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A quasi-open-source effort for a book on machine learning.

A quasi-open-source introductory book on machine learning, focusing on geometry and modern concepts!


repo organization
    latex and python requirements
    desired directory structure
    branch etiquette
vision for the book/notes
    story arc and learning goals
    what we want for writing
    what we want for code
    what we want for figures

repo organization

latex and python requirements

Python 3.8, numpy ?.? etc FILLIN

Run make ml to compile mlentary.tex and display the pdf. I use pdflatex to compile latex source and evince to view pdfs, but you can use whatever you like: (just edit your Makefile and include your Makefile in your .gitignore).

desired directory structure

The following is NOT the current directory structure. It is instead what I WANT the repo to look like. I haven't had time to organize.


    ... [a bunch of `.tex`s, to be included in `mlentary.tex`]

    ... [a bunch of `.png`s, most generated by little scripts in `code/`]

        ... [a bunch of `.py`s for little examples not part of a big task]
        ... [a bunch of `.py`s for basic and advanced digit classification]
        ... [a bunch of `.py`s for basic and advanced text extrapolation]
        ... [a bunch of `.py`s for basic and advanced face generation]
        ... [a bunch of `.py`s for basic political poll prediction]
        ... [a bunch of `.py`s for basic robotic arm control]
        ... [a bunch of `.py`s for basic video game exploration]


branch etiquette

EDIT: let's use the system of claiming or assigning parts of work (e.g. at least as fine-grained as which body.N.M file, if that is applicable) so that everone can see and check before working on it themselves. Let's adopt a format like:

Issue-"current_number": "a brief description"

New ideas can be discussed in this thread so that everyone can read.

EDIT: instead of adding everyone as a collaborator immediately, I will instead accept pull requests and then only after making sure they look alright will I add you!

We will primarily make commits to branches called unit0, ..., unit6.

BRANCH...       ...CONTAINS A...

main            (most recent quasi-coherent draft)
release         (older but refined and thoroughly checked draft)
unit0           (most recent compiling draft of: friendly invitation to ML)
unit1           (most recent compiling draft of: linear models)
unit2           (most recent compiling draft of: nonlinear models)
unit3           (most recent compiling draft of: deep learning)
unit4           (most recent compiling draft of: modeling uncertainty)
unit5           (most recent compiling draft of: reinforcement learning)
unit6           (most recent compiling draft of: appendices etc)

We will have a main branch for our communal "nearly latest draft so far" and a more sacred, less frequently-committed-to called release for a less recent containing a more thoroughly refined and checked draft. The branches unit1 through unit5 hold our 5 "actual" chunks of content, unit0 is to be a friendly invitation and orienting up-ramp to the subject, and unit6 is for miscellaneous items such as a short "what's next" section and maybe a sketch of some mathematical prerequisites.

Easter Egg. 1729 is a magic number. Direct message sam (bohrium) on discord that you've seen this magic number. This tells me you've looked at this!

So the information flow goes something like

    authors (y'all and me)
          /       \       \
         |write    |check  \_check
         |and      |before   \really
         |program  |merging   \_carefully
         |          \           \before
         v           |           \_merging
                     |             |
        unit0  --+   v             v
         ...       ------>  main  ----------->  release
        unit6  --+

If you find it helpful, feel free to make one or more "personal" branches for experimental stuff you want to try. If you do this, use the form username-unit-branchdescription for the branch name. For example, if your github username is galapagos and you're trying out some new thing with kernel visualization for unit 2, then an appropriate branch name could be galapagos-unit2-kerviz Of course, you could make these branches in just your local repo, but if you also do so in the remote repo then others can take a look.

vision for the book/notes

story arc and learning goals

The basic story arc is as follows:

unit0 --- what does it mean to learn from examples?
unit1 --- visualize high-D space to learn-from-examples via linear models
unit2 --- extend unit1's superpower to new tasks by hand-crafting nonlinearities
unit3 --- extend unit2's superpower to richer tasks by automating the crafting of nonlinearities
unit4 --- extend unit3's superpower to tasks with structured uncertainty/diversity
unit5 --- learn-from-rewards by framing learning-from-rewards problems as learning-from-examples problems

unit6 --- extras (e.g. where to go next, helpful prereq refreshers)

What are 3 concrete verb phrases I want the notes to enable a reader to do?

  • Attack arbitrary prediction-from-example tasks by designing, training, and tuning an appropriate linear model from scratch.
  • Tailor nonlinearities, priors, and optimization to navigate the generalization-approximation tradeoff.
  • Impress friends by completing a small project that actually helps or entertains in daily life.

