInitializer.

[1.5.26] - 2023-06-02


  • Single-quotes inside StringLiterals are now escaped when translating to ESQL.

[1.5.25] - 2023-06-01


  • randstr ESQL function to generate a random string of arbitrary size, implemented in PostgreSql as _core.randomstr.
  • obfuscate and unobfuscate ESQL function implemented in Postgresql.
  • checkdigit ESQL function takes a number and appends a check digit to it computed using the GTIN-13 metho d (
  • cast and trycast on dates on SQL Server uses try_parse to attempt parsing the date through different cultures until one is found or the cast fails (with an exception in case of cast and null in case of trycast).

[1.5.24] - 2023-05-31


  • randstr ESQL function to generate a random string of arbitrary size, implemented in SQL Server as _core.randomstr.

[1.5.23] - 2023-05-29


  • Remove COLLATE from translation of equality to SQL Server as it breaks 'group by rollup'. SQL Server are now assumed to be in the correct collation which may result in some unpredictable behaviour on that database (i.e. the behaviour now depends on which collation is in use).

[1.5.22] - 2023-05-25


  • Acquiring locks on _core._temp_history when reading and transferring coarse- grained history at end of transaction commit now times out after a very short period (< 100ms) to not block access to this table. When a lock acquisition fails, it is retried up to 10 times. This resolves most blocking queries on this table.
  • explicit keyword in select implemented. When this keyword is present in a select, the columns in its column list are not expanded to include their metadata.

[1.5.21] - 2023-05-25


  • Method replaceTable in ComposableFilter which returns a new ComposableFilter with its table replaced if it is contained as a key in a given replacements map. The replacement is performed recursively on all children of this filter.

[1.5.20] - 2023-05-23


  • Simplified and increased compatibility of grammar and parsing for short-hand forms of coalesce (?), ternary conditionals ( -> | ) and concatenation ( || ).

[1.5.19] - 2023-05-22


  • Ternary expressions of the form e1 -> e2 | e3 compatible with ESQL v1 is now supported (the syntax in ESQL v1 was e1 -> e2 : e3 while it is e1 -> e2 | e3 in v2 as the : character is now used for aliasing). This is in addition to the support of the new form e2 if e1 else e3.
  • Coalesce expressions of the form e1 ? e2 (?...) compatible with ESQL v1 is now supported.

[1.5.18] - 2023-05-19


  • toMap method added to QueryParams returning a map view of the parameters with the parameter values in their raw form (not as ESQL expressions). This view provides for a simpler access to the parameter values.

[1.5.17] - 2023-05-17


  • Fractional part of seconds in ESQL time literals now allows more than 3 digits to cater for nanoseconds time resolution.

[1.5.16] - 2023-05-07


  • Methods in Result catches exception and sets the rollbackOnly flag of its underlying EsqlConnection so that the connection is not committed on close.
  • Cast and TryCast surrounds ESQL casting expression in brackets. Without this casting on compound expressions produces wrong translations. E.g. casting x + 1 to type T will now result in (x + 1)::T instead of the erroneous x + 1::T.

[1.5.15] - 2023-05-03


  • Translation of string literals to Javascript uses backquotes (`) when the string contain carriage returns (\n).


  • is null translation to SQL Server fixed to use the appropriate boolean translation based on the position where it is specified in the query.

[1.5.14] - 2023-05-02


  • Arguments of concat function is cast to text type before concatenation. This removes certain error cases from certain databases such as when concatenating a string to uuid on SQL Server.
  • Extends detection of where a boolean expression is allowed on SQL Server. This resolves an issue where bool columns where being wrongly converted to an equality expression in the set clause of an update
  • Extends cast and trycast on SQL Server to properly cast value of bool type.

[1.5.13] - 2023-05-02


  • Fixed parsing of convert expression in SQL Server.

[1.5.12] - 2023-04-27


  • A column can be composed without specifying any target table; in such cases, it is assumed that the required tables are already included in the from clause of the select. All column references must now be fully and correctly qualified for this composition to work. If a column is not qualified, the composition fails with an exception. If it is qualified with a wrong qualifier (one that is not associated to a table in the table list of the query), the composition is silently ignored. This is because the composition may succeed in another part of the query (such as when composing on a select containing an inner select or is part of a set-composed select).

[1.5.11] - 2023-04-27


  • ComposableColumn can now have a null table whereby no table link is attempted. Instead the expression of the composable column is simply added to the column list of the select.
  • Column expression is identified as part of an aggregate if it calls any aggregate function without a window clause; previously only expressions that were a single function call to an aggregate function would be identified as an aggregate. This change allows aggregate function to be nested into another expression such as a concatenation or bracket-grouping.
  • New round function with correct translation for Postgresql, Sql Server, Javascript and Esql. Execution of that function in ESQL uses the Numbers class for more accurate rounding.
  • number ESQL abstract type mapped to Double Java class.
  • Return and parameter types of inmonth macro function specified to help with type inference.

[1.5.10] - 2023-04-24


  • DefaultExecutor catches exception and sets the rollbackOnly flag of its underlying EsqlConnection so that the connection is not committed on close.

[1.5.9] - 2023-04-20


  • Result stores the connection that created it in a public final field.
  • The db member of the Result class has been removed as it can now be accessed through the connection that produced the result.

[1.5.8] - 2023-04-13


  • addColumn method in Database changed to check whether column already exists in _core.columns before inserting; in case of prior existence, the column definition is updated.
  • addColumnMetadata method in Database changed to check whether column attribute already exists in _core.column_attributes before inserting; in case of prior existence, the attribute value is updated.

[1.5.7] - 2023-04-11


  • TableInitializer creates primary key for _id column or _primary_key metadata.
  • columnExists method in Database which returns true if a column exists in a table as set in the information_schema.columns view.


  • Corrected an error when a column in table was changed from derived to non-derived or vice-versa. The table structure in the database and the in the _core tables would be out-of-sync in some cases, which would then cause an exception on the next run.

[1.5.6] - 2023-04-10


  • TableInitializer creates primary key for _id column or _primary_key metadata.

[1.5.5] - 2023-04-06


  • makeLiteral builds JsonObjectLiteral from JSONObject or Map.
  • makeLiteral now builds JsonArrayLiteral from JSONArray instead of BaseArrayLiteral.
  • CreateInitializer can now work with metadata expressions of different types (instead of coercing them as an expression string).

[1.5.4] - 2023-03-17


  • qualify method in ColumnRef now takes a new replaceExisting argument which, when true (default), sets all qualifiers in the ESQL statement with the provided one. When false, the provided qualifier is set only column references without a qualifier.

[1.5.3] - 2023-03-15


  • Utility value method in Result taking a default value to return when the column value is null.


  • History tables are created before the tables if the target table already exists, otherwise they are created after.

[1.5.2] - 2023-03-10


  • Translation of select, update, delete and insert to Javascript for execution on the client-side. This is primarily for translating select expressions in metadata.

[1.5.1] - 2023-02-25


  • Keep metadata of the source columns in the history table and add READONLY=true. This allows the history data to have the same look and feel as the table data.
  • History data is set in a separate group for layout purposes. They also have metadata to make them read-only and the change event is not linked to a list of values.
  • Transaction id, user and time columns in history table are now indexed.

[1.5.0] - 2023-02-24

Fine-grain history and notification

A history table records all changes made to a table, which could be used to revert a table to a previous state, track changes, create snapshots of the data at specific points in time, and so on.


