- 03/09/2021 - Threat Hunt Deep Dives Ep. 5: LotL Pt. 1, Downloading Files on MS Windows
- 01/21/2021 - Threat Hunt Deep Dives Ep. 4: Apache Struts RCE, CVE-2020-17530
- 12/15/2020 - Threat Hunt Deep Dives Ep. 3: SolarWinds Supply-Chain Compromise
- 12/10/2020 - Threat Hunt Deep Dives Ep. 2: Application Shimming
- 11/20/2020 - Threat Hunt Deep Dives Ep. 1: The Return of the WIZard
- 08/12/2020 - Black Hat USA 2020 Hacking Puzzle Solutions
- 07/13/2020 - Python Malware On The Rise
- 04/19/2020 - NotWannasigh WPICTF 2020 Writeup
- 03/24/2019 - The Norsk Hydro LockerGoga Ransomware Cyber Attack
- 09/30/2018 - purplefox Devblog: Part 2 - Client Skeleton
- 09/15/2018 - purplefox Devblog: Part 1 - Introduction & Planning
- 03/07/2018 - Creating An HTML5 Game Bot Using Python
- 09/20/2016 - Every Little Hacker Needs A Little Linux Computer