Gaston Sanchez
- Get started with data frames
- Understand basic operations
- Understand bracket and dollar notations
The most common format/structure for a data set is a tabular format: with row and columns (like a spreadsheet). When your data is in this shape, most of the time you will work with R data frames (or similar rectangular structures like a "matrix"
, "table"
, etc).
Learning how to manipulate data tables is among the most important data computing basic skills. The traditional way of manipulating data frames in R is based on bracket notation, e.g. dat[ , ]
, to select specific rows, columns, or cells. Also, the use of the dollar $
operator to handle columns is fundamental. In this part of the lab, you will practice a wide array of data wrangling tasks with the so-called bracket notation, and the dollar operator.
I should say that there are alternative ways for manipulating tables in R. Among the most recent paradigms, there is the plying framework devised by Hadley Wickham. From his doctoral research, the first plyr tools were available in the packages "plyr"
and "reshape"
. Nowadays we have the "reshape2"
package, and the extremely popular package "dplyr"
(among other packages). You will have time to learn more about "dplyr"
in the next weeks. In the meantime, take some time to understand more about the bracket notation.
Most of the (raw) data tables you will be working with will already be in some data file. However, from time to time you will face the need of creating some sort of data table in R. In these situations, you will likely have to create such table with a data frame. So let's look at various ways to "manually"" create a data frame.
Option 1: The primary option to build a data frame is with data.frame()
. You pass a series of vectors (or factors), of the same length, separated by commas. Each vector (or factor) will become a column in the generated data frame. Preferably, give names to each column, like col1
, col2
, and col3
, in the example below:
# creating a basic data frame
my_table1 <- data.frame(
col1 = LETTERS[1:5],
col2 = seq(from = 10, to = 50, by = 10),
## col1 col2 col3
## 1 A 10 TRUE
## 2 B 20 TRUE
## 3 C 30 FALSE
## 4 D 40 TRUE
## 5 E 50 FALSE
Option 2: Another way to create data frames is with a list
containing vectors or factors (of the same length), which then you convert to a data.frame with data.frame()
# another way to create a basic data frame
my_list <- list(
col1 = LETTERS[1:5],
col2 = seq(from = 10, to = 50, by = 10),
my_table2 <- data.frame(my_list)
## col1 col2 col3
## 1 A 10 TRUE
## 2 B 20 TRUE
## 3 C 30 FALSE
## 4 D 40 TRUE
## 5 E 50 FALSE
Remember that a data.frame
is nothing more than a list
. So as long as the elements in the list (vectors or factors) are of the same length, we can simply convert the list into a data frame.
By default, data.frame()
converts character vectors into factors. You can check that by exmining the structure of the data frame with str()
## 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ col1: Factor w/ 5 levels "A","B","C","D",..: 1 2 3 4 5
## $ col2: num 10 20 30 40 50
To prevent data.frame()
from converting strings into factors, you must use the argument stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# strings as strings (not as factors)
my_table3 <- data.frame(
col1 = LETTERS[1:5],
col2 = seq(from = 10, to = 50, by = 10),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 3 variables:
## $ col1: chr "A" "B" "C" "D" ...
## $ col2: num 10 20 30 40 50
Here's a table with the starting lineup of the Golden State Warriors:
Player | Position | Salary | Points | PPG | Rookie |
Thompson | SG | 16,663,575 | 1742 | 22.3 | FALSE |
Curry | PG | 12,112,359 | 1999 | 25.3 | FALSE |
Green | PF | 15,330,435 | 776 | 10.2 | FALSE |
Durant | SF | 26,540,100 | 1555 | 25.1 | FALSE |
Pachulia | C | 2,898,000 | 426 | 6.1 | FALSE |
- Start by creating vectors for each of the columns.
- Use the vectors to create a first data frame with
. - Check that this data frame is of class
, and that it is also a list. - Create another data frame by first starting with a
, and then passing the list todata.frame()
. - What would you do to obtain a data frame such that when you check its structure
the variables are:- Player as character
- Position as factor
- Salary as numeric or real (ignore the commas)
- Points as integer
- PPG as numeric or real
- Rookie as logical
- Find out how to use the column binding function
to create a tabular object with the vectors created in step 1 (inspect what class of object is obtained withcbind()
). - How could you convert the object in the previous step into a data frame?