History of a table is recorded as the sequence of significant events on the table. Recording of history is opt-in through the presence of a metadata attribute in the table at creation time. For example, history is enabled for the following table:

  create table X({
      name: 'X', 
      description: 'X table',
      history: true
    _id     uuid not null,
    name    string not null, 
    address string,
    b_id    uuid,
    primary key(_id),
    unique  (name),
    foreign key(b_id) references B(_id)

A history table is created for every table for which history is enabled, mirroring its structure and adding some columns to keep information on the event generating the history record. Following is the history table created for the above table:

  create table X$history({
      name: 'History of X' 
    _id uuid not null,
    name string not null, 
    address string,
    b_id uuid,
    history_change_trans_id string,
    history_change_event int,
    history_change_time datetime,
    history_change_user string

Some constraints such as primary key, uniqueness and foreign keys are not replicated in the history as they would not hold: the history table contains a record for each change made to the table and thus would not maintain uniqueness of any column. History table entries are also permanent and thus cannot maintain foreign key relationships which may change with time. Non-null constraints, however, can still be maintained in the history.

4 columns are added to the history table to capture information on the specific event leading to that history entry:

  1. history_change_trans_id: the unique identifier of the transaction during which the event happened.
  2. history_change_user: the user at the source of this event. This is informational only and does not need to be a valid user.
  3. history_change_event: a code identifying the event. E.g. I=insert, D=delete, F=update_from and T=update_to.
  4. history_change_time: the date and time when the event happened.

[1.4.4] - 2023-02-20


  • find method in QueryParams fixed to not create an Optional around a null parameter value which is illegal. Instead Optional.empty will be returned and the get method has been modified to properly handle parameters with null values independently of the find method.

[1.4.3] - 2023-02-16


  • fractional ESQL super type mapped to Double Java class.
  • integral ESQL super type mapped to Long Java class.

[1.4.2] - 2023-02-16


  • Support for select sub-query in in operator.

[1.4.1] - 2023-02-16


  • Support for distinct keywords in table returning functions which eliminates duplicated rows from the returned table.

[1.4.0] - 2023-02-15

Select from a function (acting as a dynamic table, e.g. select label from t:joinlabel(null, '_id', 'a', 'S')

  • ESQL syntax rules have been updated to accept a function call in the from clause of a query. In this form, the function is expected to return a table that can be queried and/or combined using relational join operators with other tables.
  • string_split has been implemented as a table-returning function that uses this new syntax to allow its result to be queried and combined with other tables.

[] - 2023-02-09


  • Fixed NPE in CompositeSelect passing a null instead of the environment.

[] - 2023-02-05


  • Fixed ESQL translation of trycast.

[1.3.12] - 2023-02-04


  • unfiltered keyword in select, update and delete which, when present, disables filter composition on the query (or part of the query if it is part of a complex composition or common-table-expression with query).
  • CreateInitializer can now optionally treat required as non-null (default) but preserved in metadata for client-size validation without being enforced at the database level.

[] - 2023-01-31


  • Fixed AddMonths translation on Postgresql.

[1.3.11] - 2023-01-31


  • try-cast operator ?: attempts to cast a value to a type and returns null instead of failing if the value cannot be converted to the type.
  • Support for standard cast syntax (cast(expr as type)).
  • Long form try-cast syntax (trycast(expr as type)).

[1.3.10] - 2023-01-28


  • TableInitializer creates derived column when the type is set to #computed.
  • Create interface to tag subclasses of Define that creates database objects.
  • Common code in CreateStructBuilder and CreateTableBuilder refactored into CreateBuilder abstract class.
  • Common code in StructInitializer and TableInitializer refactored into CreateInitializer abstract class.
  • Translation of year and month function to Javascript uses methods in Javascript Date object instead of those in the moment library as the latter is deprecated and no longer expected to be used on the client-side.

[1.3.9] - 2023-01-25


  • TableInitializer creates unique constraints from unique attribute in definition.
  • TableInitializer creates foreign key constraints from link_table and link_code attributes in definition.

[1.3.8] - 2023-01-24


  • TableInitializer for creating table defined in a YAML file or from other hierarchical formats.

[1.3.7] - 2023-01-06


  • Implement order when composing ComposableColumn in selects.


  • Translation of SelectExpression in Order forcibly translated to strings.

[1.3.6] - 2023-01-05


  • get method in SimpleColumn now takes an optional default value to return when the attribute is not present in the column.
  • is method in SimpleColumn now takes an optional default value to return when the attribute is not present in the column.
  • metadata and context included in SimpleColumn which is needed in cases where the original column needs to be reconstructed (or a similar structure needs to be built).


  • Fixed automatic grouping of composable columns which was not grouping some columns not already subsumed by existing groupings.

[1.3.5] - 2022-12-28


  • and and or added to SelectBuilder, combines expression with the where clause, if any, of the select being built. If there are no where clause, the added expression becomes the where clause.

[1.3.4] - 2022-12-27


  • Do not apply filter to a select query without a from clause (e.g. select nextvalue('numgen')) as this would cause a NPE.

[1.3.3] - 2022-12-27

  • Common metadata attributes names updated in Attributes class.

[1.3.2] - 2022-12-26

  • offset and limit in SelectBuilder can now take an expression as their argument (instead of a raw string that will be parsed into an expression).

[1.3.1] - 2022-12-25

  • UncomputedExpression is translated to Javascript when sent to client. Previously it was being translated to ESQL.
  • Result attributes are returned as expressions in the Result instead of text literals. This allows for them to be computed dynamically on the client side.

[1.3.0] - 2022-12-18

Composing select with same-table or linked-table column expressions.

  • ESQL already allows composing filter expressions with queries to create queries where a table is filtered by a condition containing columns belonging to the table or to tables that can be reached through one or more joins. For example, composing the filter {condition: x=5, table: Z} with the query select a, b from X and given that there is a relationship X from X to Z through Y, a resulting query such as the following could be produced:

      select a, b 
        from x:X 
        join y:Y on x.y_id=y._id
        join z:Z on y.z_id=z._id
      where z.x=5

    This query filters table X by a condition defined on a column defined on an indirectly linked table.

    A related problem would be to compose a set of columns as the projection of a select query. For example composing {column: label(x), table: Z} onto select a, b from X where b < 3 given the same relationships as above would result in the following query:

      select a, b, label(z.x) 
        from x:X 
        join y:Y on x.y_id=y._id
        join z:Z on y.z_id=z._id
       where b < 3

    In the case where the whole projection is defined as composable columns, the query to compose with would be invalid under current ESQL syntax. I.e., a query such as select from x:X would not parse. A simple solution would be to have a special column that would be eliminated during composition. E.g., a candidate for such a special column could be ___. This would parse as a valid column name in ESQL and is an unlikely column in a SQL database. Further, this column looks like a blank space that needs to be filled and is thus a rather intuitive
    representation of a placeholder column that will be replaced with composed columns. In the event that the intent of the query is to target a column named ___ in the table, column composition should not be used.

    Columns are also specified in group by and order by. Thus, composable columns must specify whether, in addition to the projection list, they must appear in any of those clauses. For example, composing columns

     {column: b, table: X, group: 'rollup'},
     {column: x, table: Z, alias:z, group: 'normal', order: 'desc'}, 
     {column: sum(x), table: Z},
     {column: avg(b if z.a < 5 else c), table: Y}

    onto the query select a from X where b < 3 order by a

      select x.a, x.b, z.x, sum(z.x), avg(y.b if z.a < 5 else y.c)
        from x:X 
        join y:Y on x.y_id=y._id
        join z:Z on y.z_id=z._id
       where x.b < 3
       group by rollup(x.a, x.b, z.x) 
       order by x.a, z.x desc

    Further, in this version, the composable filters will be extended to take a grouped parameter. When set, the filter is on an aggregrate expression which is set in the having clause of the query (instead of the where clause as for normal filters). For example, additionally composing the filter {condition: sum(x) < 1000, table: Z, grouped: true} on the previous query results in the following:

      select x.a, x.b, z.x, sum(z.x), avg(y.b if z.a < 5 else y.c)
        from x:X 
        join y:Y on x.y_id=y._id
        join z:Z on y.z_id=z._id
       where x.b < 3
       group by rollup(x.a, x.b, z.x) 
      having sum(z.x) < 1000
       order by x.a, z.x desc

[1.2.14] - 2022-12-06


  • like and ilike translation on databases other than SQL Server.

