#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail BASE_DIR=${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME} FOUNDRY_DIR=${FOUNDRY_DIR:-"$BASE_DIR/.foundry"} FOUNDRY_BIN_DIR="$FOUNDRY_DIR/bin" FOUNDRY_MAN_DIR="$FOUNDRY_DIR/share/man/man1" FOUNDRYUP_JOBS="" BINS=(forge cast) export RUSTFLAGS="${RUSTFLAGS:--C target-cpu=native}" main() { need_cmd git need_cmd curl while [[ -n $1 ]]; do case $1 in --) shift; break;; -r|--repo) shift; FOUNDRYUP_REPO=$1;; -b|--branch) shift; FOUNDRYUP_BRANCH=$1;; -v|--version) shift; FOUNDRYUP_VERSION=$1;; -p|--path) shift; FOUNDRYUP_LOCAL_REPO=$1;; -P|--pr) shift; FOUNDRYUP_PR=$1;; -C|--commit) shift; FOUNDRYUP_COMMIT=$1;; -j|--jobs) shift; FOUNDRYUP_JOBS=$1;; --arch) shift; FOUNDRYUP_ARCH=$1;; --platform) shift; FOUNDRYUP_PLATFORM=$1;; -h|--help) usage exit 0 ;; *) warn "unknown option: $1" usage exit 1 esac; shift done CARGO_BUILD_ARGS=(--release) if [ -n "$FOUNDRYUP_JOBS" ]; then CARGO_BUILD_ARGS+=(--jobs "$FOUNDRYUP_JOBS") fi # Print the banner after successfully parsing args banner if [ -n "$FOUNDRYUP_PR" ]; then if [ -z "$FOUNDRYUP_BRANCH" ]; then FOUNDRYUP_BRANCH="refs/pull/$FOUNDRYUP_PR/head" else err "can't use --pr and --branch at the same time" fi fi # Installs foundry from a local repository if --path parameter is provided if [[ -n "$FOUNDRYUP_LOCAL_REPO" ]]; then need_cmd cargo # Ignore branches/versions as we do not want to modify local git state if [ -n "$FOUNDRYUP_REPO" ] || [ -n "$FOUNDRYUP_BRANCH" ] || [ -n "$FOUNDRYUP_VERSION" ]; then warn "--branch, --version, and --repo arguments are ignored during local install" fi # Enter local repo and build say "installing from $FOUNDRYUP_LOCAL_REPO" cd "$FOUNDRYUP_LOCAL_REPO" ensure cargo build --bins "${CARGO_BUILD_ARGS[@]}" for bin in "${BINS[@]}"; do # Remove prior installations if they exist rm -f "$FOUNDRY_BIN_DIR/$bin" # Symlink from local repo binaries to bin dir ensure ln -s "$PWD/target/release/$bin" "$FOUNDRY_BIN_DIR/$bin" done say "done" exit 0 fi FOUNDRYUP_REPO=${FOUNDRYUP_REPO:-matter-labs/foundry-zksync} # Install by downloading binaries if [[ "$FOUNDRYUP_REPO" == "matter-labs/foundry-zksync" && -z "$FOUNDRYUP_BRANCH" && -z "$FOUNDRYUP_COMMIT" ]]; then FOUNDRYUP_VERSION=${FOUNDRYUP_VERSION:-nightly} FOUNDRYUP_TAG=$FOUNDRYUP_VERSION # Normalize versions (handle channels, versions without v prefix if [[ "$FOUNDRYUP_VERSION" =~ ^nightly ]]; then FOUNDRYUP_VERSION="nightly" elif [[ "$FOUNDRYUP_VERSION" == [[:digit:]]* ]]; then # Add v prefix FOUNDRYUP_VERSION="v${FOUNDRYUP_VERSION}" FOUNDRYUP_TAG="${FOUNDRYUP_VERSION}" fi say "installing foundry (version ${FOUNDRYUP_VERSION}, tag ${FOUNDRYUP_TAG})" uname_s=$(uname -s) PLATFORM=$(tolower "${FOUNDRYUP_PLATFORM:-$uname_s}") EXT="tar.gz" case $PLATFORM in linux) ;; darwin|mac*) PLATFORM="darwin" ;; mingw*|win*) EXT="zip" PLATFORM="win32" ;; *) err "unsupported platform: $PLATFORM" ;; esac uname_m=$(uname -m) ARCHITECTURE=$(tolower "${FOUNDRYUP_ARCH:-$uname_m}") if [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "x86_64" ]; then # Redirect stderr to /dev/null to avoid printing errors if non Rosetta. if [ "$(sysctl -n sysctl.proc_translated 2>/dev/null)" = "1" ]; then ARCHITECTURE="arm64" # Rosetta. else ARCHITECTURE="amd64" # Intel. fi elif [ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "arm64" ] ||[ "${ARCHITECTURE}" = "aarch64" ] ; then ARCHITECTURE="arm64" # Arm. else ARCHITECTURE="amd64" # Amd. fi # Compute the URL of the release tarball in the Foundry repository. RELEASE_URL="https://github.com/${FOUNDRYUP_REPO}/releases/download/${FOUNDRYUP_TAG}/" BIN_ARCHIVE_URL="${RELEASE_URL}foundry_${FOUNDRYUP_VERSION}_${PLATFORM}_${ARCHITECTURE}.