From 95144591987644e7d864ae68514fa496cd30a380 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yana Agun Siswanto Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:48:11 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add supported locale for isDecimal --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 8b81f9492..eb113fc20 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Validator | Description **isCurrency(str [, options])** | check if the string is a valid currency amount.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{symbol: '$', require_symbol: false, allow_space_after_symbol: false, symbol_after_digits: false, allow_negatives: true, parens_for_negatives: false, negative_sign_before_digits: false, negative_sign_after_digits: false, allow_negative_sign_placeholder: false, thousands_separator: ',', decimal_separator: '.', allow_decimal: true, require_decimal: false, digits_after_decimal: [2], allow_space_after_digits: false}`.
**Note:** The array `digits_after_decimal` is filled with the exact number of digits allowed not a range, for example a range 1 to 3 will be given as [1, 2, 3]. **isDataURI(str)** | check if the string is a [data uri format]( **isDate(input [, options])** | Check if the input is a valid date. e.g. [`2002-07-15`, new Date()].

`options` is an object which can contain the keys `format`, `strictMode` and/or `delimiters`

`format` is a string and defaults to `YYYY/MM/DD`.

`strictMode` is a boolean and defaults to `false`. If `strictMode` is set to true, the validator will reject inputs different from `format`.

`delimiters` is an array of allowed date delimiters and defaults to `['/', '-']`. -**isDecimal(str [, options])** | check if the string represents a decimal number, such as 0.1, .3, 1.1, 1.00003, 4.0, etc.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{force_decimal: false, decimal_digits: '1,', locale: 'en-US'}`

`locale` determine the decimal separator and is one of `['ar', 'ar-AE', 'ar-BH', 'ar-DZ', 'ar-EG', 'ar-IQ', 'ar-JO', 'ar-KW', 'ar-LB', 'ar-LY', 'ar-MA', 'ar-QA', 'ar-QM', 'ar-SA', 'ar-SD', 'ar-SY', 'ar-TN', 'ar-YE', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'en-AU', 'en-GB', 'en-HK', 'en-IN', 'en-NZ', 'en-US', 'en-ZA', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fr-FR', 'hu-HU', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'nn-NO', 'pl-PL', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ru-RU', 'sl-SI', 'sr-RS', 'sr-RS@latin', 'sv-SE', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA']`.
**Note:** `decimal_digits` is given as a range like '1,3', a specific value like '3' or min like '1,'. +**isDecimal(str [, options])** | check if the string represents a decimal number, such as 0.1, .3, 1.1, 1.00003, 4.0, etc.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{force_decimal: false, decimal_digits: '1,', locale: 'en-US'}`

`locale` determine the decimal separator and is one of `['ar', 'ar-AE', 'ar-BH', 'ar-DZ', 'ar-EG', 'ar-IQ', 'ar-JO', 'ar-KW', 'ar-LB', 'ar-LY', 'ar-MA', 'ar-QA', 'ar-QM', 'ar-SA', 'ar-SD', 'ar-SY', 'ar-TN', 'ar-YE', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-AU', 'en-GB', 'en-HK', 'en-IN', 'en-NZ', 'en-US', 'en-ZA', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fa', 'fa-AF', 'fa-IR', 'fr-FR', 'hu-HU', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'nn-NO', 'pl-PL', 'pl-Pl', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ru-RU', 'sl-SI', 'sr-RS', 'sr-RS@latin', 'sv-SE', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA', 'vi-VN']`.
**Note:** `decimal_digits` is given as a range like '1,3', a specific value like '3' or min like '1,'. **isDivisibleBy(str, number)** | check if the string is a number that's divisible by another. **isEAN(str)** | check if the string is an EAN (European Article Number). **isEmail(str [, options])** | check if the string is an email.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{ allow_display_name: false, require_display_name: false, allow_utf8_local_part: true, require_tld: true, allow_ip_domain: false, domain_specific_validation: false }`. If `allow_display_name` is set to true, the validator will also match `Display Name `. If `require_display_name` is set to true, the validator will reject strings without the format `Display Name `. If `allow_utf8_local_part` is set to false, the validator will not allow any non-English UTF8 character in email address' local part. If `require_tld` is set to false, e-mail addresses without having TLD in their domain will also be matched. If `ignore_max_length` is set to true, the validator will not check for the standard max length of an email. If `allow_ip_domain` is set to true, the validator will allow IP addresses in the host part. If `domain_specific_validation` is true, some additional validation will be enabled, e.g. disallowing certain syntactically valid email addresses that are rejected by GMail. From 73fe4297c86b5a597e4ce4715978421da4bfd2b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Yana Agun Siswanto Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2020 00:56:31 +0700 Subject: [PATCH 2/2] alpha.js: add Indonesian decimal --- | 2 +- src/lib/alpha.js | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index eb113fc20..8ca16e94f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Validator | Description **isCurrency(str [, options])** | check if the string is a valid currency amount.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{symbol: '$', require_symbol: false, allow_space_after_symbol: false, symbol_after_digits: false, allow_negatives: true, parens_for_negatives: false, negative_sign_before_digits: false, negative_sign_after_digits: false, allow_negative_sign_placeholder: false, thousands_separator: ',', decimal_separator: '.', allow_decimal: true, require_decimal: false, digits_after_decimal: [2], allow_space_after_digits: false}`.
**Note:** The array `digits_after_decimal` is filled with the exact number of digits allowed not a range, for example a range 1 to 3 will be given as [1, 2, 3]. **isDataURI(str)** | check if the string is a [data uri format]( **isDate(input [, options])** | Check if the input is a valid date. e.g. [`2002-07-15`, new Date()].

