diff --git a/docs-2.0/2.quick-start/6.cheatsheet-for-ngql.md b/docs-2.0/2.quick-start/6.cheatsheet-for-ngql.md
index 9985994545e..4319e8212f8 100644
--- a/docs-2.0/2.quick-start/6.cheatsheet-for-ngql.md
+++ b/docs-2.0/2.quick-start/6.cheatsheet-for-ngql.md
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
| Function| Description |
| :------ | :------------------------------------------------------ |
- | count() |Syntax: `count({expr \| *})` .
`count()`returns the number of rows (including NULL).
`count(expr)`returns the number of non-NULL values that meet the expression.
count() and size() are different. |
+ | count() |Syntax: `count({expr | *})` .
`count()`returns the number of rows (including NULL).
`count(expr)`returns the number of non-NULL values that meet the expression.
count() and size() are different. |
@@ -227,11 +227,11 @@
| Match edges | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e]-(v2) RETURN e` | Besides using `--`, `-->`, or `<--` to indicate a nameless edge, you can use a user-defined variable in a pair of square brackets to represent a named edge. For example: `-[e]-`. |
| Match an edge type | `MATCH ()-[e:follow]-() RETURN e` |Just like vertices, you can specify an edge type with `:` in a pattern. For example: `-[e:follow]-`. |
| Match edge type properties | ` MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e:follow{degree:95}]->(v2) RETURN e` | You can specify edge type properties with `{: }` in a pattern. For example: `[e:follow{likeness:95}]`. |
- | Match multiple edge types | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e:follow \| :serve]->(v2) RETURN e` | The `|` symbol can help matching multiple edge types. For example: `[e:follow|:serve]`. The English colon (:) before the first edge type cannot be omitted, but the English colon before the subsequent edge type can be omitted, such as `[e:follow|serve]`. |
+ | Match multiple edge types | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e:follow | :serve]->(v2) RETURN e` | The `|` symbol can help matching multiple edge types. For example: `[e:follow|:serve]`. The English colon (:) before the first edge type cannot be omitted, but the English colon before the subsequent edge type can be omitted, such as `[e:follow|serve]`. |
| Match multiple edges | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[]->(v2)<-[e:serve]-(v3) RETURN v2, v3` | You can extend a pattern to match multiple edges in a path. |
| Match fixed-length paths | `MATCH p=(v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e:follow*2]->(v2) RETURN DISTINCT v2 AS Friends` | You can use the `:*` pattern to match a fixed-length path. `hop` must be a non-negative integer. |
| Match variable-length paths | `MATCH p=(v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e:follow*1..3]->(v2) RETURN v2 AS Friends` | `minHop`: Optional. It represents the minimum length of the path. `minHop`: must be a non-negative integer. The default value is 1.
`maxHop`: Required. It represents the maximum length of the path. `maxHop` must be a non-negative integer. It has no default value. |
- | Match variable-length paths with multiple edge types | `MATCH p=(v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e:follow \| serve*2]->(v2) RETURN DISTINCT v2` | You can specify multiple edge types in a fixed-length or variable-length pattern. In this case, `hop`, `minHop`, and `maxHop` take effect on all edge types. |
+ | Match variable-length paths with multiple edge types | `MATCH p=(v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e:follow | serve*2]->(v2) RETURN DISTINCT v2` | You can specify multiple edge types in a fixed-length or variable-length pattern. In this case, `hop`, `minHop`, and `maxHop` take effect on all edge types. |
| Retrieve vertex or edge information | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"}) RETURN v`
`MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})-[e]->(v2) RETURN e` | Use `RETURN { | }` to retrieve all the information of a vertex or an edge. |
| Retrieve VIDs | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"}) RETURN id(v)` | Use the `id()` function to retrieve VIDs. |
| Retrieve tags | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"}) RETURN labels(v)` | Use the `labels()` function to retrieve the list of tags on a vertex.