Now that you have seen some ways to create data frames, let's discuss a number of basic manipulations of data frames. I will show you some examples and then you'll have the chance to put in practice the following operations:
- Selecting table elements:
- select a given cell
- select a set of cells
- select a given row
- select a set of rows
- select a given column
- select a set of columns
- Adding a new column
- Deleting a new column
- Renaming a column
- Moving a column
- Transforming a column
Let's say you have a data frame tbl
with the lineup of the Golden State Warriors:
player position salary points ppg rookie
1 Thompson SG 16663575 1742 22.3 FALSE
2 Curry PG 12112359 1999 25.3 FALSE
3 Green PF 15330435 776 10.2 FALSE
4 Durant SF 26540100 1555 25.1 FALSE
5 Pachulia C 2898000 426 6.1 FALSE
The data frame tbl
is a 2-dimensional object: the 1st dimension corresponds to the rows, while the 2nd dimension corresponds to the columns. Because tbl
has two dimensions, the bracket notation involves working with the data frame in this form: tbl[ , ]
. In other words, you have to specify values inside the brackets for the 1st index, and the 2nd index: tbl[index1, index2]
# select value in row 1 and column 1
## [1] "Thompson"
# select value in row 2 and column 5
## [1] 25.3
# select values in these cells
## salary points ppg
## 1 16663575 1742 22.3
## 2 12112359 1999 25.3
## 3 15330435 776 10.2
If no value is specified for index1
then all rows are included. Likewise, if no value is specified for index2
then all columns are included.
# selecting first row
tbl[1, ]
## player position salary points ppg rookie
## 1 Thompson SG 16663575 1742 22.3 FALSE
# selecting third row
tbl[3, ]
## player position salary points ppg rookie
## 3 Green PF 15330435 776 10.2 FALSE
# selecting second column
tbl[ ,2]
## [1] "SG" "PG" "PF" "SF" "C"
# selecting columns 3 to 5
tbl[ ,3:5]
## salary points ppg
## 1 16663575 1742 22.3
## 2 12112359 1999 25.3
## 3 15330435 776 10.2
## 4 26540100 1555 25.1
## 5 2898000 426 6.1
Perhaps the simplest way to add a column is with the dollar operator $
. You just need to give a name for the new column, and assign a vector (or factor):
# adding a column
tbl$new_column <- c('a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u')
## player position salary points ppg rookie new_column
## 1 Thompson SG 16663575 1742 22.3 FALSE a
## 2 Curry PG 12112359 1999 25.3 FALSE e
## 3 Green PF 15330435 776 10.2 FALSE i
## 4 Durant SF 26540100 1555 25.1 FALSE o
## 5 Pachulia C 2898000 426 6.1 FALSE u
Another way to add a column is with the column binding function cbind()
# vector of weights
weight <- c(215, 190, 230, 240, 270)
# adding weights to tbl
tbl <- cbind(tbl, weight)
## player position salary points ppg rookie new_column weight
## 1 Thompson SG 16663575 1742 22.3 FALSE a 215
## 2 Curry PG 12112359 1999 25.3 FALSE e 190
## 3 Green PF 15330435 776 10.2 FALSE i 230
## 4 Durant SF 26540100 1555 25.1 FALSE o 240
## 5 Pachulia C 2898000 426 6.1 FALSE u 270
The inverse operation of adding a column consists of deleting a column. This is possible with the $
dollar operator. For instance, say you want to remove the column new_column
. Use the $
operator to select this column, and assign it the value NULL
(think of this as NULLifying a column):
# deleting a column
tbl$new_column <- NULL
## player position salary points ppg rookie weight
## 1 Thompson SG 16663575 1742 22.3 FALSE 215
## 2 Curry PG 12112359 1999 25.3 FALSE 190
## 3 Green PF 15330435 776 10.2 FALSE 230
## 4 Durant SF 26540100 1555 25.1 FALSE 240
## 5 Pachulia C 2898000 426 6.1 FALSE 270
What if you want to rename a column? There are various options to do this. One way is by changing the columnnames
# attributes
## $names
## [1] "player" "position" "salary" "points" "ppg" "rookie"
## [7] "weight"
## $row.names
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5
## $class
## [1] "data.frame"
which is more commonly accessed with the names()
# column names
## [1] "player" "position" "salary" "points" "ppg" "rookie"
## [7] "weight"
Notice that tbl
has a list of attributes. The element names
is the vector of column names.
