Simple primitives to compose powerful PDF viewing experiences.
powered by PDF.js
and React
A composable, headless PDF viewer toolkit for React applications, powered by PDF.js
. Build feature-rich PDF viewing experiences with full control over the UI and functionality.
npm install @anaralabs/lector pdfjs-dist
# or with yarn
yarn add @anaralabs/lector pdfjs-dist
# or with pnpm
pnpm add @anaralabs/lector pdfjs-dist
Here's a simple example of how to create a basic PDF viewer:
import { CanvasLayer, Page, Pages, Root, TextLayer } from "@anaralabs/lector";
import "pdfjs-dist/web/pdf_viewer.css";
export default function PDFViewer() {
return (
className="w-full h-[500px] border overflow-hidden rounded-lg"
loader={<div className="p-4">Loading...</div>}
<Pages className="p-4">
<CanvasLayer />
<TextLayer />
- 📱 Responsive and mobile-friendly
- 🎨 Fully customizable UI components
- 🔍 Text selection and search functionality
- 📑 Page thumbnails and outline navigation
- 🌗 First-class dark mode support
- 🖱️ Pan and zoom controls
- 📝 Form filling support
- 🔗 Internal and external link handling
We welcome contributions! Key areas we're focusing on:
- Performance optimizations
- Accessibility improvements
- Mobile/touch interactions
- Documentation and examples
Special thanks to these open-source projects that provided inspiration:
MIT © Unriddle AI