Ensure you have installed everything listed in the dependencies setction before following the instructions.
Install packages needed to generate the site
On Linux:
$ apt-get install ruby-dev make autoconf nodejs nodejs-legacy python-dev
On Mac OS X:
$ brew install node
Clone the Marathon repository
Change into the "docs" directory where docs live
$ cd docs
Install Bundler
$ gem install bundler
Install the bundle's dependencies
$ bundle install
Start the web server
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --watch
Visit the site at http://localhost:4000/marathon/
Clone a separate copy of the Marathon repo as a sibling of your normal Marathon project directory and name it "marathon-gh-pages".
$ git clone [email protected]:mesosphere/marathon.git marathon-gh-pages
Check out the "gh-pages" branch.
$ cd /path/to/marathon-gh-pages $ git checkout gh-pages
Copy the contents of the "docs" directory in master to the root of your marathon-gh-pages directory.
$ cd /path/to/marathon $ cp -r docs/** ../marathon-gh-pages
Change to the marathon-gh-pages directory, commit, and push the changes
$ cd /path/to/marathon-gh-pages $ git commit . -m "Syncing docs with master branch" $ git push