To retrieve the nth element in the `labels(v)` list, use `labels(v)[n-1]`. |
@@ -259,8 +259,8 @@
| Retrieve edges | `LOOKUP ON follow WHERE follow.degree == 90 YIELD follow.degree` | Returns edges whose `degree` is `90` and the edge type is `follow`. |
| List vertices with a tag | `LOOKUP ON player` | Shows how to retrieve the VID of all vertices tagged with `player`. |
| List edges with an edge types | `LOOKUP ON like` | Shows how to retrieve the source Vertex IDs, destination vertex IDs, and ranks of all edges of the `like` edge type. |
- | Count the numbers of vertices or edges | `LOOKUP ON player \| YIELD COUNT(*) AS Player_Number` | Shows how to count the number of vertices tagged with `player`. |
- | Count the numbers of edges | `LOOKUP ON like \| YIELD COUNT(*) AS Like_Number` | Shows how to count the number of edges of the `like` edge type. |
+ | Count the numbers of vertices or edges | `LOOKUP ON player | YIELD COUNT(*) AS Player_Number` | Shows how to count the number of vertices tagged with `player`. |
+ | Count the numbers of edges | `LOOKUP ON like | YIELD COUNT(*) AS Like_Number` | Shows how to count the number of edges of the `like` edge type. |
@@ -283,9 +283,9 @@
| `GO FROM "player100", "player102" OVER serve WHERE properties(edge).start_year > 1995 YIELD DISTINCT properties($$).name AS team_name, properties(edge).start_year AS start_year, properties($^).name AS player_name` | Adds a filter for the traversal. |
| `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow, serve YIELD properties(edge).degree, properties(edge).start_year` | The following example traverses along with multiple edge types. If there is no value for a property, the output is `UNKNOWN_PROP`. |
| `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow REVERSELY YIELD src(edge) AS destination` | The following example returns the neighbor vertices in the incoming direction of player 100. |
- | `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow REVERSELY YIELD src(edge) AS id \| GO FROM $-.id OVER serve WHERE properties($^).age > 20 YIELD properties($^).name AS FriendOf, properties($$).name AS Team` | The following example retrieves the friends of player 100 and the teams that they serve. |
+ | `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow REVERSELY YIELD src(edge) AS id | GO FROM $-.id OVER serve WHERE properties($^).age > 20 YIELD properties($^).name AS FriendOf, properties($$).name AS Team` | The following example retrieves the friends of player 100 and the teams that they serve. |
| `GO FROM "player102" OVER follow YIELD dst(edge) AS both` | The following example returns all the neighbor vertices of player 102. |
- | `GO 2 STEPS FROM "player100" OVER follow YIELD src(edge) AS src, dst(edge) AS dst, properties($$).age AS age \| GROUP BY $-.dst YIELD $-.dst AS dst, collect_set($-.src) AS src, collect($-.age) AS age` | The following example the outputs according to age. |
+ | `GO 2 STEPS FROM "player100" OVER follow YIELD src(edge) AS src, dst(edge) AS dst, properties($$).age AS age | GROUP BY $-.dst YIELD $-.dst AS dst, collect_set($-.src) AS src, collect($-.age) AS age` | The following example the outputs according to age. |
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
| `FETCH PROP ON serve "player100" -> "team204" YIELD serve.start_year` | Use a `YIELD` clause to fetch specific properties of an edge. |
| `FETCH PROP ON serve "player100" -> "team204", "player133" -> "team202"` | Specify multiple edge patterns (` -> [@]`) to fetch properties of multiple edges. Separate the edge patterns with commas. |
| `FETCH PROP ON serve "player100" -> "team204"@1` | To fetch on an edge whose rank is not 0, set its rank in the FETCH statement. |