$EXT" MAN_TARBALL_URL="${RELEASE_URL}foundry_man_${FOUNDRYUP_VERSION}.tar.gz" # Download and extract the binaries archive say "downloading latest forge, and cast" if [ "$PLATFORM" = "win32" ]; then tmp="$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || echo ".")/foundry-zksync.zip" ensure download "$BIN_ARCHIVE_URL" "$tmp" ensure unzip "$tmp" -d "$FOUNDRY_BIN_DIR" rm -f "$tmp" else ensure download "$BIN_ARCHIVE_URL" | ensure tar -xzC "$FOUNDRY_BIN_DIR" fi # Optionally download the manuals if check_cmd tar; then say "downloading manpages" mkdir -p "$FOUNDRY_MAN_DIR" download "$MAN_TARBALL_URL" | tar -xzC "$FOUNDRY_MAN_DIR" else say 'skipping manpage download: missing "tar"' fi for bin in "${BINS[@]}"; do bin_path="$FOUNDRY_BIN_DIR/$bin" # Print installed msg say "installed - $(ensure "$bin_path" --version)" # Check if the default path of the binary is not in FOUNDRY_BIN_DIR which_path="$(command -v "$bin" || true)" if [ -n "$which_path" ] && [ "$which_path" != "$bin_path" ]; then warn "" cat 1>&2 < "$FOUNDRY_MAN_DIR/$bin.1" done fi say "done" fi } usage() { cat 1>&2 < OPTIONS: -h, --help Print help information -v, --version Install a specific version from built binaries -b, --branch Build and install a specific branch -P, --pr Build and install a specific Pull Request -C, --commit Build and install a specific commit -r, --repo Build and install from a remote GitHub repo (uses default branch if no other options are set) -p, --path Build and install a local repository -j, --jobs Number of CPUs to use for building Foundry (default: all CPUs) --arch Install a specific architecture (supports amd64 and arm64) --platform Install a specific platform (supports win32, linux, and darwin) EOF } say() { printf "foundryup-zksync: %s\n" "$1" } warn() { say "warning: ${1}" >&2 } err() { say "$1" >&2 exit 1 } tolower() { echo "$1" | awk '{print tolower($0)}' } need_cmd() { if ! check_cmd "$1"; then err "need '$1' (command not found)" fi } check_cmd() { command -v "$1" &>/dev/null } # Run a command that should never fail. If the command fails execution # will immediately terminate with an error showing the failing command. ensure() { if ! "$@"; then err "command failed: $*"; fi } # Downloads $1 into $2 or stdout download() { if [ -n "$2" ]; then # output into $2 if check_cmd curl; then curl -#o "$2" -L "$1" else wget --show-progress -qO "$2" "$1" fi else # output to stdout if check_cmd curl; then curl -#L "$1" else wget --show-progress -qO- "$1" fi fi } # Banner Function for Foundry banner() { printf ' .xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx ╔═╗ ╔═╗ ╦ ╦ ╔╗╔ ╔╦╗ ╦═╗ ╦ ╦ Portable and modular toolkit ╠╣ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║║║ ║║ ╠╦╝ ╚╦╝ for ZKsync Application Development ╚ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╝╚╝ ═╩╝ ╩╚═ ╩ written in Rust. .xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx Fork of : https://github.com/foundry-rs/ Repo : https://github.com/matter-labs/foundry-zksync/ Book : https://foundry-book.zksync.io/ .xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx.xOx ' } main "$@"