[1.2.13] - 2022-12-04


  • StructInitializer accepts types as both the existing type or the newer _type attribute.

[1.2.12] - 2022-11-25


  • Do not expand column list when select appears in the set clause of an update.

[1.2.11] - 2022-11-24


  • postInit method in Extension which is called after initialisation and can contain code that requires the extension to have been installed. E.g., an initializer for reports that requires the report extension to be available.

[1.2.10] - 2022-11-24


  • Utility methods for simpler access to attribute values in SimpleColumn.

[1.2.9] - 2022-11-22


  • Method cols to relation which returns its list of columns as SimpleColumns which is a Java record form of columns. This structure is easier to access and work with by clients.

[1.2.8] - 2022-11-22


  • Add method get in QueryParams to get the value of a parameter or throw a NotFoundException (the find method does the same thing but returns an Optional).

[1.2.7] - 2022-11-21


  • RESTRICT is translated to NO ACTION on SQL Server as this is the equivalent syntax on that database.

[1.2.6] - 2022-11-11


  • A spurious ending comma (,) is now allowed at the end of any literal list including at the end of JSON array literals.

[1.2.5] - 2022-10-31


  • Unique columns added to table metadata so that constraints can be applied on the client side when editing.

[1.2.4] - 2022-10-27


  • The sequence name in nextvalue is now properly converted to a valid table name for PostgreSQL (including double-quoting schema and table name) and then inserted between single quotes.

[1.2.3] - 2022-10-27


  • A spurious comma (,) is now allowed at the end of an attribute list (in metadata and JSON object definitions). Such commas are a common source of syntax errors which will now parse correctly.
  • Derived columns which are redefined as non-derived and vice-versa in a CreateTable statement are not supported by dropping the existing column and re-adding with the new status.

[1.2.2] - 2022-10-17

Fix schema creation


  • Fix creation of schema which was not aligned with ongoing transaction and could fail in some circumstances

[1.2.1] - 2022-10-17

Sequence support; finalise index support with drop index implementation


  • Parsing and execution of drop index statement in ESQL.
  • Parsing and execution of create sequence statement in ESQL.
  • Parsing and execution of drop sequence statement in ESQL.
  • Parsing and execution of alter sequence statement in ESQL.
  • createSchema method added to Database to generically create a schema in the target database as needed.
  • nextvalue function to get the next value from a sequence.

[1.2.0] - 2022-10-15

Structure change and coarse history notifications


  • Structure change detection and notifications (on creation, deletion and modification of tables).
  • Coarse grain change events include flags for the presence of insertions, updates and deletions in the change.


  • Syntax of the alter column part of alter table statement changed to disambiguate between renaming a column name and changing its type.
  • Adding a column to an existing table using alter column now requires the column keyword before the column definition; this is similar to the form of this statement in most databases and is also more intuitive.


  • Statement to change name of table in _core.relations was missing the closing single-quote around the new name.
  • alter column part of alter table statement was not being parsed by the syntax analyser.
  • Syntax for renaming column in Postgresql corrected.

[1.1.3] - 2022-10-13


  • Keep a sequence number in _core.columns to represent the order of the column definition in create table or create struct and order by it when loading columns. This makes for a more predictable behaviour when changing the structure of tables.


  • Column list of subqueries are no longer expanded where the subquery is part of the where clause of the outer query.

[1.1.2] - 2022-10-12


  • await added to call to $exec.concat() in the Javascript translation of the concatenation operation.

[1.1.1] - 2022-10-06


  • READONLY attribute added to Attributes class.

[1.1.0] - 2022-09-27


  • Component type must now be specified in base array literal; without the explicit type, the grammar is ambiguous and the base array literal can be interpreted as a JSON array literal leading to erroneous translation.
  • $changed special metadata attribute which is added to records and columns (on the client side) when their values are changed. This is used for tracking elements of records which need to be inserted/updated in the database.
  • inarray function returns true if an element is in an array and is translated using array operations on database that has such support or string_split on SQL Server.
    • To ease support for string_split the internal format for emulated string arrays (in databases that do not have intrinsic support for arrays such as SQL Server) has changed: the prefix and suffix ([]) has been dropped and the individual values are no longer quoted if they are strings. The separator has been changed from , to | which, as a less frequent character in strings, is less likely to already exist in an element.

[1.0.18] - 2022-09-26


  • Translation of select expression to Javascript using the support function $

[1.0.17] - 2022-09-26


  • The set clause of an Update was previously kept in a Metadata object as the latter's structure of a map of names to expressions is the same as expected for the set clause. Metadata however is a subclass of Define which prevents macro expansion in its descendents. This is the correct behaviour for metadata as it allows for metadata attributes to be sent in its unexpanded form to the client where it might be expanded differently than on the server. However, this behaviour is incorrect for the update set clause. As such a new structure called UpdateSet has been created for this purpose; it is similar in structure to Metadata except that it does not descend from Define.

[1.0.16] - 2022-09-25


  • Translation of logical operators in SQL server was not taking into account the context in all cases (logical operators can only appear in certain part of SQL Server dialect as the latter does not have a boolean type). This is now fixed with the generated translation changed based on translation parameters set by ancestor nodes in the parsed tree of the statement.


  • Deprecated target JSON has been removed.

[1.0.15] - 2022-09-23


  • Filters are applied prior to typed macro expansion in the execution pipeline allowing filters to contain typed macros. The previous pipeline assumed that filters do not contain any typed macros.


  • Translation of select expression in binary operators was failing because of casting issue: select expressions are translated to a QueryTranslation while the translation of a binary operator is a string. The select expression is now cast to a string in the translation method of BinaryOperator.

[1.0.13] - 2022-09-22


  • Overwrite key name changed from $overwrite$ to $overwrite to align with the naming convention of the other initializer keys.


  • Removed initializer key SOURCE_FILE as this is no longer used.

[1.0.12] - 2022-09-20


  • Casting syntax changed from type<expr> to expr::type as the former can be misinterpreted as relational operation (because of the < and >).


  • bpchar type in PostgreSQL mapped to char type to fix errors in default expressions read from the information_schema of that database.

[1.0.11] - 2022-09-19


  • New method compatibleType on interface Type returning a set of types compatible with the current type. Compatible types allow operations between them without any explicit casting. By default, the set of compatible types for a type is a singleton set containing the type itself.

[1.0.10] - 2022-09-12


  • Some attributes which take a default value of false have been renamed accordingly.

[1.0.9] - 2022-09-07


  • init(Database) method restored in Initializer interface as it allows for initializers to create objects that do not necessarily fit in a hierarchical model. E.g., creation of base tables.

[1.0.8] - 2022-09-06


  • Column names in the set clause of an update statement can now be escaped to refer to columns whose names are reserved words (or using special characters).

[1.0.7] - 2022-09-03


  • Automatically added attributes check and expression have been renamed to _check and _expression, respectively, to be consistent with other automatically added attributes.