- | `GO FROM "player101" OVER follow YIELD follow._src AS s, follow._dst AS d \| FETCH PROP ON follow $-.s -> $-.d YIELD follow.degree` | The following statement returns the `degree` values of the `follow` edges that start from vertex `"player101"`. |
+ | `GO FROM "player101" OVER follow YIELD follow._src AS s, follow._dst AS d | FETCH PROP ON follow $-.s -> $-.d YIELD follow.degree` | The following statement returns the `degree` values of the `follow` edges that start from vertex `"player101"`. |
| `$var = GO FROM "player101" OVER follow YIELD follow._src AS s, follow._dst AS d; FETCH PROP ON follow $var.s -> $var.d YIELD follow.degree` | You can use user-defined variables to construct similar queries. |
@@ -335,16 +335,16 @@
| [SHOW CHARSET](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/1.show-charset.md) | `SHOW CHARSET` | `SHOW CHARSET` | Shows the available character sets. |
| [SHOW COLLATION](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/2.show-collation.md) | `SHOW COLLATION` | `SHOW COLLATION` | Shows the collations supported by Nebula Graph. |
| [SHOW CREATE SPACE](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/4.show-create-space.md) | `SHOW CREATE SPACE ` | `SHOW CREATE SPACE basketballplayer` | Shows the creating statement of the specified graph space. |
- | [SHOW CREATE TAG/EDGE](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/5.show-create-tags-edges.md) | `SHOW CREATE {TAG \| EDGE }` | `SHOW CREATE TAG player` | Shows the basic information of the specified tag. |
- | [SHOW HOSTS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/6.show-hosts.md) | `SHOW HOSTS [GRAPH \| STORAGE \| META]` | `SHOW HOSTS`
`SHOW HOSTS GRAPH` | Shows the host and version information of Graph Service, Storage Service, and Meta Service. |
- | [SHOW INDEX STATUS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/7.show-index-status.md) | `SHOW {TAG \| EDGE} INDEX STATUS` | `SHOW TAG INDEX STATUS` | Shows the status of jobs that rebuild native indexes, which helps check whether a native index is successfully rebuilt or not. |
- | [SHOW INDEXES](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/8.show-indexes.md) | `SHOW {TAG \| EDGE} INDEXES` | `SHOW TAG INDEXES` | Shows the names of existing native indexes. |
+ | [SHOW CREATE TAG/EDGE](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/5.show-create-tags-edges.md) | `SHOW CREATE {TAG | EDGE }` | `SHOW CREATE TAG player` | Shows the basic information of the specified tag. |
+ | [SHOW HOSTS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/6.show-hosts.md) | `SHOW HOSTS [GRAPH | STORAGE | META]` | `SHOW HOSTS`
`SHOW HOSTS GRAPH` | Shows the host and version information of Graph Service, Storage Service, and Meta Service. |
+ | [SHOW INDEX STATUS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/7.show-index-status.md) | `SHOW {TAG | EDGE} INDEX STATUS` | `SHOW TAG INDEX STATUS` | Shows the status of jobs that rebuild native indexes, which helps check whether a native index is successfully rebuilt or not. |
+ | [SHOW INDEXES](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/8.show-indexes.md) | `SHOW {TAG | EDGE} INDEXES` | `SHOW TAG INDEXES` | Shows the names of existing native indexes. |
| [SHOW PARTS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/9.show-parts.md) | `SHOW PARTS []` | `SHOW PARTS` | Shows the information of a specified partition or all partitions in a graph space. |
| [SHOW ROLES](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/10.show-roles.md) | `SHOW ROLES IN ` | `SHOW ROLES in basketballplayer` | Shows the roles that are assigned to a user account. |
| [SHOW SNAPSHOTS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/11.show-snapshots.md) | `SHOW SNAPSHOTS` | `SHOW SNAPSHOTS` | Shows the information of all the snapshots.
