Create a fork of the Beckn protocol specification repository: Clone the above fork into your local machine. Change directory (cd) into the cloned repository. Add Beckn core protocol specification as another remote in your local machine. use the command 'git remote add beckn-core' Fetch the PR 407 from the beckn-core remote to the local copy of your forked repository. use the command 'git fetch beckn-core pull/407/head:test-github-action'. This command will create a local branch named 'test-github-action'. 'test-github-action' branch will have the PR 407 from Beckn protocol specification GitHub repository. checkout to the 'test-github-action' branch. Run 'git push origin test-github-action:draft' command to push the PR to the draft branch of your fork. Now there must be a '.github/workflows/Beckn-Core-Spec-Validator.yml' file in the draft branch of your fork. (the github action is now created)