[1.0.6] - 2022-09-02


  • Add using clause to alter type statement in Postgresql to support additional column type conversions (e.g. string to array of strings). Not all type conversions are supported and some will result in an error.
  • Automatically added attributes to metadata (type, references, referred_by and primary_key) are not prefixed with an underscore (_) to signify that they are for system use and should be hidden from the user during normal operations.


  • Required attribute is now added only when the column is non-null; it was being added in all cases previously.
  • Attributes and columns whose values are by default true must be explicitly provided only to set them to false. This can be counter-intuitive as the presence of something is required to disable it. An example of this is the show attribute. By default, this is true, meaning that the column is shown in all context (viewing, editing, etc.). To hide the column, the attribute show has to be specified and set to false. All such variables and column names have been deprecated and replaced with their opposites (show -> hide, browse -> browse_hide, can_delete -> no_delete, etc.).
  • The spurious default implementations of the add and get methods (returning null) of the Initializer interface has been removed to force subclasses to provide a working concrete implementation.


  • init(Database) method removed from Initializer interface as it is no longer used. This is a remnant of the previous simpler initializer model where this was the only method containing all the logic of the initializer.


  • Added named-arguments block to translation of the concatenation operation to Javascript as expected by the client-side executor (the $exec object).

[1.0.5] - 2022-08-12


  • Backquote can be added to multi-line strings by escaping them (`).
  • Single-quotes are not escaped automatically in multi-line strings as this is not necessary and probably unexpected behaviour in such strings which should generally allow as much raw input as possible.
  • Special key names for object's display_name, description and metadata added to Initializer.


  • A double single-quote ('') in a string literal is now properly parsed as the escaped form of a single-quote.
  • Change _toString of NamedArgument to display its new correct syntax (using = instead of :=).
  • add method in Initializer now checks type of definitions (list or map) and correctly route call to the appropriate method.

[1.0.4] - 2022-08-08


  • StringLiteral no longer includes the surrounding single-quotes in its internal value. This makes it simpler to work with the single-quotes inside strings which need to be escaped.

[1.0.3] - 2022-08-07


  • Utility columnMap method added to Relation to return a map of column names to columns. This is useful for direct access of columns by name but will miss columns with the same names (this can happen for joins, e.g.). When there are more than one column with the same name, only one, selected arbitrarily, will be in the map.
  • New add method in Initializer taking a list as the definition of an object (instead of a map). This is useful for creating objects which are defined as a sequence of items. E.g., a program consisting of a sequence of function calls.
  • Added init method in Initializer for no-input initialization.
  • The context and parser final fields in builders are now public and thus can be used during creation of ESQL statements.

[1.0.2] - 2022-07-29


  • create struct builder.
  • A new Initializer model for creating arbitrary database structures from a hierarchical representation.
  • StructInitializer for creating struct defined in a YAML file or from other hierarchical formats.

[1.0.1] - 2022-07-26


  • Fixed error in translation of NamedArgument to ESQL which was still using the previous syntax (:= instead of the new =).

[1.0.0] - 2022-07-06


  • ColumnRef translation to Javascript adds a special prefix and suffix to help with execution on the client-side. A column a for instance will be translated to row.a.$v as a becomes a member of an object (named row conventionally) on the client-side and it is itself an object with a member named $v containing its value and another member named $m containing its metadata. Support for referencing metadata on the client-side reinterprets the qualified column-name a.b as accessing the value of metadata attribute b of a. a.b is thus translated as row.a.$m.b.
  • Function calls of the form $x('y') are treated specially when being translated to Javascript: this form is used to target the metadata attribute value of a column. E.g., $a('m1') refers to the value of the metadata attribute m1 of the column a. This is translated to Javascript as row.a.$m.m1.
  • coalesce function translation to Javascript using || (or) operator.
  • When targeting Javascript, function calls are translated to a form that can be executed on the client-side provided there is an executor object present (assumed to be named $exec) available in the execution context and containing the functions invoked as its members.
  • When translating function calls to Javascript, named arguments are packaged into an object and provided as the first argument to the Javascript function. The javascript function must have its first parameter as an object that will contain the list of named arguments.
  • UncomputedExpression in attributes are not translated in query result so that they can be correctly translated during result encoding based on where the result is being sent to.
  • UncomputedExpression are not automatically aliased as they will be executed in a context where the alias might no longer be valid.
  • Allow invalid column references in uncomputed expressions as they may refer to variables that will be valid on the client side.
  • Concatenation (||) is translated to $exec.concat function for Javascript target, which has the same null behaviour as SQL concatenation, i.e., any null values concatenated to a non-null value result in null. In other words, nulls infect the whole concatenation.


  • The logic for determining if a QueryUpdate statement produces a result (thus requiring the use of JDBC executeQuery instead of executeUpdate) was based on whether the type of the statement was a Selection. This was excluding SelectExpression which returns the type of its single column result. This has been changed to allow a SelectExpression to be executed as a normal Select and produce a resultset.


  • The JSON target is deprecated. This target is essentially the Javascript translation wrapped in a double-quoted string. This is however problematic as only the whole translated expression should be wrapped as such, and not the internal sub-expressions. It's thus better to translate to Javascript and then delegate to the caller to add the wrapping.

[0.9.9] - 2022-06-22


  • Simple Initializer interface to standardise initializing the database.
  • The default OVERWRITE key to Initializer, which is a common key used to set the system in overwrite mode where system data can be overwritten during the configuration phase of application launch.
  • expandname function to expand a column name, such as first_name to a more readable name (e.g. First name).
  • Dates moved to Java 8 time (LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime).
  • DateLiteral now returns a LocalDate, LocalTime or LocalDateTime if it has a date component only, a time component only or both components, respectively.
  • ESQL date-time literal can now have 'T' character as a separator between the date and time components to conform with ISO date time format (in addition to simply using a single space character as the separator).
  • Date, time and date-time normalised to LocalDate, LocalTime and LocalDateTime, respectively, when read from database.
  • Times read from database as Timestamp to conserve millisecond values before being converted to LocalTime.
  • Literal.makeLiteral can now make a string literal for a character instead of throwing an exception.
  • Column.setMetadata now removes the supplied attribute if its provided value is to be null.
  • Column metadata attribute _id containing the UUID value for the column in the _core.columns table is no longer saved to the _core.column_attributes table as it may replace the column id with an incorrect value in case the id was changed through some table alter operation.


  • Raw Postgresql JDBC connection strings are now built correctly for cases where the host and/or port are not provided.
  • Raw SQL JDBC connection strings are now built correctly for cases where the host and/or port are not provided.
  • Structs were not being loaded from _core.relations table on init.

[0.9.8] - 2022-06-08


  • extension method in Database now returns the correct type of Extension class as passed to the method (instead of any arbitrary subclass of Extension).
  • PostgreSQL and Sql Server JDBC driver made into an API dependency so that they are available to applications depending on ESQL. This will allow dependent applications to use non-standard apis in those JDBC drivers; for instance, the bulk copy manager in PostgreSQL.


  • Arrays containing strings and UUIDs are now correctly translated to a string which is the format used to simulate arrays on SQL Server (and other databases) which do not natively support array types. A translation parameter (inArray) is set during array translation so that downstream translators can produce the correct translation in that context.
  • Fixed conversion of empty arrays of UUIDs in SQL Server (was producing an error when trying to convert an empty string to a UUID).
  • Fixed support for C-style escaping of special characters in PostgreSQL strings.