| [SHOW SPACES](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/12.show-spaces.md) | `SHOW SPACES` | `SHOW SPACES` | Shows existing graph spaces in Nebula Graph. |
| [SHOW STATS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/14.show-stats.md) | `SHOW STATS` | `SHOW STATS` | Shows the statistics of the graph space collected by the latest `STATS` job. |
- | [SHOW TAGS/EDGES](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/15.show-tags-edges.md) | `SHOW TAGS \| EDGES` | `SHOW TAGS`、`SHOW EDGES` | Shows all the tags in the current graph space. |
+ | [SHOW TAGS/EDGES](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/15.show-tags-edges.md) | `SHOW TAGS | EDGES` | `SHOW TAGS`、`SHOW EDGES` | Shows all the tags in the current graph space. |
| [SHOW USERS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/16.show-users.md) | `SHOW USERS` | `SHOW USERS` | Shows the user information. |
| [SHOW SESSIONS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/17.show-sessions.md) | `SHOW SESSIONS ` | ` SHOW SESSIONS` | Shows the information of all the sessions. |
| [SHOW SESSIONS](../3.ngql-guide/7.general-query-statements/6.show/17.show-sessions.md) | `SHOW SESSION ` | `SHOW SESSION 1623304491050858` | Shows a specified session with its ID. |
@@ -357,15 +357,15 @@
| Clause | Syntax | Example | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| [GROUP BY](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/group-by.md) | ` GROUP BY YIELD , ` | `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow BIDIRECT YIELD $$.player.name as Name \| GROUP BY $-.Name YIELD $-.Name as Player, count(*) AS Name_Count` | Finds all the vertices connected directly to vertex `"player100"`, groups the result set by player names, and counts how many times the name shows up in the result set. |
-| [LIMIT](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/limit.md) | `YIELD [\| LIMIT [,] ]` | `O FROM "player100" OVER follow REVERSELY YIELD $$.player.name AS Friend, $$.player.age AS Age \| ORDER BY $-.Age, $-.Friend \| LIMIT 1, 3` | Returns the 3 rows of data starting from the second row of the sorted output. |
+| [GROUP BY](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/group-by.md) | ` GROUP BY YIELD , ` | `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow BIDIRECT YIELD $$.player.name as Name | GROUP BY $-.Name YIELD $-.Name as Player, count(*) AS Name_Count` | Finds all the vertices connected directly to vertex `"player100"`, groups the result set by player names, and counts how many times the name shows up in the result set. |
+| [LIMIT](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/limit.md) | `YIELD [| LIMIT [,] ]` | `O FROM "player100" OVER follow REVERSELY YIELD $$.player.name AS Friend, $$.player.age AS Age | ORDER BY $-.Age, $-.Friend | LIMIT 1, 3` | Returns the 3 rows of data starting from the second row of the sorted output. |
| [SKIP](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/limit.md) | `RETURN [SKIP ] [LIMIT ]` | `MATCH (v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"}) --> (v2) RETURN v2.name AS Name, v2.age AS Age ORDER BY Age DESC SKIP 1` | `SKIP` can be used alone to set the offset and return the data after the specified position. |
-| [ORDER BY](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/order-by.md) | ` ORDER BY [ASC \| DESC] [, [ASC \| DESC] ...]` | `FETCH PROP ON player "player100", "player101", "player102", "player103" YIELD player.age AS age, player.name AS name \| ORDER BY $-.age ASC, $-.name DESC` | The `ORDER BY` clause specifies the order of the rows in the output. |
-| [RETURN](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/return.md) | `RETURN {\|\|.\|.\|...}` | `MATCH (v:player) RETURN v.name, v.age LIMIT 3` | Returns the first three rows with values of the vertex properties `name` and `age`. |
+| [ORDER BY](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/order-by.md) | ` ORDER BY [ASC | DESC] [, [ASC | DESC] ...]` | `FETCH PROP ON player "player100", "player101", "player102", "player103" YIELD player.age AS age, player.name AS name | ORDER BY $-.age ASC, $-.name DESC` | The `ORDER BY` clause specifies the order of the rows in the output. |
+| [RETURN](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/return.md) | `RETURN {||.|.|...}` | `MATCH (v:player) RETURN v.name, v.age LIMIT 3` | Returns the first three rows with values of the vertex properties `name` and `age`. |
