- new objects:
- flow.histogram (with flow.hist alias) - for runtime flow histogram calculation
- hw.gamepad - gamepad support
- hw.printer - simple printing support (only PDF files)
- msg.unpack - unpack message to selector and arguments
- net.mdns - MDNS (Bonjour, Zeroconf) service discovery object
- net.mqtt.client - MQTT client
- net.ws.client - WebSocket client
- net.ws.server - WebSocket client
- route.data (with route.d alias) - separate data from other types
- system.command (with system.cmd alias) - run several processes like in shell with pipes
- system.info - object to get num cpu/temperature and other system information
- new properties:
- dict->list @props flag added to output as list of properties
- snd.play~ @on_err property added to specify sending errors address
- new methods:
- open method added to snd.play~ for readsf~ compatibility
- new aliases:
- list.hist alias added for list.histogram
- array.histogram alias added for array.hist
- misc:
- dict.get - path-like expression to get dictionary keys: /*/USER/1:3/foo
- ui.display - copy message value to the clipboard by click or from popup menu
- ui.canvas - mouse coordinates output for mouse down, up, drag and double click events
- documentation added about ceammc argument expansion
- documentation added about ceammc properties
- documentation added about ceammc functions
- seq.life max matrix size increased up to 64x64
- hidden inlet added to ui.label
- MIDI Settings dialog show on double click event at ui.midi object
- renaming:
- prop.get~ renamed to prop.route~ (the old alias exists for the compatibility, but it prints a warning message)
- prop.split renamed to prop.route (the old alias exists for the compatibility, but it prints a warning message)
- removed:
- hw.cpu_temp removed, because more complete object is added: system.info
- misc:
- seq.life max size increased up to 64x64
- seq.life - fix errors on non square sizes (issue #203)
- conv.car2pol - @positive property fix
- new objects:
- array.ltcplay~ - array player, controlled by LTC signal
- array.readwrite~ - ordered array reader/writer (read first, then write)
- array.tramp~ - triggered array ramp generator
- chrono.datetime - get current date/time information
- color.mix - color mixer
- color.scale - create color scales (gradients)
- conv.bar2ms - calculate bar and beat duration from tempo BPM and time signature
- conv.char2morse - single character to morse code converter
- conv.color2rgba - color converter added from named or hex colors to separate RGBA values
- conv.hsl2rgb - convert HSL colors to RGB
- conv.lab2rgb - convert LAB colors to RGB
- conv.ms2str - convert time in milliseconds to formatted string or symbol
- conv.rgb2hex - convert RGB separate values to #RRGGBB symbol
- conv.semi2ratio (with semi->ratio alias) added
- convolve~ - real-time convolution added
- data.bimap - bidirectional map for scalar types
- data.color - Color datatype
- dyn.comp_peak2~ - Peak FeedForward stereo compressor with channel linking
- dyn.comp_peak~ - Peak FeedForward mono compressor
- dyn.comp_up2~ - upward stereo compressor with channel linking
- dyn.comp_up~ - upward mono compressor
- dyn.expand~ - mono dynamic range expander (attenuate levels under the threshold)
- env.asr2~ - stereo Attack-Sustain-Release envelope generator
- flow.prepend - message prepend object
- flt.speaker~ - low pass and high pass filter effect
- fx.overdrive~ - overdrive effect
- fx.ringmod~ - ring modulation
- fx.scramble~ - scramble delayed fragments
- fx.tremolo~ - tremolo effect from guitarix library
- gate~ - multichannel signal gate added
- global.bimap - global scope bimap container
- hoa.3d.map~ - 3d ambisonic multisource spatializer
- hoa.3d.meter~ - 3d ambisonic multisource spatializer
- hoa.3d.scope~ - 3d ambisonic harmonic scope
- hoa.map.ui - GUI to spatialize sources on a map
- local.bimap - canvas local scope bimap container
- merge~ - parametrized signal merge
- metro.choice - randomly (uniformly) metronome time interval choice from specified set
- metro.wchoice - weighted metronome time interval choice from specified set
- msg.onclose - send message on patch closing
- msg.pack - construct message with specified number of arguments
- proto.ltc.in~ - LTC decoder
- proto.ltc.out~ - LTC encoder
- proto.morse - morse encoder with specified speed and other settings
- qrcode - QR code encoder
- rhythm.euclid - euclid pattern generator (using fast bresenham algorithm)
- rhythm.hexbeat - hexbeat pattern generator
- rhythm.lsystem - L-system pattern generator
- route.cycle - advanced cyclic message router
- snd.play~ - advanced sound file player with speed control, time stretch and resampling
- split~ - multichannel signal splitter
- synth.metro~ - metronome synth with complex pattern support
- ui.cmeter~ - Multichannel circular peak and rms signal meter
- ui.lcd - bitmap display widget
- new object inlets:
- dyn.gate~, dyn.gate2~ - second inlet added for setting threshold
- flt.bpf12~: second and third inlet added for setting freq and q-factor
- flt.bpf24~: second and third inlet added for setting freq and q-factor
- fx.drone_box~ - second inlet added for setting resonance frequency
- fx.echo~ - second inlet added for setting delay time
- fx.notch~: second (freq) inlet added
- fx.wahwah~: second (angle) inlet added
- metro.pattern - second inlet added to set pattern
- metro.random - third inlet added to set max property
- metro.seq - second inlet added to set interval and third inlet to set pattern
- new object outlets:
- dyn.comp~ - second outlet added for compression level output
- list.map - second outlet added for missing keys
- new object methods:
- brown, pink, white, blue and velvet methods added to noise.colored~
- cellsize method added to ui.radio: resize widget by specifying cell size
- div added to live.capture~ to subdivide loop length while running
- euclid method added to ui.radio to set euclid pattern when in checklist mode
- hexbeat and skip added to seq.bangs
- hexbeat method added to ui.radio to set hexbeat pattern when in checklist mode
- notes_off method added to proto.midi
- panic method added to proto.midi
- proto.midi.cc - new portament method added
- read method added to speech.rhvoice~: read text from files
- read, write added to lang.faust~ and ui.faust~
- rotate method added to ui.radio: rotation to the left in checklist mode
- save to snd.file
- sound_off method added to proto.midi
- speed to synth.glitch~ to set global synth speed
- ssml method added to speech.rhvoice~: support for SSML text markup
- new object properties:
- @punct added to rhvoice~, to specify pronounced characters
- @bypass added to dyn.comp~ and dyn.comp2~
- @bypass added to dyn.gate~ and dyn.gate2~
- @gain added to live.capture~
- @drywet added to soundtouch~
- @upbeat added to seq.bangs, seq.toggles, seq.matrix and sequencer - wait specified number of beats before start
- @msg added to flow.select to output message instead of bang
- @attack, @decay, @sustain, @release added to live.capture~ for controlling loop envelope
- @accel and @curve added to seq.nbangs for accelerated sequences
- @div added to seq.nbangs, seq.matrix, seq.bangs, seq.toggles and sequencer for beat division
- @def added to list.map for replacing missing keys with default values
- @min, @max added to ui.incdec
- @display_only property added to ui.number
- @attack, @sustain, @release added to live.capture~
- new init argument functions:
- hexbeat(HEX) - expand hex to list of 1 and 0
- ones(N) - list of length N, filled with 1
- rotate(N ...) - list rotation (N>0: to the left)
- sort(...) - sort list in ascending order
- zeros(N) - list of length N, filled with 0
- new method arguments:
- PHASE argument (3rd) added to [saw( method in array.fill
- new aliases:
- hoa.2d.process~ alias added to hoa.process~
- hoa.2d.scope~ alias added to hoa.scope~
- feedback compression and filter added to fx.echo~
- array.risset_rythm~ renamed to array.risset_rhythm~
- euclid() init function third arg added: rotation to the right
- fixing ui abtractions: gfx.room~ and gfx.shimmer~
- noise.lfreq0~ minimal frequency changed from 5Hz to 0.5Hz
- dyn.comp~, dyn.comp2~, dyn.gate~, dyn.gate2~ - using DBFS scale for threshold (-144...0) instead of (0..100) range
- proto.midi.cc - renaming MIDI sounds_off to sound_off
- fx.secho~ is deprecated and will be removed in future releases, use fx.echo~. fx.echo~ delay change now is smoothed by default, but if you need gleetchy effect of delay change, you can set @smooth to 0.
