- Has an API component
- Provide Postman/Insomnia examples, if you don't have a frontend
- Include a set of queries created in Postman/Insomnia that demonstrate all routes
- Has unit tests
- Has database component
- No front-end required, but OK if wanted
- Don't spend an inordinate amount of time on front-end
- Uses a combination of core Node modules and external libraries
- Regular commits to GitHub to show progress
- Needs to be deployed to the cloud
- Do not use any sort of templating engine or project generator (e.g. do not use express-generator)
- Pulls news articles from various websites and provides a random article to read every day
- Manages and tracks schedules for employees at a company
- Connects to an external service and interacts with it in some manner (twitch, twitter, facebook, etc)
- Something related to your current job, for example automate a currently manual/complex task
- Inventory management for a store or business
- A tool to suggest places to eat based on your location
- Send automated text messages to people when class is cancelled for a school (look into the twilio service)