I avoided words like "understand" above because such words are too temptingly vague. But if I allow such words then I add these three verb phrases:

  • Diagnose, at a glance, glaring missteps in a friend's ML project.
  • Frame common ML algorithms probabilistically to reveal what domain assumptions the algorithm incorporates.
  • Parse an old deep learning paper (say, 2017) well enough to explain to a friend the paper's main problem and contribution.

Easter Egg. (-1/12) is a magic number. Direct message sam (bohrium) on discord that you've seen this magic number. This tells me you've looked at this!

In a bit more detail, something like the following makes sense to me.

Unit 0: Prologue.  Learning from Examples.
  Lecture 1a: What is Machine Learning?
  Lecture 1b: Tiny Example: Classifying Handwritten Digits
  Lecture 1c: How well did we do?  %  Training vs Testing Error ; Generalization, Optimization, Approximation
  Lecture 1d: How can we do better?  Survey of rest of notes

Unit 1: Optimize Linear Models to Learn from Examples.
  Lecture 1a: Hyperplanes, Likelihoods, Goodness of Fit
  Lecture 1b: Accelerate Learning using Gradient Descent
  Lecture 1c: Priors and Intrinsic Plausibility
  Lecture 1d: Model Selection

  Coding Lecture 1: Coding the image classifier from lectures, from scratch.  Examining behavior on a concrete image.

  Homework 1a: Hyperplanes and Dataclouds

  Homework 1b: Learning.  Weights-vs-Correlations

  Project 1a: Text Classification % not 3-Way.  Just 2-way.

  Project 1b: Measuring Overfitting; Hyperparameter Search

Unit 2: Engineering Features (and Friends) by Hand
  Lecture 2a: Feature Engineering
    Bias Trick
    Black Holes
    Specialty Features, e.g.\ Trig or Threshold
    Interpreting Weights (vs Correlations)
    Feature Selection and Generalization

  Lecture 2b: Loss Functions, Regularization, Margins % Logistic, Hinge, Perceptron, Square; acc bound; L-inf, L2, L1; prob interp
    Humble Models, Acc Bound
    Regularization: Why and How
    Probabilistic Interpretation, Likelihood, Gradient Descent
    Margin Maximization and Supports
    Feature Selection and Optimization (Convexity)

  Lecture 2c: Data-based Featurization % Kernels, PCA, Quantiles & Trees
    Quantiles (Binning), Stumps, Trees
    Linear Dimension Reduction: PCA
    Matrix Factorization Perspective, ICA
    Nonlinear Dimension Reduction: Similarity-to-Landmark Embeddings.  Kernels
    Designing Similarity Functions.  Consideration for Text, Images.

  Lecture 2d: Reducing to Linear Learning % Softmax, Regression, Sequences, etc
    Specialized Readouts
    Soft Classes, Multiple Classes
    Factoring Big Problems.  E.g.\ Sequences
    Shared Features for Multiple Outputs.  Examples of Overall Architectures

  Coding Lecture 2: SVM with RBF Features from Scratch, for Image Classification
    Plan, Pictures, Meeting Data
    Forward Model
    Gradient Step
    Training and Model Selection
    Testing, Interpreting Weights

  Homework 2a: Feature Geometry, Geometry of Margins and Regression
    Matching Features (and Losses/Architectures) and Domain Knowledge, Practice
    Recognizing Decision Boundaries
    Probabilistic Interpretation of Losses, Regularizers
    Support Vector Bound.  Perceptron Update.  Perceptron worse generalization.
    Implicit Regularization in Least Squares Regression by Gradient Descent

  Homework 2b: Kernel Trick
    Data-Dependent Features.  Similarity, Inner Products, Generalization.
    Why We Want Positive Definite Kernel
    Kernelized Update
    Recognizing Decision Boundaries % ??
    Wide Random Features Kernel

  Project 2a: Overfitting to Features on Kaggle-Style Challenge % Selection/Hyperparam/Unsupervised Featurization
    Adapt the SVM to Kaggle Task; Weights and Overfitting
    Success Measures.  Accuracy vs Loss.  ROC Curve, Ranking.  Class-imbalance.
    Feature Selection and Overfitting
    Quantilization and Overfitting
    DataSnooping and Overfitting % difficult but important lesson to design!

  Project 2b: 10-Way Image Softmax Classification.  Calibration Prediction Challenge
    Softmax, Prob Calibration
    Basic Features.  Add your twist!
    Badly Set Hyperparams.  Add your insight!
    Assessing Confidence: Generalization Bounds, Margin-Based Cross-Validation
    Prediction Challenge

Unit 3: Learning Features from Data
  Lecture 3a: Shallow Learning % Optimization tricks
    Architecture, Intuiting Decision Boundaries (Universality)
    Gradient Descent (Backprop)
    An Example Learning Trajectory: Vertical vs Horizontal Learning
    MLP as Butter: add to everything.  Regularization.  Examples.
    BIC, Johann-Lindenstrauss, Wide Random Features, Generalization.

