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Unfolding Muon misID samples.

git-annex setup

If you haven't cloned this project, do these steps first:

git clone [email protected]:umd-lhcb/misid-unfold
cd misid-unfold

# do this only once, right after cloning
git remote add glacier [email protected]:misid-unfold
git annex init --version=7
git annex sync

The misID unfolding procedure

Read spec/rdx-run2.yml for more info! The output folders are located in gen folder.

Generation of true to tag misID efficiencies

  1. Generate $K$, $\pi$ and $p$ efficiencies with modified pidcalib samples (i.e. ntuples with UBDT branches, which are only available at glacier).

    1. Clone this project on glacier
    2. Run nix develop in the project root
    3. In the resulting shell, run make build-rdx-true-to-tag-2016-glacier. The output files will be saved in gen/rdx-<timestamp>-true_to_tag_glacier-2016.
    4. Copy the output to histos/default.
  2. Generate $e$ efficiencies with original pidcalib samples (i.e. ntuples that lack UBDT branch, so we need to account for this later).

    1. Clone this project on lxplus
    2. In the project root, run make build-rdx-true-to-tag-2016-lxplus. The output files will be saved in gen/rdx-<timestamp>-true_to_tag_lxplus-2016.
    3. Copy the output to histos/default.

    Note that you might need to use a specific version of pidcalib. Edit cmd_prefix in scripts/ and replace it with:

    cmd_prefix = "lb-conda pidcalib/2022-09-02 " if mode == "lxplus" else ""

    pidcalib/2022-09-02 corresponds to version 1.0.6.

  3. Generate ghost efficiencies and $e$ conditional efficiencies with local incl. $J/\psi$ MC samples. These $e$ conditional efficiencies will be used to account for the missing UBDT cuts in step 2.

    1. Clone this project on glacier (in this step, running on glacier is not a requirement)
    2. Run nix develop in the project root
    3. In the resulting shell, run make build-rdx-true-to-tag-2016-local. The output files will be saved in gen/rdx-<timestamp>-true_to_tag_local-2016.
    4. Copy the output to histos/default.

Starting from the next step, all operations are done locally or on glacier and nix develop is always assumed.

  1. Merge all efficiencies obtained above into a single file locally with make build-rdx-merged-2016.

    1. If not done already, copy the output folders from the previous steps from gen to histos/default folder.
    2. The inputs to this step are listed in the input_histos/2016/true_to_tag/default section of rdx-run2.yml, so make sure to update it before you run the make command!
    3. This stage will produce gen/rdx-<timestamp>-merged-2016/merged.root as output. Copy it to histos/default as well.
    4. Update the EFFICIENCIES variable in Makefile.


The efficiencies produced in the steps above assume the nominal UBDT cut mu_uBDT > 0.25. For the misid validation sample (which requires mu_uBDT < 0.25 instead) you should repeat the four steps above setting the USE_CTRL_SAMPLE variable appropriately, e.g.:

make build-rdx-true-to-tag-2016-glacier USE_CTRL_SAMPLE=true

Assigning unexpected values to this variable will generate a warning and will cause the nominal uBDT cut to be used.


  1. The outputs of steps 1 through 4 should be placed in histos/ctrl_sample.
  2. After step 3, you should update input_histos/2016/true_to_tag/misid_ctrl in rdx-run2.yml
  3. After step 4, you should update the EFFICIENCIES_VMU variable in Makefile.
  1. Extract $K$ and $\pi$ momentum smearing info into a small ntuple with make build-generic-dif-smearing.

    1. This stage will produce gen/generic-<timestamp>-dif_smearing/dif.root as output. Copy it to histos (not histos/default or histos/ctrl_sample! Those are reserved for nominal- or vmu-specific ntuples).
    2. Update the DiF variable in Makefile.

Remark on negative efficiencies

Sometimes the efficiencies are negative, due to sWeight. To correct for that, we followed a procedure suggested by Phoebe. For more info, see p. 3 of this slide.