- fx.sdelay~ renamed to fx.delay~, fx.sdelay~ now is deprecated alias
- proto.midi.cc - old portamento method renamed to portswitch
- proto.midi - second outlet added, it outputs parsed messages
- ui.faust~ and lang.faust~ now save their source code inside the patch
- @fname property renamed to @load in ui.faust~ and lang.faust~ and made initonly
- fx.recho~ max delay time increased to 4000ms
- in all faust plugin when @active is 0, object output zero signal (previous behaivor was more complicated: when NINS != NOUTS filled with zeros, otherwise passed thru)
- tl.timeline: output list changed and fix error in doc, now outputs EVENT_IDX, EVENT_NAME, EVENT_TIME
- properties removed:
- @fade property removed from live.capture~
- proto.midi.cc - sound_off, notes_off crash fixes
- expand_env - warning removed while processing @prop requests
- speech.flite~ - @speed property (now: lesser - slower)
- ui.tab - 'clear' method renamed to 'erase' preventing name conflict with preset 'clear' method
- ui.menu - 'clear' method renamed to 'erase' preventing name conflict with preset 'clear' method
- new objects:
- canvas.active - check if canvas windows is active
- flt.resonhp~ resonant highpass filter
- flt.resonlp~ resonant lowpass filter
- fx.dattorro~ reverb based on the Dattorro reverb topology
- fx.jcrev~ schroeder quad reverb from 1972
- fx.satrev~ schroeder stereo reverb from 1971
- fx.stutter~ effect
- is_prop - check for property message
- midi.arp - MIDI arpeggiator added
- noise.chua~ : Chua chaotic circut oscillator added
- noise.colored~ generator of colored noise (brown, pink, white, blue, velvet)
- route.any: message router
- route.bang: bang router added
- route.list: list router added
- route.prop: property message router added
- route.symbol: symbol message router added
- synth.voice_fofc~ simple formant synthesizer, using FOF-cycle method
- synth.voice_fofs~ simple formant synthesizer, using FOF-smooth method
- new arguments:
- 3rd argument added to fx.zita_rev1~ to specify dry/wet ratio
- new properties:
- @cpuload property added to fluid~
- new methods:
- 'next', 'prev', 'random', 'flip', '+' and '-' methods added to ui.tab
- 'random move' method arg added to ui.radio
- new aliases:
- 'round' alias added to math.round
- 'round~' alias added to math.round~
- new inlets:
- fx.hpf12~: second (freq) inlet added
- fx.hpf24~: second (freq) inlet added
- fx.lpf12~: second (freq) inlet added
- fx.lpf24~: second (freq) inlet added
- fx.resonbp~: second (freq) and third (Q-factor) inlets added
- fx.room~: second inlet added to set room size
- misc:
- new control outlet added to fluid~ - output current number of active voices (only when changed)
- properties:
- fx.zita_rev1~ @delay property renamed to @predelay
- list.repeat @times property renamed to @n
- pan.spread~ @ch property renamed to @n (number of channels)
- random.atom @a property renamed to @value
- new objects:
- an.zero~: zero crossing count/rate/freq
- array.circular: array circular read/write
- flow.seqdelay: sequential message delay/router
- flt.a-weight: A-weight amplitude/decibel value calculator
- hw.motu.avb: Motu AVB http control added
- lang.lua added: LuaJit interpreter added running in separate thread
- list.map: list value mapping object added
- list.pass: leave only specified atoms in list
- list.reject: reject specified atoms in list
- midi.modus: snap/skip midi pitches according to selected modus
- midi.split: midi note splitter
- net.artnet.send: send DMX messages via ArtNet
- net.http.send: send HTTP requests
- net.osc.receive: receive OSC
- net.osc.send: send OSC messages
- net.osc.server: OSC server control
- path.file: file object added
- path.pattern: generate unique filenames by pattern
- proto.feelworld: control Feelworld Livepro L1 HDMI video mixer
- proto.moppy: MOPPY floppy controller
- proto.vlc: control VLC player over HTTP
- proto.whammy: Digitech Whammy pedal control
- route.random: random router added (with route.r alias)
- speech.rhvoice~: RHVoice TTS engine added
- synth.clap~ added
- synth.hat~ added
- synth.kick2~ added
- z~: sample delay added
- new properties:
- @channels property added to xdac~: live-channel remapping
- @clip property added to system.cursor to clip cursor XY coords
- @dev property added to flow.space: to set deviation
- @fade property added to live.capture~ to control loop crossfading (fix #171)
- @gain: make up gain applied to the signal after the compression takes place
- @nonrep property added to random.atom to generate non equal adjacent elements
- @norm property added to ui.env to do envelope value normalization on input
- @value property added to seq.counter
- @x property added to [xfade~] and [xfade2~] for setting crossfade
- new methods:
- [polltime( method added to system.cursor to change global polltime
- [reverse( method added to xdac~ to reverse output channels order
- [shuffle( method added to xdac~ to shuffle output channels
- [rotate( method added to xdac~ to rotate output channels
- [side2circle( method added to xdac~ to change output channel layout
- [-(, [+(, [@value?( methods added to second inlet of [flow.count]
- [at(, [front(, [back( methods added to data.list/data.mlist
- [choose( method added to get random element from [data.set], [local.set] and [global.set]
- [choose( method added to get random element from [data.dict], [local.dict] and [global.dict]
- [pause( method added to [array.grainer~]
- [slice( method added to [array.grainer~] - to slice source to specified number of equal grains
- [spread( method added to [array.grainer~] - to uniformly spread grain over specified duration
- [shuffle( method added to [array.grainer~] - to shuffle grains