| [TTL](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/ttl-options.md) | ``CREATE TAG ( , , ...) ttl_duration= , ttl_col = `` | `CREATE TAG t2(a int, b int, c string) ttl_duration= 100, ttl_col = "a"` | Create a tag and set the TTL options. |
-| [WHERE](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/where.md) | `WHERE {. {>\|==\|<\|...} ...}` | `MATCH (v:player) WHERE v.name == "Tim Duncan" XOR (v.age < 30 AND v.name == "Yao Ming") OR NOT (v.name == "Yao Ming" OR v.name == "Tim Duncan") RETURN v.name, v.age` | The `WHERE` clause filters the output by conditions. The `WHERE` clause usually works in Native nGQL `GO` and `LOOKUP` statements, and OpenCypher `MATCH` and `WITH` statements. |
-| [YIELD](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/yield.md) | `YIELD [DISTINCT] [AS ] [, [AS ] ...] [WHERE ];` | `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow YIELD dst(edge) AS ID \| FETCH PROP ON player $-.ID YIELD player.age AS Age \| YIELD AVG($-.Age) as Avg_age, count(*)as Num_friends` | Finds the players that "player100" follows and calculates their average age. |
-| [WITH](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/with.md) | `MATCH $expressions WITH {nodes()\|labels()\|...}` | `MATCH p=(v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})--() WITH nodes(p) AS n UNWIND n AS n1 RETURN DISTINCT n1` | The `WITH` clause can retrieve the output from a query part, process it, and pass it to the next query part as the input. |
+| [WHERE](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/where.md) | `WHERE {. {>|==|<|...} ...}` | `MATCH (v:player) WHERE v.name == "Tim Duncan" XOR (v.age < 30 AND v.name == "Yao Ming") OR NOT (v.name == "Yao Ming" OR v.name == "Tim Duncan") RETURN v.name, v.age` | The `WHERE` clause filters the output by conditions. The `WHERE` clause usually works in Native nGQL `GO` and `LOOKUP` statements, and OpenCypher `MATCH` and `WITH` statements. |
+| [YIELD](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/yield.md) | `YIELD [DISTINCT] [AS ] [, [AS ] ...] [WHERE ];` | `GO FROM "player100" OVER follow YIELD dst(edge) AS ID | FETCH PROP ON player $-.ID YIELD player.age AS Age | YIELD AVG($-.Age) as Avg_age, count(*)as Num_friends` | Finds the players that "player100" follows and calculates their average age. |
+| [WITH](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/with.md) | `MATCH $expressions WITH {nodes()|labels()|...}` | `MATCH p=(v:player{name:"Tim Duncan"})--() WITH nodes(p) AS n UNWIND n AS n1 RETURN DISTINCT n1` | The `WITH` clause can retrieve the output from a query part, process it, and pass it to the next query part as the input. |
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
| Statement | Syntax | Example | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| [CREATE SPACE](../3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/1.create-space.md) | `CREATE SPACE [IF NOT EXISTS] ( [partition_num = ,] [replica_factor = ,] vid_type = {FIXED_STRING()\| INT[64]} ) [COMMENT = '']` | `CREATE SPACE my_space_1 (vid_type=FIXED_STRING(30))` | Creates a graph space with |
+| [CREATE SPACE](../3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/1.create-space.md) | `CREATE SPACE [IF NOT EXISTS] ( [partition_num = ,] [replica_factor = ,] vid_type = {FIXED_STRING()| INT[64]} ) [COMMENT = '']` | `CREATE SPACE my_space_1 (vid_type=FIXED_STRING(30))` | Creates a graph space with |
| [CREATE SPACE](../3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/1.create-space.md) | `CREATE SPACE AS ` | `CREATE SPACE my_space_4 as my_space_3` | Clone a graph space. |
| [USE](../3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/2.use-space.md) | `USE ` | `USE space1` | Specifies a graph space as the current working graph space for subsequent queries. |
| [SHOW SPACES](../3.ngql-guide/9.space-statements/3.show-spaces.md) | `SHOW SPACES` | `SHOW SPACES` | Lists all the graph spaces in the Nebula Graph examples. |
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