You can directly modify the vector of names
; for example let's change rookie
to rooky
# changing rookie to rooky
attributes(tbl)$names[6] <- "rooky"
# display column names
## [1] "player" "position" "salary" "points" "ppg" "rooky"
## [7] "weight"
By the way: this way of changing the name of a variable is very low level, and probably unfamiliar to most useRs.
A more challenging operation is when you want to move a column to a different position. What if you want to move salary
to the last position (last column)? One option is to create a vector of column names in the desired order, and then use this vector (for the index of columns) to reassign the data frame like this:
reordered_names <- c("player", "position", "points", "ppg", "rooky", "weight", "salary")
# moving salary at the end
tbl <- tbl[ ,reordered_names]
## player position points ppg rooky weight salary
## 1 Thompson SG 1742 22.3 FALSE 215 16663575
## 2 Curry PG 1999 25.3 FALSE 190 12112359
## 3 Green PF 776 10.2 FALSE 230 15330435
## 4 Durant SF 1555 25.1 FALSE 240 26540100
## 5 Pachulia C 426 6.1 FALSE 270 2898000
A more common operation than deleting or moving a column, is to transform the values in a column. This can be easily accomplished with the $
operator. For instance, let's say that we want to transform salary
from dollars to millions of dollars:
# converting salary in millions of dollars
tbl$salary <- tbl$salary / 1000000
## player position points ppg rooky weight salary
## 1 Thompson SG 1742 22.3 FALSE 215 16.66358
## 2 Curry PG 1999 25.3 FALSE 190 12.11236
## 3 Green PF 776 10.2 FALSE 230 15.33043
## 4 Durant SF 1555 25.1 FALSE 240 26.54010
## 5 Pachulia C 426 6.1 FALSE 270 2.89800
Likewise, instead of using the $
operator, you can refer to the column using bracket notation. Here's how to transform weight from pounds to kilograms (1 pound = 0.453592 kilograms):
# weight in kilograms
tbl[ ,"weight"] <- tbl[ ,"weight"] * 0.453592
## player position points ppg rooky weight salary
## 1 Thompson SG 1742 22.3 FALSE 97.52228 16.66358
## 2 Curry PG 1999 25.3 FALSE 86.18248 12.11236
## 3 Green PF 776 10.2 FALSE 104.32616 15.33043
## 4 Durant SF 1555 25.1 FALSE 108.86208 26.54010
## 5 Pachulia C 426 6.1 FALSE 122.46984 2.89800
There is also the transform()
function which transform values interactively, that is, temporarily:
# transform weight to inches
transform(tbl, weight = weight / 0.453592)
## player position points ppg rooky weight salary
## 1 Thompson SG 1742 22.3 FALSE 215 16.66358
## 2 Curry PG 1999 25.3 FALSE 190 12.11236
## 3 Green PF 776 10.2 FALSE 230 15.33043
## 4 Durant SF 1555 25.1 FALSE 240 26.54010
## 5 Pachulia C 426 6.1 FALSE 270 2.89800
does its job of modifying the values of weight
but only temporarily; if you inspect tbl
you'll see what this means:
# did weight really change?
## player position points ppg rooky weight salary
## 1 Thompson SG 1742 22.3 FALSE 97.52228 16.66358
## 2 Curry PG 1999 25.3 FALSE 86.18248 12.11236
## 3 Green PF 776 10.2 FALSE 104.32616 15.33043
## 4 Durant SF 1555 25.1 FALSE 108.86208 26.54010
## 5 Pachulia C 426 6.1 FALSE 122.46984 2.89800
To make the changes permanent with transform()
, you need to reaassign them to the data frame:
# transform weight to inches (permanently)
tbl <- transform(tbl, weight = weight / 0.453592)
## player position points ppg rooky weight salary
## 1 Thompson SG 1742 22.3 FALSE 215 16.66358
## 2 Curry PG 1999 25.3 FALSE 190 12.11236
## 3 Green PF 776 10.2 FALSE 230 15.33043
## 4 Durant SF 1555 25.1 FALSE 240 26.54010
## 5 Pachulia C 426 6.1 FALSE 270 2.89800
Now that you've seen some of the most basic operations to maipulate data frames, let's apply them on a data set about NBA players. The corresponding data file is nba2017-players.csv
, located in the data/
folder of the course github repository. This file contains 15 variables measured on 441 players.