[0.9.7] - 2022-05-25


  • Structs: user-defined composite data types:
    • create struct statement to create a user-defined composite datatype which has a similar syntax to create table. This creates a type with a table-like structure which can have columns and metadata. This structure is stored in the _core tables; the only difference from a normal table is that an actual table is not created in the database.
    • drop struct drops a user-defined composite type.
    • alter struct alters a user-defined composite type.
  • insert, CTE, create table and several other expression can now take an escaped identifier (identifier surrounded by quotes allowing reserved words and special characters) wherever a normal identifier was previously required. This allows reserved words to be as columns names in tables, for example.


  • create table syntax has been changed to be closer to SQL:
    • the sequence of definitions is no longer arbitrary and must be table metadata first, if any, then column definitions and finally constraints.
    • A comma must no longer appear after the table metadata definition.


  • Extensions are loaded after database-specific initialisations as some extensions depend on structures that have been created during the latter. E.g. functions to work with interval data types and to capture change events.
  • insert can now have escaped identifiers in its column list.

[0.9.6] - 2022-05-17


  • History tracking
    • auto-commit support disabled as this prevents the tracking of all changes made in a transaction.
    • Coarse-grain history (only detect that a change has occurred in a table without any other details:
      • _core.history for coarse-grain history tracking.
      • Creation of history table for tables opting into the history tracking system.
      • Creation of trigger to capture changes on table and send to _core.history and corresponding history table.
    • See for more info on this feature.
  • Optimisation of coarse-grain history tables (create indices).
  • count aggregate function is translated to count_big on SQL server which returns a bigint instead of an int.
  • create index is recognised in ESQL and translated to target database.
  • Creation of core tables are now self-describing, i.e., they automatically capture and save metadata on themselves. This considerably reduces the amount of code required to create them.


  • The option of using only the information schemas has been removed as it is too limited and increases the complexity of initialisation and queries. The core tables are now always created.

[0.9.5] - 2022-05-11


  • Executors are added to a chain of executors for the database and an iterator over the chain is provided to the first executor; this iterator can then be used, if needed, to obtain the next executor in the chain to delegate execution to. Executor chain allows for multiple executors to be set up on the database in a
    specific order and execution of ESQL programs can make use of all of them, if needed.

[0.9.4] - 2022-05-05


  • = and != on strings force case-sensitivity on SQL Server which, by default, uses a case-insensitive collation for the database and for string comparison.
  • ESQL parser rebuilt on latest Antlr version 4.10.
  • Executor interface to abstract query execution and allows different implementation of executors to be plugged into the ESQL execution engine. This will be used, e.g., by the esql-user extension to limit query execution based on user permissions.
  • Transaction and connection boundaries now uses a counter which tracks the number of times that a connection has been used by functions in the same thread and automatically commits/rollbacks the transaction and closes the connections when the count reaches 0 (the count is decremented when the close() method is called; this method is automatically invoked, as EsqlConnection is an AutoCloseable, at the end of the try-with-resource block which opened/accessed the connection). This simplifies transaction and connection boundary management as the opening of connection uses the same pattern irrespective of whether the connection is inherited from the caller or a new connection is created. In both cases, the connection can be opened in a try-with-resources block and it will be closed automatically when the correct boundary is exited.
  • find method in QueryParams class to look for parameters by name.
  • New parameter firstFilter added to filter method and set to true when it is invoked on the first filter in the set of active filters for the query, false otherwise. This allows the filter application to be handled differently for the first filter, such as grouping existing conditions properly so that they don't interfere with the filter conditions in indeterminate ways.
  • Hierarchical filters where filters can have sub-filters and so on, creating an and/or hierarchy of filters; application of hierarchical filters result in a condition clause (where clause) with the same structure as the hierarchy.

[0.9.3] - 2022-03-29


  • StringForm interface to standardise the use of the _toString method to construct a string representation of an object in a StringBuilder with support for hierarchies and indentation.


  • Added Environment parameter to addSet method in Translator.Util which is used to produce the set clause of an Update. This parameter allows the function to receive the environment in which the update is being translated allowing named parameters to be translated correctly.

[0.9.2] - 2022-03-22


  • Added EsqlPath parameter to filter method which can be used to determine the context of the current statement (i.e., which surrounding ESQL statement it is part of). This is used to ensure that changes made to the query is compatible with the surrounding expressions.
  • Add several filters to QueryParams using filters single method call.
  • QueryParams check if single or multiple filters are non-null before adding to further simplify calling interface.


  • For recursive WITH query on SQL Server, distinct is not supported in the first CTE. If this is the case, excludes putting distinct even when there are reverse links on the path.
  • Filtering of subclasses of Select was delegating to the Select superclass and this was erroneous as the specific subclass was being replaced with an instance of Select; the filter method in Select now returns this when it detects that it is being run on a subclass; the filtering still works as the subclasses are composed of other Selects which are filtered correctly.
  • SQL Server only support union all as the operator in the first CTE of a recursive WITH query. Other composite operators are changed to union all when the first CTE of a recursive WITH query is being translated for SQL Server.

[0.9.1] - 2022-03-17


  • Filtering on Deletes.
  • Filtering on Updates.


  • Test finding minimal cost paths between tables.
  • Test dynamic filtering.


  • Fixed ESQL grammar to correctly parse right and full joins.
  • Table expression trees created through filtering are now automatically left-rotated to translate correctly.
  • CTE and WITH tables() methods now return the tables of the query they contain, which now reflects any changes made to that query (through filtering, e.g.). Previously CTE would return a copy of the tables that was made when the CTE was constructed and would thus be obsolete if the tables of its inner query changed.
  • Translation of delete on multiple tables for PostgreSQL has been rewritten to be similar as the translation for updates as this works better for all types of complex joins (the existing translation was using the using clause which limits the type of table expressions that can be added to it).
  • Fixed concatenation of select expressions which was expecting expressions to return String instead of arbitrary objects now (as SelectExpression, being a subclass of Select, returns QueryTranslation now).

[0.9.0] - 2022-03-15


  • Simple transaction boundary management using a thread local variable to hold a stack of current active connections (and transactions). Database.esql method can now take a null Connection signaling that the first active connection at the top of the stack must be used (or a new current active connection is added to the top of the stack and used thereon until it is closed).
  • SelectExpression is now a subclass of Select instead of just Expression and thus participates in all query-type operations.
  • Dynamic filtering where a set of filters can be composed into a query prior to its execution. Filters are specified against a table and, if the filter table is not in the query being executed, the shortest path between the tables in the query and the filter table is searched for, based on foreign key links between them. If such a path exists, the query is rewritten to join all the tables in the path in its from clause.
  • EsqlConnection prepare method prepares a query for execution by substituting parameter values, expanding macros, applying filters, etc. After preparation, the query can be executed without any other processing.
  • EsqlConnection execPrepared method to execute a prepared query. The existing exec method is now implemented by calling prepare followed by execPrepared.
  • Query parameters and filters have been grouped into the QueryParams class which uses methods call chaining to simplify construction of parameters and filters groups to pass to the EsqlConnection execution methods.
  • Combining where conditions with filters (with AND & OR operator) implemented.
  • Grouped expressions (()) of grouped expressions are optimized to remove the unnecessary groupings.

[0.8.9] - 2022-03-05


  • JSON object literals can now only have literal attributes list instead of general attributes list (containing expressions which cannot be computed in a JSON literal context).
  • Escaped identifiers can be used in attributes which allows reserved words and special characters in the identifier names.
  • Add parameters parameter to exec method so that it has the same signature as the translate method; this is in preparation for the implementation of general-purpose assignment to members of composite types.
  • evaluateAttribute method added to Attribute class to compute the value of the attribute's expression. This is useful for attributes with literal values.
  • Added auto-generated metadata columns for check, primary and foreign key constraints on single columns. For foreign keys, metadata are added to both sides of the reference.
  • Check constraints expressions no longer need to be surrounded in brackets.
  • JsonArrayLiteral now has higher precedence than base array literals which allows attributes of JsonArrayLiterals to parse correctly.
  • All 4 constraint types (unique, primary, check and foreign) now add attributes describing themselves to the containing (and target for foreign keys) relation and, if they are set on a single column, the corresponding column.


