#Overall driver options Running mode: retrospective Map projection of the LIS domain: latlon Number of nests: 1 Number of surface model types: 1 Surface model types: LSM Surface model output interval: 1da Land surface model: "CLSM F2.5" Number of met forcing sources: 1 Blending method for forcings: overlay Met forcing sources: "GDAS" Met forcing chosen ensemble member: 1 Topographic correction method (met forcing): "lapse-rate" Enable spatial downscaling of precipitation: 0 Spatial interpolation method (met forcing): bilinear Spatial upscaling method (met forcing): "average" Temporal interpolation method (met forcing): linear #Runtime options Forcing variables list file: ./input/forcing_variables.txt Output methodology: "2d gridspace" Output model restart files: 1 Output data format: netcdf Output naming style: "3 level hierarchy" Start mode: coldstart Starting year: 2002 Starting month: 10 Starting day: 28 Starting hour: 0 Starting minute: 0 Starting second: 0 Ending year: 2002 Ending month: 10 Ending day: 29 Ending hour: 0 Ending minute: 0 Ending second: 0 Undefined value: -9999 Output directory: "OUTPUT" Diagnostic output file: "lislog" Number of ensembles per tile: 1 #The following options are used for subgrid tiling based on vegetation Maximum number of surface type tiles per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (surface type tiles): 0.05 Maximum number of soil texture tiles per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (soil texture tiles): 0.05 Maximum number of soil fraction tiles per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (soil fraction tiles): 0.05 Maximum number of elevation bands per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (elevation bands): 0.05 Maximum number of slope bands per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (slope bands): 0.05 Maximum number of aspect bands per grid: 1 Minimum cutoff percentage (aspect bands): 0.05 #Processor layout #Should match the total number of processors used Number of processors along x: 2 Number of processors along y: 2 Halo size along x: 0 Halo size along y: 0 #Sub-models Routing model: none Radiative transfer model: none Number of application models: 0 #Data Assimilation Options Number of data assimilation instances: 0 Data assimilation algorithm: none Data assimilation set: none Data assimilation exclude analysis increments: 0 Data assimilation output interval for diagnostics: 1da Data assimilation number of observation types: 0 Data assimilation output ensemble members: 0 Data assimilation output processed observations: 0 Data assimilation output innovations: 0 #Bias estimation options Bias estimation algorithm: none Bias estimation attributes file: none Bias estimation restart output frequency: 1da Bias estimation start mode: none Bias estimation restart file: none #Perturbation options Perturbations start mode: coldstart Perturbations restart output interval: 1da Perturbations restart filename: none Forcing perturbation algorithm: none Forcing perturbation frequency: 1hr Forcing attributes file: none Forcing perturbation attributes file: none State perturbation algorithm: none State perturbation frequency: 1hr State attributes file: none State perturbation attributes file: none Observation perturbation algorithm: none Observation perturbation frequency: 1hr Observation attributes file: none Observation perturbation attributes file: none #------------------------DOMAIN SPECIFICATION-------------------------- #Definition of Running Domain #Specify the domain extremes in latitude and longitude Run domain lower left lat: 25.875 Run domain lower left lon: -124.875 Run domain upper right lat: 52.875 Run domain upper right lon: -67.875 Run domain resolution (dx): 0.25 Run domain resolution (dy): 0.25 #The following options list the choice of parameter maps to be used LIS domain and parameter data file: ./lis_input.d01.nc Landmask data source: LDT Landcover data source: LDT Soil texture data source: none Soil fraction data source: none Soil color data source: none Elevation data source: LDT Slope data source: none Aspect data source: none Curvature data source: none LAI data source: LDT SAI data source: none Albedo data source: none Max snow albedo data source: none Greenness data source: LDT Roughness data source: none Porosity data source: none Ksat data source: none B parameter data source: none Quartz data source: none Emissivity data source: none #Bottom soil temperature options TBOT lag skin temperature update option: 0 TBOT skin temperature lag days: 0 #--------------------------------FORCINGS---------------------------------- GDAS forcing directory: ./input/GDAS_climate GDAS domain x-dimension size: 512 GDAS domain y-dimension size: 256 GDAS number of forcing variables: 9 #-----------------------LAND SURFACE MODELS-------------------------- CLSM F2.5 model timestep: 15mn CLSM F2.5 restart output interval: 1da CLSM F2.5 restart file: none CLSM F2.5 top soil layer depth: 0.02 # in meters CLSM F2.5 initial soil moisture: 0.30 CLSM F2.5 initial soil temperature: 290.0 CLSM F2.5 fixed reference height: 10 CLSM F2.5 turbulence scheme: 0 CLSM F2.5 use MODIS albedo flag: 1 #---------------------------MODEL OUTPUT CONFIGURATION----------------------- #Specify the list of ALMA variables that need to be featured in the #LSM model output Output start year: Output start month: Output start day: Output start hour: Output start minutes: Output start seconds: Model output attributes file: './MODEL_OUTPUT_LIST.TBL'