First download a copy of the csv file to your computer.
# download csv file into your working directory
csv <- ""
download.file(url = csv, destfile = 'nba2017-players.csv')
To import the data in R you can use the function read.csv()
dat <- read.csv('nba2017-players.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Notice that I'm specifying the argument stringsAsFactors = FALSE
to avoid the conversion of characters into R factors. Why do you think this is a good practice?
All the default reading table functions generate a data frame. Typically, everytime I read a new data set which I'm not familiar with, or a data set that I haven't worked on in a long time, I always like to call a couple of functions to inspect its contents:
A first check-up is to examine the dimensions of the data frame with dim()
# dimensions (# of rows, # of columns)
## [1] 441 15
If you know in advanced how many rows and columns are in the data table, this is a good way to make sure that R was able to read all the records.
Then, depending on the size of the data, you may want to take a peek at its contents with head()
or tail()
, just to get an idea of what the data looks like:
# display first few rows
## player team position height weight age experience
## 1 Al Horford BOS C 82 245 30 9
## 2 Amir Johnson BOS PF 81 240 29 11
## 3 Avery Bradley BOS SG 74 180 26 6
## 4 Demetrius Jackson BOS PG 73 201 22 0
## 5 Gerald Green BOS SF 79 205 31 9
## 6 Isaiah Thomas BOS PG 69 185 27 5
## college salary games minutes points points3
## 1 University of Florida 26540100 68 2193 952 86
## 2 12000000 80 1608 520 27
## 3 University of Texas at Austin 8269663 55 1835 894 108
## 4 University of Notre Dame 1450000 5 17 10 1
## 5 1410598 47 538 262 39
## 6 University of Washington 6587132 76 2569 2199 245
## points2 points1
## 1 293 108
## 2 186 67
## 3 251 68
## 4 2 3
## 5 56 33
## 6 437 590
For a more detailed description of how R is treating the data type in each column, you should use the structure function str()
# check the structure
str(dat, vec.len = 1)
## 'data.frame': 441 obs. of 15 variables:
## $ player : chr "Al Horford" ...
## $ team : chr "BOS" ...
## $ position : chr "C" ...
## $ height : int 82 81 ...
## $ weight : int 245 240 ...
## $ age : int 30 29 ...
## $ experience: int 9 11 ...
## $ college : chr "University of Florida" ...
## $ salary : num 26540100 ...
## $ games : int 68 80 ...
## $ minutes : int 2193 1608 ...
## $ points : int 952 520 ...
## $ points3 : int 86 27 ...
## $ points2 : int 293 186 ...
## $ points1 : int 108 67 ...
This function str()
displays the dimensions of the data frame, and then a list with the name of all the variables, and their data types (e.g. chr
character, num
real, etc). The argument vec.len = 1
indicates that just the first element in each column should be displayed.
When working with data frames, remember to always take some time inspecting the contents, and checking how R is handling the data types. It is in these early stages of data exploration that you can catch potential issues in order to avoid disastrous consequences or bugs in subsequent stages.
Use bracket notation, the dollar operator, as well as concepts of logical subsetting and indexing to:
Display the last 5 rows of the data.
Display those rows associated to players having height less than 70 inches tall.
Of those players that are centers (position
), display their names and salaries. -
Create a data frame
with Kevin Durant's information (i.e. row). -
Create a data frame
with the data of players from college UCLA ("University of California, Los Angeles"). -
Create a data frame
with those players with 0 years of experience. -
Create a data frame
with the data of Center rookie players. -
Create a data frame
for players with more than 50 games and more than 100 minutes played. -
What's the largest height value?
What's the minimum height value?
What's the overall average height?
Who is the tallest player?
Who is the shortest player?
Which are the unique teams?
How many different teams?
Who is the oldest player?
What is the median salary of all players?
What is the median salary of the players with 10 years of experience or more?
What is the median salary of Shooting Guards (SG) and Point Guards (PG)?
What is the median salary of Power Forwards (PF), 29 years or older, and 74 inches tall or less?
How many players scored 4 points or less?
Who are those players who scored 4 points or less?
Who is the player with 0 points?
How many players are from "University of California, Berkeley"?