- [defer( method added to [array.grainer~] - to execute messages on grain finish
- [reverse( method added to [array.grainer~] - to reverse grains positions
- [permutate( method added to [array.grainer~] - to permutate grains positions
- [prog( method added to [sfizz~] - to send Program Change events
- misc:
- conv.lin2curve: list support added
- conv.lin2exp: list support added
- env.asr~: second inlet added for gate control
- second inlet added to random.atom to set list to choose from
- sfizz synth updated to version 1.2.0
- ui.slider2d alias added: ui.s2d
- ui.slider2d: mouse wheel support added: (move x-axis when Alt pressed)
- TCL editor added for objects:
- data.list
- data.set
- global.list
- global.set
- local.list
- local.set
- system.cursor no normalization in subpatch
- conv.dbfs2amp~: signal version fix
- msg.onload: comma sperated message fixed
- @i property of seq.counter made writable
- alias 'list.filter' (use list.pass_if instead)
loadmsg - dollar arg support added
new objects:
- an.tempo~: tempo analizer based on Aubio library
- array.circular~: circular buffer write/read for arrays
- array.grainer~: array granulator
- conv.edge2bang with (edge->bang alias) added
- file.size: aync/sync filesize requests
- flow.float: float pass flow object added
- fx.echo2~: stereo echo with ping-pong delay added
- fx.rb_pitchshift~: pitchshifter based on RubberBand library (via Aubio wrapper, see: https://breakfastquay.com/rubberband/)
- fx.recho~: reverse echo fx added
- fx.room~: room reverb added
- fx.secho~: enchanced version of echo that does not click on delay change
- fx.shimmer~: shimmer reverb added
- fx.tapiir~: multitap delay with feedback (based on Faust port of Maarten de Boer, see: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/246433873_TAPIIR_A_SOFTWARE_MULTITAP_DELAY)
- lfo.mosc~: LFO oscillator with various waveform and runtime change between them. Sin, saw, square, pulse, triangle and positive variants of above.
- list.convolve: list convolution with O^2 complexity (with list.conv alias)
- list.correlate: list cross-correlation added with O^2 complexity
- list.rundiff: running difference (adjacent difference or partial difference)
- list.runsum: running sum (cumulative sum or partial sum)
- math.binomial: binomial coefficient calculator added (with math.nck alias)
- msg.sched: message scheduler added
- music.dur2time: duration syntax (1/4, 2., etc.) to time converter added (with music.d->t alias)
- music.voice2midi: single voice syntax (C, F#5, Ab(-30c), D|1/4., etc.) to midi pitch converter added (with music.v->m alias)
- path.normalize: file path normalization
- path.search: file search added
- path.split: split filename to dirname and basename
- proto.midi.cc: parser and composer for MIDI control change messages
- proto.midi.sysex: parser and composer for MIDI SysEx messages
- prop.random: basic property randomizer
- samp.time~: sample counter added (with samp.t~ alias)
- sfizz~: SFZ 2.0 format sample player
- spat.zita8~: 8-channel spat reverb added
- spring: return to specified value in specified time
- synth.english_bell~ added (from Faust lib)
- synth.french_bell~ added (from Faust lib)
- synth.german_bell~ added (from Faust lib)
- synth.kick~: low kick
- synth.risset_bell~
- synth.snare~: snare drum
- synth.standard_bell~ added (from Faust lib)
- synth.tube_bell~: STK TubeBell FM instrument added
new properties:
- array.play~: @loop property added for looped playing
- fluid~: @volume property added to set output level in db
- hoa.process~: @args property added
- lfo.+saw~, lfo.saw~, lfo.+tri~, lfo.tri~, lfo.+square~, lfo.square~, lfo.+pulse~, lfo.pulse~: @phase and @pause properties added
- string.split: @sym flag added to split to list of Pd symbols
- system.cursor: @norm property added for cursor coordinates normalization by screen (or window) size
- ui.knob: @show_value property added
- ui.sliders: @show_lines to show central line ruler
new methods:
- random.float: [gen N( method added for generating list of random numbers
- random.int: [gen N( method added for generating list of random numbers
- seq.phasor: [phase( method added to set current phase
- ui.slider: [random( method added and [set random( args support added
- ui.knob: [random( method added and [set random( args support added
- ui.polar: [random( method added and [set random( args support added
- ui.env: [at( method added to get envelope value at specified position in ms, sec, % and phase
- lfo.+saw~, lfo.saw~, lfo.+tri~, lfo.tri~, lfo.+square~, lfo.square~, lfo.+pulse~, lfo.pulse~: [reset( method added to reset to initial phase value (@phase)
- fluid~:
- [pan(: set synth pan normalized to [-1..+1] range
- [hold(: hold (sustain, right) pedal support
- [sostenuto(: sostenuto (middle) pedal support
- [soft(: soft (left) pedal support
- [legato(: legato pedal support
- [aftertouch( and [polytouch( support
new creation args:
- ui.knob: MIN MAX float creation args added
- ui.slider: MIN MAX float creation args added
- ui.link: URL [TITLE]? creation args added
- flow.change: any message support added and second inlet for control messages
- flow.space: float to right inlet sets @delay property
- fluid~ loads WaveSine.sf2 font by default
- math.*: any message support, multiply float atoms only
- random.float: extra inlets added for min and max values
- random.int: extra inlets added for min and max values
- snd.file: MP3 support added on Linux and Windows platforms (MacOs been already supported)
- string.split: extra inlet added for setting separator
- ui.env: change env.length by dragging last envelope point left/right
- ui.env: second outlet added for getting single value
- ui.hsl: mouse wheel support added (with Shift: change slowly)
- ui.link: show @url property in tooltip on mouse over
