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Ulf Frisk edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 14 revisions


The MemProcFS process and module API for Python consists of two primary objects:

Process objects are most commonly retrieved from the base Vmm object.

Module objects are most commonly retrieved from VmmProcess objects.


Represents a process.



  • vmm.process_list() - as list of all processes.
  • vmm.process() - as single process retrieved by name or PID.
  • vmm.kernel.process - the SYSTEM process (PID 4).
  • module.process - module parent process.

Attributes:         # int: process id. ex: -> 4280
process.ppid        # int: parent process id. ex: process.ppid -> 4248
process.eprocess    # int: _EPROCESS address. ex: process.eprocess -> 18446644053912244352
process.dtb         # int: directory table base, dtb, cr3. ex: process.dtb -> 5930565632
process.dtb_user    # int: user-mode directory table base, dtb, cr3. ex: process.dtb_user -> 5930561536
process.state       # int: process state. ex: process.state -> 0
process.peb         # int: process environment block, peb. ex: process.peb -> 14229504
process.peb32       # int: 64-bit OS, 32-bit process environment block, peb. ex: process.peb32 -> 0
process.is_wow64    # bool: 64-bit OS, 32-bit process. ex: process.is_wow64 -> False
process.is_usermode # bool: is process user-mode. ex: process.is_usermode -> True        # str: process short name (max 15 chars). ex: -> 'explorer.exe'
process.fullname    # str: process full name. ex: process.fullname -> 'explorer.exe'
process.pathuser    # str: process path as seen by user-mode. ex: process.pathuser -> 'C:\\Windows\\Explorer.EXE'
process.pathkernel  # str: process path as seen by kernel-mode. ex: process.pathkernel -> '\\Device\\HarddiskVolume4\\Windows\\explorer.exe'
process.tp_memorymodel # int: memory model type. ex: process.tp_memorymodel -> 3
process.tp_system   # int: system type. ex: process.tp_system -> 2
process.luid        # int: process token LUID. ex: process.luid -> 225102
process.session     # int: process token session id. ex: process.session -> 1
process.sid         # str: process token SID. ex: process.sid -> 'S-1-5-21-3317879871-105768242-2947499445-1001'
process.maps        # VmmProcessMaps: see methods below. ex: process.maps -> ProcessMaps:4280
process.memory      # VmmVirtualMemory: see methods below. ex: process.memory -> VirtualMemory:4280


# Read memory from process virtual address space.
# -- address_virtual
# -- bytes_to_read
# -- flags = optional read flags memprocfs.FLAG_*.
# -- return address_virtual, int: bytes_to_read, opt int: flags) # -> bytes
# example:
#   print(vmm.hex(, 0x20) )) ->
#   0000    4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00  04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00   MZ..............
#   0010    b8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ........@.......

# Read multiple 0x1000 bytes-sized chunks scattered among listed
# 0x1000 byte aligned addresses.
# -- address_list = list of 0x1000-aligned virtual addresses.
# -- return
process.memory.read_scatter([int: address_virtual1, ...], opt_int flags) # -> list:dict
# example:
#   process.memory.read_scatter([0x7FF750930000, 0x7FF750931000]) ->
#   [{'addr': 140700185460736, 'va': 140700185460736, 'data': b'MZ\x90\x00\x03...', 'size': 4096},
#    {'addr': 140700185464832, 'va': 140700185464832, 'data': b'H\x83\xec(\xe8...', 'size': 4096}]

Please see VmmScatterMemory for information about how to use the VmmScatterObject returned by function vmm.memory.scatter_initialize(opt int: flags) which is documented below.

# Initialize a Scatter Virtual Memory Read object which is used to simplify efficient memory reads.
# This is accomplished by using the simplified native MemProcFS VMMDLL_Scatter_* functionality.
# -- flags = flags as specified by memprocfs.FLAG_*.
# -- return
vmm.memory.scatter_initialize(opt int: flags) # -> VmmScatterMemory
# example:
#   vmm.memory.scatter_initialize(memprocfs.FLAG_NOCACHE) -> VmmScatterMemory

# Write data (if supported) to already mapped process virtual memory.
# -- address_virtual
# -- data
process.memory.write(int: address_virtual, bytes: data) # -> None
# example:
#   process.memory.write(0x7FF750930000, b'0000')

