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Generative Models |
In the last unit, we saw how we could use formal languages, or sets of strings, as a model of natural language structure. We also introduced the idea of describing natural languages in terms of computational processes such as recognizers and generators. Now we have a framework in which we can plausibly begin to build some models of natural language which captured our original goal of making clear the computational processes that allow us to produce and comprehend utterances, and the hard part begins.
How can we choose between different proposals? What makes one proposal good and another bad? In some cases, we will be able to isolate a single property we think is important in nartural language and show conclusively that some model can't capture it. We used this approach to show that at least for English we needed to use infinite languages as models. The property we isolated was the possibility, in English of adding an unspecified number of prepositional phrases as in Alice talked to the father of the mother of Bob. We argued that these structures were homomorphic to the formal language
It is worth considering the sort of reasoning we are using here. Essentially, this argument is about goodness of fit to the data. In this case, our formal model---some finite language---cannot fit the data at all. But in general, we might want a more fine-grained measure of goodness of fit to the data, one that isn't all or nothing. For example, in our argument above, we used
Numerical measures of the goodness of particular theories are called evaluation metrics in linguistics, and have been studied since the very beginnings of the modern science. In subsequent sections, we will define several different kinds of evaluation metrics, and discover some surprising and beautiful mathematical connections between them. Below we introduce our first, probability. But first an aside on natural language corpora and frequencies.
We have seen examples of how we can define formal infinite formal languages like
Second, real samples of natural language can contain repeated sentences. By definition, formal languages do not contain repeats For example, the language
For now, we will define a corpus
Call me Ishmael .
Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no money in my purse , and nothing particular to interest me on shore , I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world .
It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation .
Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp , drizzly November in my soul ; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses , and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet ; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me , that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street , and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then , I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can .
This is my substitute for pistol and ball .
With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword ; I quietly take to the ship .
There is nothing surprising in this .
If they but knew it , almost all men in their degree , some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me .
Note that here we have tokenized this text. That is, we have put spaces between things like words and punctuation and other symbols that we would like to distinguish from one another in a formal model of this text.
A natural way of defining a goodness-of-fit score for a model is by asking what probability it assigns to a corpus, a quantity also sometimes called the likelihood of the model. How can we define probability distributions for specific models.
One way of specifying the probability of some corpus is by defining a probabilistic generative model. This is simply a generator whose is behavior is random, that is a model which samples strings from some probability distribution. Recall our definition of a generator for the language
(defn generate-ab* [n]
(if (= n 0)
(concat '(a b) (generate-ab* (- n 1)))))
(generate-ab* 10)
Recall that in this code we left
(defn flip []
(if (> (rand 1) 0.5)
Now we can change "generate-abn" by replacing the stopping condition with a random coin flip.
(defn sample-ab* []
(if (= (flip) true)
(concat '(a b) (sample-ab*))))
Note that we have changed the name to begin with "sample-". Such a probabilistic generator is known as a sampler and we will often use this naming convention when we write them. We can also write the probabilistic equivalent to recognizer for this language. Recall our original recognizer function.
(defn prefix? [pr str]
(if (> (count pr) (count str))
(if (empty? pr)
(if (equal? (first pr) (first str))
(prefix? (rest pr) (rest str))
(defn lang-ab*? [str]
(if (empty? str)
(if (prefix? '(a b) str)
(lang-ab*? (rest (rest str)))
(lang-ab*? '(a b a b))
What is the probabilistic equivalent of a recognizer? It is a function that returns not just whether a string is a language or not, but the probability of the string under the generative model. We call such functions scoring functions.
(defn score-ab* [str]
(if (empty str)
(if (prefix? '(a b) str)
(* 0.5 (score-ab* (rest (rest str))))
(score-ab* '(a b a b))
We will often use this naming convention "score-" for scoring functions. Note that what this function does is score a string under the generative model above.
With language samplers and scorers defined, we are now in a position to evaluate the probability or score of a dataset, or likelihood of the model which is a measure of well the model matches the corpus frequencies of the corpus.
(defn sample-corpus [generator size]
(if (= size 0)
(cons (generator) (sample-corpus generator (- size 1)))))
(sample-corpus sample-ab* 4)
(defn sample-corpus-random [generator]
(if (flip)
(cons (generator) (sample-corpus-random generator))))
(sample-corpus-random sample-ab*)
(def my-corpus (list '(a b a b) '() '(a b) '(a b a b a b)))
(defn score-corpus [scorer corpus]
(if (empty? corpus)
(* (scorer (first corpus)) (score-corpus scorer (rest corpus)))))
(score-corpus score-ab* my-corpus)
There is a close relationship between samplers and scorers. In particular, any corpus which is sampled by a generator can be scored by a scorer. The score of that corpus is simply the probably that the generator would have generated it in the first under random chance. This connection is absolutely crucial to understanding how probabilities can be used for learning and inference, as we will see in upcoming lectures.