- ui.number: Up/Down key support
- ui.preset: preset display now is zero-base
- ui.sliders: locked movemenet added with ALT pressed
- ui.sliders: snap to center while dragging with pressed SHIFT
- waves.sf2: sine, saw, tri, square waveforms SF2 soundfont added
- WaveSine.sf2: simple sine waveform SF2 soundfont added
- flow.space: reset message fix - can not use object after reset
- ui.midi: fixed missing binding to Program Change and After Touch events
- ui.gain2~: missing popup menu fixes
- ui.gain2~: missing mouse wheel support fixed
- fx.looper~: @loop_bang is ON by default
- fx.zita_rev1~: property typo fixed, @dump_hf changed to @damp_hf
- new objects:
- flow.dollar (with flow.$$ alias) for dollar arg expand
- proto.mpv - to control MPV video player
- new properties:
- @select_ms, @select_sec, @select_phase and @select_samp to array.play~ to make possible direct connection of ui.aview with array.play~
- new aliases:
- str->any and string2any for symbol2any (string support added)
- properties:
- @cursor_ms, @cursor_sec in array.play~ make writeable
- new objects:
- array.plot added
- conv.bits2bang (with bits->bang alias) added
- conv.bits2int (with bits->int alias) added
- conv.bits2note (with bits->note alias) added
- conv.bits2pos (with bits->pos alias) added
- conv.sig2float (with sig->float~ and s->f~ aliases) added
- data.copy added (copy data pointers)
- flow.list2many (with list->many alias) added
- flt.c_hpf (with hpf->biquad alias) biquad calculator added
- flt.c_lpf (with lpf->biquad alias) biquad calculator added
- flt.c_notch (with notch->biquad alias) biquad calculator added
- flt.c_pole (with pole->biquad alias) biquad calculator added
- fx.infrev~ infinite reverb added (port of airwindows Infinity VST OpenSource plugin)
- fx.fbank5x1~ filterbank added (5 band, one octave)
- loadexpr added (supports functions and datatypes)
- lang.faust~ external added
- midi.cc added (enhanced version of ctlin)
- midi.clock added
- midi.kbd added (computer key to midi note converter)
- midi.oct - octave transposer added
- midi.sustain - sustain pedal emulation added
- midi.sysex added (read sysex messages as list)
- midi.vrand - velocity randomizer added
- proto.midi added (raw dataflow midi parser/encoder)
- route.float (with route.f alias) added
- seq.life - conway game of life sequencer
- system.exit added
- synth.harpsichord~ added
- synth.piano~ added
- synth.glass_harm~ added
- ui.button added (with ui.btn alias)
- ui.midi added (display for incoming messages)
- ui.vkeyboard added (with ui.vk alias for vertical keyboard)
- ui.filter~ added
- ui.filter added (biquad calculator)
- ui.faust~ added
- new aliases:
- ui.hk alias added for ui.keyboard (horizontal)
- ui.hm~ alias added for ui.meter~ (horizontal)
- ui.k alias added for ui.knob
- ui.vm~ alias added for ui.meter~ (vertical)
- ui.vsliders alias added for vertical ui.sliders
- ceammc/ prefix added to all global like objects: ceammc/xfade~, ceammc/mix~ etc.
- mouse:
- ui.meter~ change orientation by Ctl/Cmd+double-click in edit mode, like ui.radio and ui.slider
- arguments:
- ui.keyboard NKEYS SHIFT arguments added
- methods:
- postscript method added to canvas.top for saving patch to PostScript
- interp method added to ui.preset
- interp method added to preset.storage
- presets interpolation added to:
- ui.knob
- ui.slider
- ui.slider2d
- ui.sliders
- ui.rslider
- ui.number
- ui.polar
- preset.float
- comma separated messages added to msg.onload (loadmsg)
- rests support added to conv.pitch->midi
- @from property added to patch.args
- hex output added to ui.display (@hex and @hex_width properties)
- xlet tooltips added to:
- xdac~
- prop.ls
- int->bits
- MIDI listen/bind added to ui.toggle
- using AtomListView instead of AtomList in BaseObject::onInlet method
- using AtomListView instead of AtomList in UI objects
- second inlet added to path.ls to set @match property
- ui.number~ @decimal property renamed to @precision
- ui.sliders: @auto_range options split into @auto_range and @auto_count
- ui.hgain~/ui.hgain2~ midi bind fixed
- samplerate change for all faust objects
- properties:
- float and int property simple arithmetic added: @prop + 0.5, adds 0.5 to @prop value. supports +,-,* and / operators
- bool property toggle syntax added: @bool_prop ! or @bool_prop ~ inverts boolean value
- symbol enum properties index support added: @senum 1 - set second enum value
- mlist.flatten - simple list support added
- an.* updates:
- an.rms~, root mean square with moving-average algorithm
- random.* updates:
- random.int @seed property added to gen reproducible random sequences
- random.float @seed property added to gen reproducible random sequences
- random.gauss @seed property added to gen reproducible random sequences
- random.linear @seed property added to gen reproducible random sequences
- random.pw_const @seed property added to gen reproducible random sequences
- random.pw_lin @seed property added to gen reproducible random sequences
- random.discrete @seed property added to gen reproducible random sequences
- random.atom (with random.a alias) added for weighted random atom generation
- flow.* updates:
- flow.delay added: enhanced version of vanilla delay
- flow.dup added: message repeater
- flow.greater_eq added (with flow.>= alias)
- flow.group second inlet added to change @by property
- flow.match property match added, unmatched outlet added
- flow.select added
- flow.space added to space in time messages received in the same logical time
- flow.stack added
- flow.pipe added
- flow.ring added
- flow.route can output message with matched selector using * prefix
- flow.split any message support added
- flow.reject alias added: flow.!