Remark on cut vs. pid_cut options in the YAML file

These names are consistent with pidcalib2 naming scheme, that is:

  • cut: The cuts in both the denominator and numerator of the efficiency
  • pid_cut: The additional cuts applied only to the numerator

Therefore, the efficiency is defined as:

$$ \epsilon = \frac{\text{event passing cut and pid-cut}}{\text{event passing cut}} $$

The cuts and pid_cuts are defined in rdx-run2.yml as described below.

  • For steps 1 and 2:

    • In the case of non-muon tags (e.g. $K$ true to $\pi$ tag), the pid_cuts for each tag are defined in tags->tag, while the cuts are defined in pidcalib_config->tags->cut.
    • For the case of muon tags, both cuts and pid_cuts are defined in pidcalib_config->tags_addon->nom/denom. Here, nom refers to the muon tag efficiency that appear in the numerator of the transfer factor, and it amounts to the efficiency to pass the nominal mu PID requirements. On the other hand, denom refers to the muon tag efficiency that appears in the denominator of the transfer factor, which is the efficiency to pass the mu PID requirements of the fake muon sample.
      • Note that nom also has an add_pid_cut entry; The requirement listed here is appended to pid_cut.
  • For step 3, the cuts are listed in local_pid_config, however the structure is similar:

    • For non-muon tags (in this step, only $g$), the pid_cuts are defined in tags->tag, while the cuts are defined in local_pid_config->2016->g->tags->cut.
    • For the muon tags, both cuts and pid_cuts are defined in local_pid_config->2016->g->tags_addon->nom/denom and local_pid_config->2016->e->tags_addon->rel. Recall that, in this step, for $e$ we only calculate corrections to account for the missing uBDT information in step 2, hence the single rel correction for the nom efficiency computed in step 2.

Remark on test run

One can test these rules with:

  • make test-pidcalib2-wrapper-glacier
  • make test-pidcalib2-wrapper-lxplus

locally, without actually running the efficiency generation program.

Generation of tagged yields

This step relies on our misID ntuple with a special process which add PIDCalib-like branches like Brunel_ProbNNghost (which is just an alias to mu_ProbNNghost).

The special process is needed so that we can apply the same cuts on these ntuples as if we are applying cuts on PIDCalib ntuples, eliminating the need to translate branch names.

To build these special ntuples, go to lhcb-ntuples-gen, then type:

make rdx-ntuple-run2-misid_study

Once that is done, configure spec/rdx-run2.yml properly, then:

make build-rdx-tag-2016

This will produce gen/generic-<timestamp>-tag/tagged.root as output, which you should also copy to histos. Finally, update the TAGGED variable in Makefile.

Unfold the misID efficiencies

Make sure to download all required ntuples with git annex get! Then, make sure to set the inputs to this step correctly. The unfolding procedure requires the merged.root and tagged.root produced above. Go to Makefile and set the EFFICIENCIES, EFFICIENCIES_VMU and TAGGED variables to point to your merged.root and tagged.root files, respectively, as explained above.

make build-rdx-unfolded-2016

This will produce gen/generic-<timestamp>-unfoled/unfolded.root as output, which you should (you guessed!) copy to histos. Once copied, update the UNFOLDED variable in Makefile.

One can also test-run the unfolding (w/o actually doing unfolding!) by make test-unfold.


To proceed with the analysis workflow, unfolded.root and dif.root must be copied over to lhcb-ntuples-gen (into /run2-rdx/reweight/misid/histos/). The unfolded efficiencies and momentum smearing histograms will be used to produce the misid step 2 ntuples for the fit.

Apply misID and DiF smearing weights

make build-rdx-weights-2016

This compiles and runs src/ApplyMisIDWeight.cpp to apply misID weights and momentum smearing on misID control samples.

Note: This rule here is for demo purposes only. This script is actually used in lhcb-ntuples-gen to calculate and apply the transfer factors for the fake mu sample. Notably, the factor 10 due to the prescale on the fake mu HLT2 line is hardcoded in this C++ script.