Are there any players from "University of Notre Dame"? If so how many and who are they?
Are there any players with weight greater than 260 pounds? If so how many and who are they?
How many players did not attend a college in the US?
Who is the player with the maximum rate of points per minute?
Who is the player with the maximum rate of three-points per minute?
Who is the player with the maximum rate of two-points per minute?
Who is the player with the maximum rate of one-points (free-throws) per minute?
Create a data frame
with the name, height, weight of Golden State Warriors (GSW) -
Display the data in
sorted by height in increasing order (hint: see?sort
) -
Display the data in gsw by weight in decreasing order (hint: see
) -
Display the player name, team, and salary, of the top 5 highest-paid players (hint: see
) -
Display the player name, team, and points3, of the top 10 three-point players (hint: see
Group-by operations are very common in data analytics. Without dedicated functions, these operations tend to be very hard (labor intensive).
Quick try: Using just bracket notation, try to create a data frame with two columns: the team name, and the team payroll (addition of all player salaries).
So what functions can you use in R to perform group by operations? In base R, the main function for group-by operations is aggregate()
Here's an example using aggregate()
to get the median salary, grouped by team:
aggregate(dat$salary, by = list(dat$team), FUN = median)
## Group.1 x
## 1 ATL 3279291
## 2 BOS 4743000
## 3 BRK 1790902
## 4 CHI 2112480
## 5 CHO 6000000
## 6 CLE 5239437
## 7 DAL 2898000
## 8 DEN 3500000
## 9 DET 4625000
## 10 GSW 1551659
## 11 HOU 1508400
## 12 IND 4000000
## 13 LAC 3500000
## 14 LAL 5281680
## 15 MEM 3332940
## 16 MIA 3449000
## 17 MIL 4184870
## 18 MIN 3650000
## 19 NOP 3789125
## 20 NYK 2898000
## 21 OKC 3140517
## 22 ORL 5000000
## 23 PHI 2318280
## 24 PHO 2941440
## 25 POR 4943123
## 26 SAC 5200000
## 27 SAS 2898000
## 28 TOR 5300000
## 29 UTA 2433334
## 30 WAS 4365326
The same example above can also be obtained with aggreagte()
using formula notation like this:
aggregate(salary ~ team, data = dat, FUN = median)
## team salary
## 1 ATL 3279291
## 2 BOS 4743000
## 3 BRK 1790902
## 4 CHI 2112480
## 5 CHO 6000000
## 6 CLE 5239437
## 7 DAL 2898000
## 8 DEN 3500000
## 9 DET 4625000
## 10 GSW 1551659
## 11 HOU 1508400
## 12 IND 4000000
## 13 LAC 3500000
## 14 LAL 5281680
## 15 MEM 3332940
## 16 MIA 3449000
## 17 MIL 4184870
## 18 MIN 3650000
## 19 NOP 3789125
## 20 NYK 2898000
## 21 OKC 3140517
## 22 ORL 5000000
## 23 PHI 2318280
## 24 PHO 2941440
## 25 POR 4943123
## 26 SAC 5200000
## 27 SAS 2898000
## 28 TOR 5300000
## 29 UTA 2433334
## 30 WAS 4365326
Here's another example using aggregate()
to get the average height and average weight, grouped by position:
aggregate(dat[ ,c('height', 'weight')], by = list(dat$position), FUN = mean)
## Group.1 height weight
## 1 C 83.25843 250.7978
## 2 PF 81.50562 235.8539
## 3 PG 74.30588 188.5765
## 4 SF 79.63855 220.4699
## 5 SG 77.02105 204.7684
The same example above can also be obtained with aggreagte()
using formula notation like this:
aggregate(. ~ position, data = dat[ ,c('position', 'height', 'weight')],
FUN = mean)
## position height weight
## 1 C 83.25843 250.7978
## 2 PF 81.50562 235.8539
## 3 PG 74.30588 188.5765
## 4 SF 79.63855 220.4699
## 5 SG 77.02105 204.7684
Create a data frame with the average height, average weight, and average age, grouped by position
Create a data frame with the average height, average weight, and average age, grouped by team
Create a data frame with the average height, average weight, and average age, grouped by team and position.
Difficult: Create a data frame with the minimum salary, median salary, mean salary, and maximum salary, grouped by team and position.