`options` is an object which can contain the keys `format`, `strictMode` and/or `delimiters`

`format` is a string and defaults to `YYYY/MM/DD`.

`strictMode` is a boolean and defaults to `false`. If `strictMode` is set to true, the validator will reject inputs different from `format`.

`delimiters` is an array of allowed date delimiters and defaults to `['/', '-']`. -**isDecimal(str [, options])** | check if the string represents a decimal number, such as 0.1, .3, 1.1, 1.00003, 4.0, etc.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{force_decimal: false, decimal_digits: '1,', locale: 'en-US'}`

`locale` determine the decimal separator and is one of `['ar', 'ar-AE', 'ar-BH', 'ar-DZ', 'ar-EG', 'ar-IQ', 'ar-JO', 'ar-KW', 'ar-LB', 'ar-LY', 'ar-MA', 'ar-QA', 'ar-QM', 'ar-SA', 'ar-SD', 'ar-SY', 'ar-TN', 'ar-YE', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-AU', 'en-GB', 'en-HK', 'en-IN', 'en-NZ', 'en-US', 'en-ZA', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fa', 'fa-AF', 'fa-IR', 'fr-FR', 'hu-HU', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'nn-NO', 'pl-PL', 'pl-Pl', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ru-RU', 'sl-SI', 'sr-RS', 'sr-RS@latin', 'sv-SE', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA', 'vi-VN']`.
**Note:** `decimal_digits` is given as a range like '1,3', a specific value like '3' or min like '1,'. +**isDecimal(str [, options])** | check if the string represents a decimal number, such as 0.1, .3, 1.1, 1.00003, 4.0, etc.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{force_decimal: false, decimal_digits: '1,', locale: 'en-US'}`

`locale` determine the decimal separator and is one of `['ar', 'ar-AE', 'ar-BH', 'ar-DZ', 'ar-EG', 'ar-IQ', 'ar-JO', 'ar-KW', 'ar-LB', 'ar-LY', 'ar-MA', 'ar-QA', 'ar-QM', 'ar-SA', 'ar-SD', 'ar-SY', 'ar-TN', 'ar-YE', 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-AU', 'en-GB', 'en-HK', 'en-IN', 'en-NZ', 'en-US', 'en-ZA', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fa', 'fa-AF', 'fa-IR', 'fr-FR', 'hu-HU', 'id-ID', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', 'nb-NO', 'nl-NL', 'nn-NO', 'pl-PL', 'pl-Pl', 'pt-BR', 'pt-PT', 'ru-RU', 'sl-SI', 'sr-RS', 'sr-RS@latin', 'sv-SE', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA', 'vi-VN']`.
**Note:** `decimal_digits` is given as a range like '1,3', a specific value like '3' or min like '1,'. **isDivisibleBy(str, number)** | check if the string is a number that's divisible by another. **isEAN(str)** | check if the string is an EAN (European Article Number). **isEmail(str [, options])** | check if the string is an email.

`options` is an object which defaults to `{ allow_display_name: false, require_display_name: false, allow_utf8_local_part: true, require_tld: true, allow_ip_domain: false, domain_specific_validation: false }`. If `allow_display_name` is set to true, the validator will also match `Display Name `. If `require_display_name` is set to true, the validator will reject strings without the format `Display Name `. If `allow_utf8_local_part` is set to false, the validator will not allow any non-English UTF8 character in email address' local part. If `require_tld` is set to false, e-mail addresses without having TLD in their domain will also be matched. If `ignore_max_length` is set to true, the validator will not check for the standard max length of an email. If `allow_ip_domain` is set to true, the validator will allow IP addresses in the host part. If `domain_specific_validation` is true, some additional validation will be enabled, e.g. disallowing certain syntactically valid email addresses that are rejected by GMail. diff --git a/src/lib/alpha.js b/src/lib/alpha.js index 021fc0493..a4c00c654 100644 --- a/src/lib/alpha.js +++ b/src/lib/alpha.js @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ for (let locale, i = 0; i < farsiLocales.length; i++) { // Source: export const dotDecimal = ['ar-EG', 'ar-LB', 'ar-LY']; export const commaDecimal = [ - 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fr-FR', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', 'hu-HU', 'nb-NO', + 'bg-BG', 'cs-CZ', 'da-DK', 'de-DE', 'el-GR', 'en-ZM', 'es-ES', 'fr-FR', 'id-ID', 'it-IT', 'ku-IQ', 'hu-HU', 'nb-NO', 'nn-NO', 'nl-NL', 'pl-PL', 'pt-PT', 'ru-RU', 'sl-SI', 'sr-RS@latin', 'sr-RS', 'sv-SE', 'tr-TR', 'uk-UA', 'vi-VN', ];