- math new obejcts:
- math.nan~ added (mainly for testing purposes)
- math.inf~ added (mainly for testing purposes)
- math.sync_rshift (with >>' and math.>>' aliases)
- math.sync_lshift (with <<' and math.<<' aliases)
- array.* updates:
- array.play~ added (with array.p~ alias)
- env.* updates:
- env.smooth~ play method added
- conv.* updates:
- dbfs->amp~ converter added
- conv.sec2bpm (with alias sec->bpm) converter added
- conv.ms2bpm (with alias ms->bpm) converter added
- conv.degree2key (with degree->key alias) added
- conv.int2bits (with int->bits alias) added
- symbol2intlist (with sym->ilist alias) converter added
- symbol2any (with sym->any alias) added
- conv.hex2int (with hex->int alias) added
- @positive property added to car->pol for output in [0..2π) range
- fx.* updates:
- freeze added to fx.freeverb~, fx.freeverb2~ and fx.zita_rev1~ (via @freeze property)
- fx.pitchshift_s~ added (signal version of fx.pitchshift~)
- flt.* updates:
- flt.ff_comb~ added (feed forward comb filter)
- flt.fb_comb~ added (feedback comb filter)
- midi.* updates:
- midi.vramp added
- midi.tuning added
- new category for sequences: seq.*
- seq.bangs sequencer (with seq.b alias) added into new category: seq
- seq.toggles sequencer (with seq.t alias) added
- seq.nbangs added (with seq.nb alias)
- seq.phasor added (control rate saw generator)
- sequencer object added (with seq alias)
- seq.matrix added
- synth:
- synth.dubdub~ @freq property added and 'note' method
- synth.eguitar~ ...
- synth.ks~ ...
- synth.marimba~ ...
- synth.rhodey~ @pitch property added and 'note' method
- synth.bee3~ ...
- synth.wurley~ ...
- synth.sitar~ added
- synth.russian_bell~ added
- synth.glitch~ added
- ui.* updates:
- ui.display alias added: ui.dt for ui.display @display_type=1
- ui.toggle @on_value/@off_value properties added
- @float_width property added to ui.display
- base updates:
- log.error, log.post, log.debug, log.verbose, log.stdout, log.stderr objects added
- sync added for multiple value synchronization without stack overflow
- RythmTree support added: rtree->list and built-in function rtree()
- patch.deps added - list current patch dependencies
- ceammc.search added
- counter object added
- proto.* updates:
- proto.xtouch_ext - Behringer XTouch externder support added
- noise.* updates:
- documentation for a-chaos files added
- ext_info output format changed. "inlets": ["audio", "control"...] instead of inlet number "outlets": ["audio", "control"...] instead of outlet number
- props:
- prop.set renamed to prop.join (with prop<- alias)
- prop.set now is a new object with different behavior, it changes properties via internal pd calls
- prop.set alias added: p.set
- prop.get renamed to prop.split (with prop<- and @<- aliases)
- prop.get biw is a new object with different bihavior, it get properties from connected object/subpatch/abstraction
- spat.pan4~ and spat.pan8~:
- @dist property renamed to @radius
- positional args order reversed, now is: radius, angle
- list support added for easy connection with ui.polar
- flow.count:
- second inlet add to reset counter by bang
- init arg added to set start value
- method reset removed: use bang
- flow.once:
- second inlet add to reset opened state
- method reset removed: use bang
- init arg added to set init state
- flow.gate: changing property values only via prop.set object
- flow.pass:
- second inlet added to set pass list
- pass if first list atom contains in pass list (old behavoir: pass all lists)
- flow.reject:
- second inlet added to set reject list
- reject if first list atom contains in reject list (old behavoir: pass all lists)
- flow.speedlim:
- second inlet added to set time
- reset message should be send to second inlet
- flow.multiplex:
- additional inlet added to choose input
- setting property only via prop.set object
- flow.route:
- output routed data as message
- list.^contains @subj property renamed to @value
- midi.track @events property renamed to @nevents
- data.float creation arg fix
- data.int creation arg fix
- string.remove doc example fix
- function right inlet accepts any message, closes #59
- flow.demultiplex: @noprops property removed, object now process any input data flow. You should get/set properties via new prop.get/prop.set objects
- an.onset - onset analyzer for array (using aubio library)
- an.onset~ - onset analyzer for signals (using aubio library)
- flow module updates:
- flow.< alias added for flow.less
- flow.<= alias added for flow.less_eq
- flow.greater added (with flow.> alias)
- flow.' alias added for flow.sync
- tl.t alias added for tl.toggle
- tl.b alias added for tl.bang
- duplicate method added to ui.preset and preset.storage
- random.i alias added for random.int
- random.f alias added for random.float
- preset.f alias added for preset.float
- preset.s alias added for preset.symbol
- preset.l alias added for preset.list
- metro.random added
- math module added:
- pi alias added for math.pi and argument added [pi 2] means two-pi value
- math.pi~ added (with pi~ alias)
- "-x" alias added for math.neg
- ^2 alias added for math.squared
- math.squared~ (with math.^2~ and ^2~ aliases) added
- math.reciprocal~ (with 1/x~ alias) added
- math.exp2~ added
- math.exp~ added
- math.gamma and math.gamma~ added
- math.lgamma and math.lgamma~ added
- math.erf and math.erf~ added
- math.sin~ added
- math.asin~ added
- math.sinh~ added
- math.asinh~ added
- math.cos~ added
- math.acos~ added
- math.cosh~ added
- math.acosh~ added
- math.ceil~ added
- math.floor~ added
- math.trunc~ added
- math.log2~ added
- math.log~ added
- math.log10~ added
- math.tan~ added
- math.atan~ added
- math.tanh~ added
- math.atanh~ added
- math.cbrt~ added
- complex math for signals added:
- math.cabs~
- math.carg~
- math.cexp~
- converters module:
- conv.lin2lin~ (with lin->lin~ and l->l~ aliases) added
- conv.amp2dbfs~ (with amp->dbfs~ alias) added
- conv.samp2ms (with samp->ms alias) added
- conv.samp2ms~ (with samp->ms~ alias) added
- conv.ms2samp (with ms->samp alias) added
- conv.ms2samp~ (with ms->samp~ alias) added
- chaos.gbman0 chaotic generator added
- chaos.gbman0~ chaotic generator added
- chaos.std0 chaotic generator added
- chaos.std0~ chaotic generator added
- chaos.logistic alias added for noise.logistic
- noise.logistic documentation added
