Also know as requirements in IEEE Software Requirements Specification
The students make and fills out reports for both their teams and individuals
The students should be able to see their progress and reports on the site
The server should be able to send emails
The teacher should manage the classes(students and teams)
The admin should be manage the server
This is the functionality of project
In user story
(R1: S1, S2,S4, I1, I2, A1,A2)
Essential features
Function :
Design :
How check:
R2. Displays student page
(R2: S1, S2, S4)
R3. Gets student page from the server
(R3: S1, S2, S4)
R4. The server generates students page from
(R4: S1, S2, S4)
R5. The server querying the database
(R5: S1, S2,S3,S4,I1,I2,I3,A2)
R6. The website receives input from the student
(R6: S1, S2)
R7. Checks input is valid
(R7: S1, S2)
R8. Submits the Students report to the server
(R8: S1)
R9. The server submits the data from the student to the database
(R9: S2)
R10. Submits the Team report to the server
(R10: S2)
R11. Date flag has been pasted
(R11: S3,I3)
R12. Generates emails based on database query for both individual and teams
(R12: S3,I3)
R13. sends emails to email server
(R13: S3,I3)
(R14: I1, I2,A2)
(R15 I1, I2,A2)
R16. the server generates admin page
(R16: I1, I2,A2)
(R17: I1, I2,A2)
R18. Submits upload file to server and converts the file for the rooster
(R18: I1 )
R19. Submits rooster to the Database
(R19: I1 )
R20. Submits upload file to server and converts the file for the teachers
(R20: I2 )
R21. Submits teachers to the Database
(R21: I2 )
R22. Submits upload file to server and converts the file for the course
(R22: A2)
R23. Submits course to the Database
(R23: A2)
(R24: A1)
(R25: A1)
R26. Documents for server server set up.
(R26: A1)
R27. A error is detected by server
(R27: A3)
R28. Log error that was detected
(R28: A3)
R29. Generated an error email
(R29: A3)
R30. Query Database No check
(R30: A3)
R31. sends emails to email server No check.
(R31: A3)