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Cadence Web UI

Build Status Docker Status

Cadence is a distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available orchestration engine we developed at Uber Engineering to execute asynchronous long-running business logic in a scalable and resilient way.

This web UI is used to view workflows from Cadence, see what's running, and explore and debug workflow executions.

Getting Started


Set these environment variables if you need to change their defaults

Variable Description Default
CADENCE_GRPC_PEERS Comma-delimited list of gRPC peers
CADENCE_GRPC_SERVICES_NAMES Comma-delimited list of gRPC services to call cadence-frontend
CADENCE_CLUSTERS_NAMES Comma-delimited list of cluster names cluster0
CADENCE_WEB_PORT HTTP port to serve on 8088
CADENCE_WEB_HOSTNAME Host name to serve on
CADENCE_ADMIN_SECURITY_TOKEN Admin token for accessing admin methods ''

Note: To connect cadence-web to multiple clusters, you will need to add comma-delimted entries for CADENCE_GRPC_PEERS, CADENCE_GRPC_SERVICES_NAMES & CADENCE_CLUSTERS_NAMES for each cluster (each cluster values are grouped by their index within the Comma-delimited lists).



Using cadence-web

The latest version of cadence-web is included in the cadence composed docker containers in the main Cadence repository. Follow the instructions there to get started.

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

Building & developing cadence-web

cadence-web requires node v18 or greater to be able to run correctly.

Creating a production build

To create a production build, follow these steps:

  1. Install npm packages and download idls
npm install && npm run install-idl && npm run generate:idl
  1. Build the project files
npm run build
  1. After building the code, start the server by running this command from the same directory as the build
npm start
  1. Once the webapp is ready, access it through localhost:8088 (port can be changed using CADENCE_WEB_PORT environment variable)

Running development environment

To run the development server, follow these steps:

  1. Install npm packages and download idls
npm install && npm run install-idl && npm run generate:idl
  1. Run the development server using
npm run dev
  1. Once the webapp is ready, access it through localhost:8088 (port can be changed using CADENCE_WEB_PORT environment variable)

Note: For contribution we recommend using dev containers, check VSCode Dev Containers section for more information

Using VSCode Dev Containers

  1. Set up the Remote Containers plugin in VSCode.
  2. Open the cadence-web directory in VSCode.
  3. Make sure to update CADENCE_GRPC_PEERS with the correct host. (If you are connecting to a server on a container host machine use host.docker.internal:7833, where 7833 is the gRPC port for a running cadence-frontend service)
  4. Use the Command Palette to select the 'Reopen folder in Container' option
  5. Follow same commands listed in Running development environment section.

Developing cadence-web against cadence composed docker

To start development against dockerized cadence services, run the following command from the root of the project

docker-compose -f docker-compose-backend-services.yml up

You can customize the YAML file or reuse configurations from the cadence repository. (In case of reusing exsisting files: ensure that cadence-web is not included in the composed container services, or just remove it)

After running cadence, start cadence-web for development using one of the previous methods (Running development environment, VSCode Dev Containers)

NPM scripts

script Description
build Generate a production build
start Start server for existing production build
dev Run a development server
install-idl Download idl files required for building/running the project
generate:idl Move idl files inside the project and generate typescript types for them
test Run all test cases. To pass extra jest flags, use environment specific scripts e.g. test:unit:*
test:unit Run all unit tests. To pass extra jest flags, use environment specific scripts e.g. test:unit:*
test:unit:browser Run only browser unit tests
test:unit:node Run only node unit tests
lint Run eslint
typecheck Run typescript checks


MIT License, please see LICENSE for details.