- list.contains @all_of, @any_of, @none_of, @sublist (default) properties added
- list.resample (with alias list.r) added
- is_data @in_list property added to search data inside list
- path.is_dir added
- flt.freqz~ (amp/phase frequency response calculator)
- snd.file load options added:
- @gain (or @g) - to apply gain. use like: @gain 0.5 or @gain +2.4db
- @begin (or @b) - to specify start read position in input file
- @end (or @e) - to specify end position
- @length (or @l, @len) - to specify read segment length (cannot be used simultaneously with @end)
- @normalize (or @n, @norm) - to normalize file right after loading
- @gain (or @g) - to specify applied gain in amp or db
- @aoffset (or @aoff) - to specify write offset position in destination array
- @resample - to specify data resampling while loading
- array.resample (with alias array.r) added. Resamples array with SoxR library
- plot.linspace~ added
- plot.logspace~ added
- plot.geomspace~ added
- plot.hist~ added (with hist~ alias)
- plot.response~ added
- ui.plot~ added
- nsig~ multichannel control to audio rate converter
- flow.sync bang output on unitialized value
- system.shell renamed to system.exec because it not used shell any more
- ui.tab init from args fixed
- ui.menu init from args fixed
- ui.menu outputs numeric labels as numbers not as symbols as before
- flt.bpf12~ non-stability fixed (by using double precision)
- flt.bpf24~ non-stability fixed (by using double precision)
- using puredata-ceammc.png icon when running on linux
- soundtouch~ installation fixed on linux
- flt.biquad~ fixed
- conv.car2pol converter from Cartesian to Polar coordinates added (with alias car->pol)
- conv.pol2car converter from Polar to Cartesian coordinates added (with alias pol->car)
- conv.rad2phase added (with alias rad->phase)
- conv.rad2phase~ added (with alias rad->phase~)
- conv.phase2rad added (with alias phase->rad)
- conv.phase2rad~ added (with alias phase->rad~)
- canvas.dir added
- canvas.name added
- canvas.path added
- flow.pack added
- flow.sync_pack (flow.pack') added
- list->props second outlet added for non-props elements
- list.at @default property added (that outputs if element is not found)
- list.walk second outlet added (with bang after reaching list last element)
- list.separate enumeration support added
- popup menu added to ui.radio in check list mode
- @mouse_events property added to some UI object, that allows do some tricky user interaction things
- ui.rslider move added (with SHIFT, change with ALT)
- ui.hgain~ alias added to create horizontal ui.gain~
- ui.hgain2~ alias added to create horizontal ui.gain2~
- ui.gain~/ui.gain2~ @relative property added for relative input mode (by default)
- ui.gain~/ui.gain2~ slow value change added in relative mode while holding SHIFT
- ui.gain~/ui.gain2~ mouse wheel support added (with slow on SHIFT)
- ui.gain~/ui.gain2~ popup added
- ui.gain~/ui.gain2~ MIDI learn added (double-click + SHIFT)
- ui.polar added
- ui.slider slow change with SHIFT added
- ui.slider log scale support added with @scale property
- ui.knob slow value change with SHIFT added
- ui.knob log scale support added with @scale property
- ui.knob mouse wheel support added (with slow on SHIFT)
- ui.mouse_filter added to filter specified mouse event types
- ui.mouse_route added to route specified mouse event types
- popup menu added to ui.preset with read/write actions
- math sync binary operations added (all inlets are hot):
- math.sync_add (math.+', +')
- math.sync_sub (math.-', -')
- math.sync_mul (math.*', *')
- math.sync_div (math./', /')
- math.sync_mod (math.%', %')
- math.sync_eq (math.==', ==')
- math.sync_ne (math.!=', !=')
- math.sync_lt (math.<', <')
- math.sync_le (math.<=', <=')
- math.sync_gt (math.>', >')
- math.sync_ge (math.>=', >=')
- math.sync_and (math.&&', &&')
- math.sync_or (math.||', ||')
- math.sync_xor (math.^', ^')
- system.cursor @relative property added to output coords relative to window
- system.colorpanel moved into ceammc library and @float, @int and @hex properties are added
- ui.tab in single mode outputs like ui.menu: list pair - INDEX TAB_NAME
- flow.demux by default handles @index and @index? properties. To pass this values use @noprops flag
- default range for ui.slider2d now is from -1 (left) to 1 (right) and from 1 (top) to -1 (bottom)
- in ui.slider2d following properties are renamed:
- @x_min renamed to @x_left
- @x_max renamed to @x_right
- @y_min renamed to @y_top
- @y_max renamed to @y_bottom
- in ui.sliders knobs are added
- ui.vrd - invalid draw in check list mode
- ui.* - various label fixes
- ui.* @label property handles space in property dialog without entering ''
- properties dialogs for ui.* objects are improved:
- $0 can be used in @send and @receive
- tooltips are shown when mouse pointer is over property label
- foldable categories added
- outer/inner label added for almost all UI widgets
- ui.matrix read/write methods added to save/load in text format
- ui.dsp~ popup menu added
- array.hist added
- array.mean added
- array.rms added
- array.stddev added
- array.sum added
- array.sum2 added
- array.variance added
- flow.match added (regexp route)
- hw.apple_smc (system management control) added
- hw.apple_sms (sudden motion sensor) added
- hw.cpu_temp added
- hw.display added
- hw.kdb_light added
- string.match added (regexp match for symbols and strings)
- array.fill sin method added
- array.fill gauss method added
- array.fill uniform method added
- documentation added for:
- fx.distortion1~
- ui.dsp~ Shift+DblClick binding removed
- array.window added
- tl.timeline added
- msg.onload added
- net.host->ip added
- system.shell added
- osc.saw4~ added (Faust os.saw4~)
- osc.sin~ added for library completeness
- lfo.+tri~ added
- lfo.+square~ added
- lfo.+pulse~ added
- lfo.+saw~ added
- lfo.saw~ added
- pan.linsig~ added
- osc.saw~ algo changed to Faust os.sawtooth
- osc.tri~ added inlet for phase reset
- osc.saw~ added inlet for phase reset
- osc.square~ added inlet for phase reset
- osc.pulse~ added inlet for phase reset
- osc.impulse~ added inlet for phase reset
- fx.flanger~ @drywet property added
- fx.greyhole~ @drywet property added
- fx.sdelay~ clear and reset messages added
- fx.greyhole~ reset message added
- fx.echo~ reset message added
- fx.zita_rev1~ reset message added
