Welcome to the umbrellaplug.github.io
Compatible with Kodi 19, 20, and 21.
Umbrella - 6.7.42 Umbrella Repo - 2.2.6
From Kodi: System > File Manager > Select Add Source
For "Enter the paths or browse for the media locations" select "None" and input:
Then Select Done. For "Enter a name for this media source" input "Umbrella" or whatever you would like to name the source. Click Ok.
From the Kodi Homescreen select "Add-ons". At the top on the left hand side select the box icon under "Add-ons" (Add-on Browser).
Install the Umbrella repository by clicking on Install from Zip File then "Umbrella" then repository.umbrella-x-x-x.zip and waiting for the repository installed icon to appear in the top right corner.
Select "Install From Repository" then Umbrella Repo then Video Add-ons then Umbrella. Click on Install and wait for the Add-on Enabled Notification.
From the main menu, navigate to Tools > Settings > Trakt Follow the onscreen instructions and authorize Trakt.
Next add any debrid services you use and follow the on-screen instructions. Currently Supported Debrid Providers:
- All Debrid
- Real Debrid
- Premiumize
- TorBox
- EasyDebrid
- OffCloud
Currently Supported Other Providers:
- Easynews
- Plex
- Google Drive
The plugin will not work without at least 1 of these types of accounts
Please do not mention any other addons in issues. Any issue opened for Fen Lite will be closed immediately. No work will be done on Fen Lite, it is only being hosted.
Enable Logs: Go to Umbrella settings and select Debugging on the left hand side.
Set your settings like this:
Q: After setting up, I'm getting "No Sources Found"
A: Umbrella only searches your cloud from Providers you have entered. For additional sources, external providers can be installed. Umbrella does not offer support for any external providers.
Q: Do you take feature requests?
A: Some yes. Open an issue and use the feature request template.