# Translate virtual process memory to physical memory
# -- address_virtual
# -- return
process.memory.virt2phys(int: address_virtual) # -> int
# example:
#   process.memory.virt2phys(0x7FFAC7890000) -> 4704169984

# Retrieve a single module by its name.
# -- module_name
# -- return
process.module(str: module_name) # -> VmmModule
# example:
#   process.module('kernel32.dll') -> Module:4280:KERNEL32.DLL

# List all modules loaded by the process.
# -- return
process.module_list() # -> list:VmmModule
# example:
#   process.module_list() ->
#   [Module:4280:Explorer.EXE, Module:4280:ntdll.dll, Module:4280:KERNEL32.DLL, ...]

# Retrieve process handle information.
# -- return
process.maps.handle() # -> list:dict
# example:
#   process.maps.handle() ->
#   [{'va-object': 18446644053917635680, 'handle': 4, 'access': 2031619, 'typeindex': 16, 'pid': 4280,
#     'pooltag': 1852143173, 'chandle': 1, 'cpointer': 32768, 'va-object-creatinfo': 18446644053883285568,
#     'va-securitydescriptor': 0, 'tag': '', 'type': 'Event'},
#    ...]

# Retrieve process heap information.
# -- return
process.maps.heap() # -> dict:dict

# Retrieve process heap allocation information.
# -- heap_address_or_number = virtual address or heap number.
# -- return
process.maps.heapalloc(int: heap_address_or_number) # -> list:dict

# Retrieve process page table entry (PTE) information.
# -- is_identify_modules = optional value to to force module identification; default: False.
# -- return
process.maps.pte(opt int: is_identify_modules) # -> list:dict
# example:
#   process.maps.pte() ->
#   [{'va': 12320768, 'size': 4096, 'pages': 1, 'pages-sw': 0, 'wow64': False, 'tag': '', 'flags-pte': 9223372036854775814, 'flags': '-rw-'},
#    {'va': 12386304, 'size': 28672, 'pages': 7, 'pages-sw': 0, 'wow64': False, 'tag': '', 'flags-pte': 9223372036854775814, 'flags': '-rw-'},
#    ...]

# Retrieve process thread information.
# -- return
process.maps.thread() # -> list:dict
# example:
#   process.maps.thread() ->
#   [{'tid': 8, 'pid': 4280, 'exitstatus': 0, 'state': 5, 'running': 0, 'priority': 8, 'basepriority': 8,
#     'va-ethread': 18446644053931507840, 'va-teb': 12820480, 'va-start': 140715077586608, 'va-stackbase': 249823232,
#     'va-stacklimit': 249765888, 'va-stackbase-kernel': 18446613807492460544, 'va-stacklimit-kernel': 18446613807492435968,
#     'va-trapframe': 18446613807492459264, 'reg-rip': 140715044149892, 'reg-rsp': 249820904, 'time-create': 132162320870207758,
#     'time-exit': 0, 'time-create-str': '2019-10-22 15:34:47 UTC', 'time-exit-str': '                    ***'},
#    ...]

# Retrieve unloaded modules.
# -- return
process.maps.unloaded_module() # -> list:dict
# example:
#    process.maps.unloaded_module() ->
#    [{'va': 140714921820160, 'size': 548864, 'wow64': False, 'name': 'ncsi.dll', 'dwCheckSum': 576105, 'dwTimeDateStamp': 3777288024, 'ft': 0},
#     ...]

# Retrieve virtual address descriptor (VAD) info.
# -- is_identify_modules = optional value to to force module identification; default: False.
# -- return
process.maps.vad(opt int: is_identify_modules) # -> list:dict
# example:
#   process.maps.vad() ->
#   [{'start': 12320768, 'end': 12386303, 'cvadex-pages': 1, 'cvadex-pages-base': 0, 'subsection': 18446644053917124928,
#     'prototype': 18446663847587408016, 'prototype-len': 128, 'mem_commit': False, 'commit_charge': 0,
#     'protection': '--rw--', 'type': 'Pf   ', 'tag': ''},
#    ...]