- fx.zita_rev1~ arguments mapped to @decay_low, @decay_mid
- fx.chorus~ added
- fx.bitdown~ added
- fx.vocoder~ added
- prop.declare added
- prop added
- patch.props added
- ui.gain2~ added (stereo gain)
- msg.after added (send delayed message after passed input message)
- math.cmul~ added (multiplication of complex signals)
- math.cdiv~ added (division of complex signals)
- dict.each added for mapping all dict values
- is_dict predicate object added
- dict.pass added for passing only specified keys
- dict.reject added for rejecting specified keys
- dict.from_list added (with list->dict alias)
- dict.to_list added (with dict->list alias)
- conv.list2props (with aliases: list->props, any->props) added
- live.capture~ @gate property added, reset method added
- l->l alias added for lin->lin
- soundtouch~ pitch argument added
- flt.eq10~ graphic 10-band (1 octave) equalizer added
- flt.median added
- numeric external added with bunch of objects:
- rational, for working with rational numbers:
- rational.!=
- rational.==
- rational.abs
- rational.add
- rational.div
- rational.from_float
- rational.ge
- rational.gt
- rational.le
- rational.lt
- rational.mul
- rational.new
- rational.pow
- rational.reciprocal
- rational.sub
- rational.to_float
- rational.to_list
- rational.unpack
- complex, for working with complex numbers:
- complex.!=
- complex.==
- complex.abs
- complex.add
- complex.arg
- complex.conj
- complex.cos
- complex.div
- complex.exp
- complex.imag
- complex.log
- complex.log10
- complex.mul
- complex.new
- complex.norm
- complex.polar
- complex.pow
- complex.real
- complex.sin
- complex.sqrt
- complex.sub
- complex.tan
- complex.to_list
- complex.unpack
- rational, for working with rational numbers:
- matrix external added, for working with matrices: matrix.!=, matrix.<, matrix.<=, matrix.==, matrix.>, matrix.>=, matrix.abs, matrix.accu, matrix.acos, matrix.acosh, matrix.add, matrix.all, matrix.all_col, matrix.all_row, matrix.any, matrix.any_col, matrix.any_row, matrix.asin, matrix.asinh, matrix.at, matrix.atan, matrix.atanh, matrix.clip, matrix.col, matrix.col_at, matrix.conv2, matrix.cos, matrix.cosh, matrix.det, matrix.diag, matrix.div, matrix.exp, matrix.exp10, matrix.exp2, matrix.fill, matrix.from_list, matrix.full, matrix.hist, matrix.identity, matrix.insert_col, matrix.insert_row, matrix.inverse, matrix.linspace, matrix.load, matrix.logspace, matrix.matmul, matrix.matrix, matrix.max, matrix.mean, matrix.mean_col, matrix.mean_row, matrix.median, matrix.median_col, matrix.median_row, matrix.min, matrix.mul, matrix.ncols, matrix.new, matrix.nrows, matrix.ones, matrix.ones_like, matrix.randn, matrix.randu, matrix.range, matrix.range_col, matrix.range_row, matrix.rank, matrix.remove_col, matrix.remove_row, matrix.replace, matrix.reshape, matrix.resize, matrix.row, matrix.row_at, matrix.save, matrix.shift_col, matrix.shift_row, matrix.sign, matrix.sin, matrix.sinh, matrix.size, matrix.solve, matrix.stddev, matrix.stddev_col, matrix.stddev_row, matrix.sub, matrix.swap_cols, matrix.swap_rows, matrix.tan, matrix.tanh, matrix.to_list, matrix.transpose, matrix.trunc_exp, matrix.vectorise, matrix.zeros, matrix.zeros_like
- data type generation support for list.gen and list.each
- flow.demultiplex - second inlet added and @noprops flag added
- ui.matrix @current_col and @current_row are made unsaved properties
- [ceammc] object prints all library objects to Pd window
- you can request several properties in one message, line [@prop1? @prop2?(, the output is: [@prop1 values... @prop2 values...]
- lfo.tri~ now is zero-mean in [-1, 1] range
- lfo.square~ now is zero-mean in [-1, 1] range
- lfo.pulse~ now is in [-1, 1] range
- env.ar~ now supports Envelope data type, run on bang, bang on done added
- fx.echo~ @time property renamed to @delay
- live.capture~ record message only starts record process, use stop to stop it
- fx.freeverb~ @roomsize renamed to @room
- fx.freeverb2~ @roomsize renamed to @room
- fx.echo~ @time property renamed to @delay
- flt.moog_vcf~ signal inlet used for center frequency
- ui.gain~ range cnahges from [-90,30] till [-12,12] now
- fx.greyhole~ 3rd information outlet removed
- vector.* objects removed, use matrix externals
- env.asr~ envelope generator added
- env.smooth~ envelope generator added
- noise.crackle~ added
- noise.lfreq0~ added
- noise.lfreq~ doc added
- lfo.pulse~ added
- osc.blit~ added
- spat.pan4~ added
- spat.pan8~ added
- synth.bee3~ added
- synth.birds~ added
- synth.church_bell~ added
- synth.eguitar~ added
- synth.ks~ (Karplus-Strong) added
- synth.marimba~ added
- synth.rhodey~ added
- synth.risset_arp~ added
- synth.shakers~ added
- synth.wurley~ added
- fx.drone_box~ added
- fx.echo~ added
- fx.sdelay~ added
- fx.wahwah~ added
- flt.eq_peak_cq~ added
- flt.moog_vcf~ added
- math.mul (math.*) added for lists
- math.div (math./) added for lists
- math.expr added
- math.polyeval added
- math.reciprocal alias added: 1/x
- conv.amp2dbfs (amp->dbfs) added
- conv.dbfs2amp (dbfs->amp) added
- conv.midi2freq (m->f) added
- gain~ added
- mix~ added
- matrix~ added
- is_data predicate added
- radio added
- xfade~ and xfade2~ added
- speech.flite added
- fluid~ (FluidSynth) added
- fx.echo~ @drywet support added
- prop.get~ (prop~>, @~>) added
- prop.get alias added (@->)
- list.^at added
- list.^contains added
- list.^search added
- list.append added
- list.contains added
- list.prepend added
- list.remove added
- list.set added
- list.deinterleave alias added: list.unzip
- list.interleave alias added: list.zip
- list.length alias added: list.size
- list.pass_if alias added: list.filter
- list.range alias added: list.minmax
- list.reduce alias added: list.foldl
- list.rotate alias added: list.>>
- list.unwrap alias added: list.rldecode
- list.wrap alias added: list.rlencode
- list.stretch doc added
- local.dict added
- local.mlist added
- local.set added
- global.mlist added
- global.dict added
- global.set added
- data.int added
- data.float added
- mlist.flatten added
- flow.append added
- flow.interval added
- flow.multiplex2~ (flow.mux2~, mux2~) added
- flow.multiplex~ (flow.mux~, mux~) added
- flow.once (once) added
- flow.route added
- ui.aview added
- Dict (dictionary) data type added :
with syntax: [key: value]
- dict.contains added
- dict.keys added