  Lecture 3b: Deep Learning and Ideas in Architecture % Differentiable-Blah Flexibility in architecture.  Mention RNNs
    ``To Build It, Use It''
    Feature Hierarchy.  Learned ``subroutines''
    Ideas in Optimization: Backprop, Weight Initialization, Batch Normalization, ADAM, etc
    Getting Creative.  Skip Connections etc
    Curvature-Noise Interactions and Generalization

  Lecture 3c: Symmetry and Locality: Convolution
    CNN forward encodes basic image priors.  Pooling.
    Backprop formulas
    What can K Layers of a CNN Represent?
    How GPUs Work
    Pottery Image.  Symmetries and Representations.  Sports.  Melodies.

  Lecture 3d: Symmetry and Locality: Attention
    Attention forward encodes basic sequence/table priors (sparse).
    Bells and Whistles: Multiple Heads, Positional Encoding
    What is a Transformer?
    What can K Transformer Layers Represent?
    Differentiable Computers.  Stacks.  Graphs.

  Coding Lecture 3: A Deep Image Classifier from Scratch
    Plan of what we need to write, picture of architecture
    Forward Model (Including conv layers)
    Backward Model (Including conv layers)
    Quick Checks for Silly Mistakes
    Training and Interpretation of Weights

  Homework 3a: Decision Boundaries, Backpropagation
    Backprop for Simple, Fanciful Architecture
    Vanilla Neural Network Architecture
    VNN Backprop Formulas and Intuition
    Recognizing Decision Boundaries for Wide vs Deep
    Initialization of Weights, Match Comments to Lines in Training Code

  Homework 3b: Zoo of Architectural Ideas % Light Load.  Only few questions, all conceptual.
    Word Embeddings
    Siamese, Metric, LeCun Representation Learners
    RNNs, LSTMs
    Differentiable X (Renderer etc)
    Learned Losses / Ecosystems (Wass GAN, etc)

  Project 3a: An Image Sharpener (or maybe next-frame-in-video)? % Perhaps Image Sharpener? % on both Digits and Face data?
    U-Net Architecture (Pix2Pix but no GAN?)
    Forward Model
    Backward Model
    A word on Laplacian Pyramid and Diffusion Models.  Adapt to Image Generator and see bad.

  Project 3b: Text Generation Through Classification
    Transformer Architecture, Meet the Data
    Run Training Code
    Interpreting Learned Weights
    Playing with Model on Out-of-Distr Data
    Text Compression Challenge

Unit 4: Modeling Structured Uncertainties
  Lecture 4a: Square Loss Muddies, Probabilistic Models.  Examples: 3State Traffic, HMM, GMM
    Structured Uncertainties in the World.  Rapid Holmesian
    Inferences.  Square Loss Muddies.  Recall prob interp of e.g. least
    squares regfression.  Unsup Learning.
    Latents, Marginal Likelihood for Latents, Weights as Latents.
    Example: 3State Traffic.  Challenge of Normalization.
    Example: HMM.  0s and SoftLogic and backflow
    Example: GMM.  Metapriors, hierarchy, Transfer

  Lecture 4b: Inference via Sampling % MH, EM,
    Challenge.  MH Algorithm.
    Visualizing MH.  Proposals Matter
    EM: 3State Traffic example
    EM: HMM example
    EM: GMM example

  Lecture 4c: Inference via Variation % MH, EM,
    EM overview, 3State Traffic example
    ELBO bound and pingpong KL geometry
    EM: HMM example (more detail in coding example)
    EM: GMM example (more detail in pset)
    Variational Parts as Neural Net

  Lecture 4d: Variational Autoencoders (or Encoders) % so connects back to Unit 3
    Architecture % comparison to matrix factorization, etc
    VAEs and ELBO
    Interpreting Update Intuitively
    Output side Noise Model (e.g. square loss)
    Conditional VAEs

  Coding Lecture 4: Expectation-Maximization for Sequences
    HMM architecture.  Remark on RNNa
    E-step: dynamic programming
    M-step with regularization
    End-to-end reading and mimicry of cookbook text
    Investigation of State Meanings

  Homework 4a: Gaussian Mixtures for Clustering % k-means as limit
    forward model
    E step and M step
    k-means as limit
    small-var regularization from prior
    convergence near minimum

  Homework 4b: Bayes Nets.  NNs as Amortized Inference
    Marginalization over Latents
    Weights as Latents in Linear Classification (bowtie vs pipe)
    BIC and structural penalty
    Causal modeling
    Very Basic Occlusion Inference Object Net

