Example of model training/validation/predictions on iMaterialist Challenge Furniture 2018 dataset.
/!\ Python3 only code
kaggle competitions download -c imaterialist-challenge-furniture-2018
and download images to your local storage:
python utils/download_images.py train.json input/train
python utils/download_images.py validation.json input/validation
python utils/download_images.py test.json input/test
Total dataset size is ~ 110GB
python utils/resize_dataset.py input/train 224 input/train_224x224
Edit a configuration file, for example train_vgg16_bn_basic.py
and simply run
python train.py configs/your_config.py
Edit a configuration file, for example predict_vgg16_bn_basic.py
and simply run
python predict.py configs/your_config.py
Dataset is splitted already on two splits: train and validation. Complete procedure is the following:
Fit and predict with networks:
- Fit network 1 on the train dataset
- Predict probabilites with the network 1 on the validation and test datasets
- Fit network 2 on the train dataset
- Predict probabilites with the network 2 on the validation and test dataset
- Fit network
on the train dataset - Predict probabilites with the network
on the validation and test dataset
Create probabilites dataset composed of predictions on the validation dataset
- Concatenate predictions of single networks
Create probabilites dataset composed of predictions on the test dataset
- Concatenate predictions of single networks
Fit a meta-model on the validation probabilites dataset
- Use cross-validation to estimate the performance and tune hyperparameters
- Finally, train on the whole dataset
Predict classes with trained meta-model on the test probabilites dataset