name: chipyard-ci-process on: # run ci on pull requests targeting following branches (runs on the merge commit) pull_request: branches: - main - '1.[0-9]*.x' defaults: run: shell: bash -leo pipefail {0} env: tools-cache-version: v17 JVM_OPTS: -Xmx3200m # Customize the JVM maximum heap limit conda-env-name-no-time: cy-${{ github.run_id }} workflow-timestamp: ${{ github.event.pull_request.updated_at }} jobs: cancel-prior-workflows: name: cancel-prior-workflows runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Cancel Previous Runs uses: styfle/cancel-workflow-action@0.12.1 with: access_token: ${{ github.token }} start-workflow: name: start-workflow # unable to access env context in job.if thus have to put gh-a context expression directly here. # note that the check is using a boolean true instead of string 'true' since it's directly using # the expression not a variable like if checking against the env context string. if: ${{ contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'ci:disable') != true }} runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 steps: - run: true # Set up a set of boolean conditions to control which branches of the CI # workflow will execute This is based off the conditional job execution # example here: change-filters: name: filter-jobs-on-changes runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: start-workflow # Queried by downstream jobs to determine if they should run. outputs: needs-rtl: ${{ steps.filter.outputs.all_count != steps.filter.outputs.skip-rtl_count }} steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - uses: dorny/paths-filter@v3 id: filter with: filters: | all: - '**' # If any of the files changed match, do a doc build docs: &docs-filter - 'docs/**' - '.readthedocs.yml' # If all files match to this filter, skip the main ci pipeline skip-rtl: - *docs-filter - '**/*.md' - '**/.gitignore' - '.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/**' - '.github/' - '.github/dependabot.yml' - '.mergify.yml' create-conda-env-as4: name: create-conda-env-as4 needs: [change-filters, cancel-prior-workflows] if: needs.change-filters.outputs.needs-rtl == 'true' runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Cleanup conda uses: ./.github/actions/cleanup-conda - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env # Sentinel job to simplify how we specify which that basic setup is complete # # When adding new prep jobs, please add them to `needs` below setup-complete: name: setup-complete needs: [create-conda-env-as4] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Set up complete run: echo Set up is complete! ########################################################################## commit-on-master-check: name: commit-on-master-check needs: [setup-complete] if: needs.change-filters.outputs.needs-rtl == 'true' runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Check commits of each submodule run: | conda activate ${{ env.conda-env-name-no-time }}-$(date --date "${{ env.workflow-timestamp }}" +%Y%m%d) .github/scripts/ documentation-check: name: documentation-check needs: [setup-complete] runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Check that documentation builds with no warnings/errors run: | conda activate ${{ env.conda-env-name-no-time }}-$(date --date "${{ env.workflow-timestamp }}" +%Y%m%d) make -C docs html - name: Show error log from sphinx if failed if: ${{ failure() }} run: cat /tmp/sphinx-err*.log build-extra-tests: name: build-extra-tests needs: [setup-complete] if: needs.change-filters.outputs.needs-rtl == 'true' runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Generate keys id: genkey run: | echo "extra-tests-cache-key=extra-tests-${{ github.sha }}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - uses: actions/cache@v4 id: build-extra-tools-cache with: path: extra-tests-install key: ${{ steps.genkey.outputs.extra-tests-cache-key }} restore-keys: ${{ steps.genkey.outputs.extra-tests-cache-key }} - name: Build extra tests run: | conda activate ${{ env.conda-env-name-no-time }}-$(date --date "${{ env.workflow-timestamp }}" +%Y%m%d) .github/scripts/ prepare-chipyard-cores: name: prepare-chipyard-cores needs: setup-complete runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build RTL on self-hosted uses: ./.github/actions/prepare-rtl with: group-key: "group-cores" prepare-chipyard-constellation: name: prepare-chipyard-constellation needs: setup-complete runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build RTL on self-hosted uses: ./.github/actions/prepare-rtl with: group-key: "group-constellation" prepare-chipyard-peripherals: name: prepare-chipyard-peripherals needs: setup-complete runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build RTL on self-hosted uses: ./.github/actions/prepare-rtl with: group-key: "group-peripherals" prepare-chipyard-accels: name: prepare-chipyard-accels needs: setup-complete runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build RTL on