  • Test check constraints.


  • notNull method in Column now only evaluates its value if it is set to a boolean literal. Evaluating it when it is set to an expression will likely cause an error in that context; in such cases, notNull is assumed to be false.
  • exec methods in EsqlConnection check type of parameters and dispatch to correct method at runtime; this corrects for the inability of Java static dispatch to distinguish between an object and a variadic parameter.
  • Expansion of column list of CTE now returns a list of column names aliased with the alias associated to the CTE name instead of the CTE name only; this fixes a problem where the column references to columns inside a CTE was wrongly using the CTE name as their qualifier.
  • Fixed parsing of SQL Server expressions containing special variables surrounded by square brackets when loading check expression for SQL Server information schemas (on initial load).
  • Fixed parsing of SQL expressions containing keywords in uppercase (ESQL is case-sensitive and all keywords are in lowercase).
  • Column reference in column definition of create table statements where the column expression is a select expressions is now handled correctly.
  • Grammar changed to include UncomputedExpression as an actual base literal which allows JsonArrayLiteral containing UncomputedExpression to parse correctly.

[0.8.8] - 2022-02-26


  • ResultTransformer interface to transform Result to sequence of arbitrary objects.
  • Loaded extensions can be obtained from database which allows the development of arbitrary custom methods for logic that cannot be easily implemented as ESQL macros or functions.
  • An object or a record can now be passed as a parameter when executing a query; the properties/fields of the object is used to create an array of Param objects which is then passed to the query executioner.
  • Use Configuration class instead of Map of strings to objects to pass configuration information to the database for consistency.
  • DatabaseFactory to create database instance of the correct type based on passed configuration.

[0.8.7] - 2022-02-14


  • Define coalesce function so that its return type is properly mapped to its parameter type.
  • Foreign keys which are not enforced by the database (only saved in the _core tables to use for linkage information in restriction, main-details CRUD ops, etc.).

[0.8.6] - 2022-02-13


  • Add default column metadata for unique and non-null columns.
  • Add default result metadata for unique set of columns.
  • Add default result metadata for child relations (relations pointing to current relation through a foreign key).
  • Several additional checks and fixes on foreign key and dependency constraints (a dependency constraint is the reverse of a foreign key. I.e. if there is an fk pointing from A to B there is a dependency constraint pointing from B to A).

[0.8.5] - 2022-02-12


  • Extensions can now be configured (e.g. to set a specific lookup schema) through parameters on initialisation.
  • Result and table metadata are now restricted to literal values only as they are associated to the whole result/table. Metadata attribute expressions are computed for every row in a result/table and would not have the same value for the whole result/table.
  • Dynamic table expressions now supports table-level literal metadata.
  • Uncomputed expression surround the textual translation of the expression with $( and ) on all targets. This was previously done only for ESQL output. The delimiters simplify the detection of an uncomputed expression in a result.


  • Fixed propagation of table-level metadata from inner query to outer query which was failing for select table expressions and dynamic expressions
  • Uncomputed expressions is now a subclass of BaseLiteral and behaves as a literal in all circumstances, fixing several issues with how they were treated.


  • The uncomputed expressions of derived columns and attributes now used the suffix /$e instead of /e as the latter could conflict (especially for derived columns) with a metadata attribute of that name (e). $e also follows the naming pattern of special attributes in ESQL (other special attributes include $m and $v).

[0.8.4] - 2022-02-11


  • Do not expand column list of arbitrary selects (not just select expressions) in column list of other queries.
  • Correlated query test.
  • The type of a select with a single column and part of a column list of an enclosing query is taken to be the type of its single column (as for select expressions), when reading the value for that column from the database. This allows proper normalisation of such values.


  • Fixed resolving of qualified column references in correlated queries (where a table is referenced in a subquery) where the reference belongs to a table in an outer query.

[0.8.3] - 2022-02-06


  • print function to print debug messages to console.
  • Named argument now uses @ instead of : prefix as the ':' conflicts in some cases with naming of columns and tables.
  • Eval construct added to the grammar: @(expression) evaluates the expression and inserts it into the containing expression.
  • Signature of translate and exec methods changed to allow them to work together, as this is required to properly implement the eval construct.
  • Show line number where error occurred in ESQL program.
  • General-purpose language:
    • Selector construct added to grammar: a[b]... selects member b in a.
    • For-each loop over list, iterables, maps, arrays and results, with binding for both key and value where applicable.
    • General for loop (for init, condition, step do body end).
    • While loop.
    • If-elseif(s)-else conditional.
    • Break keyword to break from the innermost loop.
    • Continue keyword to continue to the next iteration of the innermost loop.
  • Selectors now take a list of members instead of just one, allowing for more complex selection.
  • Selectors can now select and invoke arbitrary methods on an object with dynamic dispatch selecting the most specialised method to invoke based the actual types of the passed parameters.
  • Automatic numeric conversion to match method signatures in selectors.
  • 1-based array access, as for databases (and unlike Java) in list and arrays in Esql.
  • Package restructured to improve clarity and coherence.

[0.8.2] - 2022-02-03


  • Support for passing named arguments to functions.
  • Support for default values in function parameters.
  • Pass null or the default value to parameters of functions for which an argument was not provided.
  • Computation and tests for ltrim and rtrim.
  • Computation and tests for lpad and rpad.

[0.8.1] - 2022-02-03


  • Grammar modified to parse left and right as function calls (in addition to their use in join types) when they are followed by an opening brace, two arguments (string and an integer number of characters) and a closing brace.
  • Support for calling predefined functions (such as trim) in an ESQL program.
  • Result now implements Iterator and Iterable interfaces. The next method in Result was renamed to toNext as its signature conflicted with that of the next method in Iterator. Result can now be iterated using the Java for-each loop. The existing result scrolling mechanism (based on Java ResultSet) is still available and the iterator mechanism is a thin wrapper around it; this allows the result to be read with either mechanism separately or even combined.


  • Computing value of expressions:
    • literals.
    • arithmetic expressions and sub-expressions groupings with braces.
    • strings repeat and concatenation.
    • comparisons.
    • logical operators.
    • conditionals (a if c1 else b if c2 else...).
    • some pre-defined functions (trim).
  • Function parsing.
  • Simple function execution.
  • Recursive function execution (factorial).

[0.8.0] - 2022-02-01


  • Function and variable scoping.
  • A global environment is created as a child of the System environment (structure) for every program that is executed. This global scope hold all top-level variable and function declarations.
  • General-purpose language support:
    • Variable definitions and assignments.
    • Symbol table and scoping rules.
    • General typing.
    • Functions.
  • Literals parsing tests.
  • Expressions parsing tests.
  • Execution now uses environment bindings which is a foundation for the support of lambda expressions.
  • Custom date and time literals parsing is faster and fix cases where milliseconds were being ignored.


  • Fixed ancestorDistance method in EsqlPath.
  • Negative numbers are now parsed as the negation operation on a number (or expression) instead of being parsed as token in the lexer. When parsed by the lexer n-1 produces two tokens: n and -1 which is obviously wrong. Now only the pattern for positive integers is defined as a lexical rule with negative numbers treated as the negation operator applied on a positive number.