- dict.size added
- dict.values added
- Mlist (multilist) data type added: with syntax: (a c b d 1 2 3)
- migration to Faust v2
- flt.hpf12~, flt.hpf24~, flt.lpf12~, flt.lpf24~ @q property removed
- array.vplay - bang message added for play reset and @reversed property added
- error message added on unsupported message
- flow.mux <-> flow.demux naming change
- global.int, local.int, global.float, local.float added Numeric interface message support:
- [set(
- [+(
- [-(
- [*(
- [/(
- @value property
- data.set, local.set, global.set, data.dict, local.dict, global.dict added Collecton interface support:
- [set(
- [add(
- [remove(
- [clear(
- @size, @empty properties
- data.list, local.list, global.list, data.mlist, local.mlist, global.mlist added List interface support:
- [set(
- [append(
- [prepend(
- [remove(
- [clear(
- [insert(
- [pop(
- [fill(
- [sort(
- [reverse(
- [shuffle(
- @size, @empty properties
- ui.keyboard fixed on glissando (lowest note played between keys)
- symbol.ends_with removed
- hw.arduino added
- proto.firmata added
- flow.speedlim added
- list.route added
- list.do added
- metro.seq added
- metro.pattern added
- new data type added: Envelope
- envelope object added
- env->array object added
- env->vline added
- env.tshift added
- env.tscale added
- env.vscale added
- env.mix added
- env.concat added
- fx.looper~ added
- fx.greyhole~ added
- pan.lin~ added
- pan.sqrt~ added
- pan.cos~ (pan~) added
- pan.spread~ added
- ui.dsp~ doc added
- array.vplay added
- @active_scale - property added to ui.slider
- change orientation of ui.slider, ui.radio, ui.sliders in edit mode by double click
- show/hide message type in ui.display by double click
- ui.label widget added
- ui.slider2d prop changed: migration from xy_range/offset to xy_min/max
- ui.gain~ widget added
- ui.icon widget added
- Aliases added:
- ui.n alias added for ui.number
- ui.n~ alias added for ui.number~
- ui.hsl alias added for horizontal ui.slider
- ui.vsl alias added for vertical ui.slider
- ui.b alias added for ui.bang
- ui.t alias added for ui.toggle
- ui.m~ alias added for ui.meter~
- ui.d alias added for ui.display
- ui.rsl alias added for ui.rslider
- @range and @shift properties replaced with @min and @max in ui.sliders
- ui.bpfunc moved to ui.env
- ui.tab now has one outlet instead of three
- ui.rslider has one inlet instead of two
- u.rslider @minvalue renamed to @low, @maxvalue to @high
- ui.menu @hover mode removed - use ui.tab instead
- list.interleave wrong inlet handling on Windows
- window typo fixed nutall => nuttall
- function - bang handling fixed
- list.choice - fixed hang on empty list
- list.choice @norepeat property added - for non repeated index choices
- flow.change @onrepeat function callback added
- ui.knob @shift, @offset change to @min, @max. Default value range now is [0-1]
- ui.rslider @sync property added, for output on every mouse move
- ui.number new methods added: +, -, *, /, ++, --
math.round~ added
flow.tee~ added to separate audio and control signals
flow.count added to count control stream events
flow.multiplex added
flow.demultiplex added
flow.gate added
flow.less added
modplug~ added (using libmodplug) for playing vaious MOD formats: MOD, S3M, XM, IT, 669, AMF (both of them), AMS, DBM, DMF, DSM, FAR, MDL, MED, MTM, OKT, PTM, STM, ULT, UMX, MT2, PSM
see more info: https://github.com/Konstanty/libmodplug
random.linear added
random.pw_lin added (piecewise linear distribution)
random.pw_const added (piecewise constant distribution)
random.discrete added
array.set added
array.bpm added (via SoundTouch library: https://www.surina.net/soundtouch/)
array.stretch added (time-stretch, pitch-shift and rate-range)
patch.args added
canvas.current added
canvas.top added
midi.prg->str added
midi.ctl->str added
midi.key->str added
midi.file added
midi.track added
midi.event2note added
midi.event2ctl added
window help added
local.list help added
ui.menu help added
ui.number~ help added
ui.number help added
ui.meter~ help added
ui.colorpanel help added
ui.slider help added
ui.radio help added
ui.rslider help added
ui.tab help added
ui.incdec help added
ui.link help added
ui.preset help added
list.split help added
symbol.num_compare help added
preset.float added
preset.symbol added
preset.list added
preset.storage added
- random.gauss doc update
- conv.str2sec - handling of strings added (only symbols were supported)
- conv.sec2str - by default outputs string instead of symbol. Flag @symbol added for old behaivor.
- array.phase->sample fix with lists argument
- array.phase->sample clip phase to [0, 1] range
- ui.spectroscope~ crash fix and view improvements
- noise.* fix on compat library
- array.phase->sample help file added
- array.sample->phase help file added
- array.each added
- array.fill added
- array.minmax added
- array.copy added
- array.do added
- list.slice added
- flow.split added
- function (func) added
- function.call (func.call) added
- math.gcd (Greatest Common Divisor) added
- math.lcm (Least Common Multiple) added
- string support added and objects:
- string (str)
- string2symbol (str->sym)
- string.format (str.format)
- string.join (str.join)
- string.split (str.split)
- string.remove (str.remove)
- string.replace (str.replace)
- string.ends_with (str.ends_with)
- string.contains (str.contains)
- string.starts_with (str.starts_with)
- string.equal (str.equal)
- string.substr (str.substr)
- Set data type added and objects:
- data.set
- data.set2list (set->list)
- set.size
- set.contains
- set.union
- set.intersect
- set.diff
- set.symdiff
- set.equal
- list.seq uses only positive step. To get 6 4 2 use [list.seq 6 0 2]
- list.rotate alias added [list.<<]
- list.histogram added
- list.enumerate added
- list.pass_if added for list filtration
- pass.if renamed to flow.pass_if (with pass_if alias)
- reject.if renamed to flow.reject_if (with reject_if alias)
- pass.this renamed to flow.pass (with pass alias)
- reject.this renamed to flow.reject (with reject alias)
- pass.changed renamed to flow.change
- list.seq @closed property added for closed interval
- list.at multiple arguments support added
- list.unpack migrated list.separate - to split into sepatate atoms and output them sequentially
- list.unpack behavior now is similar to basic [unpack] - to unpack to several outlets