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Download private YouTube/videos using a cookie file.
- First, add your bot to the logging channel and subscription channel. Both are required.
- Star and fork this repository. Then rename the file to
- Add your configuration to the file.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) stable" \ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli
docker -v
ffmpeg is essential since yt-dlp relies on it for merging streams (and in some cases for transcoding or extracting thumbnails). To install ffmpeg on a Debian-based system, run:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
Verify the installation:
ffmpeg -version
git clone
cd tg-ytdlp-bot
sudo mv
Edit your configuration before deployment. After your edits, proceed with the Docker build steps below.
To use the /cookies_from_browser
command (which extracts cookies from installed browsers on your server), ensure that the yt-dlp binary is set up properly:
Visit the officialyt-dlp
releases page and download the binary for your CPU architecture (e.g.,yt-dlp_x86_64
, etc.).
Place the binary executable in thetg-ytdlp-bot
project folder. -
Rename and make it executable
mv yt-dlp_linux yt-dlp chmod +x yt-dlp
Create a symbolic link
Create a symlink so thatyt-dlp
can be run from any directory (for example, in/usr/local/bin
):sudo ln -s /full/path/to/tg-ytdlp-bot/yt-dlp /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp
is in yourPATH
. Now you can runyt-dlp
sudo docker build . -t tg-public-bot
sudo docker ps -a
sudo docker run tg-public-bot
The /audio command downloads audio from a given video URL. It extracts the best available audio track, converts it to MP3, and sends the audio file to the user. After sending, the downloaded file is removed to prevent disk clutter.
Usage example:
The /format command allows users to set a custom download format for their videos. Users can either supply a custom format string or choose from a preset menu.
Main Menu Options:
- 💻<=4k (best for desktop TG app)
- 📱<=FullHD (best for mobile TG app)
- 📈bestvideo+bestaudio (MAX quality)
- 📉best (no ffmpeg)
- Others – opens a full resolution menu (see below)
- 🎚 custom – for entering a custom format string
- 🔙 Cancel – cancels the selection
Full Resolution Menu (triggered by "Others"):
- 144p (256×144)
- 240p (426×240)
- 360p (640×360)
- 480p (854×480)
- 720p (1280×720)
- 1080p (1920×1080)
- 1440p (2560×1440)
- 2160p (3840×2160)
- 4320p (7680×4320)
- A Back button returns to the main menu.
Usage example:
Then select the desired option from the menu.
- /check_cookie - Check the cookie file.
- /cookies_from_browser - Get cookies from your browser.
- /help - Display help message.
- /start - Start the bot.
- /clean - Clean your working directory.
- /usage - Show your usage statistics.
- /audio - Download audio from a video URL.
- /format - Choose media format options.
- start - Start the bot.
- help - Send help text.
- run_time - Show bot runtime.
- log - Get user logs (e.g.,
/log 10101010
). - broadcast - Broadcast a message to all users (reply to any message with this command).
- clean - Clean the working directory.
- usage - Get all logs.
- check_cookie - Check the cookie file.
- save_as_cookie - Save text as cookie.
- download_cookie - Download the cookie file.
- cookies_from_browser - Get cookies from your browser.
- format - Choose media format options.
- block_user - Block a user (e.g.,
/block_user 10101010
). - unblock_user - Unblock a user (e.g.,
/unblock_user 10101010
). - all_users - Get all users.
- all_blocked - Get all blocked users.
- all_unblocked - Get all unblocked users.
Download the video with its original name.
If it is a playlist, only the first video is downloaded. -
Download a specified range of videos from the playlist with their original names. -
Download a specified range of videos from the playlist with a custom name.
Videos will be named as:name - Part 1
name - Part 2
- Per-user cookie download.
- Per-user database.
- Custom playlist naming.
- MP3 audio download support (/audio command).
To prevent your server from filling up with downloaded files, you can set up a crontab task that runs every 24 hours and deletes all files in user directories (except for cookie.txt
and logs.txt
For example, add the following line to your crontab:
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/find /root/Telegram/tg-ytdlp-bot/users -type f ! -name "cookie.txt" ! -name "logs.txt" -delete
0 0 * * *
– Executes the command every day at midnight./usr/bin/find /CHANGE/ME/TO/REAL/PATH/TO/tg-ytdlp-bot/users -type f
– Searches for all files under the users directory.! -name "cookie.txt" ! -name "logs.txt"
– Excludescookie.txt
files from deletion.-delete
– Deletes the files found.
- Add a custom formatter selector for downloads.
- Enhance MP3 support.
- Add Google Drive support to store files.