Typescript library to aid dApp development on VeChainThor.
This repository is now archived and has reached its end-of-life (EOL). We have transitioned to a new and improved repository that will continue to receive updates, support, and new features.
- Final Version Release: November 4th, 2024
- End-of-Support Date: December 31st, 2024
- Repository Archive Date: December 31st, 2024
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Thank you to all contributors and users for supporting this project. We appreciate your interest and encourage you to explore the new repository for ongoing improvements and features.
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To install the library, run:
npm i thor-devkit
To build and sign a transaction:
import { Transaction, secp256k1 } from 'thor-devkit'
const clauses = [{
to: '0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed',
value: 10000,
data: '0x'
// calc intrinsic gas
const gas = Transaction.intrinsicGas(clauses)
// 21000
let body: Transaction.Body = {
chainTag: 0x9a,
blockRef: '0x0000000000000000',
expiration: 32,
clauses: clauses,
gasPriceCoef: 128,
dependsOn: null,
nonce: 12345678
const tx = new Transaction(body)
const signingHash = tx.signingHash()
tx.signature = secp256k1.sign(signingHash, /* your private key */)
const raw = tx.encode()
const decoded = Transaction.decode(raw)
Client side self-signed certificate:
import { Certificate, secp256k1, blake2b256 } from 'thor-devkit'
const cert: Certificate = {
purpose: 'identification',
payload: {
type: 'text',
content: 'fyi'
domain: 'localhost',
timestamp: 1545035330,
signer: <<<signer-address>>>
const jsonStr = Certificate.encode(cert)
const signature = secp256k1.sign(blake2b256(jsonStr), <<<private-key>>>)
cert.signature = '0x' + signature.toString('hex')
// certificate id
const id = '0x' + blake2b256(Certificate.encode(cert)).toString('hex')
import { abi } from 'thor-devkit'
const fn = new abi.Function({
"constant": false,
"inputs": [
"name": "a1",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "a2",
"type": "string"
"name": "f1",
"outputs": [
"name": "r1",
"type": "address"
"name": "r2",
"type": "bytes"
"payable": false,
"stateMutability": "nonpayable",
"type": "function"
const data = fn.encode(1, 'foo')
import { RLP } from 'thor-devkit'
// define the profile for tx clause structure
const profile: RLP.Profile = {
name: 'clause',
kind: [
{ name: 'to', kind: new RLP.NullableFixedBlobKind(20) },
{ name: 'value', kind: new RLP.NumericKind(32) },
{ name: 'data', kind: new RLP.BlobKind() }
const clause = {
to: '0x7567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed',
value: 10,
data: '0x'
const rlp = new RLP(profile)
const data = rlp.encode(clause)
// d7947567d83b7b8d80addcb281a71d54fc7b3364ffed0a80
const obj = rlp.decode(data)
// `obj` should be identical to `clause`
import { blake2b256, keccak256 } from 'thor-devkit'
const hash = blake2b256('hello world')
// 256c83b297114d201b30179f3f0ef0cace9783622da5974326b436178aeef610
hash = keccak256('hello world')
// 47173285a8d7341e5e972fc677286384f802f8ef42a5ec5f03bbfa254cb01fad
import { secp256k1, keccak256, address } from 'thor-devkit'
const privKey = secp256k1.generatePrivateKey()
const pubKey = secp256k1.derivePublicKey(privKey)
const addr = address.fromPublicKey(pubKey)
const signature = secp256k1.sign(keccak256('hello world'), privKey)
const recoveredPubKey = secp256k1.recover(keccak256('hello world'), signature)
import { mnemonic, Keystore, HDNode } from 'thor-devkit'
// generate BIP39 mnemonic words, default to 12 words(128bit strength)
const words = mnemonic.generate()
// derive private key from mnemonic words according to BIP32, using the path `m/44'/818'/0'/0`.
// defined for VET at https://github.com/satoshilabs/slips/blob/master/slip-0044.md
const privateKey = mnemonic.derivePrivateKey(words)
// in recovery process, validation is recommended
let ok = mnemonic.validate(words)
// encrypt/decrypt private key using Ethereum's keystore scheme
const keystore = await Keystore.encrypt(privateKey, 'your password')
// throw for wrong password
const recoveredPrivateKey = await Keystore.decrypt(keystore, 'your password')
// roughly check keystore format
ok = Keystore.wellFormed(keystore)
// create BIP32 HD node from mnemonic words
const hdnode = HDNode.fromMnemonic(words)
// derive 5 child private keys
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
let child = hdnode.derive(i)
// get child private key
// child.privateKey
// or create HD node from xpub
const pub = Buffer.from('04dc40b4324626eb393dbf77b6930e915dcca6297b42508adb743674a8ad5c69a046010f801a62cb945a6cb137a050cefaba0572429fc4afc57df825bfca2f219a', 'hex')
const chainCode = Buffer.from('105da5578eb3228655a8abe70bf4c317e525c7f7bb333634f5b7d1f70e111a33', 'hex')
hdnode = HDNode.fromPublicKey(pub, chainCode)
// derive 5 child public keys
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
let child = hdnode.derive(i)
// get child public key
// child.publicKey
Thor DevKit is licensed under the MIT License.