| Statement | Syntax | Example | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| [CREATE TAG](../3.ngql-guide/10.tag-statements/1.create-tag.md) | `CREATE TAG [IF NOT EXISTS] ( [NULL \| NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT ''] [{, [NULL \| NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT '']} ...] ) [TTL_DURATION = ] [TTL_COL = ] [COMMENT = ''] ` | `CREATE TAG woman(name string, age int, married bool, salary double, create_time timestamp) TTL_DURATION = 100, TTL_COL = "create_time"` | Creates a tag with the given name in a graph space. |
+| [CREATE TAG](../3.ngql-guide/10.tag-statements/1.create-tag.md) | `CREATE TAG [IF NOT EXISTS] ( [NULL | NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT ''] [{, [NULL | NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT '']} ...] ) [TTL_DURATION = ] [TTL_COL = ] [COMMENT = ''] ` | `CREATE TAG woman(name string, age int, married bool, salary double, create_time timestamp) TTL_DURATION = 100, TTL_COL = "create_time"` | Creates a tag with the given name in a graph space. |
| [DROP TAG](../3.ngql-guide/10.tag-statements/2.drop-tag.md) | `DROP TAG [IF EXISTS] ` | `CREATE TAG test(p1 string, p2 int)` | Drops a tag with the given name in the current working graph space. |
| [ALTER TAG](../3.ngql-guide/10.tag-statements/3.alter-tag.md) | `ALTER TAG [, alter_definition] ...] [ttl_definition [, ttl_definition] ... ] [COMMENT = '']` | `ALTER TAG t1 ADD (p3 int, p4 string)` | Alters the structure of a tag with the given name in a graph space. You can add or drop properties, and change the data type of an existing property. You can also set a [TTL](../3.ngql-guide/8.clauses-and-options/ttl-options.md(Time-To-Live)on a property, or change its TTL duration. |
| [SHOW TAGS](../3.ngql-guide/10.tag-statements/4.show-tags.md) | `SHOW TAGS` | `SHOW TAGS` | Shows the name of all tags in the current graph space. |
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
| Statement | Syntax | Example | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------- |
-| [CREATE EDGE](../3.ngql-guide/11.edge-type-statements/1.create-edge.md) | `CREATE EDGE [IF NOT EXISTS] ( [NULL \| NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT ''] [{, [NULL \| NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT '']} ...] ) [TTL_DURATION = ] [TTL_COL = ] [COMMENT = ''] ` | `CREATE EDGE e1(p1 string, p2 int, p3 timestamp) TTL_DURATION = 100, TTL_COL = "p2"` | Creates an edge type with the given name in a graph space.type。 |
+| [CREATE EDGE](../3.ngql-guide/11.edge-type-statements/1.create-edge.md) | `CREATE EDGE [IF NOT EXISTS] ( [NULL | NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT ''] [{, [NULL | NOT NULL] [DEFAULT ] [COMMENT '']} ...] ) [TTL_DURATION = ] [TTL_COL = ] [COMMENT = ''] ` | `CREATE EDGE e1(p1 string, p2 int, p3 timestamp) TTL_DURATION = 100, TTL_COL = "p2"` | Creates an edge type with the given name in a graph space.type。 |
| [DROP EDGE](../3.ngql-guide/11.edge-type-statements/2.drop-edge.md) | `DROP EDGE [IF EXISTS] ` | `DROP EDGE e1` | Drops an edge type with the given name in a graph space. |
| [ALTER EDGE](../3.ngql-guide/11.edge-type-statements/3.alter-edge.md) | `ALTER EDGE [, alter_definition] ...] [ttl_definition [, ttl_definition] ... ] [COMMENT = '']` | `ALTER EDGE e1 ADD (p3 int, p4 string)` | Alters the structure of an edge type with the given name in a graph space. |
| [SHOW EDGES](../3.ngql-guide/11.edge-type-statements/4.show-edges.md) | `SHOW EDGES` | `SHOW EDGES` | Shows all edge types in the current graph space. |
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
| Statement | Syntax | Example | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| [INSERT VERTEX](../3.ngql-guide/12.vertex-statements/1.insert-vertex.md) | `INSERT VERTEX [IF NOT EXISTS] () [, (), ...] {VALUES \| VALUE} VID: ([, ])` | `INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES "13":("n3", 12), "14":("n4", 8)` | Inserts one or more vertices into a graph space in Nebula Graph. |
+| [INSERT VERTEX](../3.ngql-guide/12.vertex-statements/1.insert-vertex.md) | `INSERT VERTEX [IF NOT EXISTS] () [, (), ...] {VALUES | VALUE} VID: ([, ])` | `INSERT VERTEX t2 (name, age) VALUES "13":("n3", 12), "14":("n4", 8)` | Inserts one or more vertices into a graph space in Nebula Graph. |
| [DELETE VERTEX](../3.ngql-guide/12.vertex-statements/4.delete-vertex.md) | `DELETE VERTEX [, ...]` | `DELETE VERTEX "team1"` | Deletes vertices and the related incoming and outgoing edges of the vertices. |
| [UPDATE VERTEX](../3.ngql-guide/12.vertex-statements/2.update-vertex.md) | `UPDATE VERTEX ON SET [WHEN ] [YIELD