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Serverless web application and API with {{}}

{: #serverless-webapp} {: toc-content-type="tutorial"} {: toc-services="codeengine, Cloudant, cloud-object-storage"} {: toc-completion-time="1h"}

This tutorial may incur costs. Use the Cost Estimator to generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage. {: tip}

In this tutorial, you will create a serverless web application using a bucket in {{}} and implementing the application backend using {{}} and {{}} as JSON document database. {: shortdesc}

Static websites are great for performance and security. Their architectural model is sometimes referred to as Jamstack{: external} in reference to JavaScript, API, and Markup. In this tutorial, you will create a static website hosted on {{}}. The website has a guestbook which uses JavaScript to access an API for retrieving entries or to add a new entry. The API for interaction with the backing database is implemented using a serverless approach. It is deployed as backend app or microservice to {{}}. The backend only runs when required and thereby occurs charges when in use.


{: #serverless-webapp-0}

  • Deploy a serverless backend and a database
  • Expose a REST API as serverless app
  • Host a static website

The application shown in this tutorial is a simple guestbook website where users can post messages.

Architecture{: caption="Figure 1. Architecture diagram of the tutorial" caption-side="bottom"} {: style="text-align: center;"}

  1. The user accesses the application hosted on the bucket in {{}}
  2. The web application calls a backend API.
  3. The app with the backend API is deployed to {{}}.
  4. The backend uses {{}} to store and retrieve guestbook entries.

Create the Guestbook database

{: #serverless-webapp-2} {: step}

Let's start by creating a {{}} service instance. {{}} is a fully managed JSON document database. It is built upon and compatible with Apache CouchDB.

  1. In the Catalog, under Services, go to the Databases category. Click on the {{}} tile. In the new dialog:
    1. Under Multitenant select a region.

    2. Under Configure Cloudant instance pick a unique name for the service, such as <yourinitials>-guestbook-db.

    3. Select a resource group.

    4. Select IAM as authentication method.

    5. Select the Lite plan. If you already have a Lite plan in your account, select another service plan.

    6. Click Create.

  2. Back in the {{}} Resource List, under Services, click on the {{}} instance you created to open the instance full details page. Note: You may be required to wait until the status of the service changes to Active.
  3. Click on Launch Dashboard to open the dashboard in a new browser tab.
  4. In the upper right, click on Create Database. Enter guestbook as name and select Non-Partioned under Partitioning. Click Create to create the database.

Create serverless backend

{: #serverless-webapp-3} {: step}

In this section, you will create the serverless backend app with {{}}. Serverless apps only incur charges for the execution time which is ideal for infrequently accessed solutions like a guestbook.

Create a {{}} project

{: #serverless-webapp-4}

  1. Navigate to {{}} Overview page.
  2. On the left pane, click on Projects and then click Create,
    • Select a location.
    • Use <yourinitials>-guestbook as project name and select the same resource group as before.
    • Click on Create.
    • Wait until the project status changes to Active.
  3. Click on the project name to enter the project dashboard.

Create and deploy backend app

{: #serverless-webapp-5} {: step}

  1. Within the project dashboard, click on Applications, then Create.
  2. In the new dialog, enter guestbook-backend as name.
  3. Leave Container image selected and use as Image reference. It uses an already existing container image.
  4. Go to and expand the section Runtime settings. Increase the Min number of instances to 1 and reduce Max number of instances to 2. The minimum of one makes the app more responsive during the initial tests. You could reduce it later to zero again.
  5. Under Instance resources, select 0.25 vCPU / 0.5 GB for CPU and memory. Not much of resources is needed for this type of app.
  6. Click Create to deploy the new backend app for the guestbook.
  7. Create a service binding to the database.
    1. Click Service bindings tab.
    2. Click Create.
    3. Click IBM Cloud service instance and choose your database from the drop down.
    4. Click Add.
  8. Wait for the provisioning to report as green and ready. Click on Test application, then on Application URL. The backend app should load and return a page saying healthy. Remember or copy the application URL because it is needed for the next part.

Instead of using the pre-built container image, you could build the image on your own. This can be done either outside of or with the help of {{}}. If not using the pre-built container image and if using a private container registry additional steps might be needed. You can find the source at {: tip}

Deploy the web app

{: #serverless-webapp-6} {: step}

Create a {{}} bucket configured with static website hosting containing the files for the guestbook JavaScript application that uses the {{}} database.

Create a {{}} instance:

  1. Select Object Storage from the catalog.
  2. Select IBM Cloud for the Infrastructure and Standard for the plan.
  3. Enter a unique service name for the instance, such as <yourinitials>-guestbook-cos.
  4. Select a resource group.
  5. Click Create

Create a bucket configured for static website hosting:

  1. Click Create a bucket.
  2. Click Customize your bucket.
  3. Enter a bucket name that is unique across all IBM accounts. Try <yourinitials>-guestbook.
  4. Select resiliency as Regional.
  5. Select a Location consistent with the {{}} instance.
  6. Keep the Storage class default
  7. Scroll down to the Static website hosting and click Add+.
  8. Keep the Routing rules (individual) selected and add the Index document index.html.
  9. Click Public access to On
  10. Click Save
  11. Scroll to the bottom and click Create bucket

Copy the files in the docs directory of into the bucket:

  1. Open in a new tab.

  2. Download a zip file by clicking Code then Download ZIP.

  3. Unzip the file and navigate to the docs directory of the unzipped file.

  4. Edit guestbook.js - replace the value of apiUrl with the application URL from the previous section.

    Make sure that the URI does not end on a slash (/). {: note}

  5. Open the bucket Objects view and drag and drop the guestbook.js and index.html files to the COS bucket.

  6. Navigate to the Configuration tab for the bucket. In the Endpoints section locate the Static website hosting endpoints section. Copy the Public endpoint into a browser tab.

  7. You should see the guestbook page.

  8. Add new entries to the guestbook.

Guestbook Screenshot{: caption="Guestbook Screenshot" caption-side="bottom"} {: style="text-align: center;"}

Remove resources

{: #serverless-webapp-cleanup} {: step}

To delete the created bucket and {{}} service:

  1. Navigate to the {{}} bucket objects
  2. Check the box in the title row to select all objects in the bucket
  3. Click Delete objects
  4. In the upper right of the bucket object page Actions menu select Delete bucket
  5. In the upper right of the {{}} instance Actions menu select Delete Instance

To delete the created {{}} service,

  1. Navigate to the resource list
  2. Under Databases, click on the action menu next to <yourinitials>-guestbook-db service
  3. Click Delete

To delete the application and project {{}},

  1. Navigate to the {{}} landing page.
  2. On the left pane, click on Projects.
  3. In the list of projects, check the guestbook project, then click Delete.

Depending on the resource it might not be deleted immediately, but retained (by default for 7 days). You can reclaim the resource by deleting it permanently or restore it within the retention period. See this document on how to use resource reclamation. {: tip}

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{: #serverless-webapp-8}