  Project 4a: Predicting Political Polls
    Meeting the Polling Data
    Forward Model
    Inference through Sampling
    Wrestling with Training Difficulties (burnin, etc)
    Interpreting Latents

  Project 4b: A Deep Image Generator (VAE)
    Meeting the Face Data.  How to assess success? % maybe met face data in previous unit?
    Forward Model including reparam trick
    Backward model and intuitive interpretation
    Training and Testing
    Interpreting Latents.  Sources of Prejudice and Capriciousness

Unit 5: Learning while Acting (and from Rewards)
  Lecture 5a: Rewards and States.  Explore-Exploit Challenge.
    Learning from Rewards: overview and goal to reduce to supervision
    Conditional Bandits are kin to Supervised Learning
    Explore-Exploit Challenge
    Optimism in Face of Uncertainty
    Introduction of State Concept.  Total Utility, Episodes,  Online blurs Train and Test

  Lecture 5b: Qualitative Solutions to MDP.  Dynamic Programming, Idea of Bootstrap
    MDP framework again.  State Correlations (Credit-Assignment) Challenge
    Dynamic Programming
    Bootstrap: Online dynamic programming (SARSA)
    Example Policy in Gridworld
    Function Approximation (or Partial Observability)

  Lecture 5c: Reduce to Supervision using Q-Learning.
    Q-Learning vs Naive SARSA
    Q-Learning plus Exploration Policy
    Featurization of Huge State (Deep Q-Learning)
    LSTM for non-Markov State
    Deadly Triad, Q-Delusion

  Lecture 5d: Non-technical Discussion of: Curiosity, Language, Instruction, World-Models
    Curiosity Bonuses and Self-Curriculum % mention Adversarial self-play?
    Curricula in RL and Elsewhere
    Symbols, Contextual Learning in GPT, Instructions guide Symbol Search in World-Models
    Evolution of Programming.  Self-Coding Computers
    Speculations on Future of Learning

  Coding Lecture 5: Q-Learning for a Gridworld, from Scratch
    World Simulator
    Q-Table (with flexibility to be function approx)
    Q-Learning Update
    Training and Reading out Policy
    Visualizing Learning curves as add challenges

  Homework 5a: Bandits, Explore-Exploit, Conditional Bandits
    Epsilon Greedy for Known Timescale
    UCB Bound vs Epsilon Greedy at Various Timescales
    Function Approximation in Conditional Bandits
    Movie Recommendation Update (Linear Embeddings)
    A Very Basic Adversarial BoardGame Player

  Homework 5b: Q-Learning, on-vs-off policy, Horizons
    Practice Modeling Situations by MDPs.  Get Rich Enough State Space for Markov Property!
    Manually Solve Various MDPs
    Computations of Q-Learning Convergence
    As Human, Explore a Maze.  Short Essay on Exploration Strategy
    Baud Rates for Learning Signals Comparison

  Project 5a: Robotic Arm
    Robot Physics Overview.  Collisions?
    Clasping Reward Function (Helper to Smooth)
    Set up Q-learning for parameterized task (what are inputs to Q network etc?) % mention policy gradient?
    Visualize and Describe Motions

  Project 5a: Simple Atari-Style Games % (Fully Observed?  Partially Observed?)
    Game Family Overview
    Function Approximation
    Experience Replay
    Creative Part: Design Featurization and Exploration Policy!
    Action Challenge: Learn an Unknown Game in Same Family!

Unit 6: Farewell and Prereq Helpers
  Bonus Lecture 6a: What We Learned
  Bonus Lecture 6b: What to Learn Next

  Coding Lecture 6: Python, Numpy, Pytorch
    Multi-axis arrays.  Speedups.  Index kung-fu.
    Common numpy maps and zips, filters, reduces, and contractions
    Example: large-numbers dice statistics, plotting
    Example: (batched) image filter made by hand
    Intro to Pytorch

  Homework 6a: Math
    Types, Functions and Dependencies, Notation
    Linear Algebra: High Dimensions, Hyperplanes, Linear Maps, Trace and Det; Quadratic Forms, Dot Products, SVD
    Probability: Expectations, Independence, Bayes, Concentration; Coinflips, Gaussians
    Optimization: Visualizing Derivative Rules, Sums of Terms (Constraints); Vectors vs Covectors, Overshooting, Convexity
    Examples: Least Squares; Gaussian Fitting M-Step

  Homework 6b: Programming
    Matrix Multiply Speed Test
    Numpy Safari / Treasurehunt
    Softmax Speed Test
    Debugging Randomized Code
    Debugging Many-File Codebase

what we want for writing


what we want for code


what we want for figures