# Retrieve extended VAD map.
# -- page_start = start page number.
# -- page_count = number of pages.
# -- return
process.maps.vad_ex(int: page_start, page_count) # -> list:dict
# example:
#   process.maps.vad_ex(3400, 2) ->
#   [{'tp': 'P', 'pml': 2, 'va': 61095936, 'pa': 0, 'pte': 0, 'vad-va': 56426496, 'proto-tp': '-', 'proto-pa': 0, 'proto-pte': 0},
#    {'tp': 'P', 'pml': 2, 'va': 61100032, 'pa': 0, 'pte': 0, 'vad-va': 56426496, 'proto-tp': '-', 'proto-pa': 0, 'proto-pte': 0}
#    ...]


Represents a loaded module, such as a .dll, .sys or .exe file.



  • process.module() - as single module.
  • process.module_list() - as list of all modules within the parent process.

Attributes:          # int: module name. ex: -> 'KERNEL32.DLL'
module.fullname      # str: full name / path. ex: module.fullname -> 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\KERNEL32.DLL'
module.process       # VmmProcess: module parent process. ex: module.process -> Process:4280
module.is_wow64      # bool: module is 32-bit on 64-bit Windows. ex: module.is_wow64 -> False
module.base          # int: module base address. ex: module.base -> 140715066195968
module.file_size     # int: size of module on-disk. ex: module.file_size -> 707072
module.image_size    # int: size of module in-memory. ex: module.image_size -> 729088
module.count_section # int: number of PE sections. ex: module.count_section -> 6
module.count_eat     # int: number of exported functions. ex: module.count_eat -> 1629
module.count_iat     # int: number of imported functions. ex: module.count_iat -> 1252
module.pdb           # VmmPdb: object containing pdb debug symbols from the microsoft symbol server. ex: module.pdb -> Pdb:kernel32
module.maps          # VmmModuleMaps: see methods below.


# Retrieve the address of an exported function - similar to the
# WIN32 API function GetProcAddress.
# -- function_name
# -- return
module.procaddress(str: function_name) # -> int
# example:
#   module.procaddress('GetTickCount64') -> 140715066288800

# List information about the module PE data directories.
# -- return
module.maps.directories() # -> list:dict
# example:
#   module.maps.directories() ->
#   [{'i': 0, 'size': 56640, 'offset': 584832, 'name': 'EXPORT'},
#    ...
#    {'i': 15, 'size': 0, 'offset': 0, 'name': 'RESERVED'}]

# List information about the PE sections.
# -- return
module.maps.sections() # -> list:dict
# example:
#   module.maps.sections() ->
#   [{'i': 0, 'Characteristics': 1610612768, 'misc-PhysicalAddress': 477008, 'misc-VirtualSize': 477008,
#     'Name': '.text', 'NumberOfLinenumbers': 0, 'NumberOfRelocations': 0, 'PointerToLinenumbers': 0,
#     'PointerToRawData': 1024, 'PointerToRelocations': 0, 'SizeOfRawData': 477184, 'VirtualAddress': 4096},
#    ...]

# List information about the module export address table.
# The EAT contains the exported functions.
# -- return # -> dict
# example:
# ->
#   {'va-module': 140715066195968, 'va-afn': 140715066780840, 'va-anm': 140715066787356, 'ord-base': 1, 'c-afn': 1629, 'c-anm': 1629,
#    'e': [{'i': 0, 'ord': 1, 'oafn': 0, 'oanm': 0, 'ofn': 601199, 'va': 140715066797167, 'fn': 'AcquireSRWLockExclusive'},
#          {'i': 1, 'ord': 2, 'oafn': 1, 'oanm': 1, 'ofn': 601253, 'va': 140715066797221, 'fn': 'AcquireSRWLockShared'},
#          ...
#         ]
#   }

# List information about the module import address table.
# The IAT contains the exported functions.
# -- return
module.maps.iat() # -> list:dict
# example:
#   module.maps.iat() ->
#   [{'i': 0, 'va-fn': 140715077552848, 'va-mod': 140715066195968, 'fn': 'RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback',
#     'dll': 'api-ms-win-core-rtlsupport-l1-1-0.dll', '32': False, 'hint': 8, 'rvaFirstThunk': 493928,
#     'rvaOriginalFirstThunk': 649488, 'rvaNameModule': 654378, 'rvaNameFunction': 654244},
#    ...
#   ]
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