self-hosted uses: ./.github/actions/prepare-rtl with: group-key: "group-accels" prepare-chipyard-tracegen: name: prepare-chipyard-tracegen needs: setup-complete runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build RTL on self-hosted uses: ./.github/actions/prepare-rtl with: group-key: "group-tracegen" prepare-chipyard-other: name: prepare-chipyard-other needs: setup-complete runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build RTL on self-hosted uses: ./.github/actions/prepare-rtl with: group-key: "group-other" prepare-chipyard-fpga: name: prepare-chipyard-fpga needs: setup-complete runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build RTL on self-hosted uses: ./.github/actions/prepare-rtl with: group-key: "group-fpga" build-type: "fpga" ########################################################################## chipyard-spike-gemmini-run-tests: name: chipyard-spike-gemmini-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels # technically doesn't depend on RTL but should be after the for Gemmini runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Build Gemmini FireMarshal run: | conda activate ${{ env.conda-env-name-no-time }}-$(date --date "${{ env.workflow-timestamp }}" +%Y%m%d) cd ${{ github.workspace }} && ./scripts/ cd ${{ github.workspace }} && source ./scripts/ git submodule update --init software/firemarshal && cd software/firemarshal && ./ cd ${{ github.workspace }}/generators/gemmini/software && ${{ github.workspace }}/software/firemarshal/marshal -v -d build gemmini-smoke.json - name: Running Gemmini FireMarshal smoke test run: | conda activate ${{ env.conda-env-name-no-time }}-$(date --date "${{ env.workflow-timestamp }}" +%Y%m%d) cd ${{ github.workspace }}/generators/gemmini/software && ${{ github.workspace }}/software/firemarshal/marshal -v -d launch -s gemmini-smoke.json chipyard-rocket-run-tests: name: chipyard-rocket-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-rocket" chipyard-prefetchers-run-tests: name: chipyard-prefetchers-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-prefetchers" chipyard-hetero-run-tests: name: chipyard-hetero-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-hetero" chipyard-boomv3-run-tests: name: chipyard-boomv3-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-boomv3" chipyard-boomv4-run-tests: name: chipyard-boomv4-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-boomv4" chipyard-shuttle-run-tests: name: chipyard-shuttle-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-shuttle" chipyard-cva6-run-tests: name: chipyard-cva6-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-cva6" chipyard-ibex-run-tests: name: chipyard-ibex-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-ibex" chipyard-vexiiriscv-run-tests: name: chipyard-vexiiriscv-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-vexiiriscv" chipyard-sodor-run-tests: name: chipyard-sodor-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-sodor" chipyard-spike-run-tests: name: chipyard-spike-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-cores runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-cores" project-key: "chipyard-spike" chipyard-dmirocket-run-tests: name: chipyard-dmirocket-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-dmirocket" chipyard-dmiboomv3-run-tests: name: chipyard-dmiboomv3-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-dmiboomv3" chipyard-dmiboomv4-run-tests: name: chipyard-dmiboomv4-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-dmiboomv4" chipyard-spiflashwrite-run-tests: name: chipyard-spiflashwrite-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-spiflashwrite" chipyard-manyperipherals-run-tests: name: chipyard-manyperipherals-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-manyperipherals" chipyard-tethered-run-tests: name: chipyard-tethered-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-tethered" chipyard-symmetric-run-tests: name: chipyard-symmetric-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-symmetric" chipyard-llcchiplet-run-tests: name: chipyard-llcchiplet-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-peripherals runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-peripherals" project-key: "chipyard-llcchiplet" chipyard-rerocc-run-tests: name: chipyard-rerocc-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-accels" project-key: "chipyard-rerocc" chipyard-rocketvector-run-tests: name: chipyard-rocketvector-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-accels" project-key: "chipyard-rocketvector" chipyard-shuttlevector-run-tests: name: chipyard-shuttlevector-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-accels" project-key: "chipyard-shuttlevector" chipyard-gemmini-run-tests: name: chipyard-gemmini-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-accels" project-key: "chipyard-gemmini" chipyard-manymmioaccels-run-tests: name: chipyard-manymmioaccels-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-accels" project-key: "chipyard-manymmioaccels" # chipyard-nvdla-run-tests: # name: chipyard-nvdla-run-tests # needs: prepare-chipyard-accels # runs-on: as4 # steps: # - name: Delete old checkout # run: | # ls -alh . # rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true # rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true # ls -alh . # - name: Checkout # uses: actions/checkout@v4 # - name: Git workaround # uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround # - name: Create conda env # uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env # - name: Run tests # uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests # with: # group-key: "group-accels" # project-key: "chipyard-nvdla" chipyard-mempress-run-tests: name: chipyard-mempress-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-accels" project-key: "chipyard-mempress" chipyard-compressacc-run-tests: name: chipyard-compressacc-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-accels runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-accels" project-key: "chipyard-compressacc" tracegen-boomv3-run-tests: name: tracegen-boomv3-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-tracegen runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-tracegen" project-key: "tracegen-boomv3" tracegen-boomv4-run-tests: name: tracegen-boomv4-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-tracegen runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-tracegen" project-key: "tracegen-boomv4" tracegen-run-tests: name: tracegen-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-tracegen runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-tracegen" project-key: "tracegen" icenet-run-tests: name: icenet-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-other runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-other" project-key: "icenet" testchipip-run-tests: name: testchipip-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-other runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-other" project-key: "testchipip" rocketchip-run-tests: name: rocketchip-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-other runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run amba tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-other" project-key: "rocketchip-amba" # Below tests segfault with verilator, work fine in VCS # - name: Run tlsimple tests # uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests # with: # group-key: "group-other" # project-key: "rocketchip-tlsimple" # - name: Run tlwidth tests # uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests # with: # group-key: "group-other" # project-key: "rocketchip-tlwidth" # - name: Run tlxbar tests # uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests # with: # group-key: "group-other" # project-key: "rocketchip-tlxbar" constellation-run-tests: name: constellation-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-other runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-other" project-key: "constellation" chipyard-constellation-run-tests: name: chipyard-constellation-run-tests needs: prepare-chipyard-constellation runs-on: as4 steps: - name: Delete old checkout run: | ls -alh . rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/* || true rm -rf ${{ github.workspace }}/.* || true ls -alh . - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v4 - name: Git workaround uses: ./.github/actions/git-workaround - name: Create conda env uses: ./.github/actions/create-conda-env - name: Run tests uses: ./.github/actions/run-tests with: group-key: "group-constellation" project-key: "chipyard-constellation" # Sentinel job to simplify how we specify which checks need to pass in branch # protection and in Mergify # # When adding new top level jobs, please add them to `needs` below all_tests_passed: name: "all tests passed" needs: [commit-on-master-check, documentation-check, chipyard-rocket-run-tests, chipyard-hetero-run-tests, chipyard-boomv3-run-tests, chipyard-boomv4-run-tests, chipyard-shuttle-run-tests, chipyard-cva6-run-tests, chipyard-ibex-run-tests, chipyard-vexiiriscv-run-tests, chipyard-sodor-run-tests, chipyard-dmiboomv3-run-tests, chipyard-dmiboomv4-run-tests, chipyard-dmirocket-run-tests, chipyard-spiflashwrite-run-tests, chipyard-manyperipherals-run-tests, chipyard-tethered-run-tests, chipyard-symmetric-run-tests, chipyard-llcchiplet-run-tests, chipyard-rerocc-run-tests, chipyard-rocketvector-run-tests, chipyard-shuttlevector-run-tests, chipyard-gemmini-run-tests, chipyard-manymmioaccels-run-tests, # chipyard-nvdla-run-tests, chipyard-prefetchers-run-tests, chipyard-mempress-run-tests, chipyard-compressacc-run-tests, chipyard-constellation-run-tests, tracegen-boomv3-run-tests, tracegen-boomv4-run-tests, tracegen-run-tests, icenet-run-tests, testchipip-run-tests, rocketchip-run-tests, constellation-run-tests, prepare-chipyard-fpga] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - run: echo Success!