[0.7.4] - 2022-01-26


  • Type inference system improved with type assigned and computed for every ESQL node in a syntax tree. All nodes are assigned the UnknownType initially.
  • Scope rules and mechanism added with Structure being the top-level SystemScope, a program forming the GlobalScope, functions introducing FunctionScope and blocks creating local block scopes.
  • Syntax and implementation of user-defined functions syntax, variable declaration and assignments for general purpose ESQL.


  • money ESQL type mapped to Double Java class, allows correct numeric conversion of values of this type read from the database.
  • Sub-select detection corrected in Sql-Server translator to allow translation to automatically correct use of order clause in sub-selects (which is prohibited in SQL Server without an offset clause).

[0.7.3] - 2022-01-16


  • Changed the grammar of function call to allow a slightly shorter syntax for named arguments where the ':=' is replaced with '='. E.g., sum(0, values:=[1,2,3]) can now be written sum(0, values=[1,2,3]). This also removes a potential conflict with assignment to variables in the extension of ESQL with general purpose features.

[0.7.2] - 2022-01-15


  • Fixed an error where columns in select expressions were being wrongly aliased
    with table alias from surrounding context.

[0.7.1] - 2022-01-14


  • Translation now use a (functional) persistent map ( for the parameters map to allow for fast addition and deletion of parameters without compromising the existing parameters.


  • Columns are given a unique user-friendly name by the syntax analyser and the select builder to resolve errors in code which assumes columns always have a non-null name.

[0.7.0] - 2022-01-13


  • Macro expansion have been split into two phases:
    • UntypedMacro are expanded first: during this expansion, types could be unavailable and expansion must not assume their presence. In this phase column lists are expanded (star columns and column metadata);
    • TypedMacro are then expanded: types are not available (or can be computed). All previous macros (except for ColumnList) are of this kind.
  • Column and ColumnRef now carries type information which could simplify type inference and propagation.
  • The general structure of variable scopes and symbols has been added (continuing semantic analysis work in preparation to adding general purpose language features).
  • Original query is now kept in the QueryTranslation to improve error management.
  • find method in Esql to find first child, if any, satisfying a predicate function.
  • columnList method to get column list from a TableExpr.
  • named method to get a sub-TableExpr from a TableExpr with the specified alias.


  • Type inference has been improved to work in many more cases, properly propagating type information from inner queries to outer ones.
  • Column list expansion improved to not require type information during its expansion and works in more scenarios.
  • Simplified Result class which reuses the QueryTranslation instead of duplicating its fields.
  • Simplified unknown function translation by reusing translation code in Function class.


  • Overloading of column metadata in column list expansion.
  • ___unknown mapped to UnknownType instead of (erroneously) Json.

[0.6.6] - 2022-01-05


  • ColumnList macro expansion now add columns for relation metadata where appropriate.
  • Support for lateral joins (using outer apply in SQL Server).


  • Metadata expansion into columns in ColumnList macro expansion considers whether query is grouped and is a modifying query.
  • range function (for building histogram of values similar to the bin macro) has been renamed to binf to not clash with the range keyword used in specifying the window frame of window functions.


  • Attributes which are literal are normally optimised away (removed from the column-list of the query and calculated statically). The optimisation was not carried out in subqueries as the attributes could be referenced in an outer query. An exception to the subqueries rule has been added which is when the query is the last query in a With query; in that case, attributes loading can be optimised as the columns will not be referred to outside the With query.
  • Simplified the Result classes by removing redundant fields, replacing generic pairs and triples with new record types and removing unused methods.
  • Document Result classes.
  • Optimize loading of literal attribute values set as columns (as columns named as '/').

[0.6.5] - 2022-01-04


  • Add explicit date part add functions (that do not use the general interval add
    function) as those can be much faster for SQL Server (using underlying dateadd function instead of the custom _core.add_interval function).
  • Months ceiling (monthsceil) function which returns the number of months between 2 dates, adding one month for any remaining days in the period, analogous to computing the ceiling of a fractional number.
  • Support for frame definition (rows and range) in window functions.
  • AsPromotedNumericParameterType is a special return type for functions returning a value that is the promoted numeric type of their first parameter. For instance, the sum aggregate function has a dynamic promoted return type based on its parameter: if its parameter is integer, its return type is long, while if its parameter is single-precision floating-point, its return type is double-precision
  • Optimize case to iif when there is a single condition on SQL Server.
  • Selection type can now carry an alias reducing the need for AliasedRelation which is now used only as the type of SingleTableExpr.


  • Code cleanup: add @SafeVargs for safe parameterised variable arguments, use Java records where possible, use instanceof patterns, eliminate unnecessary toString(), use text blocks for some multi-line strings, clean certain javadocs.

[0.6.4] - 2021-12-25


  • Types of derived columns are now inferred in CreateTable statements.
  • Macros are now expanded for all ESQL statement, not just QueryUpdates. Since the expansion can be invalid in some contexts (such as expansion of a select expression referring to a table in the CreateTable statement creating that table) care must be taken in the macro to detect the correct context when expanding.
  • ColumnRef are now properly qualified in SelectExpression.
  • New method 'exists' added to TableExpr which returns true if all the tables referred to in the table expression exists. This is useful to prevent errors during macro expansion when tables referred to by some statement have not been created yet. With this check, the macro expansion can skip over parts which are missing at that point.


  • Bool support in SQL Server using IIF has been fixed for select expressions in column list (IIF is used in column list while not used in places where boolean expressions are expected - e.g. the where clause. Select expressions in column list conflicts with that as it is in a column list, thus requires an IIF, but also, it has certain parts, where using an IIF is an error). This can be resolved by carefully setting a parameter at different points in the translation to control the output of the IIF.


  • Remove 'replaceExistingQualifier' parameter from the 'qualify' method as it is normally always true. Qualifier is replaced automatically in column references in non-select-expression or those in select-expression without a qualifier.

[0.6.3] - 2021-12-22


  • JsonObjectLiteral and JsonArrayLiteral are now outputted as strings in queries.
  • 'hasAncestor' method which can check if an ESQL is a descendant of one of several ESQL classes in one call.
  • Selects are now treated as select-expressions (columns are not expanded) when they appear in insert row values and as part of the column list of another query.
  • Random naming of columns when a name is not provided or to disambiguate duplicate columns has been replaced with more friendly names in ColumnList expansion which disambiguate column names using an index in the context of the other columns in the list.
  • Automatic BaseRelation columns use friendly names instead of random ones.


  • QueryTranslation is now a Java record.
  • Columns are no longer automatically expanded in base relations; this decreases the number of synthetic columns with names containing '/' being added to the relations. The only synthetic columns added now are the uncomputed forms for derived columns (e.g. c=a+b result in c/e=$(a+b) being added to the column list).
  • Attributes access interface in types and in metadata have been normalised.
  • Table type inference no longer add synthetic columns.
  • Macro expansion adds a tagging class in the expansion path to signal to downstream processes that expansion is ongoing to allow for different behaviour during expansion.
  • Type inference is allowed during macro expansion but is restricted to a pre-typing phase where a best-effort type is produced; since this type may not be correct, it is not cached. The correct type is then produced after the macro expansion when the type method is next called.

[0.6.1] - 2021-12-19


  • ColumnRef expansion finds and includes the proper qualifier (based on the relation that the referred column is coming from) resulting in a single method for handling this expansion and increased stability.
  • ColumnList expansion of * column has been improved.


  • Parsing of default value expressions from SQL Server has been fixed to properly convert prefixed strings (e.g. N'yy', E'xx') to equivalent ESQL expressions.
  • Type inference for recursive with and multi-level subqueries containing *.


  • Column alias renamed to 'name'.
  • Type inference and column finding simplified by removing the need to explicitly work with relation aliases. All aliasing is handled internally with the column finding methods returns both the column found and the internal relation that they belong to. E.g. looking for a column over a join will return both the column and the deepest joined relation that the column belongs to.

[0.6.0] - 2021-12-15


  • ESQL node changed:
    • To be immutable, creating copies on mutating operations, with use of path persistence for faster copies and lower memory use;
    • To use a list for children (instead of a map) to preserve order of children;
    • To implement a path-seeking api for selecting part of the tree and replacing it with other nodes
  • New simpler map and forEach function in ESQL.
  • New simpler macro interface.
  • New copy constructor and method allowing changes to be applied to the value and children of the copy.
  • EsqlPath added to type() and execute() methods to allow for searching for ancestors in those methods.
  • Default map method uses DFS to force leaves of AST to be mapped before parents.
  • bfsMap method to map using BFS strategy.
  • All tests passing (except for comparison difference due to different dynamically-generated UUIDs).
  • Esql now raise an error when its value is of type ESQL. The value is a placeholder for the value of the ESQL node in the AST. If it is also an ESQL, mapping functions does not follow through it during processing. Thus, such values are best stored as children of a tree node.

[0.5.2] - 2021-08-19


  • Package restructure:
    • split expression package into subpackages by type of expressions;
    • split function package into subpackages by type of data that the functions operate upon;
    • type package moved to semantic package;
    • QueryUpdate class moved to package


  • The type of types (kinds) are now a proper sub-interface of Type, for consistency.
  • Functions are now types with their own specific kind.
  • New syntax for select expressions which starts with the from keyword. E.g. from X select y. This removes any ambiguity between select expressions and select statements and the need for surrounding select expressions with '()'.

[0.5.1] - 2021-04-25


  • Close interface no longer implemented as not required. Will be removed in a future release.

[0.5.0] - 2021-04-22


  • Statements are now expressions in ESQL which allows for some grammatically wrong statements (such as putting an insert into a function call) to parse correctly, but also allows for more complex constructions, such as assigning a select to a variable.
  • translate method delegate to the protected trans method in ESQL to allow for subclasses to provide richer translation behaviour, such as adding prefixes and suffixes to the translation.


  • Set the parent of substituted parameter values to the parent of the NamedParameter being substituted. This conserve the hierarchy of the ESQL object and allows traversal search, such as for looking for ancestors, to continue working as prior to the substitution.

[0.4.4] - 2021-04-16


  • Completed documentation .g4 antlr grammar and github wiki page on ESQL grammar.
  • Rename AlterTableAction to Alteration

[0.4.3] - 2021-04-13


  • Extensions can be provided as any collection instead of just a set on initialisation. Using a List, e.g., will allow the client to provide a preferred order in which to load and initialise the extensions.


  • Dropping derived columns was sending an alter table ... drop column command to the database which resulted in an error. Derived columns only need to be removed from the _core.columns table.
  • Do not throw NotfoundException in findColumn in Join as this breaks column search in SQL Server in complex queries where the referred column might be in an outer query.

[0.4.2] - 2021-04-12


  • Testing of all base macro functions (bin, inmonth).


  • Corrected an error where column defaults were being dropped when altering a table on execution of a create table statement, as they were erroneously found to be missing.
  • Do not throw NotfoundException in findColumn in AliasedRelation as this breaks aliased column search in SQL Server in complex queries where the referred column might be in an outer query.

[0.4.1] - 2021-04-11


  • Extensions are loaded in all cases; previously they were loaded only when core tables were being created.
  • Source columns in foreign key constraint assigned to the child named columns to be coherent with other constraints and resolve an error which happened when a foreign key constraint is to be dropped.
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationException when dropping columns which are no longer defined in a table.

[0.4.0] - 2021-04-10


  • Result now keeps the Column info alongside each column mapping for access to the column metadata when accessing the result.
  • Add database configuration parameters as constants to the Database interface.

[0.3.9] - 2021-04-08


  • bin macro function which return the interval that a value belongs to and expanded to a CASE expression; it is similar to the range function but the latter uses a stored database function whereas bin expansion to a CASE can be optimised by the database and result in faster queries.
  • Concatenation of multiple expressions is now optimised to generate more compact code.


  • Typing of CTE now returns the relation type of the CTE instead of the type of the internal query of the CTE, thereby fixing various bugs in with queries.
  • Renamed functions and macro functions to be shorter and consistent.


  • All lookup tables, functions and macros moved to an Extension.

[0.3.8] - 2021-04-06


  • Extensions can define their dependencies on other extensions which determines the loading and initialization order of extensions.
  • database.createCoreTables parameter instead of method parameter to postInit simplifies instantiation of database object.
  • Extension init function no longer takes a Structure parameter as it can be obtained from the Database parameter.
  • Simplified function registration in Structure.


  • Self-translation of cross-joins to ESQL uses proper form (times instead of cross join).
  • Corrected order of rtrim and ltrim function which were reversed during registration in the constructor of Structure.

[0.3.7] - 2021-03-06


  • Extensions to add new functionality to ESQL.
  • Extensions now declare dependencies on other extensions which are loaded first.

[0.3.6] - 2021-03-05


  • Columns of CTE are renamed to match the CTE field list when latter is provided.

[0.3.5] - 2021-03-05


  • Recursive CTE is now fully supported in PostgreSQL and SQL Server.
  • Reduce code duplication in Analyser for addition and multiplication expressions.
  • Columns of CTE are renamed to match the CTE field list when latter is provided.


  • is null was being parsed (and translated) as is not null.
  • with query types are now taken as the type of their last CTE.

[0.3.4] - 2021-03-04


  • Reduce code duplication in Analyser for expressions and simple expressions.


  • Corrected error where derived expressions were not being linked to their parent leading to type resolution errors (in SQL Server).
  • Translation of select expressions in ESQL now does not output column metadata even when they are present (which is invalid in select expressions).

[0.3.3] - 2021-02-18


  • Improved error detection: use of reserved keywords in wrong parts and missing/wrong keyword.
  • Improved error detection: missing commas and semi-colons.
  • Improved error detection: missing closing bracket, square bracket, parenthesis.
  • Group by clause can now refer to columns by position (e.g group by 1, 2 will group by the 1st and 2nd column expressions in the query). This is simulated on SQL Server which does not directly support this construct.
  • Base testing of grouping (normal, cube, rollup).


  • Improved bool support in nested queries on SQL Server using ancestorDistance and consequently solving the error in nested exists queries.
  • order by is now specified after group by in ESQL select, in line with the order of their execution.

[0.3.2] - 2021-02-16


  • ESQL transformers (prior to execution, to inject specific behaviour by rewriting ESQL).
  • Improved detection of general syntax errors, and missing (or wrong) from clause in selects.

[0.3.1] - 2021-02-14


  • Reduce the number of keywords in the grammar by not explicitly naming all acceptable types (replace with identifier pattern).
  • Grammar support for multi-dimensional arrays and sized arrays.
  • Improved error detection and reporting of wrong types in ESQL commands.

[0.3.0] - 2021-02-13


  • (Non-recursive) Common-Table-Expressions (CTE) (With queries) queries are now fully supported and tested in both PostgreSql and Sql Server.
  • Columns selected in an inner query, including metadata and derived columns, are now properly propagated to outer levels allowing for nested queries of any number of levels (e.g select a from x:(select * from y:(select a from A)))


  • Multi-tables updates and deletes in PostgreSql are now fully functional.


  • Support for HSQLDB is being deprecated as complex names are not supported when reading from sub-queries.
  • Support for MariaDB (and MySQL) is being deprecated as it fails to create constraints on tables in certain conditions.